The Chaebeol’s Youngest Son Chapter 31

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[031]Era of rapid change 1.

Daehyun Motors is an unrivaled powerhouse boasting a domestic market share of more than half.

Ajin Motors, which had been in 4th place for a long time, took second place at once with the launch of the compact and sturdy Proud.

Woosung Motors, which fell from 2nd to 3rd place by a small margin, is aiming to regain second place with the help of its partner, GM Motors of the United States.

Sunyang Motors, which had barely maintained third place, became last in the industry.

Chairman Jin Yang-cheol, who has a strong sense of pride, put up with a lot of humiliation by killing only one president.

If things were right, 15 executives would have been fired as well, but it would have been difficult to fire them at the start of the new year. Because the morale of executives and employees must also be taken into consideration.

When the eldest son Jinyoung-gi hesitated, Chairman Jin twitched his fingers as if teasing him.

“Did you choose? “Twenty or one, which do you want?”

“Even cars! “I’ll take it.”

He places particular emphasis on the word ‘do’.

“But realistically, two years is impossible. The new car under development will be released at the end of next year. Even if I do my best to develop a new car… And even if the popularity of new cars soars, the results will not be known until next year.”

“Vice President.”

“… yes.”

“You should quickly go to the car factory now.”

“… ?”

“Hundreds of cars pour into that factory every day. “If we sell all of them, won’t we be in second place?”

Who doesn’t know? If it were as easy as it sounds, would you make such lame excuses? But you must keep your mouth shut. Aren’t these the words of the Absolute?

“Are you not thinking about selling the current car and just want to sell the new car? “Is that what you think?”

“Oh, that’s not it… .”

Vice Chairman Jin Young-ki tried to add a few words to create an opening, but Chairman Jin had already raised his hand and pointed to the study door.

“Go quickly. You’ll know what to do when you see it in person. hurry.”

I’m not the type of person who talks out loud just to scold you. If you have to go, you have to go.

What if you vomit?

Even if you are the chairman’s son, you cannot escape the fate of the boss who was kicked out to the packaging factory.

Vice Chairman Jinyoung-gi got up, bowed his head slightly, and quickly walked out of the study.

As soon as the door closed, Chairman Jin looked around at the people and spoke in a kind voice.

“Enough for today. I had a hard time listening to nagging from the beginning of the year. Everyone go out and work.”

Everyone filed out of the study with brighter expressions.

His expression was one of relief that he had not been kicked out of his position as president of an affiliated company, which was nothing more than a temporary job.

“What’s going on in the Soviet Union? “There’s no hope?”

Chairman Jin asked Hakjae Lee, who was taking his place in the study where everyone else had disappeared, as if it was normal.

“That’s right. I politely declined, saying it would be difficult to funnel energy to a specific company.

“You’re burning water, you’re a normal person, but you’re not normal, right?”

“This administration’s greatest achievement will be northern diplomacy, and it will be carried out as quietly as possible… . “I hope you understand.”

“so? “What can I give you instead of gas?”

“The support for East Germany you mentioned. “They said they would leave that support channel to the private sector.”

“If it’s private… ?”

“It’s our cruiser. This is a home appliance and food support package.”

“food? “What are you using that for?”

“So we are trying to convince them to go 100% on home appliances. “The entire support budget will go toward the construction costs of our Sunyang Electronics local factory.”

“That cost won’t be paid until the Berlin Wall falls completely, right?”

“That’s right.”

“At that point?”

“If we combine the information we have and what the National Security Agency has learned, it is September or October.”

“Then let’s make sure we prepare to start construction in the fall.”

“Construction workers are already investigating the area around Berlin. “We plan to secure a factory site in a place with high development potential and move the Hungarian factory facilities to East Germany.”

“As expected, it’s Hakjae Lee. “Ilta Yangpi Guman.”

Home appliance factories that have already entered Hungary are barely maintaining their existence. This means closing the factory and relocating it to Germany. Without spending a single penny.

“no. “It’s only the beginning.”


“yes. We must go beyond the Eastern Bloc’s love for Japanese home appliances. Especially Hitachi and Sony, aren’t they absolute?”

Chairman Jin bit his lip when he heard the word Japan.

A Korean product with reasonable performance for an affordable price. This is a sober assessment of the global market.

We have come to this point by trying to catch up with Japanese technology. However, there are no consumers who are anxious to have Sunyang’s products. We try very hard to overcome this difference, but we see a huge wall taller than the Berlin Wall. till now!

Whenever Chairman Jin thinks about Japan, he feels an inferiority complex and his stomach boils. Lee Hak-jae, who sensed his mood, quietly said something different.

“By the way, what should we do with the land I mentioned earlier?”

“earth? Oh, you mean Dojun’s land?”

“yes. According to Power Shares CEO Oh, Dojun said he wanted to sell the land, but I think CEO Oh may have recommended overseas investment.”

“what? “You said he could be trusted?”

“yes. I checked again this time. He’s a good guy. I think they probably decided it was better than rising land prices… .”

Chairman Jin waved his hand as if there was nothing more to hear.

“it’s okay. Just buy it.”

“Are you going to be okay?”

“I heard you double-checked? “Oh, that guy called Mercigi is not a fraudster?”


“No matter how much the land price goes up, it’s only a few pennies. Let’s leave it to him. still… It’s amazing. “It looks like he’s moving first instead of waiting still.”

“I will. Wouldn’t it be better to buy it at market price?”


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“of course. If anything happens, people will say things like it’s an illegal inheritance or something. Just give me the price according to the market price.”

“All right.”

“And review Power Sales’ performance.”

“yes? “Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

“I thought it would be a good idea to entrust the money I had scattered to a commercial bank. “Wouldn’t it be okay if I moved the money to where Dojun invested it?”

“hmm… … .”

Money from commercial banks refers to Chairman Jin’s personal slush funds hidden in borrowed-name accounts.

“Shall we sort out the bonds?”

“Check performance and whatever seems appropriate.”

“yes. “We will take action immediately.”

It is true that it is safer if you move it abroad, and Do-jun can trace the money. It is a way to kill two birds with one stone: safety and surveillance. It’s not bad.

After feeling a little better about Japan, Chairman Jin started a real meeting with Hakjae Lee. A meeting just for the two of us.

“what do you think about it?”

“sorry. What are you talking about? ?”

“A car. And reiki.”

“Aren’t you doing well, vice president?”

“I’m not putting you next to me just to hear nice things.”

“no. Honestly, it is impossible to raise it to second place by next year. a little… “It was bad.”


I get most nervous when I hear this kind of coy voice and playful, adult expression.

Chairman Jin is a person who puts sincerity into his jokes.


“Are you waiting in line?”

Did you say that the king is most wary when a subject expresses an opinion on behalf of the crown prince?

Hakjae Lee was not embarrassed and just laughed it off as if it were a joke.

“Haha, no. “I’m serious.”

“Sincerity? It’s that difficult, right? good. Then you answer. “Do you really think there is no way to rise to second place in the automobile industry within two years?”

Chairman Jin Yang-cheol speaks with a smile.

However, Hakjae Lee could not smile the same way as Chairman Jin.

“Public opinion will not be good. “There will probably be a lot of bleeding.”

“What are the chances?”

“50% if this administration steps forward. If not… “It will be less than 30%.”

Both of them were lost in thought in silence for a while.

“If you want to eat at the Blue House, ask me to catch you.”

“Would you like to meet in person?”

“A businesswomen’s dinner would seem like a good idea.”

“yes. “I will prepare.”

It looks like it’s really starting, but Lee Hak-jae did not express any objection. Isn’t reckless risk a business owner’s right?

Starting today, Sunyang Group’s brain group must be fully operational.

In order to swallow up Ajin Motors, which has the weakest governance structure, it is necessary to consider what percentage of shares must be secured and how much investment costs are needed to secure shares, down to the millions of won, and prepare for a public opinion war.

In order to attack Ajin Motors, an investigation into the management’s background must begin, and at least the chairman and president of Ajin Motors must be brought to the photo line of the Prosecutor’s Office.

Even if he is released without charge.

When I was in the midst of a lot of confusion in my head, Chairman Jin interrupted my thoughts.

“But, why can’t that guy think of this? Selling things is the boss’s job. “That guy doesn’t realize where he is.”

“That’s because the chairman is still alive and well.”

Chairman Jin shook his head.

“no. They don’t know that lords fighting for supremacy need to start wars, expand their territory, and build castles. To qualify for permanent residence, workers within the territory must expand the land for farming… I can see that he is trying to increase the harvest by pushing the workers. “The bowl is small.”

“Isn’t this the era of Mercury? “Didn’t you train the vice president like that?”

“The war instinct must be stirred! “Is it okay to just sit there like I told you to?”

Hakjae Lee knows that now is the time to shut up. These days, it has become increasingly common to say disparaging things about the vice president.

Couldn’t the reason be Jin Do-jun’s influence?

For a long time after that, Chairman Jin continued to express his dissatisfaction with his children.

All Hakjae Lee did was occasionally argue with her, as if he were a nagging wife.

* * *

The 80s are gone and the 90s have come.

The new decade is an important time to prepare for the second millennium. Chairman Jin Yang-cheol was motivated from the beginning of the new year, but within a month, he had to completely revise everything.

Political circles had been in turmoil since the beginning of 1990, and on the 22nd of the same month, President Roh Tae-woo, leader of the Democratic Justice Party, and President Kim Young-sam of the Unification Democratic Party and President Kim Jong-pil of the New Democratic Republican Party reached an agreement at a meeting at the Blue House to disband the three parties and create a new conservative coalition party.

It was a big political deal, the so-called three-party merger. In an instant, the ruling party turned into a huge ruling party.

At 9 a.m. on January 30th of the same year, nearly nine hundred delegates and party officials gathered at the Mapo Unification Democratic Party headquarters and had no time left.

At the national convention held on this day, President Kim Young-sam expressed his feelings, saying, “I don’t know how much pain I suffered,” and said, “Making the ruling party sign down was a great decision made at the level of national salvation.”

The convention, which lasted 35 minutes, said, “I have an objection. Ignoring the lawmaker who said, “We need to have a debate against it,” and the dozen or so opponents who supported his argument, it quickly ended in favor of the merger.

Thus, on February 9, the major ruling party, the Democratic Liberal Party, was born.

Now, there is one more person in the economic world to watch out for.

A person who leads a large ruling party and is likely to become the next president.

Chairman Jin Yang-cheol threw the newspaper.

Damn it, I coaxed an unusual snake, and then an old man with a gang of gangsters showed up holding a club. This feeling was clearly revealed on her face.

I picked up the newspaper.

“This is him, right? Always taking second place… .”

Among the three people in the picture who raised their hands, I pointed to the white-haired Kim Young-sam.

“Yes, it looks like the second place person will join hands with the class president and take over the next class president position.”

The look in my grandfather’s eyes that revealed his frustration made me feel a little burdened.

“Now, shall we hear what our smart Dojun thinks?”

As expected, are you having fun now?

“yes? “What do you mean?”

“What do you think you would do? “That white-haired person is very stubborn.”

I wanted a different perspective and a unique word, but this time I spoke like a child.

“hmm… . “Isn’t it better to just be friends?”

“Is that it?”


Chairman Jin’s disappointment was evident on his face.

Can not help it.

Is there anyone who has caused as much shock as President Kim Young-sam?

I am the only one who knows about his shocking policies. By the end of Mr. Kim Young-sam’s five-year term as president, he must take over part of the Sunyang Group. A very profitable affiliate.


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