Worthless Regression Chapter 423

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Episode 425 96. Library (5)

The owner of Tushinjeon tapped Lee Seong-min on the shoulder a few times and then stepped back. He had a satisfied face. He had no choice but to do so.

Through this, Tusinjeon, which had no clear entity, gained its first territory.

“What happens next?”


“you are… … No, the Battle God Temple made Eria its territory. “Then, do you exist in this world?”

“why. “You don’t like that?”

The owner of the Battle God Hall asked with a grin. Seongmin Lee did not answer right away. As a result, Eria escaped the fate of the end. The problem starts from here.

“… … I do not know.”

“don’t worry. I have a world I live in. “I have no intention of living here for no reason.”

The owner of the Battle God Temple answered with a smiling voice.

“I made it my territory, but I have no intention of living in this world. My goal is to make Tusinjeon a true divine realm, and this land has only become Tusinjeon’s first sanctuary. “I don’t know yet how much faith we will receive here, but let’s think of it as a kind of investment.”

“invest… … .”

“Don’t find it difficult. In the end, it turned out just as you hoped. There is no more destruction called the end of this world. perhaps… … In the distant future, this world, like several other dimensions, may face natural destruction. “That is none of my business.”

The owner of the Battle God Temple said this and stared at the records that filled the library.

“There is nothing to worry too much about the fairy world and the spirit world. From now on, what happens in this world will be recorded in this library, and those who are interfering with this world will share those records, as they have done so far. “Is that a complaint?”


“There is nothing to complain about. Because it won’t have a negative impact on this world. Think positively. Since this world has become a sanctuary for fighting gods, you have been left behind by gods who are more violent than anywhere else.”

and. The owner of Tushinjeon added.

“As I said, there was also an intention to directly challenge the hemp world. “That will be a good stimulus for the eternity that Tushinjeon will spend in the future.”

The library records that were filling the space disappeared. The owner of the Battlefield continued to stretch.

“Do your best to evangelize. To put it bluntly, if this is the first sanctuary of Tushinjeon, then you are my first apostle. But that doesn’t mean you can receive any power from me.”

“Because you are not God?”

“yes. Not all absolutes are gods. “To become a god, you must have a sanctuary, an apostle, and faith.”

Their understanding coincided. Seongmin Lee hoped to escape Eria from the fate of the end and make this world a real world, not a breeding ground.

And all of that was resolved by having Tushinjeon descend directly into the library.

“I’m going.”

The owner of the Battle God Hall turned around. The beings who walked the single path that descended with the Battle of Gods saw the owner of the Battle of Gods.

“Next time I see you, it will be a battle of suicide. Don’t come too fast. As an apostle, I worked as much as possible and developed faith. Come after that. “If you do it half-heartedly, you will die.”

The owner of Tushinjeon disappeared without waiting for an answer. Starting with that, the beings of the Tushinjeon disappeared one by one.

Seongmin Lee saw a single road leading to the library. Before we knew it, the owner of Tusinjeon was at the end, and those who walked the single path followed him.

“Let me ask you one thing.”

King Chang, who was glaring at the owner of the Battle God Hall, opened his mouth. He turned his head and looked at Lee Seong-min.

“Was the god of war strong?”

“so so.”


King Chang frowned at Lee Seong-min’s answer. He glanced down the street and grumbled.

“I should have fought the god of war… … What an idiot. “I never thought I’d end up falling down without even being able to get there.”

Lee Seong-min smiled bitterly at those words.

“Black Dragon Gorge.”

King Chang muttered.

“Tell that guy to work hard. “I came too, and that bastard should come too.”

“I’m busy dating.”

“What kind of bullshit is that?”

“I made eye contact with the saint.”

“Take X out.”

King Chang answered Lee Seong-min’s answer without the slightest hesitation. Lee Seong-min did not just laugh at that consistent attitude, but felt chills.

“Baby, what kind of relationship is this? What is the age difference? … Tell them not to do anything useless. If you don’t listen, you can pick out guy X instead of me. “A warrior doesn’t need a woman.”

“Then what about female drones?”

I was curious to know what King Chang’s response would be, so I asked him that question. Then King Chang frowned and asked back.

“There’s nothing to pick.”

“that… … Yes.”

“Crazy guy. “What are you thinking?”

Hearing those words from King Chang made me feel shaken. King Chang snorted and turned his body to look up at the road.

Without saying a greeting, King Chang headed down the single path. Now, the only people in this space, excluding the spirits and demons, were He Ju and Sima Lian Ju.

“How are you?”

Sima Lianzhu suddenly asked a question. At that, Lee Seong-min laughed and looked at Sima Lianju.

He casually rubbed the area around his eyes with his fingertips. There was no trace of the tears that had been shed earlier.

“You ask too quickly.”

“Seeing as how he’s still alive, he must have been doing well. “They even gave me my body so that I could survive and not die.”

Sima Lianzhu laughed. She remembered the contents of the will she had seen several times. The will left by Sima Lianju still belonged to Lee Seong-min.

“And I will continue to do well.”

“That’s right.”

Seongmin Lee turned his head and looked at Sima Lianju. Sa Beol-ju smiled faintly and made eye contact with Lee Seong-min.

“… … “How are you, Master?”

“How are you. It was more enjoyable than when I lived here. Because there is no boredom that drove me crazy there.”

Lee Seong-min has memories of Sima Lianju. Therefore, he was able to unconditionally sympathize with Sima Lianzhu’s words. Most of Sima Lianju’s life was filled with boredom.



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He lived his worldly life with almost no emotions. In the previous world, Sima Lianzhu’s death was always suicide. And this world was not much different.

“It doesn’t mean I don’t feel longing.”

Sima Lianzhu climbed the single path.

“I don’t even think it’s fleeting. “In this world, I was the number one person in all times and times.”

“I was stronger.”

Heoju, who had been listening quietly, intervened. Sima Lianzhu did not listen to that at all.

“But not over there. “It made this meeting even more enjoyable.”

“longing… … What is it?”

“A time when I was human.”

Those words also proved that the current Sima Lianju was no longer human.

“Even when I was human… … Actually, it wasn’t very humane. Still, I miss those days a little. I miss the quiet life I spent in the fairy forest. Actually, life in the forest wasn’t that fun. but… … I liked the tranquility of this place. That place is far from tranquil. “You always have to fight and move forward.”

Even though he said that, Sima Lianzhu did not feel the slightest sign of wanting to go down that road.

For a being with such a loose mind, it is impossible to throw off the bonds of mortality, and it is impossible to walk that path.

Sima Lianzhu stretched out his hand and tapped Li Seongmin’s shoulder.

“You were the only disciple taught by me. “My position is not even worthy of comparison, and even if I took a nosebleed dog from a rural village and raised it, I think it would have been more talented than you.”

“Not to that extent.”

“That’s your opinion. In any case, I felt happy in my later years because you were my disciple. “I have never raised a dog in my life, but it felt like raising a dog.”

“Don’t lie.”

He was relegated to being a dog raised by a nosebleed dog in a rural village. Seongmin Lee frowned and denied Sima Lianju’s words.

Lee Seong-min had memories of Sima Lianju. The feelings that Sima Lianju had toward Lee Seong-min were not those of raising a dog.

“I can’t even lie because I have memories of this place.”

Sima Lianzhu let out a hearty laugh.

“I feel fortunate that everything here is helpful to you. I was fortunate that you were my disciple, and I was fortunate that I was your teacher. “It’s good to see you again like this.”

Listening to his words, Lee Seong-min bowed his head. Sima Lianju’s memories were mixed with what he was saying now.

The feelings that Sima Lianju had for Lee Seong-min became stronger, and as he felt those feelings, Lee Seong-min closed his eyes.

“Come leisurely.”

Sima Lianju’s presence has faded.

“It’s a long way over there. Once you climb up, it is difficult to come down or go back. No, you can do it. If that happens, you’ll never be able to go in there again.”

“I know.”

“Come without any regrets. This left me with a little regret. so… … “It’s something I miss sometimes.”

That was the final humanity that Sima Lianju possessed. Seongmin Lee raised his head. He said as he watched Sima Lianzhu fading away.

“I’m glad you were my teacher.”

“Say hello to Osla and Yehwa.”

Sima Lianzhu smiled and answered. And then, Sima Lianju’s appearance disappeared. Seongmin Lee felt a variety of emotions.

Bitterness, sadness, longing. The memory of Sima Lianju, which had agitated Lee Seong-min’s emotions, disappeared, and only Lee Seong-min’s memories took its place.

“This is true.”

Heoju, who was left alone, scratched the back of his head. He looked at Lee Seong-min with a shocked expression.

“I got to see it sooner than I expected, so I have nothing to say.”

Lee Seong-min laughed at those words. It’s been less than a week since Heo Joo, who was always in the back of her mind, left Lee Seong-min and headed to Tusinjeon.

“Didn’t you cry because you missed the old man?”

“I cried.”

He answered honestly without lying. Heoju blinked her eyes and then laughed loudly.

“You disgusting bastard.”

“I also kept one promise.”

“What promise?”

“Going into the poop.”

Heoju laughed louder after hearing that. Heoju, who was holding her stomach and laughing, whimpered and asked.

“How did you feel?”

“It was terrible.”

“I wish I knew. You damn bastard, you should have been thrown in a bucket of shit a long time ago. Do you finally understand this old man’s hardships?”

“But back then, you did something that would land you in the asshole.”

“You, the guy who made a few jokes and said with a straight face that you were going to be put in a bucket of shit, are trash.”

Heoju clicked his tongue and said.

“Think of it as a good experience. “When will you ever end up in a bucket of shit again?”

“Probably not.”

“Kkkkkk! I never thought you would actually keep the promise you made as a joke, but I never thought you would listen so well. “Then there is nothing to worry about in the future.”

Heoju stretched out his hand. The large hand came up to Lee Seong-min’s head. Heo Joo smiled happily and roughly stroked Lee Sung Min’s head.

“You are alone.”

Heoju said.

“But there will always be someone else by your side. That is… … I feel fortunate. Even though you can’t see this old man in person, and even though he can’t sit in your head and feel it with you like before. still… … “I think it’s fortunate.”

Heoju smiled.

“As I said then, I enjoyed being with you. Life ‘over there’ is fun, but sometimes… … okay. Yang Il-cheon, just like that guy said. “I long for the past.”

Even if you think you have no regrets right before you die.

Really, it is impossible not to have any regrets. Everyone dies with regrets, no matter how many or how few.

“My obsession was you.”

Heoju’s hand that was combing through his hair stopped.

“Because you’re such a stupid idiot. I was really worried about you. Still, I believed in you. I decided to leave you, and as I left you… … I trusted you. “I believed that you would not despair, that you would not break, and that you would not die.”

Such faith made Heo Joo leave Lee Seong-min.

“You said you’ve never been happy.”

Heo Joo’s hand fell from Lee Seong-min’s head.

“Be happy from now on. The shit world is over. You might still be a bitch, but not as much as before. You finally achieved what you wanted. “You saved the world from apocalypse.”

Many emotions came to mind. Those I have met and sent away so far.

I didn’t know about the end, but traveling with Lee Seong-min… … Gwangcheonma died because he was blocked by the limits set by the world and could not overcome the limits of his destiny.

He sacrifices his life with the sole intention of preventing the end, and banishes Kim Jong-hyun, who could not be killed, from time and space. Abel eventually died at the end of his life.

Geomseon lost his beloved student Cheongmyeong, and out of revenge, he intercepted Jennyella and sent Lee Seong-min away.

Other than that, various things passed by Lee Seong-min.

“You can feel relieved.”

Heoju said.

“You repaid the regrets and expectations given to you. therefore… … Now live the way you want. You said you have never been happy, so live happily now. Enjoy everything you want to enjoy, and as much as you can… … “Without any regrets.”

“… … huh.”

“This old man’s regret was you.”

Heoju looked at one path.

“If you live satisfactorily, my regrets will disappear.”

“… … for a moment.”

I felt Heoju’s presence fading away. Lee Seong-min hurriedly caught Heo Joo. Heoju, who was looking satisfied with the last conversation, frowned.

“What. “I was in the mood to leave.”

“Do you have anything to say to Yana?”

At those words, Heo Joo made an expression as if he had been hit on the head with a hammer. Seeing that expression, Lee Seong-min sighed deeply.

I remembered Yana crying bitterly at the Majyeongjeong Pavilion and trying desperately to suppress her emotions.

“that… … hmm… … .”

“pup… … .”

Heoju had not thought much about Yana until this moment. When Lee Seong-min gave him a look of resentment, Heo-ju hesitated and closed his eyes tightly.

“Tell her I’m sorry.”


“uh… … “It also means living happily ever after.”


“Forget people like me… … hmm… … A good monster… … If you can catch a human and give birth to a child… … .”

“Are you serious?”

“Holy shit, then what on earth am I supposed to say?”

Heo Joo distorted his face and got angry.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I couldn’t reciprocate your feelings. live well. It’s over. “I have nothing more to say.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to say we’ll see you again later?”

“Damn it, this isn’t a local restaurant where anyone can come if they want to… … .”

Heoju grumbled.

“If you can see it, let’s see.”


Only after hearing that answer did Seongmin Lee nod his head in satisfaction. Now that he meets Yana, Lee Seong-min feels at ease knowing that she has something to say to encourage him.

“You’re such a wild bastard… … .”

“There is no one else to tell it to me. “If you had left a few words for Yana before you left last time, this wouldn’t have happened.”

“Did you have time to think about that at the time?”

Heoju grumbled and fired.

“anyway. I said everything I had to say. “Damn it, I’m in no mood to leave because I talked about such nonsense.”


Seongmin Lee said with a smile.

“As I said then, thank you. entire… … All.”

“I just need to know.”

Heoju smiled. Heo Joo’s body disappeared. The library was still connected to Tusinjeon, but none of those who walked the path were left in the library anymore.

For them, getting to the place where the owner of Tusinjeon was located at the end of the road was more important than anything else.

“… … Phew.”

Seongmin Lee saw a single road in the distance. At the end, he suppressed the urge in his heart as he looked at the owner of the Zen Tussin Hall and the people walking down the street.

I had the urge to walk down that road right now. Before I knew it, I was watching Heoju and Simalyeonju moving forward, and King Chang moving slowly from the beginning.

I imagined a life with a clear goal and moving forward to surpass him. I felt greater anticipation than vague fear.


Not yet. Seongmin Lee slowly turned around.

“Okay then.”

Ma-ryeong was looking at Lee Sung-min with a slightly nervous expression. Seongmin Lee smiled at the demon.

“What should we do now?”

The body of the spirit sitting on the floor trembled like an aspen tree.


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