Worthless Regression Chapter 317

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Episode 319 75. Demon King (5)

“haha… … .”

Kim Jong-hyun comes down, letting out a long laugh.

With his black robes fluttering and his red eyes shining, he looked more like the devil than anyone else in the world to the paladins who had come through the rubble of the devastated city and the countless zombie armies. No, the current Kim Jong-hyun was actually the devil.

‘Will the Paladins be helpful?’

The sacred power emitted by the Holy Knights and Priests is a power that is completely opposite to Kim Jong-hyun.

However, if the difference in rank is too large, it will not be accepted.

Kim Jong-hyun immediately took action. Although the difference in rank is large, it is annoying.

Kim Jong-hyun’s hands moved quickly. His long hand, wrapped in magical power, tore through the space, and magic appeared on top of it.


Black flames erupted around Kim Jong-hyun. As the flames connected, they formed a circular ring. It exploded in succession and created a storm of flames.

Dozens of Paladins were caught up in the flames without even being able to scream. Teresa’s face turned white. Kim Jong-hyun, smiling and waving his hands in a storm of fire, was very different from the mindless zombies.

People are killing people with laughter. For Teresa, it was a reality that shattered one of her natural common senses.

Seongmin Lee ran forward. He jumped over the heads of the paladins and slashed his spear at Kim Jong-hyeon. Kim Jong-hyun smiled happily and raised both hands toward Lee Sung-min’s window.

As soon as it was confirmed that the defensive barrier was created, Lee Seong-min’s figure was wrapped in purple electric current.

Lee Seong-min, who came down in an instant with a flurry of confidence, stabbed the spear into Kim Jong-hyun’s empty side.

Just before being pierced, Kim Jong-hyun twisted his body. The spear narrowly grazed his side and tore his robes. Kim Jong-hyun and Lee Seong-min’s eyes met.


Kim Jonghyun muttered.


An enormous weight of pressure pressed down on Lee Seong-min’s shoulders. For a moment, his knees gave out and he almost collapsed, but Lee Seong-min barely withstood the pressure. Allowing it to harden briefly is sufficient. Both of Kim Jong-hyun’s hands were towards Lee Sung-min.


I hear tinnitus ringing in my ears. Five small magic circles covered Lee Seong-min’s body.


Kim Jonghyun whispered.


There was a loud sound that could not be compared to the whispering voice. Kim Jong-hyun took a few steps back when he saw Lee Sung-min caught up in the explosion. The more he goes through battle, the more he grows.

Physical ability, speech, and magical skills. He was gradually becoming accustomed to the sight of the Demon King engaging in battle. It doesn’t matter if it’s temporary.

Kim Jonghyun finished calculating the speed at which he grows and the remaining duration while this spell is maintained.

Even if your growth is slower than expected. Germud’s situation can be completely resolved before the spell ends.

‘The wizard guild leader has lost his power. He doesn’t need to try to kill the Grand Shaman. He only killed the paladins and priests.’

I haven’t decided what to do with Lee Seong-min yet. I’d like to have you as a colleague. That lingering feeling hasn’t gone away yet.

“this guy!”

The paladins attacked. A dazzling white light flowed from the bodies of the Paladins who jumped in, wrapped in the buff magic of the priests.

It’s a gritty light. If it were a low-level undead, it would have been like that. Kim Jonghyun chuckled and swept the air with both hands.

Every time his hand swept through the air, a small magic bullet was created that glowed black.

Magic Missile is a simple magic that does not require casting or magic. Even such magic has enough power to pierce a single person if enough magical power is injected into it.


Hundreds of magic bullets were fired. The Paladins’ armor and shields did not protect them.

The horse that had been pierced by a bullet convulsed and caused the Paladins to fall from their horses, and those Paladins were pierced by bullets again.

“Come to your senses!”

It was only after the archbishop scolded her that Teresa became startled and came to her senses.

She held Rosario with trembling hands.


A bright light burst from Teresa. The Paladins, who were mortally wounded but not dead, staggered to their feet.

Kim Jonghyun nodded his head as he watched the wound heal in an instant.

At least, we had no choice but to acknowledge Teresa’s divine power as a saint.

But it’s not threatening. If you can’t kill someone with a fatal wound, wouldn’t it be okay to kill them instantly? Kim Jonghyun put both his hands together in front of his chest. He smiled as he signed his hand.

Lee Seong-min, who was maintaining his self-defense strength amid repeated explosions, escaped from the blast.

What Lee Seong-min saw was a pile of corpses of the Holy Knights and the horses they were riding, spread out on the floor.

Kim Jong-hyun held out both hands to the priests who hesitated and retreated. The white barrier created by the priests was shattered by the magic fired by Kim Jong-hyun.

The priests, exhausted, vomited blood and collapsed in their seats. Teresa’s eyes were filled with tears as she held her hands together in the center of the back.

‘How long have you lived?’

I was trapped in the explosive barrier for less than a few minutes. In the meantime, most of the Paladins were wiped out. There were less than ten people who survived, including Theos, the leader of the Silver Knights.

The priests also suffered a fatal blow. The Archbishop and Teresa were still standing, but most of the Holy Knights did nothing but sit down and recite prayers in a hoarse voice.

What about the crowd?

There were a lot of corpses. There were so many. Thousands died in a matter of minutes. Because of their large number, they were able to fight zombies, but it was impossible to fight the demon king.

That’s the way it is. Doesn’t it appear a lot in old stories? Only warriors, not armies, can fight the devil.

Someone grabbed Lee Seong-min’s ankle. I took a hard breath and looked down to see a man on the verge of death looking up at Lee Seong-min with bloodshot eyes.

“please… … .”

Although the words did not continue until the end, Lee Seong-min knew what he was expecting from him.

Theos rolled around on the ground, his side torn open. There is no time to hold his wounds and moan. As his divine power shines on him, his wounds regenerate in an instant.

Even if you want to die, you can’t. He stood up unsteadily and rushed towards Kim Jong-hyun again.

The number of paladins was reduced to less than ten, but the priest and Teresa’s light took care of the reduced number of paladins. Such protection allowed him to avoid instant death from Kim Jong-hyun’s attack.

Kim Jong-hyun is Jong-eon’s first disaster.

What Jennyella said was a bit questionable. Because what Kim Jong-Hyun wanted to do was to eventually escape Jong-Eon.

When I first heard what Kim Jong-hyun wanted to do, I thought that Jennyella was saying that because being connected to the Great Demon World was not the end, but it was something close to the end.



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Not now. Regardless of his connection to the demon world, Kim Jong-hyun was the end of the world.

yet again. Theos, who was rolling around with his heart sunken, met the eyes of Lee Seong-min. The priests who rebuilt the collapsed barrier and prayed saw Lee Seong-min. Teresa also saw Lee Sung-min.

know. What are they expecting? What do you hope for, what are you desperate for?

Even if they didn’t know about the end, they were desperate to stop Kim Jong-hyun.


The words the man who held my ankle lingered in my mind. A nickname called Gwichang. I was treated like a mine. Here, Seongmin Lee became a warrior fighting against the devil.

I didn’t feel good about being treated like that. But, he is also desperate. Lee Seong-min was desperate to prevent the end and to stop Kim Jong-hyun.


Heoju warns.

[Close to the limit. The fight with Volander put a lot of pressure on you. And Kim Jonghyun was stronger than you thought. He used too much magical power.]

When I read about the will left by Sima Lianju.

Seongmin Lee made his own choice. Even if I might become a monster, I decided to inherit the power of Sima Lianju. By doing so, Sima Lianju tried to give Lee Seong-min a ‘future’ possibility. He wanted to show Lee Seong-min, whose growth was stagnant, a path to move forward.

I believed it. That you won’t become a monster. Just as Sima Lianju believed that and left a will to Lee Seong-min to eat him.

The dantian was filled with magical energy.

The inner power of the Black Lightning Heaven was mixed with the magical power. The magical power spreads throughout the body. I even used a buff spell. The fatigue that had been weighing down his entire body completely disappeared. His headache didn’t go away.

It wasn’t enough.


At some point, Lee Seong-min was putting a safety device on himself. He used just enough strength not to run away. Although his magical power eventually went out of control during his fight with King Chang, even then, Lee Seong-min tried his best to control the power he should not have used.

The only time Lee Seong-min truly drew on his strength with the mindset that he could do anything about himself was when he fought with Amzon to protect Wijihoyeon in Rubes.

Since then, safety measures have been maintained. After absorbing the magic power of the Er group, he was even more careful about him. But not now. Unless we stop Kim Jong-hyun here.

No, as long as it doesn’t kill you.


My heart was beating loudly.


Kim Jong-hyun’s mind was momentarily blown away by the blow that tore through the space.

The robe, which was enchanted with all kinds of defensive shields, crumbled into powder and disappeared from the blow. After flying for a while, Kim Jong-hyun’s body crashed into the ground, crushing the building. what? Kim Jonghyun quickly came to his senses.

Purple lightning was falling from the sky. Stop. Kim Jong-hyun spread both hands while spitting out a command.

A dark-colored barrier blocked Kim Jong-hyun’s path. After buying the minimum amount of time through defense, escape using Blink.

In an instant, he did the most correct thing in this situation.

‘no… … .’


The words were torn apart. The lightning did not stop despite the command. With his strength intact, he tore down the barrier created by Kim Jong-hyun.

Seongmin Lee pulled out the spear that had been thrust down.

I managed to successfully open Blink. Even though half of his body is completely blown away, Kim Jong-hyun’s immortality defies his death.

Seongmin Lee silently turned his head and looked at the sky. Kim Jong-hyun felt a shiver run down his spine as he looked up at him.

‘Nonsense. He said he became stronger… … ?’

It’s not like he has the growth power of a demon lord. Could it be that he was still hiding that much power?

While Kim Jong-hyun was confused, Lee Sung-min did not stay still. The spear spun around in his hand.

The spear seemed to have been fired lightly, but not at Kim Jong-hyun. The defensive barrier was shattered once again. Kim Jong-hyun gave up his left arm and flew forward.

His hand, wrapped in black magical power, was directed to Lee Seong-min. Lee Seong-min extended the hand that was not holding his spear towards Kim Jong-hyun.


The one who was pushed out was Kim Jong-hyun. He saw that both his arms were gone and quickly uttered his words. Stop, stop. Although he repeated the command, Lee Seong-min did not stop.

‘This… … .’

From deep in my heart, an unpleasant premonition crept up.

I have a feeling that I might die here.

* * *

Abel stood up unsteadily. He ignored his helpless brother and took something out of his arms.

Something I stole from the blue magic tower lord a long time ago. It is a dragon serum extracted from Lee Seong-min’s blood.

“Frau, that’s enough.”

Abel said as he opened the lid of the serum.

“Thanks to you, we succeeded in getting this far, but I never thought it would end up like this.”

“… … Abel.”

“You must leave this city. Don’t get caught up in nothing. “Now it’s not too late to lose one piece of your body.”

“you… … “What are you trying to do?”

Instead of answering, Abel poured all of the dragon serum down his throat. The magical energy that had been depleted was fully replenished. It’s the dragon serum she kept on hand just in case. Although she had no idea that she would actually use it, Abel felt fortunate that she had made these preparations in advance.

But it’s not enough.

“older brother.”

Abel slowly looked back at Cain. Her eyes can’t see clearly and she can’t move her legs. She has her own older brother who is barely keeping her aging in check. Abel’s fingertips pointed towards Luvia.

“I don’t know what your brother will think.”


The burst of light hit Luvia. It was so fast that Luvia couldn’t react.

Luvia’s eyes, wrapped in light, went blank and she collapsed on the spot. Her Cain shoulders trembled.

“I am now… … “I think we have to pay for our own sins.”

“me… … I am… … .”

“Don’t make excuses.”

I don’t know who Rubia is.

There is no malice. The reason why she was so stunned was because it was certain that she would be convulsed by what her Abel was going to do. Abel looked at Frau.

“Don’t bother. I also took a prisoner who didn’t know who I was. Get out of town.”

“I know who I am.”

Frau knew what Abel wanted to do. She looked at Abel with a bitter expression.

“… … “Are you okay?”

“It’s something I’ve wanted to do since I was little.”

“No, not that one.”

“What’s new?”

Abel smiled and walked towards Cain. Cain’s shoulders were shaking as he sat in her wheelchair.


Cain chewed his lower lip as he listened to what his younger brother said. He too tried to save the world in his own way.

I wanted to save this world from the fate of end. but… … What’s the use of saving the world if you yourself die?

“… … “Did I do something wrong?”

“It’s not wrong to want to preserve your own life.”

Abel muttered.

“but. It is wrong to sprinkle ashes on cooked rice like this. Even if you didn’t mean to.”

“so… … “You’re going to kill me?”

“I feel like shit because things turned out like this. “That alone doesn’t mean I’m going to kill you.”

Although that also accounts for a significant portion. Abel lifted his hand and grabbed Cain by the throat. Cain’s mouth opened wide.

Immortality is a secret wish that many magicians pursue. Most of such immortality is achieved by extending one’s lifespan through magical powers.

That’s the limit. At least that was the extent of the immortality allowed by the wizard’s guild.

However, when it comes to taboos, the story is different. Stealing someone else’s lifespan and using it as one’s own.

It is black magic that is taboo. As a wizard guild leader, I’ve encountered it a few times, but I’ve never used it before.

I never thought that the person using this magic would be my blood brother.

And, it never occurred to him that he would break this taboo.

“big… … Ugh… … .”

Abel’s hand tightens Cain’s neck. Cain opened her mouth and let out a pained moan.


Can not help it. Even though he tried to convince himself, Cain struggled with his hands. He didn’t want to die.

When I was growing up, I tried not to have regrets about life. But not now. Because he completely escaped the fate of the end when he came to the spirit world. No, at least. Cain squeezed his hard-to-come-out voice.

“I… … By dying… … The end… … Stop it… … .”

“I do not know.”

Abel answered with an expressionless face.

“Because thanks to you, I was able to prevent something that could have been prevented.”

A terrible death.

Just before he lost consciousness, Cain understood the terrible death that awaited him at the end of his fate.

Losing everything. Even my entire life was denied. In this situation, no one could save Cain. No one sympathizes with Cain.

Just like that, he is despised by his own younger brother and is strangled to death. The fact that he was once the greatest archmage among humans has no value left to him now.

That’s how Cain died.

Abel put down his hands. Cain’s body, her neck broken, was left lying outside the wheelchair. Abel looked down at her Cain with her melancholy eyes. He took Cain’s life away.

‘It’s not much.’

Swallowing his disgust at himself for breaking a taboo, Abel turned around.

Although it was only a short lifespan, it was enough.


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