Worthless Regression Chapter 272

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[274] Companion (2)

Deep in the mountain forest there was a small cabin. The people living in the nearby village muttered many stories about the old man and his granddaughter.

One of the rumors was that the old man was suffering from a plague, and his poor little granddaughter was taking care of his only living relative.

Rumors varied. The story goes that it was not the old man who contracted the plague, but his granddaughter. In fact, the granddaughter is said to be suffering from mania, not the plague.

It wasn’t a baseless rumor. The old man would sometimes go out to the vicinity of the village to buy necessary supplies, and each time he came out wearing long, thick robes that did not even allow his fingertips to be seen, let alone his face.

Naturally, people assumed that it was because the old man had contracted a plague, which made his face look ugly and the flesh on his fingertips was crushed.

There was a reason for the granddaughter’s madness. This was because hunters and woodcutters wandering the forest had seen her granddaughter running through the forest, screaming and yelling inexplicably, on several occasions.

“How do you feel? “It’s pretty fun in the mountains, right?”

Freskan said as he pushed back the hood of his robe. Although the hood has been pulled over, Freskan, the Lich, has no face.

At those words, Aine, who was sitting in front of the fireplace with firewood burning, muttered.

“It’s not fun.”

“Why are you doing that? There is plenty of food in the mountains. “Aren’t raspberries quite delicious?”

Although he said so, Frescan did not know the taste of raspberries. I think he had eaten raspberries before he became a lychee… … It was so long ago that I don’t remember the taste or anything.

Richie doesn’t need to eat or drink anything. It is impossible to eat it in the first place and it is impossible to taste it.

“Meat isn’t the only thing to eat, right?”

Frescan spoke in a benevolent voice. It was impossible to believe that he was a warlock and lich who had once gained notoriety and had performed numerous human experiments.

Who cares? That is that, this is just this. Freskan truly thought so.

This is not hypocrisy. What is the most beautiful and brilliant feeling in this world? It’s love. Among them, the most noble, true, and pure thing is the love of parents for their children.

Yes. It’s fatherly love. Now, Frescan was filled with warm fatherly love.

Frescan felt disappointed that he had no face and could not make facial expressions.

If he had been able to do that, he would have been able to smile at his daughter with more affection than any other father in the world.

“When are you going to the sea?”

“Isn’t there plenty of time? “After enjoying enough time here, let’s go see the sea together.”

“I want to eat meat.”

Aine grumbled. Since her days in the group, she has been subject to occasional bouts of binge eating.

It wasn’t to the point where she lost her senses, but when that strong impulse took over her body, Aine would try to eat everything in sight without hesitation.

Although he wanted to let his daughter do what she wanted, it is also a father’s role to sometimes scold her harshly and prevent her from doing what she wants.

Frescan had never been married or had a daughter. Because he truly considered Aine to be his daughter, he completely understood what he had to do as a father.

Moreover, it is not a good thing in the long run. If you eat everyone you see, your enemies will naturally increase.

Most people wouldn’t be able to threaten Aine and Freskan, but Frescan knew very well that the world was wide and that there were many people with more monstrous powers than monsters.

That’s why Frescan entered deep into the mountains.

It was because they wanted to live a leisurely life like a father and daughter, and it was also because they wanted to suppress Aine’s urge to binge eat as much as possible. And that wasn’t the only reason.

Freskan hoped that Aine would feel joy in being human. Even in a very small way.

I knew it was contradictory, but this is also my father’s heart.

Freskan never really regretted becoming a lich, but on rare occasions… … He used to miss when he was human.

Eating delicious food. Drinking alcohol to the point of feeling intoxicated. Letting your tired body and mind fall asleep on a soft, wide bed.

Even if it’s not necessarily that kind of life. Preskan wanted to make Aine feel and experience many things.

Life in the mountains was boring and boring, but it was also leisurely. While he was living on this mountain, he did very little magical research.

I went in and out of the village and bought daily necessities just for Aine. Since he had never lived anything like that in his life, Preskan was feeling a little pleasure.

“Haven’t my cooking skills improved considerably?”

“at all.”

Sometimes I would cook for Aine myself, but Aine always expressed dissatisfaction with the idea of ​​eating all the food I cooked.

It was something that could not be helped. This is because the dishes prepared by Frescan, who cannot eat food, were always poorly seasoned.

Freskan chuckled while listening to Aine’s grumbling.

I didn’t even notice that the door was opening.

It was Aine who reacted first. After her time in the Er group, her senses became sharper than before.

Even setting aside his understanding of martial arts, his physical strength and instincts were comparable to those of a transcendental master.


Aine’s body flew backwards as if a spring was bent and bounced. Aine’s right arm twitches as she stands in front of the open door.

Various magics were prepared around the cabin to deal with intruders.

However, Frescan and Aine did not even notice the presence of the intruder until the cabin door was opened.

“Be quiet.”


A whispering voice is heard through the slowly opening door. Aine’s face turns pale at that voice.

Aine swung her right arm, which had mutated into a blade, as if denying the emotions she felt for a moment.

The moment the blade cut into space at a speed so fast that it was invisible, Frescan heard a clear, snickering sound.

Quad deuk!

The blade could not be swung all the way. Aine’s right arm, which was connected to the blade, was twisted like a twist.

Bones shatter and muscles, blood vessels, and skin tear. It wasn’t just the arms.

Crunchy… … Knock knock!

The body below the head was twisted and blood was gushing out from the torn skin.

“what’s the matter? “It’s not like I don’t know.”

“nice… … Rurg… … !”

Even in that state, Aine does not die. Rather, the twisted body quickly returns to its original state and recovers.

Jennyella, who opened the door and came inside, looked down at Aine and smiled, showing her fangs.

“You’re stronger than before.”

“nice… … !”



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Aine stands up unsteadily.

Crunch, crunch!

Aine’s entire body was mutated. Countless blades and tentacles sprang up around her body.

Even looking at that hideous appearance, Jennyella did not feel intimidated at all. Frescan jumped up from his seat and trembled in astonishment.

This place is a long way from northern Trabia, where Jennyella is located.

Why is the Vampire Queen, who hasn’t left Trabia for hundreds of years, here?

“Don’t be too wary. “I didn’t come here with any malicious intent.”

“Why are you here… … ?”

“I think the time has come to act like this.”

Jennyella’s actions are aimed at getting as close as possible to the future she saw.

Of course, Jennyella had no intention of explaining such things to Aine or Freskan.

However, she saw it with magical eyes that could see the future. Among the clippings of the future, there was a video of her with Aine and Pres Khan.

‘Maybe that chimera is a genocidal predator?’

I don’t think it’s entirely possible. The heart created by Frescan had overflowing potential for carnage and predation.

but… … If that chimera is a slaughter predator. Jennyella clicked her tongue inwardly.

As of now, isn’t the level dropping too low? It can be said that the speed of regeneration is extremely excellent, and the strength of the body is also quite excellent. The way to handle it is too immature.

“I have no intention of killing you. “You guys didn’t do anything to deserve death to me in the first place.”

The reason Frescan and Aine were lent to Arbes was to connect Jennyella with the future she had seen.

In fact, until then, Jennyella had thought that Arbes would achieve his goal and take Aine’s body, which would result in massacre and predation.

‘I never thought Arbes would die like that.’

Jennyella didn’t know that Lee Seong-min was also in the group.

That’s not all. In the future videos she saw, Lee Sung-min was never caught.

“Did you have fun playing house?”

Jennyella looked around as she said that. Houses that are cute and incongruously decorated. Zeniella extended her hand towards Aine, who glared at her without reducing her hostility.

Jennyella warned with a smile.

“An artificial object that doesn’t even know the subject matter.”


When Zeniella tried to destroy Aine’s body, Frescan quickly stepped forward and blocked Jennyella’s path.

Jennyella frowned at Frescan.

“Are you believing in the Life Force Basel and standing in front of me?”

“I just don’t want to see that kid in pain…” … .”

“You’re saying something that doesn’t fit.”

“What do you want from us…?” … ? Why did you come here… … !”

“Why would you come?”

Jennyella said, lowering her outstretched hand.

“I came to take you away.”

“… … yes?”

“To my mansion.”

Jennyella’s red eyes were bent into a semicircle.

“By Trabia.”

* * *

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

Lee Seong-min asked Scarlett with a worried face.

Scarlett, who was standing in front of the mirror wearing a light brown robe and looking at it from different angles, answered while pressing her messy hair with both hands.

“What’s not okay?”

“It might be dangerous.”

“I think it’s more dangerous for me to stay here alone.”

Scarlett answered while snorting.

“If you and Master Sima Lian leave here, Sima Lian will become empty. Because you overturned the party line, the political faction’s dissatisfaction with the Sima-ryan faction has increased. “When you and Sima Lianju go out and cause more accidents, what should I do if the political faction comes in to attack an empty house?”

“… … “I don’t think they would do something so ignorant.”

“Did they know that Sima Lianzhu’s successor would immediately overthrow the party line? You don’t know what people do. “The world is wide and there are many idiots.”

“… … Huh.”

When Scarlett did not change her attitude, Lee Seong-min cleared his throat as if he was embarrassed.

There has already been a conversation with Sima Lianju.

Lee Seong-min and Sima Lianju were planning to leave Sima Lian for the time being and head to the political faction, the Murim Alliance, and Scarlett decided to accompany them as she judged it dangerous to remain in Sima Lian.

“why. Are you uncomfortable traveling with me?”

“That’s not it.”

“I remember? In the past. When you left for Shaolin from Behenger, we traveled together. “It lasted less than a year, but it was still fun.”

Scarlett mumbled and chuckled.

“Back then, you only had an old expression on your face, but you still managed to retain your youthful appearance and it was quite cute.”

“It wasn’t cute.”

“That’s your opinion. Still, it’s okay because she grew up well. know? During the subjugation of Kim Jonghyun, when you came wearing a human skin mask. “I felt so bad that your face was so ruined compared to when you were young.”

“What is it that is unfortunate?”

“Your life was a pity because your face, which was at least worth looking at, was ruined.”

Scarlett giggled and teased him like that. Then he turned around and looked at Lee Seong-min. She asked Lee Seong-min, holding the robe wrapped around her body with both hands and fluttering it.

“how is it?”

“You are pretty.”

“You really have no soul, you.”

Scarlett grumbled with a straight face at Lee Sung-min’s blunt response.


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