Swordmaster’s Youngest Son Chapter 904

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Chapter 904

Episode 227. A new enemy, an enemy of enemies (5)

As Jo excitedly ran out to prepare the masters, Berakt snorted.

“I’m sure I’ve had at least a thousand moments where I’ve wanted to kill that idiot. Captain, if the finished master looks backward than expected this time, then please don’t stop me from killing that bastard.”

[That won’t happen, Berakt. I’ve already checked the performance myself. Joe is still a man to keep working for our cause.]

“Yes, yes, Berakt. Stop harassing Joe, he still took your side when the demons talked about you behind your back. Like this, like Bouvard, he gave me a new arm.”

Bardray raised his left arm and said. His left arm, which he lost to Rakiman Hog, was replaced by a master’s arm.

“Or what, are you doing this for no reason when you feel hateful? Right? The truth is, he’s looking good on Joe. Anyway, this bastard has a cute corner.”

“You always choose words that are not worth answering, Bardray… … When are you going to come to your senses? It means to have some self-awareness as the enemy king.”

“Of course, I am conscious. That’s why I’ve been training so hard ever since the day I ran away from Rakiman with you.”

Bardray narrowed his eyes as he recalled that day.

Obviously, pure skill alone did not make such a big difference, and even though they were opponents that they could defeat as much as they could with Berakt, the two warriors at the time had no choice but to run away humiliatingly due to the ‘fear of the natural enemy’.

Berakt and Bardray had been looking forward to the day they would take revenge on their enemies ever since that day. He has been training in the face of evil.

“It’s a bit unfortunate. If possible, I wanted to fight the enemy bastards first, right, Berakt? First of all, I’ll have to soothe my regrets by cutting even the Jinma-type guys.”

[Don’t worry, Bard Ray. In any case, the enemy clans are now on a leash by the imperial family. After coming out as royalties for the first time, the momentum was good, but in the end, you will have no choice but to become a subordinate force of the imperial family. Unless those bastards win the war against Ziffle only with the blood supported by the imperial family and the blood that sometimes succeeds in looting.]

Of course, Orgal was convinced that the enemy could not win the war against Ziffle. Compared to the heyday, the current enemies are mere remnants.

“Then the enemy must be sorted out with the imperial family.”

[Maybe we can get rid of it without using our hands. If Ziffle drives the enemy into a corner, the imperial family will begin to expand their power in earnest after taking their technology and power. Of course, as Ziple did, he had to finish them off, and the same goes for the Barmal Union. The imperial family has crossed the line. The moment Jin Runkandel learns about Temar, they will become Runkandel’s top priority.]

Orgal did not share the details of the mine made of the theme to use Jin appropriately when the time came.

“If that happens, it will be painful for me and Berakt. We really want to tear them apart with our own hands.”

[There will be a chance for you and Berakt to avenge the humiliation, no matter how the situation goes.]

“Then I’m glad.”

Orgal thought about the enemy for a while.

‘There must be a bigger reason than just blood support for the imperial family to control the enemy. For example, the enemy’s dedication… … There is a possibility that the imperial family knows something about his whereabouts. And when the enemies reach their limits, it must be a plan to find that person and make them their puppets by some means.’

Enemy clan throw.

Memories of him were still vague even in Orgal. However, it was clear that he was the strongest of the time along with the dedication of the Qingming people.

If he had been there, the map of the Red Horse War would have been very different. The imperial family would not have been able to hold on to the leash of the enemy clan like now.

‘Perhaps, Tushin will wake up without the help of the imperial family and become the savior of the remnants of the enemy. So he’d better avoid direct confrontation with them as much as possible. Wherever, the best result is to carefully step in and take care of only the necessary things at the point where one faction is ending the enemy tribe.’

It was the same with the imperial family. Orgal expected the results of the imperial family as well as the other forces taking care of it.

At that time, as the imperial family does to the enemy, Kingelo will devised a plan to devour and control the weakened imperial family.

‘We have to make them spit out everything they know about Lokia and the sun god. Especially Rokia, the information about that bug was amazing. The world of Rokia, to think that such a thing existed… … For now, this information can also be used when making a deal with Jin Runkandel.’

I heard about ‘The World of Rokia’ from Manoff in Pirol.

Unfortunately, Orgal did not know that Jin was already aware of Rokia’s world.

Orgal looked at the officers.

[As soon as Joe finishes preparations, he sorties out. Let everyone take their seats.]

* * *

Underground, the 4th city of the enemy tribe, Usrock.

Rakiman Hogg, Beckios Kam, Gaila Thun, and Bakarun Jung.

All the Great Fighting Kings gathered together except for Drek Horn, the owner of the 5th City who was killed by Jin. ‘Those without a clan’, 1st class Tuwang Shimat was reporting on the war situation to them.

“… … That’s it, compatriots of the Great Battle King.”

“Ha, the situation is worse than I thought. Not even Draka, but even the compatriots who went to attack the Milkun Kingdom were wiped out?”

“Since we don’t have enough blood to properly operate the aerial fortress, we can’t properly keep Elro or Zipple in check. Damn it, I’m glad we didn’t lose the flagships.”

Gayla and Beckios said.

Among the Great Fight Kings, only those two were in a state where they could ‘answer properly’. Rakiman had not yet recovered from the injury he received from Octavia the previous time, and Bakarun, the strongest of the great fighting kings, was barely conscious due to lack of blood. shit, wash it A low groaning sound came from Rakiman and Bakarun’s breath.

“Each time we invade, instead of getting blood, the battle is repeating itself, wasting only the blood we had.”

“It’s probably because the number of corpses of Pirang Qingmyeong burials supplied by the imperial family continues to decrease. If we give away as many Qingming Tribe buryers as we did when we activated the floating fortress last time, we might be able to turn it around a bit… … It just happened that Ziffle also sent troops to the Grosh Castle.”

“I am of the same opinion as fellow countryman Gayla. Compatriots of Simart, compatriots, go and make a request to the Bement guys. At this rate, both of us and the imperial family are bound to be crushed.”

Hearing the great battle kings’ answers, Simat felt unbearable rage. He felt like he was looking at incompetent and stupid subordinates.

Now that Bakarun is not normal, it is Gaila and Vecchios who must lead the enemy. And in Simat’s view, the two were showing a lack of strength in all aspects, except for their fighting power.

It’s been that way all along. Simat put a lot of hope into waking the great fighting kings, but this was the reality.

“Daetuwang compatriots, since when did we, the enemy tribes, become unable to live without relying on the lower races?”


“Did you get used to being fed like a domesticated animal so quickly?”

“Compatriots of Shimat? You seem to be making a mistake now.”

“It’s not me who made the mistake, it’s my compatriots, Great Fight! Still not sure? The imperial family is taming us. They deliberately control various support and create a situation where we have no choice but to be subordinated to them. Just like now!”

“You seem to have forgotten your position for a while, compatriot. let me know… … .”

As Vecchios was about to extend his fist to Simat, Bakarun stopped him with a trembling hand.

“wait… … he… … listen… … .”

Even if he is in a weak state right now, Bakarun is the highest in rank among the great fighting kings. Vecchios showed a disapproving look, but immediately stopped moving.

“Go on, let me tell you… … fellow Shimat.”

“… … Thank you, compatriot Bakarun.”

Simat made eye contact with the great fighting kings.

“As I just said, we have been in a state where we can’t do anything without the imperial family. It is partly because we had no choice but to receive unconditional support in the early days due to our unfavorable situation, and partly because some of our compatriots made a big mistake.”

I meant Rakiman and Drek. In particular, even if Drek hadn’t died from striking the Zoroastrian Citadel excessively, he would have been able to pressurize the gigantic forces by now with his blood-sucking ability. In addition, blood for compatriots would have been incomparably more supplied than it is now.

The great fighting kings silently watched Shimat’s blasphemous words and actions. Now, no one could complain to Simat until Bakarun showed his displeasure.

“However, the imperial family is not truly a tribe for our enemy, and I think their purpose is to steal our technology and make their own weapons. That’s why they traded with us whenever needed as blood and Qingmyeong burials and took our technology. In other words, it was regulated. With the intention of weakening us, taming us, then devouring or disposing of us.”

“… … So, what do you want to do next? Simart compatriots. As the compatriot said, we are already in a difficult situation without the help of the imperial family.”

“The biggest reason for that is that we didn’t gain much from the war against Zipple. In the beginning, the imperial family provided ample support, and thanks to the lack of Elro or Ziple, I was able to procure the blood of Ziple wizards, but the loss grew as time went by.”



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“So, are you trying to end the war with Zipple?”

“yes. However, it shouldn’t appear that way from the outside. That way, the imperial family won’t cut off support altogether. Pretending to continue fighting Ziffle as the imperial family wishes, we must stock up on his power. At least enough for the compatriots of Bakarun to find strength.”

“They just pretend to fight Ziffle without the royal family knowing, is that possible?”

“it’s possible. Since the appearance of Elona Ziple, the imperial family has not been able to check every battle we have had with Zipple. It must be because he is afraid. Or it may be that they are concerned about the completion of the demon stone, and want to hide themselves as much as possible.”

“Hmm, then let’s skip that. What next?”

Simart took a moment to catch his breath.

It was the moment when the fate of the enemy clan had to be chosen.

“… … I’m going to hit the imperial family. They’ll take advantage of us and think they know everything about us, but they don’t. So far they’ve been threatening us with the whereabouts of Avatar, but I don’t think they know where their compatriots are. Or even if you know it, you may not be able to use it right away. If they could have used Avatar as they wished, they would have already done so.”

“Uh, um… … I know roughly what that means. But is it too dangerous? If you don’t care, you won’t be able to recover your compatriots forever, and even the support you received from the imperial family… … .”

“If we don’t make this bold choice now, we, the enemy clan, will surely become the dogs of the imperial family. If the Great Fighting Kings disregard my opinion, I will choose the path for the enemy, even by myself.”

A heavy silence passed for a while. Naturally, the gazes of the Great Fighting Kings and Simat were fixed on Bakarun.

“Smart… … of compatriots… … Opinion, follow.”

Soon after, Bakarun nodded heavily and said so.

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