Worthless Regression Chapter 260

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[262] King Chang (2)

Although he said it was a game, the spirit of the spear king charging towards him was not playful at all.

The only thing left on his face was laughter, as if he was claiming that this was a game.

Like an angry bull raising its horns and charging at you. Two short spears were held in both hands and stretched straight out in front, and pure white river air formed like soap bubbles at the ends and swayed.

Lee Seong-min regained his balance by sliding his left foot behind him. Then he swung the spear he was holding diagonally.

It was to block King Chang’s approach.


The first thing to reach out was the javelin in his left hand. The spear that Lee Seong-min swung and the single spear that was fired in a straight line collided.

Seongmin Lee gritted his teeth as he felt both hands holding the spear being pushed back.

The power of a javelin held and fired with one hand is not less than that of a spear held and swung with both hands.

“ha ha ha!”

With a cheerful laugh, the short spear held in the other hand was fired.

The target is the chest. Lee Seong-min hesitated and rotated the spear half a turn in his hand, retracting the javelin aimed at his chest.

To compensate for the lack of strength, body rotation is added to the movement of the spear.


Lee Seong-min, who spun with the spear, swung the spear on the other side of the spear blade and aimed at the body of the king of spears.

What the Spear King is holding is a short spear that is slightly longer than a sword.

The moment when King Chang’s hands quickly crossed.


With a clicking sound, the two short spears combined to form one spear.

The Spear King moved his foot to the side and rotated the combined spear to block Lee Seong-min’s spear. Then he bounced off his knee and flew back lightly.

before it even falls to the ground. King Chang took a deep breath. Seongmin Lee saw a spear once stretched out into hundreds of stars.

Stars explode not far away. The crashed spear falls as a shower of hundreds of meteors.

It was just as King Chang said.

His spear was faster, more cunning, sharper, and heavier than Amzon’s.

Lee Seong-min dragged his feet back, widening the distance, and unleashed the Nine Heavenly Dancer Spear and the Blood Hwanshin Magic Attack.

Lightning Crash Loe Island. Breaking blood clots.


The Spear King’s spear and Lee Seong-min’s spear clashed in the air. The extreme pleasure collides without stopping, to the point where there is no time to breathe.

It was King Chang who took down the spear first.

He pulled back his spear and stepped in the air with both feet.

A huge force was concentrated in the spear that was once drawn back.

Just one stab.

However, the power of that single thrust was comparable to the entire meteor shower that his spear had previously fired.

One second of Gucheonmugeukchang, a thunderbolt that kills one soul.

The rotation cracked and became one giant lightning bolt.


The river and the earth came out in all directions and deeply scratched the ground. The Spear King smiled once again and raised his spear high above his head.


When he struck down his spear, the land split in two.

‘You have good movements.’

It was so fast that if you weren’t nervous, you would have missed it.

Is this the black thunderstorm of Sima Lianju?

King Chang moved his body without hesitation. Lee Seong-min, who escaped the spear attack with confidence in the gale, anticipated the Spear King’s surprise attack and gathered his strength by attaching the spear to his waist.

Gucheonmugeukchang 3 seconds, Boksabaektam (伏蛇魄貪), reverse thunder (逆雷).


The moment when the light of rotation flashes.

King Chang felt a sharp killing intent aimed at his neck.

He quickly flipped his waist backwards and tilted his entire upper body.


The chest of the military uniform he was wearing was torn long. An attack twisted at a bizarre angle. It is an attack that far exceeds the allowable range of joints.

It actually did. Bokbobaektam is an attack that strikes from the bottom up.

The anomalies that can be given to that limited movement are limited.

Yes, if it were a normal body it would be like that. Seongmin Lee ignored the shattered joints and muscles caused by excessive maneuvering.

This is because his arm finished regenerating before he even felt pain.

King Chang frowned as he looked at Lee Seong-min’s arm moving normally.

‘I thought it was somehow strange.’

Does this mean that the body is not human? That made King Chang even more happy.

That means you won’t die easily. Isn’t it sturdy?

King Chang showed his teeth and smiled.


The Spear King ran again, holding the two short spears separately.

Death island thunderstorm.

In the flashing burst of light, a certain deadly weapon is shot.

King Chang did not dodge and took Jeomyeongseom as is. Ran’s group is clearly captured in the movement of the spear, which is briefly swung away.

Seongmin Lee held on tightly to the spinning spear and stepped forward.

It becomes a non-spiritual divorce.



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one two.

Samsik, who is married to Muyeong, is a powerful force to kill Ibo.


The force generated by two steps sweeps all around. King Chang burst into joyful laughter.

“It’s not just spear skills that are good!”

King Chang does not back down. He swung the spear in both hands against the oncoming force.

Move the spear that rotates in your hands and swing it in all directions.


The wall power caught up in the two rotations was collected by the Spear King’s spear. When the rotation that seemed like it would never stop stopped. Two spears engulfed in enormous power were fired at Lee Seong-min at the same time.

Lee Seong-min did not back down and continued to eat herbivores.

Gucheonmugeukchang Sacho, Guryongssalsaeng (九龍殺生) Gyeoproe (劫雷).


The bicycle covering Lee Seong-min’s window swelled greatly. It became nine dragons and a gigantic lightning that burned the world.

A collision between attacks of this magnitude shakes the space. The vibration spreads in all directions, as if the world was truly collapsing.

‘I don’t have enough strength.’

Seongmin Lee clearly felt that. The one that was pushed is this way. The wall of strength filled with rotation breaks through. The King of Chang, who entered through him, had no wounds and there was no hesitation in his smile.


The spear fired as fast as light is aimed at Lee Seong-min’s chest.

It is too late to avoid it one step at a time. The same goes for Galpung Trust. As Sima Lianzhu himself might not know, Lee Seong-min’s confidence in the gale was not yet complete enough to be deployed in such an urgent situation.

So we have to stop it. Lee Seong-min raised his spear and made a self-defense move.

I knew it would happen. Let’s see how strong it is!

It seemed as if King Chang’s eyes were saying that. The left hand spear was thrown first. It’s a javelin.


A javelin covered in strong energy shakes the spear held for defense. Lee Seong-min saw the Spear King holding a single spear with both hands. A swaying space dwells there. It is a feeling of transcendence.

Are you planning to end it with this one blow? The space around Seongmin Lee is shaking. The twisting of space that is drawn in distorts things.

Even if the spear was fired in a straight line, if it touched Lee Seong-min’s defense, the spear would be distorted.

This would have happened if King Chang’s level had been weaker than that of Lee Seong-min, but King Chang was just as good as Lee Seong-min and was by no means lacking.

Space is torn apart. The King of Spear’s javelin, which penetrated under the spear erected for defense, tore apart Lee Seong-min’s self-defense skills with great ease.


King Chang’s spear and Lee Seong-min’s armor touch. Although the armor was able to block Amzone’s memorization without impact, Lee Seong-min felt his body fly backwards.

My internal organs burn like they have been touched by a fireball. Seongmin Lee felt the fishy taste of blood.

‘This is not someone you need to worry about controlling your strength… … !’

It is on a different level from Dark Zone or Geom Zone. Seongmin Lee swallowed the blood that rose from his throat and increased his internal energy.

Lee Seong-min’s body was covered with inner energy and magical power that had never been used before. Lee Seong-min’s eyes, which were close to black, became bright gold.

Tdu-duk, tdu-duk!

I feel my black heart beating as if it will explode.

It’s been a long time since I brought out my magic power. Because he hardly ever used his magic power while living in the forest.

It was the same after that. It is a power that was not used even in the fight against Amzon.

However, the magical power that had been brought out for the first time in such a long time flowed through Lee Seong-min’s energy and blood as if he already knew what he had to do, sending power to all parts of Lee Seong-min’s body.

I feel a sense of alienation. The muscles are different. Bones and blood flowing through the body.

King Chang felt the same way about him.

King Chang, who ran to chase Lee Seong-min, who had jumped out, froze for a moment and stared at Lee Seong-min.

“… … “Whoa.”

Seongmin Lee took a long breath and swallowed it again. The strong energy covering his body was exuding a more vicious murderous intent than before.

No, that alone does not solidify King Chang’s actions. Just for a moment… … I saw it, I felt it.

A huge wave of murderous intent that seemed to kill the entire world, the deaths of beings that far exceeded tens of thousands of units.

Although it was only a brief moment that he saw it, King Chang could not help but be momentarily overwhelmed by the countless deaths.

But soon after, King Chang showed his teeth and smiled. I don’t know what it was, but I found that distant murderous intent and ferocity enjoyable.

King Chang laughed as loudly as he shouted and jumped towards Lee Seong-min again.

[Make sure to keep your mind strong.]

Heoju warned. It’s been a year since I brought out my power so intensely. In that one year… … Heoju knew that something had changed.

Originally, Lee Seong-min’s magical power was possessed by Heo Joo’s soul.

Until a year ago, Heo Ju was firmly in control of his magical powers.

But what about now? The magical power that Lee Seong-min brought out in earnest was not Heoju’s, but Eoreumuri’s.

The total amount was comparable to Heoju’s magical power, but the magical power that had not been drawn out for a year had swelled to an even greater extent.

Heo Joo clicked her tongue as she felt her magical power being swallowed up by Lee Seong-min’s magical power.

In the middle of the mental world, Heoju saw what he saw in Eoreumuri… … He tried to find an unknown, large and frightening being. But there was no sign of him at all.

‘What on earth is this guy doing?’

Although she had been with Lee Seong-min for quite some time, Heo-ju could not guess Lee Seong-min’s true identity.

The monster’s gold-colored eyes sparkle. The magical power in Lee Seong-min’s arms, along with his internal strength, transformed his strength into that of a monster.

When you swing your spear once. The earth’s surface turned over and the shaking waves of space became violent and hit King Chang.

King Chang did not avoid. The two spears he swung and fired tore through space.

Just because he brought out his magical power, Lee Seong-min did not have an advantage or become stronger than King Chang.

Although it is said that he filled the gap, King Chang’s martial arts was further away than Lee Seong-min from the beginning.

Run. King Chang jumped into the sky. Every time he moved his arm, a spear with heavy force fell towards Lee Seong-min.

Lee Seong-min moved his eyes to follow the movement of the spear as it dug in, and kicked it away by swinging or stabbing it with both hands.


King Chang, who fell to the ground, jumps in. In order to remove the cross-cutting spear, Lee Seong-min rotated the spear once.

The Spear King’s spear is pushed back with a dull sound.

At some point, King Chang’s two short spears became one long spear. The spear that came down hissed and stabbed, aiming for the stomach. Seongmin Lee pushed his foot back and stabbed the spear.


Spear and spear collide. Lee Seong-min’s muscles gain strength. He pushed away the Spear King’s spear.

pushed out of power King Chang quickly acknowledged it. The long spear is divided into two short spears. When the Spear King held the spear with both hands, Lee Seong-min took advantage of the gap and fiercely fired the spear.


In an instant, the lightning strike of Roe Island and the blood-haunted demon demon attack struck King Chang.

All the space visible to the King of Spears was filled with life-filled spear tips.

But King Chang did not feel the slightest fear. Rather, he enjoyed the menacing attack that made his whole body tremble and there was no way through it.

He moved the spear in both hands without stopping. All the changes that can be seen in a weapon called a spear unfolded into two single spears. Of the countless attacks, none of them even grazed the King of Chang’s body.

King Chang’s power is less than that of Lee Seong-min. However, there is one skill in handling a weapon called a spear. That was creating a gap that could never be narrowed between King Chang and Seongmin Lee.

After shooting out strong energy one after another, Lee Seong-min jumped back.

The spear begins to rotate in my hand.

Spiritual power, inner strength, and even the power of a dragon. All the power that Seongmin Lee could use covered the spear.

Chilcho of Gucheonmugeukchang, Gwancheon. The rotation of Gwancheon, which reached the point of the black lightning, continued to explode with lightning.

“ha ha ha!”

King Chang tore off all of his strength and spread his arms as he watched Guan Tian spin. This time too, he had no intention of avoiding it. Because avoiding it isn’t fun.


Just thinking about breaking through like that.


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