Worthless Regression Chapter 348

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Episode 350 83. Mountain (2)

I ignored the smell. The reason why Lee Seong-min’s eyebrows furrowed was because of the words King Chang uttered.

Let’s have a quick fight. I knew that King Chang was a person with such tendencies, but even so, it was sudden.

“Why should I fight with you?”

“Because it’s been a while.”

As King Chang said that, he smiled, showing his yellow teeth.

“I couldn’t win a fight with you. “I lost interest halfway through and quit.”

“Are you trying to reach a conclusion now that you couldn’t reach then?”

“I rolled around like a dog on this mountain for 10 years. Even though we joined forces with the Black Dragon Association, we were unable to do anything about the one-armed and exhausted Martial God. Rather, we were pushed back. “If I hadn’t endured the humiliation and run away, I would have been killed by the god of war at that time.”

King Chang’s eyes sparkled as he spoke like that.

Ten years ago, what happened in the north remained the greatest humiliation of King Chang’s life.

I’ve never done anything called joint work in my life. Even though they gave up their pride and joined forces to buy time, they were unable to defeat the military gods.

“Before I attacked the God of War, I saw the battle of your teacher, the Demon Emperor. I felt like I had my eyes opened. Everything I had learned my whole life felt like child’s play. I trained for 10 years on this mountain to achieve that level of martial arts, but I am still far from the Demon Emperor. “I think I will know for sure if I fight with you, who studied directly with the Demon Emperor.”

“But is there really a reason to fight?”

“I have not yet seen the end of nothingness. So the world shouldn’t fall apart. but… … But that doesn’t necessarily mean I need to help you, does it? “If you want my help, I have to make you want to help.”

King Chang said with a chuckle. Black Dragon Hyeop clicked his tongue and shook his head as he looked at the Chang King’s back.

[There is no way to avoid it.]

Heoju chuckled. Seongmin Lee said with a sigh.

“All right. Instead, let’s do this: “Just try it in moderation.”

“Are you scared?”

“It can’t possibly be like that. “There is nothing to be gained by killing him, so let’s make a promise in advance.”

“It must feel like you just finished pooping.”

“and… … It seems difficult to fight right now. “Aren’t you quite tired too?”

“One day, no, half a day is enough. “If you eat, drink, and have some luck, you will feel fine.”

King Chang said that and slumped down in his seat. Seongmin Lee turned his head to ask for agreement from Yana and Baek Sogo. When their eyes met, Yana spoke first.

“If you are in a situation where you will die, I will intervene.”

Even though Baek Sogo didn’t say it, he was thinking of doing so. King Chang sat down and opened the subspace pocket without paying attention to the gaze of those around him.

He took out a lot of food and water from inside and swallowed the saliva that filled his mouth.

This was because I had not been able to eat a decent meal in recent years due to the restrictions on eating during my penance on this mountain.

But before that. King Chang took out his mirror and looked at his own face. The Black Dragon Association, perhaps curious about what kind of appearance it had, sat down next to the King of Spears and looked in the mirror. Then the King of Chang frowned and pushed the Black Dragon.

“Don’t come any closer. “It smells like poop.”

“It’s the smell that comes from the top of your head.”

“It must be the smell coming from your lips.”

It seemed like we had become very close friends over the past 10 years. For all that, the gazes they directed at each other were filled with murderous intent.

In the end, they couldn’t stand each other’s bad smell and jumped up from their seats.

“Let’s take a shower and eat.”

“I agree.”

The two headed towards the waterfall to take a bath together. Meanwhile, Lee Seong-min also sat down and crossed his legs.

Although he ended up fighting King Chang, Lee Seong-min also thought it was a good thing.

[It can also be compared to the god of war.]

King Chang and the Black Dragon Association have experience fighting against the God of War. If you fight him, you will know for sure what level you are at.

As promised, half a day later, King Chang finished his fortune-telling breakfast and woke up. After half a day, the body, which had been very skinny, came back to normal.

It was proof that King Chang had complete control over his body. He took out his spear, which had been placed on one side, and broke his bones.

On top of that, we went down the mountain as Mushi guided us. Even though it was ‘moderately’, if there was a fight on the mountain, there was a risk that the mountain itself would collapse.

“The 10 years we spent together are different.”

Standing on a wide plain, King Chang muttered.

“Your prayers from 10 years ago were incomplete and summary. now… … It’s not perfect, but the gist of it has actually increased. “It doesn’t even look like a human.”

“Because that’s how it happened.”

“Are you saying you have become a complete yoma? Aside from that, he seems to be in good spirits… … Hehe, it doesn’t matter. “It seems certain that you have become stronger.”

Just as King Chang felt the change in Lee Seong-min, Lee Seong-min also felt the same thing. King Chang’s prayer was sharper than 10 years ago. A warrior of the rank of King Chang practiced asceticism on this mountain for 10 years.

Although it is said that the higher one’s inaction, the more difficult it is to advance to a higher level, the 10 years that King Chang spent successfully led him to a higher level than before.

Seongmin Lee grabbed a new spear. It won’t be smashed this time. If it is destroyed this time, Selgerus will not be able to see it again.


King Chang divided the polearm into two and held it in both hands.

King Chang jumped in without even having a ceremony. His steps quickly surpassed the distance between them, and the two spears of different lengths held in both hands tore through the space.

The movements of the King of Chang were clearly visible to Seongmin Lee.

A movement never seen before. Such speed. The trajectory of a spear digging in. Lee Seong-min’s spear moved in the most efficient and threatening direction against the Spear King’s attacks, which came from two directions and merged into one.


The windows hit each other with a dull sound.


Immediately the adjacent windows slide against each other. King Chang twisted his arms flexibly.

His spear occupied space in an instant. At this moment, what the Spear King was wielding could no longer be called a spear.

There was a crackle and a surge of electricity.

The gale of trust surpassed space. Kwakagagak! The place where King Chang swung his spear.

The place where Lee Seong-min was standing a moment ago was torn apart by an intangible spear. At that moment, Lee Seong-min was behind Changwang.

The King of Spears felt the sharp sting of the tip of the spear and burst out laughing. He jerked, turned his body, and swung his spear sharply.

The spear he swung tore through the purple electric current. The javelin fired beyond that was aimed at Lee Seong-min’s chest.



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There was nothing to do in self-defense. Lee Seong-min adjusted his long spear and swung it briefly.

Lee Seong-min lowered his posture after throwing away the Spear King’s javelin. Each spear has the power to easily cause death.

It is not wasted and scattered in each window.

My heart was pounding and racing. The raw magical power exploded out and spread throughout the entire body.

My whole body felt hot. It has transformed into a monster and its sharp teeth are itchy.

I was hoping for more powerful muscles. This is not someone to hesitate. Seongmin Lee allowed physical violence.


A powerful force vibrated within my body. Lee Seong-min’s body sticking out from a short distance away became a terrible act of violence in itself.

The Spear King crossed his two spears and held them out in front of him. The collision pushed Changwang’s body backwards.

King Chang laughed loudly. The presence of the King of Chang trembles. The two spears he held became the Spear King himself.

The Shinchang unification that threatened Lee Seong-min 10 years ago has unfolded more menacingly and completely than then.


I see things I couldn’t see 10 years ago. Shinchang Hapil. I knew for sure. At least in the field of spears, Lee Seong-min has not yet reached the level of a spear king.

Even if the body is one of massacre and predation, the group of Lee Seong-min who handles it is still not up to the level of King Chang.

But you can respond. Because it is visible. Two spears created a storm.

Against an offensive attack with no room for penetration, Lee Seong-min jumped in without hesitation.


The fastest thunderbolt among the nine heavenly martial arts spears. It goes faster, and more power and confusion are added. Space becomes distorted.

The pressure of the powerful, powerful God stretched out and tightened the Spear King’s spear. Baaaaang! Torn air bursts out. Each other’s spears bounced back.

[Technique is not enough for you.]

Heoju advised. If you try to compete with technique, you will only be swayed by the Chang King. Lee Seong-min is definitely ahead of Changwang.

Physical strength.

Endless magical power and strength.

That creates speed and power. Even if it is a monotonous herbivore that cannot be fooled, it shoots at a speed that you can never avoid.

King Chang’s expression changed. In fact, he couldn’t avoid it. This is because Lee Seong-min’s spear was too fast.

The Spear King quickly gathered his spear in front of his chest and raised his self-defense skills.


King Chang’s body was pushed backwards. Rather than forcefully holding on, he was pushed back naturally, dissipating the shock.

One after another, Lee Seong-min exploded the magical power gathered at the tip of the spear. The fired force hit King Chang’s whole body.

The Spear King shouted and swung his two spears fiercely. Torn fragments flew in all directions.

Even if he is ahead in terms of body and strength, he is not an opponent that can be overpowered. Lee Seong-min waited for the Spear King’s reaction and held his spear in check.

King Chang looked down at his stiff wrists and smiled, showing his teeth.

“It shouldn’t be appropriate.”

King Chang muttered.


The two spears in each hand began to vibrate. Lee Seong-min’s strange eyes saw an unknown energy entangled in the two spears that had come together.

That’s dangerous. Lee Seong-min’s expression hardened as he felt a tingling sense of crisis. It was just as King Chang said.

Since it started like this, it was impossible to fight moderately and without harming each other. He had to prepare for death against King Chang.

The Spear King’s spear continues to vibrate. Seongmin Lee wondered what to do. If we continue to fight here, one of us might die. If you’re talking about moderation, you should stop at this point.

Even though I knew it. Seongmin Lee did not want to back down. It is said that King Chang saw Sima Lianju’s inaction and practiced it for 10 years.

And Lee Seong-min inherited the power of Samaryeonju. I want to try it. Such a desire bloomed in my heart.

Regardless of the outcome, I want to compete properly with the outstanding martial artist named Changwang.

I want to know what I can do against his spear, which is technically ahead of me and has been used for hundreds of years.

I become the window. The window becomes me.

King Chang muttered to him in a low voice. He awakened it decades ago, and has refined it in the decades since.

And over the past 10 years, we have worked hard to move ahead of everyone else.

Even so, this is my first time using it myself. After a few years, the asceticism performed while wearing a gold garment became mostly meditation rather than body movement.

This is the first time I’m putting the theory I’ve only refined in my head into practice. What moves is neither the body nor the window.

It’s the heart.

The Spear King pushed the spear forward, and Lee Seong-min unfolded the black lightning. Lee Seong-min’s body, entangled in purple electric current, disappeared in space.

King Chang’s eyes could not see Lee Seong-min’s movements. However, he sensuously followed Lee Seong-min’s movements.

It was a little off. The Spear King’s spear pierced the air. Seongmin Lee was right next to him.

If the Spear King’s spear had been a little more accurate, Lee Seong-min would not have been able to avoid the spear.

The surprise didn’t dull my fingertips. Gucheonmugeukchang, Lee Cho-in, Bunroechusal, Roeseom and bloodstreamchusal, and even the desire for blood and meat was added to it.

Even though he uses three types of martial arts at the same time, there is no problem with his internal skills.

Despite movements that exceeded the limits of his body, Lee Seong-min’s muscles did not rupture and his bones did not break.

At this moment, Lee Seong-min’s bones and muscles were flexible and bent like rubber.

Countless changes come from just extending the window once. In response to such an attack, the King of Spears pushed the tip of his spear further into Lee Seong-min without stopping.

It was a scene I remember.

Sima Lianju lost his power due to divine intervention. The attack of the god of war that attacked Sima Lianju.

The seemingly helpless army of Sima Lianju crushed all of the attacks of the martial arts warrior.

Even now.

Seongmin Lee saw his attack being torn apart. He gasped.

The window is pulled back just before it shatters. King Chang’s eyes were bloodshot. He tried to push the spear all the way.


Blood spurted from the Chang King’s mouth. King Chang’s legs, which had been shaking, lost strength.

The Spear King, who had collapsed in his seat, did not let go of the spear he was holding, but was unable to swing it any longer and lowered his head and continued to vomit blood.

“… … Damn it.”

King Chang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand and spat it out.

Lee Seong-min couldn’t understand what was happening and just stared blankly at King Chang.


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