Worthless Regression Chapter 406

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Episode 408 93. Dragon (5)

I opened my closed eyes.

Yana looked ahead with a blank expression. The water mist was damp. She lifted herself up and looked around her.

I don’t have any memories since I entered Demonyeongjeong. Yana was quite embarrassed by that, but what surprised her even more was the presence of Lee Seong-min next to her.

Yana was startled and took a step back.


Seongmin Lee smiled bitterly and raised his hand to greet Yana. Yana blinked her eyes and looked blankly at Lee Seong-min’s face.

There were a lot of things I wanted to ask.

Why are you here?

What happened?

Before Yana could ask about it, Seongmin Lee folded his raised hand. A small bead of light was formed.


Seongmin Lee didn’t say much. Rather than telling, he figured it would be better to show.

The beads were headed towards Yana. Yana stretched out her hand with a puzzled expression and took the bead.

“… … ah.”

And Yana’s expression hardened.

Seongmin Lee passed on some of his memories to Yana. In that memory, there were answers to everything Yana wanted to ask.

Yana’s shoulders trembled. She knew what had happened.

Jennyella attacks the forest, Heoju, Heoju… … .

“ah… … iced coffee… … .”

Yana covered her face with both hands. Lee Sung-min sighed as he looked at Yana sobbing and crying.


He thought of Heo Joo, who had left, and cursed. Now that I think about it, Heo Joo… … As he left, he didn’t say anything to Yana.

It was a Heoju-like thing to do. In the relationship between Heoju and Yana, Yana was always blind.

Heoju did not show any emotions to the blind Yana, and did not leave any words to Yana as he disappeared.

So, Lee Seong-min couldn’t say anything. Even if he wanted to comfort Jana, who was crying on her knees, he didn’t have the qualifications.

“resentment… … summer solstice… … No, no… … .”

Yana, who was sobbing, opened her mouth. Yana hung her head as she spoke, her voice breaking from tears.

“He… … Because it was what I wanted. Me, me. “I’m not greedy.”

Still, the tears didn’t stop. pup. Lee Seong-min once again cursed at Heo Joo, who was not listening.

Still, since it’s the last time, it would be nice if you left something to say.

“Satisfaction… … “Did you do it?”

Yana lifted her head from her lowered position. Her beautiful face was covered with tears.

Yana swallowed a sniffle and rubbed the area around her eyes with the back of her hand.

“He… … Until the end, were you satisfied? … ?”

“… … yes.”

Seongmin Lee answered by nodding his head. Yana already knew about that.

In the memory that Lee Seong-min showed, there was also the sound of Heo-joo’s laughter, excited by expectations for the future.

Nevertheless, Yana had no choice but to ask that question. I wanted to get some kind of confirmation.

Heo-ju is not displeased with the fact that he did not leave any words to her as he left. He did not even think that his situation was miserable.

He was like that… … It was a monster. He does as he pleases, without consideration for others. still… … still.

I knew it.

In the first place, Heoju didn’t even remember Yana. Saving Yana, who was a helpless fox, was an insignificant event for Heoju.

It was just a small good deed that I did depending on my mood that day. Yana was the only one who cherished it as if it were her great relationship.

“then… … are you okay… … .”

It’s not okay.

Why isn’t it me? That resentment existed even if I wasn’t conscious of it. Why didn’t he save me like he saved that person?

Why why… … Yana chewed her lower lip. She suppressed the ugly thoughts she had.

Although Heoju did not leave a word. Yana did not blame him.

He did not show his jealousy towards Lee Seong-min in front of him. Because I knew that Heo Joo did not want that. Yana bowed her head again.

And I cried again.

[I don’t understand.]

After being told that it was okay, Lee Seong-min left Maryeongjeong alone. The demon muttered into Lee Seong-min’s head.

[Wouldn’t it have been better to leave without saying anything?]

‘I’m sorry.’

[What do you have to be sorry about? Heo Joo left without saying anything. Why are you wasting your emotions by getting caught between the two of them?]

‘I did it because I wanted to. Don’t give a shit for nothing. ‘Before I separate it and leave.’

[You’re doing it too much.]

‘You are of no help to me now. Or at least give me something like Mystiltein.’

When I asked that, the demon spirit laughed in my head.

[There is no way something like that can happen again.]

Seongmin Lee ignored the devil’s words and prepared to move through space. While searching through his memories, Lee Seong-min’s expression hardened slightly.

‘No coordinates?’

There are no coordinates for Sleeping Forest. I searched my memories again, but the spatial coordinates of the village near Sleeping Forest did not exist in Kayserod’s memories.

I tried riding a fairy horse, but the fairy horse was not summoned. It seemed that Osla had stolen the fairy horse from Lee Seong-min while talking to the demon spirit.

“You seem very angry.”

Seongmin Lee smiled bitterly as he thought of the people he left behind in the forest. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a way.



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Although it is a bit far away, there is a city nearby. Seongmin Lee aimed for that place and moved through space.

[Amazing… … .]

The demon was amazed by the perfectly unfolded spatial movement. Although he understood most of what happened to Lee Seong-min, he couldn’t help but be amazed to see him handle Yong-Eon magic so perfectly.

[What happened to you was not my intention. This… … Should I call it a coincidence or a miracle? It was a black heart given to you to turn you into a slaughter predator… … .]

Seongmin Lee ignored the demon’s muttering and entered the city. Why don’t you go straight to the forest? The demon asked.

To meet Wijihoyeon, you must enter the Sleeping Forest. I honestly doubted whether I would be able to enter the space where Wijihoyeon was, but that meant I had no choice but to go to the forest.

‘I have work to do.’

The more I thought about Wijihoyeon, the more my heart throbbed. He felt just as at a loss as he had when preparing for his fight with Jeniel Ra.

In fact, the situation was worse now. When preparing for the fight with Jennyella, there were still things that could be done.

By feasting on Aine’s heart, she strengthened her body, received Osla’s protection, and received help from her friends in the forest.

But this time there is nothing.

If possible, I want to avoid fighting with Wijihoyeon. impossible. Wijihoyeon, who is connected to the spirit… … If you don’t leave it alone, it will move towards the disaster of the end. In fact, at this point, Wijihoyeon has already become an apocalyptic disaster.

“Stupid bastard.”

Seongmin Lee muttered as he walked down the street. These were the words he spoke to the demon spirit. Although he was immediately criticized, the devil was unable to refute it.

Just because it was a demonic spirit, I didn’t expect this situation. Just because something is arranged doesn’t mean everything will go as planned.

Ma-ryeong did her best to refine Wijihoyeon. She endowed her with her absurd talents and gave her the destiny of supremacy. Wijihoyeon grew as planned.

I just couldn’t check all the variables and respond. The appearance of the Slaughter Predator was earlier than expected.

And I wasted Mystiltein in vain. It all piled up and created this result.

Because the Queen of Spirits could not be destroyed quickly, she was left struggling, and due to the sudden dimensional connection, Wijihoyeon fell into a dimensional gap.

In the end, it was because of the devil’s incompetence. Seongmin Lee ignored the demon that did not object and grabbed the key he had put in his arms.

I heard from the devil what this key was. However, there was no way for Lee Seong-min to use this key, at least for now.

Originally, the fact that this key fell into the hands of a reincarnated person was one of the biggest errors in this world.

[I was the one who made that error.]

Is this a protest against being criticized as incompetent? The devil said, not missing her opportunity.

‘Then what do you do? ‘I can’t use it right now.’

The demon fell silent again. Seongmin Lee stopped his steps. He looked around and thought for a moment.

The demon spirit, who had been silent, couldn’t figure it out so he asked a question.

[What are you trying to do?]

‘You’re picking.’

Now Lee Seong-min was standing in the middle of a street lined with inns. As he looked at the rows of inns, he began to seriously consider which one to enter.

[Are you trying to rest before going to the forest? It doesn’t matter anywhere… … .]

‘No, it’s not a break.’

Of course, I also felt the need for rest. I didn’t think I would gain anything from meditating now, but I felt like I had to do it again with the feeling that it was the last time.

[Meditation is important. The being who created the Temple of Destruction and was the first human to reach the absolute realm threw off the bonds of mortality through deep meditation.]

‘I don’t know what kind of world he is, but I can’t do it.’

Opening a closed mind does not mean that you have tremendous talent. In fact, Lee Seong-min’s open understanding is not much better than Wi Ji-ho-yeon’s understanding at the age of 13.

13-year-old Wi Ji-ho-yeon modified the Gucheon Dancer’s Spear to fit Lee Seong-min, but the change in the shape of the Gucheon Dancer’s spear while Lee Seong-min was fighting Jennyella was only to that extent.

Still, Seongmin Lee has knowledge.

“I decided.”

After much deliberation, I chose an inn. Seongmin Lee took a deep breath and entered the inn.

The reason for deciding it was nothing special. This was because the behavior of the guests coming and going from this inn was neater and more luxurious than other inns.

“I will stay overnight.”

Saying that to the innkeeper who approached him, Lee Seong-min paid for the room. The innkeeper tried to lead the way to the room, but Seongmin Lee shook his head. He has work to do before that.

“… … “Where is the bathroom?”

I had to keep the promise I made to Heo Joo.

* * *

“Is it this place?”

Musin muttered with a solemn expression. He looked at the city’s tall gates and placed his back with his only hand. Wolhu stood next to Mushin and slightly nodded his head.

“yes. “This city is where the disaster of the end that my brother spoke of is hidden.”

At those words, Mushin clenched his fists and nodded his head. The medium she had been traveling with all along was not here with her today.

The medium said that it was the will of the spirit, and the god of martial arts did not doubt that.

“Where in that big city is he?”

“Don’t be impatient, Mushin. “You don’t even have to go out and look for it.”

Wolhu bowed his head slightly and said.

“If you unleash its power, it will emerge to attack you from there.”

“… … hmm… … .”

Mushin felt his heart pounding a little. Closed training after being defeated by Sima Lianju.

After being closed for 10 years, Musin returned to the world, but he has yet to fight a proper opponent.

Even though he practiced to defeat Jong-geon, he was still displeased with the fact that he could not face the disaster of Jong-geon.

I wanted to fight the spirit queen. I also wanted to fight the Vampire Queen. I couldn’t do what I wanted.

The medium who heard the voice of the spirit always poured cold water on the warrior’s fighting spirit. It’s not time yet. Musin could not refute the medium’s words.

But not today. The psychic gave permission for the fight. Finally, the disaster of the end can be defeated. Musin drew strength from anticipation.

“… … “You said you were a disciple of Ilcheoni, right?”

Who would have thought that a good relationship between a teacher and a student would lead to the disaster of the end. As Musin muttered, Wolhu nodded his head.

“yes. Don’t let down your guard, Mushin. “If he was 10 years ago, he would never be your enemy, but in the past 10 years, the Demon Emperor’s disciple has become a monster who has deviated from the human path.”

“Then I have to kill him even more.”

Musin exhaled with force.

“Abandoning martial arts and becoming intoxicated with the power of a miscellaneous youma… … “A thousand dead people will wail in the underworld.”


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