Swordmaster’s Youngest Son Chapter 845

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Chapter 845

Episode 210. Memories of the Past – Murakan (4)

“The headmistress gave an order!?”

“Yes, he said he was hitting Elona Zipple.”

Silderray’s eyes widened.

Ziple was in a situation where an infighting broke out while rejecting Elona. On the other hand, Runkandel lost many of its powers, including the Teenage Knights, but still maintained a strong bond.

Because of Ziple’s reply to the surrender, the allies were also more eager to fight than before.

In this situation, if Temar, who had the same strength as before, entered the battle, he would be able to turn the tide of the war at once.

“Diana, are you saying the patriarch has improved that much?”

“Just three days… … He said he could fight for three days. At that time, he thought of catching Elona and ending the war.”

It was the solderlet that made Temar last three days. It was three days that he, Olta, the god of time, and Azmil, the god of pupils, worked together to create.

“… … What about after those three days?”

“The head of household will enter eternal sleep. It was the reason why I hadn’t been able to get in touch with the butler. You were making the family head’s tomb with Solderlet-nim.”

Temar’s death was still predestined. Silderray suffered from that fact, but it was still better than before. Both Runkandel and Temar.

“Murakan, did you hear? It’s only been three days, but the patriarch returns as the person we knew.”


“So, get some energy before that. It will be difficult to fight together because of the heart, but we must watch the last flame of the household.”

Murakan didn’t answer, his eyes widened.

From that day on, Temar’s final order was delivered throughout Hufester. All the knights of Hufester were preparing for the final showdown.

Also, amazing things happened.

“Oh, you really have a heart, right? It can’t be because of the King’s prayer… … Solderlet must have done something.”

These were the words of the 2nd Mistress, the Snow Witch who came to look after Murakan.

“Is that true?”

“maybe? We won’t know for sure unless we hear directly from Solderlet or Murakan, Diana. Or maybe Temar is regenerating on his own after hearing that he can come back and fight in a few days. Anyway, that’s a good thing. If I keep recovering at this rate, I think I might be able to participate in a decisive battle.”

“As soon as the family head tries to move, miracles happen one after another. Thank you for coming to check on me, Mistress of the Palace.”

“It’s up to thank you. Anyway, I am also in a position to pray earnestly for Murakan to participate in the war. Because now, when Temar can fight, is the only chance to capture Elona… … If you can fight even Murakan, it’s perfect.”

Since issuing the order, Temar has never been seen outside the Stormcastle. Occasionally, the roar of Temar, who broke through the barrier and became a monster, could be heard.

However, Runkandel and allies firmly believed that he would definitely appear on the day of the decisive battle.

That belief soon became a fact.

November 20, 799.

The final battle between the Hufester Union and the Lutero Magic Federation has begun. Hufester, led by each of the teenage knights, deployed troops in all major mage towers in Lutero, and Lutero also deployed wizards and dragons against him.

Of course, the enemy land that Temar decided to take on was the heart of the tower of stories, Zipple.

He looked up at the Tower of Story with no traces of demonization or reverence.

There were only three Hufester personnel assigned to the Tower of Stories: Temar, Diana, and Silder Ray. As for Lutero, only one person, Elona Ziple, was guarding the Tower of Story.

“What about Murakan?”

“I couldn’t come, lord. The Queen Mother said that her heart had recovered enough to be able to fight, but she said that she had a big mental problem.”

“It would have to be. If he had been there, it would have been very reassuring. Then what we can expect now is to show up like a hero when we are pushed back.”

“… … Do you think you will be pushed? The current patriarch is stronger than any I’ve ever seen. However, Elona is in a state of exhaustion from years of torture and manipulation.”

“Even so, Elona came out alone to the Tower of Story to fight for Ziple again. She just added willpower and determination to a monster she was insanely strong with. If she had been stronger, she would have been less of a burden.”

“Whoa, I don’t understand. From Ziffle’s point of view, Elona would be the best war hero, but why would she continue to fight against us even after being treated like that?”

“That is what blindness is. Isn’t it the same for you guys, you lost more than you gained when you came to Runkandel, so you came here to stand up to the enemy with me.”

“That too.”

“Before going to the grave, this is the only thing I can do for my family. Let’s make a decision in three days.”

At the same time Temar and the teenage knights started fighting Elona, ​​the other knights in Lutero were also starting their final fight.

thin ice.

The early part of the battle was literally icing. The entire area of ​​the Mage Tower, including the Tower of Story, continued to fight evenly.

There was not a single battlefield where the fighting had stopped for even a moment in the 24 hours that had passed. Everyone just rushed to kill each other with bloody red eyes.

Elona was not showing as much destructiveness as before. Of course, her firepower itself was superior to Temar and the teenage knights, but she was definitely stronger than Elona before the infighting broke out.

The Tower of Stories also seemed incapable of exerting such powerful power as when Temar and the knights were turned into specters. It was because her members of Zipple, fearing her Elona, ​​severed several links between her and her tower.

“This is the first time I’ve seen that monster look so tired. Maybe it’s because I can’t borrow the tower’s power properly, but it’s not the same as before.”

On the second day, Temar and the teenage knights were able to confirm Elona’s breathlessness.

The teenage knights thought victory was right in front of them, but Temar was confirming an element they couldn’t see.

“The tower will be up and running soon… … .”


“The Tower of Stories is assimilating little by little with Elona. This is unexpected. Murakan must be present. Silderray, tell the hostess to bring Murakan.”

“All right!”

Secret Palace was putting a barrier around the Mage Tower of the story. The moment Temar and the teenage knights mortally wounded Elona, ​​all the members of the secret palace were scheduled to rush into her great peak.

And ending the breath of the sealed Elona was Temar’s last role. Unless it was Temar and Murakan, even the sealed Elona could not be killed.

“now? If I go pick up Murakan now, there will be a gap in the barrier. There is no certainty that Murakan is even capable of fighting.”

“The head of the house was convinced that Murakan would soon start to fall behind unless he helped.”

“Then I can’t help it. If we can’t finish here anyway, our secret palace will also have no choice but to walk in the process of destruction. I will call Mort, let him go.”

Murakan was staring out the window with blank eyes.

Even after Silderay and the Big Palace arrived at the Garden of Swords, Murakan didn’t even look at them.

“Murakan, the head of household needs you.”

To be precise, Murakan was completely unaware of the fact that Silder Ray and Bigungju had come next to him. He was only awake, unable to distinguish between his inner world and reality at all.

“Murakan, please. Calm down… … !”

Seeing Murakan not answering, Silderray remembered what Temar had asked him to do before finding him.

Even if Murakan can’t come, don’t blame or blame him. The guy has already done more than he has to do.



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However, Silderrey could not be convinced.

If this is the case, then what is the meaning of a miraculously recovered heart? Silderray screamed as he grabbed Murakan by the collar.

“I mean get up! Are you really going to let the end of the housekeeper end in vain like this? If only you come with us, we can win. We can end this terrible war and go back to our daily lives… … !”

“Stop it, Silderray. I guess I was in vain. Even though the heart was attached in the first place, it was never at the level of being able to generate the same strength as before. Temar heard me and knew that, so maybe he just wanted to lean on Mura Khan. He is a human too.”


“I am… … Temar… … kill… … I can’t.”

“I have to kill Elona, ​​not the family head!”

Murakan, who barely opened his mouth, only repeated the same words.

In the end, the two had no choice but to return to the battlefield leaving Murakan behind. Murakan kept saying the same thing after they left. Temar, can no longer kill his comrades.

The three promised days passed.

The war ended with the defeat of Runcandel. Murakan was left in the Storm Castle without knowing the outcome. He was alone in the long dark autism.

One day in December, a sharp frozen storm pours into the storm.

Murakan fell unconscious. His briefly attached heart rattled again, fragmented in his chest.

The people who desperately wanted Murakan to participate in the final fight didn’t know.

In fact, Murakan had been struggling to get out of his inner self.

He just needed more time. The time until we can overcome sadness and return to reality, before we can start over for those who have gone before.

The momentary attachment of the heart was rather the result of him being consumed deeper inside.

The heart, which was forcibly attached, was hastening the complete disappearance of Murakan. The desire to disappear and the desire to rise again continued to fight within Murakan.

The fact that his heart was scattered again meant that he had a stronger will to return to the side of his remaining comrades. Even if I couldn’t be with them when I was most desperate, even if I couldn’t fight right away.

“Ha ha ha.”

Murakan opened his eyes again and looked at the dark ceiling. In the midst of the high fever and blurred vision, I felt someone approaching the bed.

“Diana… … ?”

“Murakan, it’s over now… … .”

She did not resent Murakan. Not because it was Temar’s order, but because he understood the situation he was in.

Although he and the rest of his comrades will soon disappear from the world.

It was because Murakan knew that he had to lead his battered body and mind and continue the lonely fight that would never end.

Because he knew he could do that.

“Fortunately, the last battle of the housekeeper worked a miracle. It means we could have escaped destruction. We decided to make a pact with Zipple.”

“Huh, huh.”

“Murakan, to you… … Forgive us for having no choice but to entrust all the future to you.”

“Don’t go, Diana… … .”

“I will come again. It’s time for a meeting with Ziffle soon. Rest, Murakan.”

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