Worthless Regression Chapter 43

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There are numerous monsters in Area. Ogre is one of them, but ogre is one of the most powerful monsters among the many monsters that walk on the ground on two feet. Not only are they resistant to magic, but they also have leather so tough that it cannot be cut with any ordinary blade.

In addition, it has a fairly high intelligence, so dealing with it is not difficult. Although it varies depending on the individual, there are even ogres that use magic.

The mercenary guild ranks the monsters that exist in the area, and the grade is determined by whether a mercenary of that grade can subdue them or not. The average orc grade is E. Ogres start at at least A.

In his previous life, Seongmin Lee had never received a request to subdue an ogre. Ogres are dangerous monsters. Because I knew that my life was a waste.

‘Oh gosh.’

Seongmin Lee caressed his chin. What Bern brought as a request to test his skills was the subjugation of an ogre. Information came in that an ogre had been seen in the forest outside of Behenger, and residents of a nearby village sent a request to the mercenary guild to subdue it.

“Do you need to come along?”

The carriage runs. Seongmin Lee asked Rud, who was sitting across from him. At that question, Rud showed his teeth and smiled.

“I just happened to have some free time. The branch manager also asked for it. “Please see it with your own eyes.”

“Are you suspicious because I think I’m going to do some trick?”

“no. That’s not the case. Because the sword skills you showed yesterday were real. just… It’s the same for both. Me and the branch manager too. “I’m curious about this guy like you.”

Rude chuckled as he said that. Since Rude is a free mercenary who does not belong to a mercenary group, he has time to spare when he has no requests. Seongmin Lee felt a little awkward that Rudd was treating him warmly.

Seongmin Lee knows Rude. I have seen him several times in his past life as well. But there was no exchange. Rude, a free mercenary with an S rank, was a very unusual being even within the mercenary guild of Behenger. Because he lived in a different world from Lee Seong-min, who was a C-level mercenary from the bottom, he had no exchanges.

A bar located on the first floor of the mercenary guild. Lee Seong-min in his past life… They were the same type of mercenaries who drank with pr****utes in bars. As I watched Rude and other high-ranking mercenaries sitting in front of the bar table sipping expensive drinks, I felt jealous and jealous, but I did not dare to say it out loud.

A person from such a different world is showing a friendly attitude. Of course, I couldn’t tell what kind of plan he had in mind. Seongmin Lee was wary and suspicious, but he did not push Rude away because of that. People cannot live alone. He had learned it from Baek Sogo on the mountain of Mshi.

“I don’t doubt the level you have reached, but you are young. “You said you graduated from No Class and it’s only been 4 years since you came to Area, right?”

“Are you saying I might make a mistake due to lack of experience?”

“yes. Don’t be too proud. The branch manager and I both want to guarantee your safety. “It’s not common for someone with your level of skill to come and become a mercenary.”

It seemed like he wasn’t following me out of simple curiosity. However, this does not mean that it is simply goodwill or goodwill. Seongmin Lee stared at Rude’s face and then glanced out the window. The scenery was passing by.

“You’re uncharacteristically quiet for someone your age. “Do you usually speak little?”


Actually, that is not the case. However, it is just an aftereffect of the silent practice that took place on Mt. Mushi. Seongmin Lee was used to silence.

Training in the mountains brought many things to Lee Seong-min, but it did not just bring benefits. The problem was a dulling of the senses. I always heard noises and smelled bad smells. By banning even his sense of sight, Seongmin Lee trained his ‘skin’ senses to be sensitive and sharp, but was unable to train his sense of smell or hearing.

We are also mindful of the shortcomings in actual practice. Practicing in the mountains was lonely. Because of the rule that practitioners could not harm each other, they could not even engage in sparring. Although it is said that he has actual combat experience as a memory from his past life, the Lee Sung-min of his past life and the current Lee Sung-min can be seen as different people.

Moreover, the opponent called ‘Ogre’ is a giant that Lee Sung-min had never faced in his previous life. This is someone who cannot rely heavily on past life experiences.

“What experience have you had fighting an ogre?”

“I’ve never seen it before.”

As the sun was setting, the carriage passed outside the castle gate. When I heard the story, it seemed that the forest where the ogre was said to have appeared required a carriage ride that lasted half a day from the castle gate.

“But I think I have basic knowledge. If we continue like this, we will arrive in the middle of the night… “Are you okay?”

“I’m going to stay one night in the village that requested the subjugation. And if an ogre attacks at night… “At that time, you have to improvise.”

Rud didn’t feel any tension. Unlike Lee Seong-min, Rude is already an S-class mercenary. He seemed to already have some experience in subjugating ogres.

“Although they are lumped together as ogres, the monsters are not completely the same even though they are the same entity. “Some ogres use magic.”

“I know.”

“Then you are lucky. There’s no information that the ogre that was seen in town uses magic, but it’s still good to keep that in mind. Although I am your watchdog and entrusted with your protection, I have no intention of helping you from the beginning. “I will only help you if you are in a situation where you might die.”

“I know.”

Seongmin Lee answered. The sun had already set and the carriage continued to run. Rude let go of the shaking of the carriage and opened the bag he was carrying on his shoulder. Perhaps the bag itself was a subspace pocket, and Rud took out a large piece of bread from inside the bag.

Seongmin Lee shared the bread offered by Rude. It was an ordinary rye bread, but it was so delicious that it could be said to be heavenly food for Lee Seong-min, who had lost his sense of taste.

“You said you learned martial arts, right? Are you using a weapon?”

“yes. “I use a spear.”

“It’s a spear! It’s a good weapon. I use a knife. Personally, I don’t think I want to fight with Changsu. “A spear is a difficult weapon to deal with.”

Rude talked to Lee Seong-min nonstop. The story Rude was talking about was not a topic that Seongmin Lee would be very interested in. This is because Lee Seong-min already knew that Rudd uses a sword.

“You seem like a nice guy, but you’re not fun to talk to.”

Rude, who had been talking to himself for a while, grumbled like that. Lee Seong-min laughed bitterly at those words.

“He’s quiet.”

“Of all the people who call themselves quiet, I’ve never met one who is truly quiet. Most of it is this. “I just don’t want to talk to you.”

“It’s not like that.”

“I’m kidding.”

Rude burst out laughing alone.

The carriage arrived at the village as night fell. Rude took the lead, getting off the carriage and introducing Lee Seong-min to the village chief who came to meet him. The village chief, who was listening to the story, frowned.

“You still look young… ”

“Age and skill have little to do with it. Even if everyone in this village attacked, this guy would be able to kill them all.”

Rudd patted Lee Seong-min on the shoulder and grinned. The village chief was an old man with a dirty beard. He slightly shook his shoulders at Rude’s words, then made eye contact with Lee Seong-min. Lee Seong-min looked at the village chief with grave eyes and slightly lowered his head.

“… Huh. We have prepared a room for you. “I’ll even bring you a meal if you want.”

“thank you.”

The place where the village chief guided Lee Seong-min and Rude was to an empty room in the village chief’s house. After simply unpacking and sitting on the floor, Rud asked Lee Seong-min.

“Would you like to have a drink?”


“why. Because you are young? It’s not even funny. What does age have to do with alcohol? And is there a mercenary in the world who doesn’t drink alcohol?”

Rude grumbled and took out a large bottle of alcohol from his bag.

“Alcohol is good. It relieves tension… ”

Rude hummed and blew on his bottle. Seongmin Lee sat cross-legged while looking at Rude. He tried to touch the inner energy in his Dantian once, but he did not turn the Great Jucheon. It was because he did not completely trust Rude.

“Is it okay if I don’t stand guard?”

“Why do we have to do that?”

Rude, who was drinking heavily, put down the bottle.

“The request we received was to subdue ogres, not protect the village. Of course, if they give me more money and ask me to stand guard and protect the village, I’m willing to do that. But you can’t do something you didn’t ask to do. “I’m not a pushover.”



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This is a story that Lee Seong-min himself understands. Because he was also a mercenary.

“What motivates mercenaries is not recognition or good will. “It’s money.”

Rude chuckled and took a sip of his drink. Lee Seong-min quietly nodded his head at those words. Know. If it were Lee Seong-min a few years ago, he wouldn’t have asked this question in the first place.

But for now.

The things Baek Sogo told me not to forget just bothered me a little. But she wasn’t greatly attracted. Lee Seong-min and Baek So-go are different people. Just because Baek So-go is a good person, there is no need for Lee Sung-min to be a good person.

Baek So-go told Seong-min Lee. Don’t forget grace. I have never received any favor from the villagers. Since I am a mercenary, I received a request. That’s all I came to this town for.

That’s it.

There were no raids during the night. Seongmin Lee woke up early in the morning, as was his habit. The nightmares disappeared and his sleep was comfortable, but Lee Seong-min was used to waking up early because he had almost skipped sleep for several years.

In one corner, Rude was curled up and falling asleep. It felt a little awkward for Rud, an S-class mercenary, to be curled up and sleeping, hugging his shoulder. Lee Seong-min glanced at the empty liquor bottle rolling around on the floor and quietly left the room.

I breathe the cold air of dawn. Lee Seong-min went out to the backyard and saw chickens curled up in a chicken coop. The chickens just stared at Lee Seong-min and did not crow. Seongmin Lee slowly lifted the spear he was carrying.


Instead of Gucheonmugeukchang, perform the Lannachal technique. Slowly, slowly. Tension the muscles of the entire body, being conscious of each movement. Although it was a basic movement, Lee Seong-min did not do it half-heartedly.

“You are sincere.”

Rud came out after dawn had passed and the morning sun had risen high. Rude yawned loudly and approached Lee Seong-min.

“Couldn’t you have slept a little longer? “You must be tired after wandering around in the forest.”

“I’m the type of person who can’t sleep deeply.”

“Isn’t it because I snore a lot at night?”

“That’s not it.”

Rude chuckled at Lee Seong-min’s answer. He glanced at the spear held by Lee Seong-min. It was a window with nothing special. but… It was very worn out.

“I need to change my weapon too.”

“I have spares.”

“If that’s the case, I’m glad. “Come on, let’s go inside.”

Rude tapped Lee Seong-min on the shoulder.

“I have to go to the forest after eating.”


Seongmin Lee put down the window.


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