Worthless Regression Chapter 24

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one month.

Wijihoyeon said that he would be able to repair the Gucheonmugeukchang within a month, but it did not turn out as he said. Gucheonmugeukchang was a Shingongjeolhak. If we were to pick just the singing method, it was one of the top three martial arts skills even in Jungwon, where Wijihoyeon lived.

No matter how much of a genius Wijihoyeon was and that he had been exposed to numerous new techniques, it was impossible to fix the Nine Heavenly Dances in just one month. Even though the correction is to solve the difficulty of the beginning of Gucheonmugeukchang’s Chosik and harmonize it with the Chosik of Chuhon Changbeop, an enormous amount of genius is required to fit it with the subsequent Gugyeok.

The promised one month passed, but Wijihoyeon was unable to completely cure the Gucheonmugeukchang. But Wijihoyeon was in no hurry.

“Progress is slower than expected. “I think I need to stay a little longer.”

“Aren’t you being held because of me?”

“I’m doing it because I said I would. There is no need for you to feel responsible. And please don’t do that.”

Wijihoyeon glanced at Lee Seongmin’s face.

“You are too pessimistic about yourself.”

“A person’s personality doesn’t change in a day or two.”

This is what happens when you are harassed by the mercenary guild for 10 years. I feel like I will never know Wijihoyeon for the rest of my life. Seongmin Lee stood up while grumbling. Break time is over.

Over the course of a month, Lee Seong-min’s body grew significantly. As he repeatedly used the spear technique without using much internal energy, he gained muscle and his stamina increased. However, this does not mean that he is negligent in his own work.

Instead of reducing his ‘hunting’ routine, Lee Seong-min devoted himself to training himself. In addition to correcting the Gucheonmugeukchang, Wijihoyeon devoted all his time to teaching Seongmin Lee.

Lee Seong-min’s spearmanship improved dramatically in just one month. Because he trained against monsters on his own, without receiving instruction from anyone, Lee Seong-min’s spearmanship was focused on practical skills rather than basic skills.

“Actually, Balgyeong can be used without using internal energy. In the first place, firing is a way to use power efficiently. “We just amplify its power by adding more power to it.”

“If you tell me, you won’t know.”

“Then are you going to give it a try?”

Wijihoyeon asked, pouting his lips. At those words, Lee Seong-min quietly kept his mouth shut. Hiss! The spear stretched out sharply pierced the air.

“There are many different types of Balgyeongdo. Depending on the distance, it changes from dark to dark. There, it is further divided depending on the method… If I were to explain every single thing, there would be no end to it. Among the martial arts practitioners of the Central Plains, the one who most properly understood and delved into Balgyeong and made it known was Jang Sam-bong, the founder of shamanism. “Even though he was already a long-lost person.”

Wijihoyeon muttered and stood up. She grabbed her spear, which she had placed at her side.

“Cartoscope, full-scope, cross-scope, etc. There are countless types of foot pain. But the purpose of Balgyeong is simple. It is about producing strong power with little force. Balgyeong involves not only using muscle strength, but also using the entire body to generate strength. The elasticity of the body, the rotation, the strength of the opponent. Based on the basic premise of using them, the power is explosively amplified with the help of internal energy.”

Seongmin Lee first nodded his head. Seeing that, Wiji Hoyeon narrowed his eyes.

“Don’t pretend to understand something when you don’t. “I’m confused.”

“okay. “I don’t know anything.”

“Then you have to learn. … You have to mix Balgyeong with your lannachal as well. Only then will it become more powerful than expected.”

After saying that, Wijihoyeon sighed deeply.

“It’s ridiculous. This world makes no sense. “You can’t even use martial arts without knowing these basic things!”

This was something I heard a lot from Wijihoyeon these days. As he began to learn in earnest from her wife, Ho-yeon, Lee Seong-min learned various things from her. Rather than martial arts, they were common sense and skills that one must know in order to use martial arts.

“I don’t know divination or geumnasu. A guy who doesn’t know anything about blood is using martial arts… ”

“How do you know if you haven’t learned it?”

“You shouldn’t talk.”

Wijihoyeon grumbled. Seongmin Lee made a sullen face and practiced the movements of Balgyeong that Wijihoyeon had taught him. Then something suddenly occurred to him, so he asked a question.

“How do you use the whole sound?”

[like this.]

Wijihoyeon sent a message. Seongmin Lee sighed and stopped swinging his spear.

“If I could do it right away, I would be a genius.”

“Well, that’s right. “You are not a genius.”

Wijihoyeon said with a sour face.

“But it’s not Dunjae either.”


“It’s not Dunjae. Just as you’re not a genius, you’re not a dullard either. Beomjae… “It might be a little better than that.”

Wijihoyeon muttered that and crossed his arms.

“I feel like learning from others is better for you than realizing it yourself. “I guess it’s because I never learned it properly.”

Lee Seong-min’s face became blank at Wijihoyeon’s words. right. Seongmin Lee has never learned properly from another person in this way.

“Well, anyway. “You can think of Jeon Eum as speaking with inner energy.”

“What kind of idiot is that? “How do you speak with inner energy?”

“Ugh… ”

In response to Lee Seong-min’s grumbling, Wijiho-yeon explained step by step how to use Jeon-eum. Based on that, Lee Seong-min tried the whole sound, but it didn’t work out well. This was because the amount of internal energy was still too small.

In that way, Seongmin Lee learned various things from Jihoyeon Wi. He learned about blood vessels and the method of point-pointing. He also learned about Balgyeong and Geumnasu. Even when using Jahain Gong, Wijihoyeon stayed by his side and gave him advice on how to guide Naegong.

In fact, the reason why Wijihoyeon could not complete Gucheonmugeukchang within a month was because he devoted a lot of time to teaching Seongmin Lee. Lee Seong-min, who finished the great heaven of self-made gods, opened his eyes.

“Why are you doing this to me?”

Seongmin Lee asked. While Lee Seong-min was spinning his own ball, Wi Ji-ho-yeon was sitting on the corner of the bed and interpreting the verses of Gucheonmugeukchang. Wijihoyeon looked back at Seongmin Lee.

“Are you asking because you don’t know? Of course… ”

“Don’t answer, ‘Because we are friends.’”

“Because I don’t want to see you die unexpectedly.”

Wijihoyeon changed his answer.

“Didn’t you say you would make me your goal? “I can’t let someone like that die in a place where I don’t know where I am, and get killed by a random guy who I don’t even know who he is.”

“Are you crazy?”

“Say you’re worried.”

Wijihoyeon grumbled. She put down her pen and turned her stiff neck from side to side.

“… And I just don’t want to leave behind any major regrets. “I will be leaving soon.”

“… What regrets? “What kind of regret are you talking about?”

“You are my first friend.”

Wijihoyeon’s eyes calmly sank. When Ho-yeon had her eyes like that, I wasn’t sure if she meant it or not. She seemed to overwhelm her opponent with just her gaze.

“Even if the meeting itself wasn’t a coincidence, my thoughts don’t change. You are the first friend I ever had. So, I want to give it to you. For you, for me.”

It’s something I’ve heard over and over again. The giant Wijihoyeon, who was called Socheonma in his previous life, was that kind of person. In fact, she was a woman, not a man, and she was quite considerate of the subject due to her background as a minor sect leader of the Demonic Cult. Even though she lacked something fundamental in her communication skills, she was told, once she embraced someone, she would embrace them until the end.



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“One month from now. It’s a month. It took twice as long as I first said… After that I leave.”

“… “Where are you going?”

“I do not know. just… For the time being, I plan to wander around without settling down. “Just like I did in my past life.”

Wijihoyeon said that and looked at Lee Seongmin.

“What are you going to do?”

“me? I am… “After I get the Holy Spirit, I plan to go to the city next to Zenavis.”

Behenger. It is a city that can be reached by walking for three days even after passing through the forest. In his previous life, Seongmin Lee entered the mercenary guild of Behenger and became a mercenary.

“Right. “Then when shall we meet?”

Wijihoyeon asked while tilting his head.

“If I leave this city in a month, I will be wandering around for years, just like I did in my previous life. After that, I’ll settle down somewhere I feel like. “In your past life, you and I have never met each other in the 13 years you lived.”

“Because we were in different positions.”

“What about 10 years from now?”

Wijihoyeon said.

“I was thinking of doing it after 13 years, but since you said you don’t know what happens after that, I think it would be better to meet sooner than that. We make an appointment to meet in 10 years. You decide the place. “I don’t know anything about geography.”


Seongmin Lee answered immediately without even thinking.

“It is one of the largest and most prosperous cities in the area. … I think we can meet there. “When would be a good date?”

“March 14th.”

After pondering for a moment, Wijihoyeon opened his mouth.

“It’s my birthday. There will be nothing to forget. Remember, too. March 14th, 10 years later. “You and I will meet again in the city of Rubes.”

So a meeting was made 10 years later. At the same time, the promise gave Seongmin Lee a purpose. You will never die for the next 10 years. You must never die until you meet Wijihoyeon. No, you can’t just survive.

Since you have set your sights on Wijihoyeon, you must try to get closer to her. At a first-class level, you won’t even be able to get close to Wijihoyeon’s toes. Even beyond that. We must advance to a level that Lee Seong-min in his previous life could never surpass.

In his new life, Seongmin Lee had several purposes.

One is to make sure to seize opportunities that can be obtained through memories of one’s past life. Zenavis’ Boneless, Antique Bookstore’s Innocent Mind, and Tournament’s Holy Spirit. That’s not the end. There are still a few more things to get.

The second is to survive.

The third is Wijihoyeon. It’s possible to become stronger than Wijihoyeon… don’t think What we have is so different, and what we were born with is also so different. but.

Still, my goal was to become stronger than Wijihoyeon.

When two more days passed. Wijihoyeon completed Gucheonmugeukchang Seongminsik. The entry barrier to the original Gucheonmugeukchang was lowered, and Lee Seong-min’s familiar Choshik style of Chuhonchang was mixed in at the beginning.

Gucheonmugeukchang Seongminsik was completed, but Wijihoyeon did not leave.

“Because I said I would be leaving in a month. For the next two weeks, I will teach you Gucheonmugeukchang Seong Min-sik.”

For two weeks, Lee Seong-min received guidance on Gucheon Mugeukchang Seong Min-sik from Wijihoyeon. Two weeks passed, and Lee Seong-min and Wi Ji-ho-yeon stood face to face in the backyard of Jack’s inn. Wijihoyeon leaves Zenabis today. Travel expenses are 100,000 er. It was also lent by Lee Seong-min. The outfit was simple. The military uniform he wore when he was first summoned, and the bag that Jack gave him. The bag contains beef jerky to eat during the journey. There are no weapons. In the first place, Wijihoyeon does not use weapons.

“I’ll give you 20 seconds.”

Wijihoyeon put down his bag. Let’s dance. The first thing I recommended was Wijihoyeon. Seongmin Lee did not reject him.

I already know the outcome. No matter how much Lee Sung-min struggles now, he can never win against Wi Ji-ho-yeon. Even if you give up 20 seconds, the result does not change. Even if Lee Seong-min stabs the spear hundreds of times, he will not be able to hurt Wijihoyeon.

Despite knowing this, Lee Seong-min stood here.

This is because I wanted to know the skills of Wijihoyeon, which was my goal.


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