The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 9

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Don’t regret the breakup.

Just look ahead and run like a man.

You are my disciple, the bearer of the greatest teachings on earth!

☆ ☆ ☆

‘Is this really Hassan?’

Reppenhardt kept looking back as he walked.

‘Really? ‘Am I really released from here?’

After going through so much hardship, I couldn’t believe that I was actually going down the mountain. She had been dreaming and picturing this situation for so long that it felt like she was still dreaming.

So Reppenhardt kept looking back as he went down the mountain. At any moment, that devil-like master would come after him, grab him by the back of his neck, and say, ‘Hahaha! I made a joke. In fact, there was a next level of training!’ He looked like he was going to burst into laughter.

Then, didn’t the master suddenly raise his fist in the air and hit the sky?


A person punched the air, and the sound of thunder was strangely loud. After all, that guy is not even human. The pillar of light flashed clearly and shined all the way here.

‘Oh, it’s mom!’

For a moment, I got goosebumps. Somehow, it seemed like a gesture to ask us to stay together a little longer if we didn’t want to go down. Leffenhardt became contemplative, turned his body and began to run.

Da da da da!

Even when the sight of that place beyond the hill, written as “log cabin” and read as “hell,” disappeared, that pillar of light was still shining. He ran like crazy. He ran without looking back.

It passes two hills, crosses three streams, and traverses an entire forest.

Reppenhardt finally stopped running when he reached a distance where not even a pillar of light was visible, only a hazy golden sky.

It finally felt real.

“Okay, I got out.”

Tears welled up.

It’s real. I really went down. I really escaped from hell.


Leppenhardt stood there and burst into laughter. After laughing like crazy for a while, I came to my senses a little.

‘Anyway, there’s a lot to do.’

He must regain his old magic power and find out what has become of his current self, young Reppenhardt. Preparations to rebuild the Antares Empire are also needed.

And above all… … .

‘My Siris, I guess I’ll be able to meet you soon.’

With his eyes shining, Reppenhardt went down the mountain. Jumping lightly from tree to tree, he quickly disappeared across the forest.

Chapter 2 Ancient Ruins


Gorgeous bedroom.

The floor covered with lapis lazuli shows off a calm light, and the pure white walls on all sides are decorated with elegant paintings and ceramics. In one corner of the bedroom covered with a silk carpet, there is a table decorated with platinum and jewels.

A man and a woman were lying down, hugging each other, on a gorgeous bed in the center of the bedroom. She was a handsome middle-aged man with a cold expression and a dazzlingly beautiful elf woman with dark skin.

The elf woman was laying her head on the man’s chest and gently stroking his chest with her fingertips. Suddenly, her middle-aged man opened her mouth.

“Why do you keep stuttering?”

“I just like it.”

The elf woman laughed bitterly. Her silver-embroidered silk covered her, but it still did not conceal her slender figure. Her man laughed and asked again.

“What’s so good about this skinny body?”

The woman slowly got up. The blanket slides down my shoulders. Under the calm lighting, smooth skin like a well-polished bronze mirror is revealed.

“It looks delicate and sharp. Like a well-forged sword… … .”

The man smiled bitterly. To be honest, he was just skinny and it was not appropriate to say that he had a blade.

The elf woman caressed the man’s cheeks and took his face. She whispered, kissing her forehead softly.

“I like them because they just look like elf guys. And Mr. Leffenhardt’s value lies in his great spirit.”

“Hehehe… … .”

The middle-aged man, Leffenhardt, burst into laughter. Then she gestured and called her name.

“Come here, Siris.”

“yes… … .”

A bronze incense burner spreads a delicate scent throughout the room. Feeling ashamed, the woman gently fell into the arms of the man she loved.

☆ ☆ ☆

Southern Basil’s Kingdom, Krom City.

A room on the second floor of the Blue Mane Inn.

There, a shirtless young man was looking at himself in the full-length mirror provided in the room. Suddenly he muttered as if he was lamenting.

“I’m sorry, Siris… … I have become like this… … .”

Reppenhardt sighed deeply as he thought about those times, which were the past in his memory 35 years ago and the future 25 years later. Let alone a well-forged sword, I can’t help but sigh as I look at this ultimate weapon-like body, reminiscent of a ferocious stone golem.

‘I wonder if Siris will like me even if I meet her again?’

Still, there were some things I didn’t like. Basically, elves are taller on average than humans. The same goes for Siris, a woman. In her previous life, she had a perfect 8-head body and was tall.

To put it simply, Siris was about one finger taller than Reppenhardt in his previous life. Of course, he was already at an age where he was not affected by outside opinions, so he didn’t really care, but since he was a man who couldn’t help it, he secretly had a complex about being shorter than his lover.

‘I’m much bigger now, hehehe.’

Rather than liking it, Reppenhardt fell into frustration again after realizing that he liked it in this animalistic way. I think I’m too influenced by Jim Unbreakable’s ideology.

‘Ah, I need to come to my senses.’

Clicking his tongue, he put his clothes back on.

He arrived in Chrome City in less than a day and found himself relaxing for the first time in a long time in a luxurious room worth as much as a silver coin per day. It’s been a while since I ate like a human and relieved my mental fatigue, so I really enjoyed life.

When I look out the window, I see several passersby walking on the street. People bundle up their clothes and often walk to and fro in the winter cold. It was an everyday scene with nothing unusual about it, but even that seemed amazing to him who had lived in the mountains for nearly six years.

“Anyway, it’s good to come down to this world.”

Suddenly, Reppenhardt searched his chest. Then he took out a small piece of rolled up parchment.

“by the way… … .”

I muttered as I looked at the complete map of the continent for travelers that I purchased at a nearby general store.


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“If it were the current time zone, Siris would definitely be here… … .”

His eyes turned to the top of the map. Located in the northern part of the continent, the Principality of Chatan, located on a tributary of the Setlad Mountains, was a trading nation that thrived on intermediate trade. It was also the place where various slave trades were most prevalent on the continent.

‘Siris… … .’

Leffenhardt recalled her past, which he had heard every now and then.

Siris Valencia, a high elf woman who was his lover in a previous life.

She grew up among elves who barely lived in hiding in the wilderness of a remote part of the continent, and was captured by slave hunters and taken into the hands of humans when she was twenty years old, or only about five or six years old in human terms. She was told that Siris, who was so young that her commercial value was low, was given over to a training center by her slave trader, and she spent her childhood being trained as a slave.

“In her previous life, she was a little less than a hundred years old, so she would be around seventy now? “She must have been about sixteen or seventeen in human terms.”

In the end, when she got older, Siris, who had been sold to a rich man and lived as a s*xual plaything, met Reppenhardt 10 years from now, and it took almost 3 years for her, who was completely broken both physically and mentally, to smile again.

Reppenhardt, remembering the face of the woman he loved, glared as he clutched the map.

“Rebuilding the empire is good and reviving magic is good, but… … .”

This is the most urgent. How could she just leave Siris alone when she knew what would happen next? First of all, the first priority is to rescue her.

“It’s the year 984 according to the continental calendar, and there’s about a year left before Siris is sold… … “He must still be in the Principality of Chatan.”

The course of action has been decided. Reppenhardt roughly crumpled the map in his arms. And he thought for a moment.

‘What should I do? Should we go to the Principality of Chatan right now, destroy the auction house, and retrieve Siris?’

If it had been the old Reppenhardt, it would have been possible. As a bonus, other suffering elves could have been saved as well. But now, without great magical powers, that was too much of a burden.

Well, even now, at the auction house, you can easily destroy it and get Siris. That much is possible with just the power of a martial artist, not a wizard. But then I had to live a life of being chased all the time. In order to regain your magical power, it is best to avoid cumbersome tasks as much as possible.

“I guess it would be better to handle it quietly, right? Tsk.”

In the end, Leffenhardt decided to purchase Siris. The thought of buying the woman he loved for money made him really uncomfortable, but this was the reality and he couldn’t help it.

‘I guess I need money.’

And that’s a huge amount of money. The price of elf slaves is beyond imagination. And now he is nearly penniless.

But Leffenhardt didn’t really worry about money. He was not yet strong enough to change his system, but he had enough power to free one of his elven slaves from the clutches of fate.

He has a strong body with awakened auras, advanced martial arts skills, and above all, he knows the future!

“Let’s just wait, in the year 984 by the continental calendar, Tod will definitely be there… … .”

A faint smile appeared on his lips as he searched for memories.

“Yes, it was definitely here.”

The Hatan Mountains, located in the central part of Basil’s Kingdom, slightly off the road leading to the Principality of Chatan along the central road.

Reppenhardt’s eyes lit up as he looked at the place marked on the map.

☆ ☆ ☆

Cattle Village, a small mountain village at the foot of the Hatan Mountains.

Like most slash-and-burn villages, this was also a village built by people who fled from the harsh exploitation of a vicious lord. These people barely make ends meet by cultivating cramped farmland, and occasionally make a difficult living by hunting and gathering. However, even though it was deep in the mountains, it was slightly outside the realm of monsters, so it was a relatively peaceful place.

Thanks to this, it was two days ago that the people of Cattle Village, who lived in poverty and peace, encountered an untimely disaster.

In front of the village hall located in the center of the village.

“It’s dangerous, Chief.”

Although it was just a log cabin a little bigger than the other houses, four middle-aged people were standing in front of this wooden building, which was the most luxurious in Cattle Village. And in front of him, an old man had a determined expression on his face. He was an old man whose face was full of signs of life, and who looked truly unsightly.

“I’m fine. “No matter how noble the person is, shouldn’t you say what you have to say?”

“Chief… … .”

With a mixture of concern and respect in his eyes, the old man bowed in front of the hall and waited in silence. After a while, a middle-aged man wearing shiny armor walked out. This middle-aged man, who turns 43 this year, was the Marquis of Altion and Sir Edward, a knight assisting a historic family within the Basil Kingdom.

“What’s going on, chief?”

The old man swallowed his saliva. And he looked up at the ‘untimely disaster’ in front of him.

A group of knights suddenly appeared in the peaceful village of Kettle. Dressed in splendid armor and dragging a course horse, they entered deep into the mountains. They introduced themselves as the Marquis of Altion, a noble family in the royal capital, and demanded that they prepare a place to stay for a while and food.

The mountain villagers could not dare to rebel in front of these knights who were so brutal at first glance. They emptied several houses and donated all their food for the winter. After occupying five of the village’s less than 20 large log cabins and the entire community hall, they continued to sit down, devouring the village’s food. He was literally a bandit wearing only knightly armor. The only thing that makes him a knight is that he doesn’t covet the village women?

Naturally, the village was in an uproar. Even if they were kicked out of their well-to-do homes and lived in other homes for a while, the villagers were all likely to starve to death if they did not have enough food to eat. If it had been summer, I would have survived somehow by hunting or picking fruit from trees, but now it is the middle of winter.

So, even though the village chief was scared, he somehow managed to find this knight. If we couldn’t get food money from them, Cattle Village would be completely destroyed.

“Hey, you have to pay for the food the knights ate… … .”

“huh? iced coffee.”

Seeing the trembling village chief, Sir Edward chuckled. You may not consider it an honor to lend a hand to the great knight’s actions, but to be so obsessed with immediate profit is truly foolish. If the Marquis of Altion’s actions become a heroic story and are included in the songs of bards, he will enjoy the great honor of having Cattle Village’s name included in it.

‘Anyway, these lowly things don’t even know honor!’

But Edward thought he was a generous knight. So I searched his chest and threw him a gold coin.

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