Worthless Regression Chapter 77

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< Shaolin-4 >

“You teamed up with Jihak?”

Namgoong Hee-won was with Scarlett. Namgung Hee-won opened her mouth wide when she heard Lee Seong-min’s words. As she looked at Lee Sung-min for a moment, Namgung Hee-won shook her shoulder.

“French Ambassador. You damn old man. “Even when I asked him to let me dance like that, he said no!”

“Did you know who it was?”

“I know. cadet. Jihak is the future of Shaolin and a direct disciple of Master Bulyeong. no. Isn’t that a bit wrong…? Jihak learned martial arts from all the monks of Shaolin since childhood. “That’s amazing.”

Namgoong Heewon sighed as he said that.

“The successors of the four major families, including the Namgung family, are also outstanding. If you compare it to the proper review index of the old file room, it is a little inferior. The Jihak of Shaolin, the Cheongmyeong of the shaman, and the drunkenness of openness. In particular, these three are the ones who have learned all the ancestral rites of each sect and can be said to be the future of that sect.”

It was a name I had never heard of. In his past life, Lee Seong-min lived as a mercenary and heard various rumors, but he had never heard of Shaolin’s Jihak, the shaman’s Cheongmyeong, and the drunkenness of openness.

“I’ve never heard a rumor about them.”

“I guess so. The same goes for Jihak. Those three never leave the clan. It feels like a clan’s secret weapon. “Most of them are not yet 30 years old, but like retired masters, they are stuck in a clan and only learning martial arts.”

Namgoong Heewon muttered that and licked his lips.

“Every year I came to Shaolin, I heard stories about Jihak. I really wanted to try mixing together once… ”

If Namgoong Heewon and Jihak fight, who will win? Lee Seong-min has never seen Namgoong Hee-won’s military power. Likewise, he had never seen the history of Jihak. However, if he were to compare just based on his experiences, Jihak would be stronger than Namgung Heewon.

“so. “Where are you going to go now?”

“… “I plan to remain in Shaolin for the time being.”

Scarlett’s eyes widened at Lee Sung-min’s answer and she glared at Lee Sung-min.

“what? Are you going to stay here?”

“yes. … There is a lot to think about and a lot of things I want to improve. Fortunately, through a connection, I was able to practice in Shaolin.”

“It seems that the ambassador to France really liked his younger brother.”

Namgoong Hee-won muttered.

“If my younger brother was free, I was thinking of taking him to Namgung House.”

“… I’ll visit later if I get a chance. “What happened to your brother?”

“me? Me, it’s the same as last year. Show a little martial arts in front of the French ambassador, and that’s it. Not all of us are good enough to become the head of the Celestial Dragon Association. “Even my father can’t win, so why should Hoeju?”

Hearing Namgoong Hee-won’s muttering, Lee Seong-min felt a little lost.

The world was too big. Namgoong Hee-won, who played with Lee Sung-min, is weaker than her Ji-hak. And her Jihak was played by Wiji Hoyeon. She Namgung Hee-won cannot defeat his father, the Cheonjon Sword King.

‘I am… ‘It’s too small.’

Is it because the standing position is different? Or is it because you have a different perspective? The world was wide in the eyes of Lee Seong-min in his past life, but the size of the world that Lee Seong-min felt back then was different from the size he feels now. It was natural. He had never experienced an encounter like this when he was a C-class mercenary.

Because what you experience is different, what you see and feel is different. It was a continuation of the realization that Lee Seong-min felt on Mt. Mushi. When ‘I’ change, the world changes. Because ‘I’ have changed, what I see changes.

“… If you want to stay here. “I want to walk around a little more.”

Scarlett muttered. At those words, Lee Seong-min looked back at Scarlett.


“I didn’t even learn martial arts. There is nothing to be gained by staying here. I was worried about you on the way here, so I came with you… what. “You won’t be in danger if you stay here.”

“… “Where do you plan on going?”

“I plan to go somewhere. “Because I have a lot of talent to keep my body healthy.”

Lee Sung-min thought about trying to catch Scarlett, but stopped. Lee Sung-min was not involved in the events that Scarlett experienced in her past life. If Lee Seong-min had become deeply involved with Scarlett, there was a high possibility that her fate would change significantly.

“Can we meet next time?”

“Of course we should meet, idiot. Did you forget what I said? “You were supposed to help me if I was in danger.”

Scarlett grumbled and put her hand inside the robe. A moment later, what she took out was a bracelet made of her own red thread.


“What is this?”

“It’s a bracelet that connects me to my heart. I also gave it to Baek Sogo. “I never thought I would give it to you.”

After hearing those words, the bracelet caught my eye. Before I lose my sight… I remembered that Baek Sogo had a bracelet like that on his wrist.

“It’s not a convenient tool like telepathy. But wherever I am in the world, if I wish, that bracelet will send a signal. “Where am I?”

Seongmin Lee nodded his head and wore the bracelet Scarlett gave him on his wrist.

next day. Although she wondered if she was leaving too quickly, Scarlett said she would rather stay longer and left Shaolin. The same was true for Namgoong Hee-won.

“If you have some free time, come to Namgung House. “If my younger brother comes to visit, I will always treat him with a treat.”

Although it was a sudden meeting, the connection was not weak. Namgung Hee-won patted Lee Seong-min on the shoulder a few times and then went down her mountain gate. The other Sega successors were Moya, who had already left the day before.

The Shaolin monks offered Lee Seong-min a room to live in, but Lee Seong-min refused their consideration. Lee Seong-min left the back gate of Shaolin holding a spear. He relied on his memory and headed to the French ambassador’s residence.

I decided to postpone going to Drimoore and meeting Denir, the God of Time, for a bit. After all, Drimoor was not far from here, and he thought it was a great opportunity to receive martial arts instruction from Ambassador Bulyeong and Jihak.

‘5 years later… When winter freezes.’

It was an ambiguous statement, but it didn’t seem like there was a need to think too hard about it. The spirit residing in Master Bulyeong’s body told him to go to a place where the ice caps would not melt. The only place in Eria with permanent snow is the northernmost region. When winter freezes, it seems to refer to the coldest time of winter.

Five years from now, there is still time. Seongmin Lee thought about what he should do in the future.

Lee Seong-min decided to meet Wi Ji-ho-yeon when he was 24 years old. There are 6 years left. Five years from now, the dungeon involving Baek So-go and Wi Ji-ho-yeon will be opened. Before reuniting with Wijihoyeon, Lee Seongmin had to prevent Baek Sogo’s death.

In other words, no matter what the order, Lee Seong-min has at most five years left.

‘How far can I go?’

How far can we go? The distance from Wijihoyeon is too far. Seongmin Lee looked down at his hands. My heart, energy, and body are distorted. He says if he doesn’t get over it he will lose everything in 10 years.

I decided to hold off on eating Daehwandan for now.

It was because I was worried that if I took Daehwandan now that my mind, energy, and body were distorted, I might get a stroke more quickly.

‘what… ‘Should I?’

Seongmin Lee looked down at the spear in his hand blankly. This is a window that he commissioned out of self-satisfaction and compensation psychology. The mouth looks down at the barding. This is the barding that I have longed for in order to overcome the wall I encountered through expedient means.

Seongmin Lee took off his barding. As he inhaled his inner energy, the barding came off with a clanging sound. Lee Seong-min took off his barding and put it down in a visible place. The same was true of the spear he held in his hand. Seongmin Lee plunged his spear into a large rock near the cave. The spear head coated with steel pierced the rock like tofu.

What I took out from the subspace pocket was an ordinary spear that I had held for the first time in a long time. I bought it and carried it around to use it as a spare, and it was stiff because I didn’t swing it around much.

I sweep the window with my bare hands. Can the calluses on the palm of your hand be considered evidence of effort? Seongmin Lee let out a low laugh.

I don’t think that geniuses have less effort than ordinary geniuses. Even if they start from a starting point ahead of Beomjae and can run faster than Beomjae. The effort they put in to run must be real.

Beomjae starts from behind a genius. To keep up with the efforts of a genius, you have to put in more, more, more effort. Rabbit and Tortoise. I remember a fable I heard as a child. The rabbit ran quickly… The turtle crawled slowly. The rabbit was lazy and fell asleep, and the tortoise continued crawling while the rabbit was asleep and reached the finish line before the rabbit.

Lee Seong-min is not a rabbit. Maybe it’s worse than a turtle. Still, he was negligent. He didn’t even bother to crawl and just looked away.



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“You idiot.”

Lee Seong-min muttered and strengthened the hand holding the spear. Calluses on the palms of the hands. Singing method in my head. A practice performed on the mountain of Mushi.

lack. Everything was lacking. Lee Seong-min slowly began to unfold the Gucheon Dance Dance.

“That’s a great singing style.”

When Lee Seong-min unfolded all of the Nine Cheonmugeukchang, such a voice was heard. Lee Seong-min took another steady breath and looked in the direction from which the sound was heard. Jihak, wearing monk’s robe, was standing there.

“So it’s a shame.”

“Is it because my skills are poor?”

Seongmin Lee asked while looking at Jihak’s face. Jihak slowly shook his head at that question.

“Didn’t I tell you? “What you lack most is experience.”

As Jihak said that, he glanced at the entrance to the cave. There were no French lines included. What Jihak saw was barding and Lee Seongmin’s spear placed near the entrance.

“Why did you take off your armor and put down your good spear?”

“It doesn’t suit me right now.”

“Is that how you strengthen your mind and resolve?”

“Do you think it’s hypocrisy?”

“I don’t think so. Martial arts is studying using the body, and ultimately using the body means receiving orders from the mind. The law of mind is the law of using the mind. Heart, energy, body. It is often said that those three are the factors that make martial arts complete.”

Jihak muttered that and took out the spear he had kept behind his back. It was a midfield window with a fluttering red window.

“Those three are the things that complete a person before martial arts. “God surrounds the heart and trains it with energy.”

“… Are you saying that’s martial arts?”

“ah. This is Shaolin’s theory after all. There are various types of martial arts. Each has a different goal. … The theory of Buddhism, such as Shaolin. The purpose of the martial arts of Taoist schools, such as shamans and volcanoes, is to achieve great enlightenment by completing self-cultivation through martial arts.”

“The great realization?”

“The way of expressing and the words are different… In the end, it means that we cease to be human. Taoist martial arts aims to attain enlightenment through discipline and become a immortal, while Buddhist martial arts aims to attain liberation through discipline and become a Buddha. Neither immortals nor Buddhas are human. “He was originally just a human being.”

Because it was his first time hearing this kind of argument, Lee Seong-min opened his ears and listened to Ji-hak. As Lee Seong-min listened, Ji-hak smiled and added his words.

“As I said, there are many different types of martial arts. There are not only Taoist and Buddhist martial arts. The martial arts that are commonly said to belong to Sima Mao Dao are more intuitive. The art of killing people. In addition, there are many martial arts techniques that draw out the characteristics of animals or insects and refine them. There are such things even among the martial arts of Shaolin. But even if it started like that, the direction is different.”

“Do you want to become a Buddha?”

“Hehe! I am too immature to become a Buddha. I’m telling you this… I want you to know. All I know is the martial arts of Shaolin, and the only martial arts I know is to become Buddha. I am not urging you to enter Buddhism. For me to look at your martial arts, you will first have to understand the martial arts of Shaolin.”

Jihak approached, shaking Changyoung.

“In Shaolin, there are seventy-two solar terms called the Seventy-Two Festivals. When people think of Shaolin, they usually think of bare-handed martial arts such as Baekbo Shinken and Great Power Diamond Jang. I can confidently say that this much is certain. “There is probably no other place in the current world where spearmanship and batonmanship are as deeply understood and established as Shaolin.”

Jihak held the spear with both hands and lowered his posture. Lee Seong-min held a ceremony to celebrate Gucheon Mugeukchang.

“Look at Shaolin.”

Jihak smiled.

“And feel it.”

Jihak’s fighting spirit was filled with pride in Shaolin.


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