The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 27

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The man stroked his chin and glanced at Reppenhardt. Then he spoke arrogantly.

“A noble person wants that elf female.”

My blood pressure rose at the sound of the name Siris. However, there are too many eyes to just beat these guys here. Reppenhardt, struggling to endure it, answered bluntly.

“So what?”

“I will pay you a good price, so sell that slave again. He said he could exchange it for another proper Slayer if he wanted. Here is a certified draft, check it out.”

And the man unfolded Elvenheim’s draft. The seal was clearly stamped on it, proving that it was a proper draft and not a fraud. If you dare to use a counterfeit draft in Zeppelin City, you will be torn apart and killed. Murder can be tolerated with money, but bill forgery is the worst crime. This is the Principality of Chatan, a country that serves gold coins.

After finishing speaking, the man motioned for the group to bring the elf. It was an attitude that did not even expect the other person to reject it. Reppenhardt blocked Siris’s path and frowned.

“No work.”

In an instant, the man’s face changed to a bewildered look. It was such an unexpected reaction that she even wondered if she had heard wrong.

“huh? “Do you mean to refuse?”


The middle-aged man made a blank expression at Reppenhardt’s resolute attitude. It was something his common sense could not understand. He never thought that there would be someone who would refuse to exchange the defective Slayer, which had been returned three times, for an excellent finished product.

The man clicked his tongue in astonishment.

“You don’t understand what I’m saying. “Didn’t you say you would exchange it for a better product?”

“You don’t understand what I’m saying. “Didn’t you say you had no work?”

Leppenhardt sarcastically mimicked the words on purpose. The man’s face became distorted.

“This bastard… … .”

The other party members who followed the man also turned red in the face. Thinking that they might have a fight, Reppenhardt secretly surrounded Silan and Siris.

However, surprisingly, the man quickly lowered his tail.

“Hmm, you are an unusual friend. Then you can’t force it. “It seems like you really like that elf slave?”

And he obediently backed down. The middle-aged man leading the group turned around and walked to the other side of the street. It was very different from his arrogant tone of voice.

“What is it, that guy?”

Reppenhardt laughed in frustration. Silan, who was nervous, was also stunned and suffocated.

“I guess I’ll see all the funny guys.”

☆ ☆ ☆

Rolpaine Mansion outside Zeppelin City.

Terik was frowning and yelling at the middle-aged man.

“what? “Why are you empty-handed, Romad?”

Romard lowered his head and calmly explained the situation. As he finished explaining how he met the big novice adventurer and his attitude, Romard shook his head.

“It’s a real kid. I am not the kind of person who will sell you no matter how much money you give me. “I don’t know how the world works.”

“If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be okay to just throw it away and throw in a bill of exchange?”

“Well, that’s a bit…” … .”

Romard scratched his head in confusion. Even if Terik, a rich man, beats up a man in broad daylight, he can get away with gold, but he is just an employee. There is no money for that.

However, that Terik is not generous enough to cover up his subordinates’ misdeeds with money. He was much more likely to throw himself out, saying there was no need for unnecessary spending.

He continued speaking and comforted Terik.

“There are a lot of people watching for no reason, so if you make a fuss, it costs money, right? Just follow the guidelines and try to solve it.”

Terik, who had been fuming when he heard that it cost money, calmed down a little. When I thought about it, Romad was right. He didn’t need to spend any unnecessary money. Just solve it according to the rules.

“Just capture the Slayer, tell him he’s dead, and give him double the compensation. Well, it costs 600 gold coins, so wouldn’t it be a lot cheaper than turning you into a proper Slayer?”

It was a news that a proper merchant would be outraged upon hearing, but Terrik was satisfied. Certainly, according to the laws of the Principality of Chatan, it was the cheapest and there were no problems. Well, there is a high possibility that the wanderer who lost the Slayer will cause a fuss, but in that case, even if you just beat him without any pressure, there is no need to pay a fine since this is self-defense.

It was a very satisfying idea. Terik smiled in satisfaction.

“It’s okay. Handle it appropriately. “I believe it.”

“Yes, master.”

To Romad, who was about to leave the room, Terik spoke as if he had suddenly remembered.

“Oh, and take Lord Lanthas with you. “That guy is just playing around these days, so let’s get some salary at least like this.”

Romard’s expression brightened slightly. Even so, he was already dissatisfied with Lord Lanthas, who just played around every day despite receiving a huge amount of compensation.

“That’s good judgment.”

Romard lowered his head and chuckled.

☆ ☆ ☆

Reppenhardt, who returned to the inn, was deep in thought.

‘Is this too much money left over?’

Even if you buy expensive clothes, eat expensive meals, and buy only expensive weapons, you still have money left over. In the first place, he went to Elvenheim, prepared to pay 2,000 gold coins for the purchase of Siris. However, the problem was resolved with only three hundred coins. As a result, even after deducting the cost of purchasing goods, there were still close to 1,600 gold coins left.

‘You should just carry it around and use it for travel expenses… … .’

To be honest, no matter how extravagant you are, a hundred gold coins will cost you nothing. The price of Slayer is beyond imagination. In fact, 1,600 gold coins is a huge amount of money, enough for an ambitious merchant to sell it.

‘Let’s just sit still, there’s no need to carry this around, right?’

For Leppenhardt personally, that amount is a lot of money that will allow him to enjoy wealth and fame throughout his life. However, he has an important task to rebuild the Antares Empire! To build a country, no matter how much money you have, it is not enough.

So he decided to reinvest, except for travel expenses. Coincidentally, this was Zeppelin, where all the continent’s prominent merchants gathered. This is the best place to find suitable investments.

‘Now then, what should I invest in?’

Leffenhardt recalled. Everyone fantasizes about knowing the future and taking advantage of it. And he is the one who truly knows the future.

‘Maybe now is the time?’

In the past, there was a serious famine in the Kingdom of Crovence. Originally, the Kingdom of Crovence was a fertile land with almost no famine thanks to the blessings of the earth goddess, Redanti. It was an agricultural country that boasted abundant harvests in both spring barley and fall harvest, exporting the remaining grains.

As a result, no one prepared for a poor harvest. Then, a great famine struck, destroying the expected barley harvest and eating up all the grain it had stored up for the winter. The fate of the Kingdom of Crovence was obvious. Tens of thousands of people died of starvation one after another, and a hell of parents eating their children spread throughout the kingdom.

When I counted the days, I realized that it was the spring after this winter.

‘I guess I can invest in grain.’

He grinned. When I was young, I remember hearing adult wizards drinking and talking about how they could have made a lot of money if they had known about the famine in advance. Make money and save people, killing two birds with one stone.

I quickly went through the list of merchants in the Principality of Chatan that specialized in grains in my head. The first thing that came to mind was, of course, Rollpain Trading Company, but honestly, he had a lot of ill feelings towards Rollpain Trading Company. Because the owner in her previous life who abused Siris was the owner of Rolfane Company. That’s why he didn’t even want to step in that direction.

The next thing that came to mind was another grain specialty trading company that competed with Rollpain Trading Company. Despite the financial pressures of the Rolfein Chamber of Commerce, the company was managed well and eventually rose to the top three on the continent.

‘The name… … It was Taoban Trading Company, I guess?’

The decision was made and Leppenhardt stood up.


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Looking around, I saw Siris in the room trying to get used to the newly purchased weapons, and Silan was clumsily imitating the dagger he had bought.

‘There’s no need to take them with you.’

Siris wanted to let him get some rest at a comfortable inn, just for today. Anyway, tomorrow I will have to force myself to walk down the road again.

“Cilan, I’m resting with Siris. “I’ll go out and come back.”

Silan, who had been struggling with the dagger for a while, frowned.

“Where are you going again?”

“There is a place to stop by at the store.”

Watching Reppenhardt put on his coat, Cilan briefly considered whether to follow him. However, he was tired after just taking the Zeppelin for a spin, and he was having so much fun playing with the dagger that he didn’t really want to go out. Siris, since there was no order, he didn’t even think about following along.


Reppenhardt added to Silan, who was waving his hand.

“If there’s anything you want to eat, feel free to order it. Don’t forget Siris!”

There was no way he would order room service himself due to his clumsy personality, so he asked Cilan. Cilan clicked her tongue.

“It’s the utmost sincerity, really. “Don’t worry and come back.”

Leaving the two people at the inn, Reppenhardt walked back to Sanghoe Street.

☆ ☆ ☆

In the middle of a small room with plastered walls and only a wooden bookshelf and table, a man in his early 30s was frowning while holding a document.

There was already a mountain of documents in front of the man. He was in the middle of signing a series of documents and agonizing over calculations. A man of similar age came in from outside the room and looked like he was crying.

“Lord Siebold, Rollpaine Company has started selling wheat and barley at half price!”

Siebold Taoban, a man in his 30s and the owner of Taoban Trading Company, frowned and sighed.

“Ugh, damn you guys.”

The current Taoban Trading Company was competing with Rollpain Trading Company for grains. We live in an era where there is no concept of fair trade law. If the larger company takes the loss and pushes with money, the small business will naturally dry up and die, but I expected that if they knew the business, they would not be so mean. However, the notoriety of Rolpain Company was not just a rumor. If this continues, Taoban Trading Company will lose all its business partners.

“Damn it, a company like that is the second largest company on the continent… … .”

Siebold felt a headache and grabbed his hair. I really realized how rotten the world was. But even so, he couldn’t just back down like this.

‘If I just block bills of exchange coming back right now, I can somehow survive… … .’

I had been thinking about it for a long time. Another subordinate carefully opened the door and called him.

“Hey, Lord Siebold.”


Because I feel uncomfortable, my tone of voice naturally comes out blunt. His subordinate looked closely and continued speaking.

“An investor came to visit.”


Even if we invest a few pennies now, the problem at hand will not be solved. Rather, it only increases the number of troublesome tasks. Moreover, that was the part that his subordinate was in charge of and he received reports from. Why did you announce it directly at this time?

There was indeed a reason.

“Well, the amount is just 1,500 gold coins.”


Based on the grand prize, 1,500 gold coins is not a lot of money. However, for the current Taoban Trading Company, it was a large amount of money that could literally save the dying trading company.

Once we get through this winter and grains from all over the continent arrive in kind, we can make up for our losses and still make a huge profit. Knowing that, Rollpain Company is also using such hemorrhaging policies to prevent us from getting through this winter.

Siebold’s eyes widened and he stood up.

“W-who are you?” “I must meet you in person!”

Reppenhardt was sitting in the small living room he was shown in and looking around.

‘Hmm, it’s a pretty simple room. ‘Is the situation not very good?’

Actually, it was quite difficult to get here. The Taoban Trading Company he remembers is the third largest trading company on the continent, so he expected a magnificent building. However, Taoban Trading Company in Zeppelin City was only a small two-story brick building. Considering the price of land in this neighborhood, it would have cost a considerable amount to build a mansion on the outskirts, but it is still very comparable to other commercial buildings.

And actually, it wasn’t that shabby. It had decent wallpaper, elegant furniture, and an interior that was perfect for entertaining guests. However, since it was Elvenheim and I was used to the splendor of the inn Golden Rest, I couldn’t help but look somewhat poor.

‘Hmm, have I been living too extravagantly? ‘I need to control myself.’

Reflecting inwardly, Reppenhardt waited for Siebold Taoban, the chairman of Taoban Chamber of Commerce. A moment later, a man in his 30s came hurriedly into the living room. Although he was not the old man I remembered, I could immediately recognize him as Siebold from his stubborn mouth and clear eyes.

“Welcome, sir.”

“My name is Leffenhardt.”

After exchanging greetings, Leppenhardt got straight to the point. He said as he placed three bags full of gold coins on the table.

“I have fifteen hundred gold coins, all of which I would like to invest in grain. The place is the Kingdom of Crovence, and the time is the barley harvest next spring.”

Siebold, who had been momentarily mesmerized by the weight of the gold coin, asked back in surprise.

“yes? Kingdom of Crovence?”

The Kingdom of Crovence was the continent’s largest granary, and was blessed by Redanti, so it was a land that never experienced famine. Selling grain there was like selling a stove to a tropical country. Bolt opened his mouth in bewilderment.

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