Worthless Regression Chapter 408

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Episode 410 94. God of War (2)

It came as if the flow of attacking thoughts was suddenly cut off. Musin, who was running through the air, was startled by the unexpected spear attack.

He twisted his body at the same speed he was running and waved his only hand.


Martial God’s hand gestures and Formless Spear collided. Musin’s expression hardened at the heaviness of his hands.

Seongmin Lee glanced at the scattering intangible spears and bent his knees. It’s something he’s wanted all along.

Whatever the reason, Musin was the teacher’s enemy. Even if he is just being used by a divine spirit, it does not change the fact that the martial spirit killed Sabeibju.

And the insult to his death by Musin. Also, I didn’t respect him. That’s why Lee Seong-min wanted to kill Musin. Musin, the puppet of the divine spirit, and Musin, the enemy of the teacher.

Lee Seong-min lifted his heel. The gazes directed in this direction were blatant.

Thanks to the words that the military commander shouted as if to be heard, the soldiers on the wall became hostile toward Lee Seong-min.

People gathered beyond the gate. I didn’t feel very good about the stares from the onlookers.

Musin appeared. He appeared like a ghost in the empty air.

I know the martial arts method.

A new and rare walking technique used by Amzon.

The origin, Wu Xin, had better movements than when he fought Sima Lianju 10 years ago.

Lee Seong-min remembered the memory of Sima Lianju and felt satisfied with the martial arts method.

And Lee Seong-min felt murderous intent.


Dozens of battles went back and forth in a split second. Although Martial God only had one arm, his attacks were so sophisticated that it would be hard to imagine that he was using only one arm.

Seongmin Lee looked down at the intangible spear in his hand with a sour expression on his face. The heads and poles of the spears were crushed and scattered.

Musin flapped his sleeves and spread his palms towards Lee Seong-min.


Musin said, glaring at Lee Seong-min.

“They say a teacher must correct a disciple’s sins, but your teacher, Ilcheon-yi, has already died more than ten years ago. Even though I have to defeat you, the disaster of the end… … Before I kill you, let me tell you how wrong the apostle path you are walking is.”

“haha… … .”

Lee Seong-min laughed while listening to Mu-shin’s scolding. At this point, it was funny to see the military god being so serious. At the same time, my irritation grew.

Wu Xin had been mentioning Sima Lianzhu’s death earlier. Why do I keep mentioning topics that are not proud?

Maybe he’s trying to distract me like this? If so, Musin would be a wicked and cunning person like a snake.

“Don’t we do joint work?”

“This chair alone is enough.”

Musin exhaled with force. It was worth being so confident. The self-defense equipment that covered the warrior’s body was so strong that no cracks could be found, and it did not look like it would be easily pierced.

Although he is one-armed, the absence of one arm is not a big drawback for an expert of martial arts level.

It was also due to the martial arts characteristics that Musin had trained. He is a master of illusion to its peak.

Even if it is said to be an illusion without substance, the story is different if it is written by a martial artist. Musin’s hand moved slowly.

The moving hand created dozens of afterimages, each making a different motion and targeting Lee Seong-min.

“That is, when it comes to disciplining you.”

I wanted to at least applaud. Musin was a complete idiot and a complete idiot. If I stay still, how high will my nose rise?

It would have been quite fun to watch, but Lee Seong-min was in too bad a mood to do so.

I was so hot that I forgot about it, but it hadn’t even been thirty minutes since Lee Seong-min submerged himself in the poop bucket and got out.

I was already in a bad mood because of that, but Wu Xin’s remarks about Sima Lianzhu’s death were the same as pouring oil on a burning flame.


Seongmin Lee muttered in a low voice. Dozens of remnants created by the god of war moved with definite power.

Against dozens of types of martial arts, Lee Seong-min used a newly created spear. The sound of Gucheonmugeukchang fills my mind. Jahashingong and Heukreubeoncheon’s gugyeol moved the internal attack.


There was a small sound. It was the sound of a spear being struck once. The head of the spear extended far away collided with the fist of the afterimage created by the god of martial arts.

The afterimage of the fist disappeared, helplessly, as if it should have been. Feeling a little resistance, Seongmin Lee stretched his foot one step forward.

The window went out that much further.

Bub bub buk.

All afterimages disappeared.


Mushin made that sound without even realizing it.


Lately, there was the sound of a wall exploding. At that moment, Musin suddenly twisted his upper body. Some of the self-defense techniques have disappeared.

Even though it wasn’t a direct contact but just a brush, Musin’s body spun around. Musin gritted his teeth and kicked the air.

Lee Seong-min did not back down against the approaching warrior. The lowered window moved leisurely.


When the current struck, the spear was flying towards the front.


A loud roar shook the heavens and earth. The formless spear disappeared, and the martial god’s body was pushed all the way back.

The self-defense force that had been formed shook greatly. Musin looked at Lee Seong-min with a stern expression, surprised by the heavy feel of his blow.

At that time, Seongmin Lee was holding a new intangible spear and jumping towards the god of martial arts. He wasn’t very fast, but he couldn’t avoid it.

Before Musin could react, Lee Seong-min’s attack began. With a single swing of the spear, hundreds of powerful forces covered the space.

“bloke… … !”

Musin’s eyes brightened. A wide-open field swept through the space. The spatial axis was twisted by the power of Martial God.

Damn it!

A black crack was carved between Lee Seong-min and Musin, and Lee Seong-min’s attack disappeared through the gap. Mushin’s hair rose upward.

“Such a yoma power!”



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Lee Seong-min muttered in a low voice in response to Musin’s words. It was a statement that did not need to be denied or refuted.

As Musin says, the power that Lee Seong-min uses is the power of a demon. It is a violent force, not pure inner strength, and Lee Seong-min’s achievements are not entirely due to individual efforts, but are due to repeated luck, coincidence, and fate.

I don’t particularly think it’s something to be ashamed of. It is true that he had no talent.

I struggled with my lack of talent and obtained the power I have today through several layers of protection, coincidence, fate, and luck.

“But don’t ignore it.”

What’s a little unpleasant is that Mu Xin is still ignoring him. Seongmin Lee let go of the spear he was holding in his hand.

“It is true that it is the power of a demon, but… … “It’s not that there is a lack of martial principles.”

A purple electric current wrapped around Seongmin Lee’s body.

“Or has it been 10 years since you forgot?”

Maybe you simply can’t think about it. Because Musin doesn’t know Lee Seong-min. If so, just let me know.

Lee Seong-min’s toes bounced lightly. The floating body was wrapped in purple electric current.

‘ah… … .’

This… … Martial God’s eyes shook greatly. He knows this. Before I knew it, Musin was standing at the center of the storm.

The entire landscape of the world was distorted. What made up the storm were countless lightning bolts.

Musin quickly turned his head and looked at his surroundings. It was to find Lee Seong-min, but he was not visible.

All that is visible is lightning that fills the space.


A voice was heard from far away.


The lightning bolt collided with the god of war. Musin took a deep breath and raised his self-defense strength to its peak.

A bright blue light protected the martial arts body. The thunderstorm has only just begun. The lightning that exploded one after another was aimed at the god of war.


Musin shouted and raised his right hand high. I remembered something from 10 years ago.

It’s the same as back then. No, it’s not the same.

That was not Sima Lianzhu himself, and the martial god was not the martial god of 10 years ago. The closing after the humiliating victory raised martial arts to a higher level.


The thunderbolt that Martial God sent collided with the lightning of Ten Thousand Thunders. The thunderbolts scattered. Musin turned on the light in his eyes and jumped into the storm.

In it, Lee Seong-min smiled. He put both his hands forward as if welcoming the jumping warrior.

A small sphere was created between Lee Seong-min’s hands. The purple sphere grew in size as it absorbed vital energy.

The power that filled the sphere moved and swirled without stopping. Every time it happened, there was a crackling sound and a surge of electricity. Lee Seong-min, with his eyes wide open, fired a sphere at Musin, who was throwing his first punch.


The greatly enlarged sphere filled Mushin’s field of vision.

“Sometimes… … !”

Mushin threw his fist.


A bead of light exploded. Martial God’s body was pushed by a huge force. Seongmin Lee laughed as he saw that.

A gale of trust is destroyed.

Seongmin Lee’s body became a beam of lightning. Musin took a deep breath and reorganized his self-defense skills.

But Lee Seong-min’s attack was faster than that.


An intangible window was stamped on top of the unfinished self-defense device. Mushin pursed his lips. Lee Seong-min’s spear shot forward, following the body of Musin who was being pushed backwards.

‘It’s different from back then.’

Musin gritted his teeth and thought as he watched the flying spear. The taste of blood rising from my throat was fishy. The fishy taste sharply awakened Musin’s spirit.

Musin’s hand was directed towards his chest. A halo glowed behind him and intangible hands formed.

It looked as if the Thousand-Armed Tathagata had spread out all its arms.

Musin believed in himself. It was impossible 10 years ago, but not now. Through 10 years of closure, Wu Xin escaped from the shadow of Sima Lianzhu that had been bothering him and surpassed him.

For 10 years, endlessly, continuously, without stopping. I have been thinking back and imagining the fight in the snow field 10 years ago.

Always stuck at the end. I tried to understand Sima Lianju’s methods. If I were in that situation again, I wondered if I would be able to kill Sima Lianzhu.

I kept looking for an answer.

The left arm that was cut off by Sima Lianju. Throughout the decade, during his closing days, Musin felt a sharp pain in his left arm.

It hurt like I had an arm that didn’t exist. When I finished closing and left Amdong. Musin sought the answer he was longing for. He felt no pain in his left arm.

So, it’s different. It has to be different. He answered, overcame, and grew.


Puff puff poop!

The Heavenly Armed Tathagata collapses. Blood splattered between tightly closed lips. Musin waved his hands as if struggling.

The space split and blue light emanated from the front. Lee Seong-min did not back down despite the brutal baptism of force.

The shapeless spear he held extinguished the strength of the martial god with a simple movement. Mushin’s cheek muscles trembled convulsively. That can’t be possible.

That guy is not even a Sima Lianju.

‘I, the answer… … .’

My left arm hurt.

It hurt like my left arm, which wasn’t even there, was burning. It hurt like it was being torn apart or shattered. The pain shook Musin’s heart. It couldn’t be like this.

I don’t know.

Was Sima Lianju dead in the first place?

The doubts I felt during the closing process suddenly disappeared. When asked by a psychic whether he had sought an answer, Mushin answered ‘in his own way.’

I had no choice but to give that answer. What can I say when I couldn’t find the right answer?

He still didn’t understand Sima Lianju’s methods, and even in his imagination, he couldn’t defeat Sima Lianju. Yes, he just ran away without being able to give an answer.

After 10 years of closure, Mushin did not achieve anything great. It was true that he had achieved a little, but it was only this much.

Musin held his breath as he looked at the purple electric current that covered the entire area and the laughing face of Lee Seong-min beyond it. What is in front of you is not the Sima training technique.

That made Mushin even more miserable.

“I-I…” … .”

Musin’s face distorted.

The mask I had built with self-esteem was being shattered.


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