Worthless Regression Chapter 378

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Episode 380 89. Advent (5)

There was silence.

It had to be that way. The Queen’s disappearance was so strange that anyone could see it.

In the first place, Lee Seong-min’s misdeeds were not enough to lead to the queen’s extinction, and among those present, there was no one who led the queen’s disappearance.

Lloyd and Scarlett didn’t use magic, and it wasn’t the Spear King, the Black Dragon, or Baek Sogo attacking.

Even the queen herself was embarrassed by her disappearance. why me. The words the queen stammered just before extinction.

Spirit… … Lee Seong-min chewed his lower lip.

The queen before extinction called upon the divine spirit. As if the current extinction was caused by a divine spirit.

Seongmin Lee immediately opened his senses. He was mentally tired from performing martial arts, but now was not the time to worry about such things.

What if the queen’s disappearance was caused by a divine spirit? The gods are using the gods as puppets. Perhaps, a martial god may be in this forest.

‘… … doesn’t exist… … .’

I searched the surroundings through the widely expanded opening, but I could not sense the presence of Mushin.

Didn’t Martial God come in person?

Did the spirits forcibly intervene like during the Sima Lianzhu period? why?

can not understand. The reason why the spirit intervened during the time of Sima Lianju was because the power of Sima Lianju reached an area that was not allowed in this world.

There was no reason for a god to intervene in this matter. What the spirits wanted was the end, and the descending spirit queen was functioning as one of the disasters of the end.

Even if defeated, is there any reason for the spirit to personally come forward and destroy the queen?

[Maybe you were thinking about becoming stronger?]

‘I had no intention of feasting on it in the first place.’

If I were to feast on a spirit body the size of a spirit queen, my body would not be able to withstand it.

This was confirmed several times by Scarlett and Lloyd, who compared the bodies of Aine and Lee Sung-min.

The structure of the body is different, and the current Lee Seong-min has reached the limit of growth due to predation.

[You may have had this in mind. You are not part of the fate of the end, and the spirits cannot control you. And the Spirit Queen failed. As a spirit, there would have been no reason to keep the spirit queen alive.]

I knew what Heoju meant.

If this world ends completely due to the apocalypse anyway, a new spirit queen will appear in the new world.

In this world that repeats itself over and over again, the Queen of Spirits is not that important.

‘Is the spirit conscious of me?’

[that… … It’s a little strange. If he is conscious of you, sees you as a hindrance, and is concerned about becoming stronger by feasting on the Queen of Spirits… … Wouldn’t it be better to go out and kill you myself?]

I couldn’t believe that I didn’t have the strength to do that.

[Perhaps it is because you are not part of destiny that the spirits cannot intervene directly.]

Nothing was certain. Seongmin Lee chewed his lower lip and looked down at the spot where the Queen of Spirits disappeared.

“I need to know.”

Lloyd opened his mouth.

He suddenly sat down in his seat. Then he placed Greis on his lap, stretched out his hand, and placed it on the cover of Grees.

Lloyd said, looking down at Gries with narrowed eyes.

“We have too little information. “The Spirit Queen should not have disappeared just a moment ago.”

“It wasn’t suicide.”

King Chang muttered. He was feeling regretful inside. He thought he could fight more happily and for longer. The fight ended too easily. No, King Chang didn’t even think that what was just now was a fight.

“It is undoubtedly true that the Spirit Queen has disappeared. It’s not a bad thing, it’s actually a good thing. With this, this world is once again one step away from the end. “The Spirit Queen, the closest disaster, has disappeared.”

“Should we call it a disaster at that level?”

King Chang chuckled. Then the Black Dragon Hyeop next to him rolled his eyes.

“I was lucky. The situation was good too. If only Socheonma hadn’t run rampant in the spirit world. And if only he had not cut off the spirit kings who descended first one after another. “If we had not predicted, prepared and waited for her Queen’s arrival, she would have been a disaster.”

King Chang did not refute the words of the Black Dragon Association, but clicked his tongue.

“That’s not fun.”

King Chang muttered that and sat down. Even though she had overcome the disaster of being the queen of spirits, no one was happy about her.

I knew that this was not the end of all things, and there were too many questions about the disappearance of the Spirit Queen.

Lloyd wanted to find the answer. Gries looks at past and present events.

If it were an event that involved the descent and disappearance of the Queen of Spirits, it would have undoubtedly been captured in Gries as well.

Lloyd closed his eyes and concentrated. Gries demanded that he sacrifice his life.

I was used to it.

Lloyd estimated his remaining lifespan.

I didn’t think it was a waste. If she had been a vessel that felt regretful about sacrificing her life, Abel would not have handed Gries over to Lloyd.

Lloyd ignored his remaining lifespan. Show me. Gries hummed and vibrated. Lloyd’s consciousness rose.

It’s not that far from here.

Outside of Sleeping Forest.

Someone is standing beyond the barrier. A man wearing yellow long sleeves. And next to him was a blind woman… … A woman wearing a white military uniform.

They destroyed the spirit queen. Lloyd’s eyes brightened. He immediately used his magic to show everyone what he had just seen.

Seongmin Lee looked at it with a pale, tired face.

The man in the yellow long robe was a military god. He couldn’t tell who the woman next to him with her eyes closed was.

However, King Chang and the Black Dragon Association were able to guess who she was.

“That… … “Are you a psychic?”

Although the two had once belonged to Cheonoecheon, it was their first time seeing a psychic in person.

Seongmin Lee looked intently at the face of the elf wearing military uniform. It was a face I saw somewhere.

As I searched my memory, I was able to recall that face. The number of elves that Seongmin Lee has met in person is not that many.

‘Hunting leader.’

Levias, the daughter of Gwon Jon. She was with Mushin.

“They are beyond the barrier.”



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King Chang suddenly stood up. He turned around, grabbing his spear with excited eyes. The Black Dragon Association quickly reached out and grabbed the King of Spear’s shoulder.

“What are you trying to do?”

“I’m going to take revenge for what happened 10 years ago.”

“crazy. “Don’t be hasty.”

“What do you mean by hasty? Have you already forgotten the humiliation of 10 years ago? The humiliation of not being able to do anything about the one-armed warrior, even though you and I worked together together! “Now is the opportunity to avenge that.”

“So, there’s no need to get revenge now.”

The Black Dragon Association shot back with a frustrated expression. Seongmin Lee pursed his lips and looked at Mushin’s appearance.

Musin hasn’t changed much from what it was 10 years ago. Blood dripped from his tightly clenched fist.

Like Xinryeong, Musin was an enemy who personally killed Sima Lianju.

“Are you confident you can handle it?”

The Black Dragon Association asked while glaring at the Spear King. Those words were not just directed to King Chang. This was also what I was saying to Lee Seong-min.

“We just had a fight. “You seem to be doing pretty well, but someone else is exhausted.”

Mugeuk is a skill that even Lee Seong-min cannot fully demonstrate today. In fact, Lee Seong-min was so exhausted that he could not swing the spear properly.

“It is clear that through ten years of penance, you and I have reached a higher level than before. But do you think Musin was really idle for a while during our 10 years of penance? King Chang, that is not what you acknowledged. “Your inaction now is equivalent to your inaction 10 years ago.”

King Chang’s face distorted at those words. He tried to refute something, but the Black Dragon Association did not give him the chance to do so.

“I am not as advanced as you. Even if you and I attack together, we probably won’t be able to defeat Musin. And don’t forget this. “The god of war is receiving help from the spirits.”


Lee Seong-min let out a suffocated breath. The boiling emotions calm down. Wu Xin is the enemy of Sima Lian Zhou. He has no intention of forgetting it.

If, if. If I can’t calm my desire for revenge now and attack Musin, what will be the result?

Lee Seong-min is currently in a state where he cannot fight properly. Changwang, Black Dragon, Baeksogo. And Scarlett and Lloyd.

Will they alone be able to push back against the martial arts gods? Recalls the strange memories of the Moon Palace.

Levias went to meet Wolhu after killing the scattered flesh and executioners. And the spirit.

“… … There is no need to clash with the god of war right now.”

“He is your teacher’s enemy.”

King Chang looked at Lee Seong-min with a sullen expression. Seongmin Lee stood up, supporting Lloyd.

“… … Enemies will be avenged. However, as the Black Dragon Association said, fighting the Martial God now is very risky.”

Don’t be swayed by emotions. Seongmin Lee summoned a fairy horse while giving himself a hint.

King Chang looked reluctant, but he did not insist any longer. Baek So-go came to Lee Seong-min’s side and supported Lloyd.

“… … “Good job, priest.”

“I didn’t do anything special.”


Scarlett frowned.

“What’s wrong with the atmosphere? You can be honestly happy. The ending was a bit shady and dark, but we just saved the world. no?”

But everyone was sagging. Scarlett kicked the dirt with her feet and spat out.

“None of us died doing such a great thing. We’ve been very successful in preventing one of the apocalyptic plagues. Even if it means just putting a spoon in someone’s half-dead mess!”

“yes. “So it’s not fun.”

King Chang grumbled. Scarlett glared at Lee Seong-min, ignoring King Chang’s words.

“When I get back, I’m going to have a drinking party.”

Promise. Scarlett raised her little finger and held it out to Lee Sung-min.

“If you think about it, it’s unfair. We went through so much trouble to save the world, but people in the world don’t even know that we did such a great thing. So what should I do? We should celebrate among ourselves. If you go, have a drink and enjoy. “Even if it’s just for one night, don’t think about anything complicated or difficult, just talk excitedly and encourage each other by saying, ‘Thank you everyone for your hard work.’”

“… … All right.”

Lee Seong-min nodded his head with a bitter smile at Scarlett’s words.

* * *

“Do I need to go in?”

Musin asked as he looked at the barrier blocking the entrance to the forest. Beside him, Levias was looking inside the barrier with a dull expression.

Her consciousness was eaten by Wolhu, and although she had the body of Levias, her mind was that of Wolhu.

I liked the well-trained elf’s body much more than my previous body.

“There is no need for that. “Everything is already over.”

“Are you saying that the Spirit Queen has disappeared?”


The psychic next to Musin nodded his head and said. At those words, Mushin’s eyebrows twitched slightly.

I didn’t feel comfortable. It was the God of War’s job to destroy the Queen of Spirits who had descended due to the disaster of the end.

“Don’t be too offended.”

The psychic spoke to Musin. She can’t see. Instead, the medium was seeing something else.

The psychic smiled as he watched Lee Seong-min and his group escape the forest on a fairy horse.

“Didn’t they also say it was the disaster of the end? Wouldn’t it be better to kill them at this opportunity?”

“No, Musin. It doesn’t have to be that way. It is better to suppress poison with poison. The plagues of the apocalypse are fighting with each other and wasting their strength. “Musin, you just have to step forward at the most certain moment.”

“There’s no need to… … .”

“The Holy Spirit is hoping for a definite conclusion.”

“Does the spirit not believe in me?”

“It can’t be. Your power is already enough to end the apocalypse. but… … In the picture that the Spirit paints, you should not fight them yet.”

It is not yet harvest time. Do not harvest even though it is not ripe enough. The spirit wearing the mask of a medium smiled.

“Please step back.”

The medium bowed his head slightly.

You stupid human being.

After swallowing that ridicule.


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