Worthless Regression Chapter 25

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In my past life and now. Lee Seong-min’s weapon of choice was a spear. The reason I first picked up the spear… Because it looks safe. I thought it would be enough to stab him gently from afar. I was scared to get close and swing a sword, so I chose a spear.

The reason was that, but Lee Seong-min was good at spears. I’ve been using it for a long time, so I’m used to it. The more he got used to it, the more he became suffocated by the intricacies of the spear, but in this life too, Lee Seong-min chose the spear. I couldn’t think of any weapon other than a spear. Now he didn’t have the confidence to pick up a new weapon and learn to use it, and even though he was a second-class martial artist, he didn’t want to give up his Chuhon technique.

okay. It’s stubbornness.

As I returned, my strength did not continue. What Lee Seong-min brought with him was the experience of surviving in Eria for 13 years and an understanding of spearmanship. Seongmin Lee didn’t want to give it up. That memory was proof that a person named Lee Seong-min had survived in this damn world for 13 years.

His 14-year-old body was too young to properly perform the spear techniques that Seongmin Lee remembered, but he was now used to it. Strength? Thanks to the 20% inner strength he received from Jahasin and Wiji Ho-yeon, the current Lee Seong-min has more inner strength than he had in his previous life.

In addition, spearmanship also made rapid progress. Wijihoyeon taught Seongmin Lee the basic skills he was lacking. He taught me not only spearmanship but also many other things.

In this new life, what is the greatest opportunity Lee Seong-min has gained? There was no doubt that he had met Wijihoyeon.

Wijihoyeon told Seongmin Lee about his work. He gave me 20% of my strength. He taught me about the Nine Heavens of War and the Spear. He told me many other things. Among the memories that Seongmin Lee has, there was no one who taught him as much as Wijihoyeon. Wijihoyeon did not ask for much in return for his teachings.

Wijihoyeon was an outstanding teacher. If Wijihoyeon had allowed it. Lee Seong-min would have offered her obeisance to Wiji Ho-yeon and officially become her disciple.

But Wijihoyeon did not allow him. Because we are friends. That was the reason Wijihoyeon said.

’20 seconds.’

Chosu was given over by Wijihoyeon. Until Lee Seong-min completes 20 attacks, Wijihoyeon will not counterattack. All Wijihoyeon can do is block or avoid attacks. It’s meaningless. If your skills are similar or slightly inferior, you may be able to take the opponent’s head or decide the winner or loser by giving up 20 seconds.

However, the difference between Lee Seong-min and Wi Ji-ho-yeon is not that big. There is such an overwhelming difference between the two. Even though he knew that, Lee Seong-min did not move quickly. A meaningless attack. An attack that will never reach Wijihoyeon.

What kind of big deal is this?

‘What should we do for our first meal?’

What should I do first? Although it wouldn’t reach Wijihoyeon anyway, Seongmin Lee was cautious. He was going to do his best. He intends to kill Weezy Hoenn.

The basics of Chuhon singing method are three.

Japanese eclipse kills with one blow.

Transplant regurgitation.

Three-way lightning strike.

Not everyone is such a complex herbivore. Those three chosik of the Chuhon singing method are intact in the Gucheonmugeukchang Seongminsik modified by Wijihoyeon.

Due to the difficulty of herbivorous diet, there is no way to compete. Since it was Wijihoyeon who created Gucheonmugeukchang Seongminsik, it should be assumed that he knows all about the chosiks used by Lee Seongmin. Seongmin Lee slowly dragged his feet. Wijihoyeon was in a posture with his back turned and only his right hand was raised and extended forward.

It was early in the morning, and the wind was a little chilly.

A sparrow on a nearby tree chirped.

Hiss! The spear was shot out of Lee Seong-min’s hand. It was one of the Lan Na Chals taught by Wijihoyeon. No, it is not just a ‘chal’. This blow was the one-second strike of Gucheonmugeukchang Seong Min-sik.

Kill one soul after another. Kill one soul. The blow, which contained a fierce rotation, was amplified by the elasticity and internal power drawn from Lee Seong-min’s entire body. The blow, aided by Balgyeongbeop and internal energy, was launched into Wijihoyeon’s chest in an instant.

Percussion! Wijihoyeon’s hand moved. She lightly waved her right hand, which was raised near her chest, to destroy Lee Seong-min’s extravagant attack.


Wijihoyeon muttered. Seongmin Lee was not impatient. This result was expected. Lee Seong-min’s feet moved. He doesn’t need to move forward. The distance the window can reach is already secured.

‘Ah, this.’

He releases his spear while holding his breath. Stab, swing and strike. He was faithful to the basics taught by Wijihoyeon and faithfully followed Gucheonmugeukchang Seong Minsik’s gugyeol. It would be safe to say that the singing method, which combines basic skills and practicality, has already surpassed the second-rate level, but it did not work for Wijihoyeon. She doesn’t even move behind her back and only moves her right hand. Wiji Hoyeon’s eyes move faster than Lee Seong-min swings her spear, checking her trajectory and predicting her arrival point. This is how the defense is completed. Her Wiji Ho-yeon’s hand was small enough to fit the hand of a thirteen-year-old girl, but the sharp metal tip of her spear, which Lee Seong-min fired with all his might, did not leave even a scratch on her Wiji Ho-yeon’s hand.

That’s the difference. Lee Seong-min, who started martial arts less than half a year ago. Even though he made great progress in his internal skills after meeting Wijihoyeon, he is top-notch at best. On the other hand, what about Wijihoyeon? Born with genius qualities, she was exposed to various elixirs and martial arts from her childhood to match those qualities. Although he is young, Wi Ji-ho-yeon’s understanding and experience of martial arts far surpasses the time that Lee Seong-min lived and remembered.

So the result is obvious.

“… lost.”

Lee Seong-min muttered under his breath. 20 seconds given by Wijihoyeon. In those 20 seconds, Lee Seong-min repeated the best attacks he could think of.

“good job.”

Unlike Lee Seong-min, who was sweating profusely and exhausted, Wi Ji-ho-yeon did not show the slightest sign of exhaustion. She approached Lee Seong-min, patting her right hand.

During the 20 seconds he gave up, Lee Seong-min made 20 attacks against Wijihoyeon, but all of those attacks were blocked by Wijihoyeon’s right hand.

When 20 seconds were over, Wijihoyeon moved. Her approach must have been a step-by-step approach. Seongmin Lee could not read Wijihoyeon’s approach. However, very… It could feel shallow. She shouldn’t stay still.

“The final judgment was good. “Thanks to you, I used one more second.”

Wijihoyeon’s new type was caught in the trajectory of the spear that was stabbed recklessly. To avoid him, Wijihoyeon used one more second. Wiji Ho-yeon smiled brightly as he placed his hand on Lee Sung-min’s shoulder, who was shaking as he struggled to catch his breath.

“You have a good sense of humor.”

That was a sincere compliment from Wijihoyeon.

“Regardless of experience, it can be said that this is innate. If you try to guess something invisible and guess it, it can already be said to be a talent. One day, it will be your greatest weapon. “I’m looking forward to the next 10 years.”

“… But I lost.”

“of course. I am Socheonma Wijihoyeon. There is no way we can lose here.”

Wijihoyeon laughed out loud. She had a somewhat refreshed expression. Did leaving the city she had been in for several months give her a sense of liberation? On the other hand, Seongmin Lee felt a little frustrated in his chest.

‘It’s a shame.’

Lee Seong-min was feeling that way. If you think about it, in your past life… No one has ever been this open for this long. In his previous life, Seongmin Lee had no friends and had a faint sense of camaraderie. Although he had ‘mercenary colleagues’, Lee Seong-min, who had gone through various hardships and hell just because he was from the Noh class, never considered the same mercenaries as colleagues.

In the first place, there was no such thing as trust in such a colleague relationship. Not to mention friendship.

But Wijihoyeon was different. Compared to Lee Seong-min, who was calculating, Wi Ji-ho-yeon was pure. Wizzy Ho-yeon was a special person among the group of people Lee Seong-min met and experienced, and just as Wizzy Ho-yeon said Lee Seong-min was her first friend, for Lee Seong-min, Wizzy Ho-yeon was her first friend.

So I feel regretful. That I will break up with Wijihoyeon. Lee Seong-min was a little embarrassed because he never thought he would feel this way.

“Why is your expression like that?”

Wijihoyeon asked while tilting his head. Lee Seong-min sighed and wiped the sweat running down his face.

“It’s because I’m disappointed.”

“okay? “You’re just like me.”

Wijihoyeon smiled brightly. She turned her body, waving her sleeves. Wiji Hoyeon continued her words as she lifted her bag that she had thrown under the tree.

“It’s a shame to break up with you. “I feel like I want to keep going with you.”

“Then you can do that.”

“You should have already answered that. “For you, for me.”

“I understand. “I was just complaining.”

“haha! If you think about it, isn’t your mental age 27? A 27 year old guy is complaining about me who is 13 years old… “It’s a little disgusting to imagine.”

It’s disgusting. Isn’t it too much to say? No, Wijihoyeon was always like that. Sometimes the words come out too directly. It’s too harsh and harsh.

“It’s a pity, but we have to break up. Just as you have things to do, I have things I want to do. and. “By breaking up, we can look forward to the next 10 years.”

“… expectation?”



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“okay. I’m very excited. The dance just now… It was easy. It was so easy. But I was satisfied with your skills. You did as much as I expected from you while teaching. “The last few days in particular were quite good.”

“It was just a coincidence.”

“Your job is to make that number of days not a coincidence. Hehehe! I’m looking forward to 10 years from now. Well, I will win then too.”

Wijihoyeon made a laughing sound and picked up the bag and tied it to his back. Seongmin Lee looked at Jihoyeon Wi, who was standing there with a sullen expression on his face.

“Don’t be sad. “Because we can meet in 10 years.”

“Ten years is a long time.”

“You’re suddenly complaining. why. “Have you ever wanted to have s*x with me?”

Wijihoyeon looked back and asked. Seongmin Lee blinked his eyes and looked at Wiji Hoyeon. Silence followed. Seongmin Lee did not understand what Wijihoyeon meant by the word ‘intercourse’.

“school… what?”

“hmm. You make me repeat embarrassing words. So, do you want to have a child with me?”

Wijihoyeon stroked his chin and explained the words. Seongmin Lee’s mouth opened wide.

“What, what?”

“Or else. but. You’re too young for something like that. no. “Isn’t that so?”

Wijihoyeon tilted his head and muttered. Wijihoyeon looked calm, but Lee Seongmin’s face turned red. He pursed his lips and then shouted loudly.

“There’s nothing the little bastard can’t say!”

“haha! Just kidding, kidding. “Isn’t this a joke that can be told between friends?”


“okay? I didn’t know that. Because it was my first time having a friend. “I’ll be careful from now on.”

Wijihoyeon said with a smile. She waved the bag on her back once and approached Lee Seong-min.

“what. But I think it would be okay for you to do something like that. You are quite fun to watch. okay… Just think about that for 10 years. “How big will my breasts grow in 10 years?”

“I will not!”

“why? Just because you think about it doesn’t mean it wears out. Actually, I’m curious too. In your past life, I was known as a man, right? So, that means that even if we continue like this, our breasts won’t grow much… Hehehe! It would be quite fun to grow breasts and meet you. “Because you will be surprised.”

“crazy… ”

Lee Seong-min forgot what to say and muttered a curse word. As Wijihoyeon passed by Seongmin Lee, he lightly tapped him on the shoulder.

“See you in 10 years. Rubes’ central square, March 14. “I remember.”

“… okay.”

“Don’t die.”

Wijihoyeon left those words as if in passing. Seongmin Lee accepted those words most deeply.

“I won’t die.”

Seongmin Lee looked back. Wijihoyeon’s back was seen leaving the inn’s backyard.

“I will never die.”

As if casting a spell on yourself. Lee Seong-min muttered like that.

That’s how Wijihoyeon left.

We promise to meet again in 10 years.


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