Worthless Regression Chapter 274

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[276] Cron(1)

It wasn’t that there weren’t some minor problems. While passing through the mountains, we were attacked by bandits several times.

A carriage that looks like it might be valuable at first glance is passing through a mountain road without an escort, and there is no way the bandits won’t take a stab at it.

Of course, they were sorted out by Ye Hwa-seon, who was sitting on the coach seat, without Sima Lian-ju stepping forward.

Minor problems like that happened several times. However, from a certain point on, there was no longer a risk of being attacked by bandits even after passing through a mountain path. There are no more arguments while walking down the street.

Instead, the number of beggars increased. They repeatedly blocked the front of the carriage and demanded enemy ships.

Following Sima Lianzhu’s words, Ye Hua passed over the beggars by giving them reasonable treatment rather than chasing them out.

“Did the opening smell?”

“Probably not.”

Sima Lianzhu answered.

“The shape of the carriage has continued to change. Additional carriages of the same type were sent out to cause confusion. “They’re just beggars who stick with it because it looks expensive.”

Even Lee Seong-min didn’t know this, but this carriage did not blindly depart from Simalian and head straight to Kron. Although it is said that there are no beggars of openness in the vicinity of Sima Lian, that does not mean that there are no eyes and ears of openness or other information sects or guilds.

This carriage changes its appearance through magic. Sima Lianju moved around by changing the appearance of the carriage as he pleased, and many carriages of this type departed from Haras.

Leading the other carriages were Sima Lianju’s personal guards. Thanks to this, it would not be easy for the public to think that this carriage departed from Haras, where Sima Lian is located.

Information can be greatly distorted by even a single hole.

Lee Seong-min also nodded his head in understanding. He also calls Nevel periodically to check on Cron’s movements and rumors from the Simalyun side.

It was known that Sima Lianju and Guichang had disappeared, but there were no rumors that the two had headed directly to the Murim Alliance.

‘Well, I guess you didn’t think that Master and I would blindly go to the Murim League.’

Sima Lianju’s actions were outrageous. No matter how great he was of Sima Lian, visiting the Murim League with this many people could only be considered crazy.

What’s more, I’m not just going to visit them, I’m going to beat up the leader, the Black Dragon Association.

“I can see the gates of Kron.”

The illustration of the coachman conveyed the message. He has no choice but to be inspected while passing through the city gate.

It may be a good idea to bribe someone to get by, but such actions will only attract more attention.

On the way here, I avoided the inspection by taking a detour without passing through the city, but there is no way to avoid the inspection since my destination is within Cron. Lee Seong-min looked at Sima Lianju and asked.

“What are you going to do?”

“Let’s go out.”

Sima Lianju stood up and said. Lee Seong-min’s eyes opened wide at those words.


“Let’s go out. “I’m leaving the carriage here.”


“It would be troublesome to even bring a carriage.”

Sima Lianzhu said so and spoke to Ye Hua in the carriage.

“It won’t be long before I return. About before the sun sets. That won’t happen, but if I don’t come back even after the sun sets. “Take the Red Magic Tower to a safe place.”


“If the Red Magic Tower owner is in danger in the process, protect her even at the cost of your life.”

“My name.”

Yehwa answered without hesitation. Seongmin Lee noticed the flow of the conversation and opened his mouth halfway.

“no way.”

“You and me. “The two of us will break through the gate like this.”

“I came here secretly… … ?”

“It was a secret way to get here. So that the Black Dragon Association can’t sense this in advance and run away. Well, it doesn’t matter if the Black Dragon Association runs away due to the commotion at the castle gate. If that happens, he will be criticized as unqualified to be the Murim lord, and the Murim alliance will be on the verge of disbandment.”

Sima Lianju spoke in a relaxed voice and opened the carriage door.

“Kron is a big city.”


“It is also where the main school of openness is located. “There are armed forces under the Murim League and small and medium-sized political factions, as well as the Murim family.”

“I guess so.”

Sima Lianzhu nodded his head. He had a smiling goblin mask on his face.

“What’s the problem with that?”

Sima Lianju looked back at Lee Seong-min and asked. Seongmin Lee was feeling quite a bit of tension.

He is also an expert in the transcendental realm, and his skills are among the top ten among martial arts experts. However, Seongmin Lee had never experienced group warfare in the true sense of the word. He has never experienced hundreds or even thousands of enemies attacking him with clear murderous intent.

“… … “I don’t think that would be too much.”

“It might be too much for you.”

Sima Lianzhu sneered.

“No matter how good an expert you are, you will get tired if hundreds or thousands of people attack you. Even if they are nothing special one-on-one, they are difficult when they get together. In fact, the same applies to me as well.”

The carriage stopped, and Sima Lianzhu went down to the ground.

“But as a group they are not ready. It’s not something you attack blindly. This is a blatant surprise attack. “They are not prepared for a surprise attack.”

“but… … .”


Sima Lianzhu held the mask on his face with his hand.

“I’ve never really shown you how strong I am.”


“You lack respect for your teacher. It’s a good opportunity. In addition to beating up the Black Dragon Association, I will make sure to instill in you, my disciple, the reverence for this throne.”


The mask on Sima Lianzhu’s face is removed. Seongmin Lee looked at Sima Lianju’s face as he took off his mask with startled eyes.

Scarlett, who was watching from inside the carriage, and Ye Hwa, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, looked surprised and saw Sima Lianzhu take off his mask.

“Why are you looking at me like that? It’s embarrassing for the person taking it off.”

Beyond the mask. Sima Lianzhu’s face was a handsome man with a cold expression. Scarlet muttered, looking intently at Sima Lianzhu’s face as he put the mask in his arms.



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“… … “You look just fine.”


Seongmin Lee also nodded his head in agreement. Sima Lianju frowned at such a reaction.

“What did you expect?”

“She took off her mask, but in reality she was a peerless beauty… … .”

“Or an ugly guy who makes you vomit just by looking at him.”

“Or, contrary to his attitude or speech, he has a weak face that looks timid at first glance.”

“It would have been fun even if it was an old man’s face with wrinkles.”

Listening to Lee Seong-min and Scarlett talking, Sima Lianju’s fist clenched.

“I can’t just kill them all.”

“He is a peerless handsome man.”

“She must have made you cry, hoho.”

When Sima Lianju subtly showed his murderous intent, Lee Seong-min and Scarlett said that as if they had never made fun of him before. Sima Lianzhu brushed back his flowing bangs and turned away.

“… … anyway. Yehwa, please keep my words in mind. Disciple, please follow me.”

“My name.”


What does it mean for Sima Lianju to take off his mask? Seongmin Lee knew it well.

The mask that Sima Lianzhu usually wears suppresses much of his power. Even with that mask on, Sima Lianju was strong enough to subdue Wijihoyeon in the forest within ten seconds.

Sima Lianzhu, who was so strong, has now even taken off his mask. That meant that Sima Lianju was exerting his full power.

Although he became a disciple of Sima Lianju, Lee Seong-min had never seen in person just how much power Sima Lianju had.

Sima Lianju, with his back turned, sees the gate of Cron. He took off his mask, but the power felt by Sa-rae-bi-ju was not much different from when he was wearing the mask.

Is it because the Sima Lianju has not yet developed its strength properly?

[no. The difference in rank is too great to be felt.]

Heoju answered.

[Just as those lower in rank than you cannot properly perceive your skills. It’s the same for you.]

‘The difference is that big… … ?’

[Yes. Even this old man is surprised. Can humans be that strong?]

‘What if I compare it to you?’

[I think I’ll be a good play partner.]

In the end, the ending was Heoju’s arrogance as always. Seongmin Lee swallowed his saliva.

Sima Lianju began to move. It was a leisurely light attack. It was a speed that even Lee Seong-min, who was suppressing his inner strength and magical power by wearing a mask, could chase after.

Sima Lianju, who arrived in front of the city gate, passed by the people waiting in line for inspection without even giving them a glance.

“Observe the order.”

The guard who was checking in front of the castle gate frowned and said to Sima Lianju. But Sima Lianzhu did not listen to that.

He turned his back and passed the guard, and the guard’s face distorted.

“The order… … !”

The words never end. It was the moment when Sima Lianzhu took a step forward.


The pressure spreading around him made the guard roll his eyes. The guards with their mouths full of crab foam fall down in a heap. The people in line looked at Sima Lianzhu in surprise.

“It’s annoying.”

Sima Lianju said so and passed through the city gate. The whistle sounded late.

The guards of the castle walls gathered to catch the ignorant intruder. The results were no different. The number of people who collapsed with foam at the mouth increased. These were only Cron’s castle wall guards, and were not part of the Murim Alliance.

But after passing through the gate, the story changed. Soldiers from political factions who witnessed the commotion blocked Sima Lianju’s path.

Many of them were beggars wearing rags. They were spitting and yelling.

“Who are you to do something like this?!”

“This is where the Open Main Sect and the Murim Alliance are located!”

“Reveal your identity… … .”


Sima Lianju, who was listening to the shouts of the beggars, answered. The low voice was full of energy, and although it was not loud, it struck the ears of the chattering beggars.

“Don’t you know who it is?”

Sima Lianju approached the beggars.

“Do you know the nickname Demon Emperor?”

“… … oh my god… … .”

One of the beggars made that sound. They saw Li Seong-min wearing a mask, standing behind Sima Lianju. Sima Lianju’s bare face was unknown, but it was already a widely spread rumor that the one wearing a goblin mask and holding a spear was Guichang.

“Would it have been more famous to introduce him as Sima Lianju?”

Sima Lianju said this and raised his hand. The horrified beggars reacted immediately. They chose to turn their backs and run away rather than confront Sima Lianzhu.

In fact, either way would not have changed the outcome. Fight or run away.


Sima Lianzhu’s lightly swung hand created dozens of black lightning bolts. The forked lightning engulfed the beggars who were running away.


Beggars were rolling around, each screaming. No, not all beggars were left lying around.

The lone beggar sat down and trembled. Sima Lianju said while pointing at him with his finger.

“Go to the open area and tell them to come out and see the ark.”

“yes… … yes… … ?”

“Was the nickname that the Bangju guy uses now, Geolwang?”

“that… … “That is Sentai Ark’s nickname.”

“okay? Is Jiewang dead?”

“yes… … .”

“Then I guess he’s never seen the Ark before. Anyway, tell him to come out. “Take care of the batting baton and tell them to bring out those who can use the batting baton.”

Sima Lianju said so and passed the beggar.

“They also tell you to run if you want to save your life. Instead, other beggars will die.”

Seongmin Lee swallowed his saliva and looked at the fallen beggars. In fact, subduing them in one second like that is something even Lee Seong-min can easily do.

However, Lee Seong-min couldn’t help but get nervous when he heard the words ‘hitting ball’ that Sima Lianju said. Tagubongjin is considered one of the three major Jinjin methods of the martial arts faction, along with the Taegeuk examination of shamans and the plum blossom examination of volcanoes.

“Aren’t you going too far?”

“We have to do this to get the Black Dragon to crawl out.”

Cron is not limited to openness and martial arts. There are many small and medium-sized sects and martial arts sects who were not included in the old group.

But their power is not weak. The fact that they are continuing the legacy of their clan and family in this city where the Murim League is located is also proof that although their power may not be large, their martial skills are not at a level that can be ignored.


The streets were filled with unmanned people. Sima Lianzhu looked at them and frowned.

“He went out of his way to instill awe in his disciples. This is how I want it… … “Just because you’re good at catching bugs doesn’t mean you can be awe-inspiring.”


Sima Lianju gave such an assessment to the warriors filling the streets.


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