Trash of the Count’s Family Part 2 Chapter 256

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“Where is the World Tree?”

-It’s in the east. The world tree is guarded by a guy with the absurd name of God of the Earth.

God of the earth.

One of the ten divine dragons, and the third star, the strongest of the three stars.

In addition, the Inquisitor Elf sent an earth spirit towards that guy’s castle.

‘I was planning to go there after here anyway.’

That’s good.

Kale decided on his next destination without hesitation.

“Hmm. I guess I should go to where the Dragon, the god of the earth, is.”

-Oh, but!

The origin of the world raised its hand slightly.


-I don’t know if that will help.

“Uh. Tell me.”

As Kale spoke with an indifferent expression, the child continued speaking while slightly glancing at him.

-The more people on our side, the stronger we are, right?


-The dragon acts as a god, but wouldn’t it be better to bring down a real god?

Real God?

Kale blurted out without realizing it.

“blue Wolf?”

-Yes! The king of beasts!

When Kale learned of its existence, the Source of the World began to speak excitedly.

-Since I’m down here underground, I guess I have some idea what’s going on upstairs!

Ryan, the new dragon of one-star dominance.

The Dragon Lord’s confidant.

The source of the world that resides deep underground, somewhere unknown, beneath his castle, spoke.

-Do you hear crying sounds?


-Among the countless cries, the howl of an animal can be heard.

It is said that in Dragon Lion’s castle, the beast people are treated like slaves.

-But that crying sound is familiar.

The child pressed his face against the surface of the marble.

The ball is dented.

-It’s like new water.

And Kale’s eyes grew wide.

-That’s definitely it. ‘The Cry of Sunset’, that’s it.

One of the three new gods.

-I hear a wolf howling.

-It’s clear that Ryan has the new water and is trying to use it.

Ryan’s Castle, where security has become increasingly tight lately and strange noises are said to be heard all the time.

And Choi Han heard a strange sound coming from the castle, a crying sound that brought to mind black despair.

‘What are you doing?’

It seemed certain that something was happening at Ryan Castle.

‘If the Blue Wolf’s sacred relic really exists in Ryan Castle-‘

The Apitoyu tribe flashed through Kale’s mind. Beings who couldn’t properly go berserk. If only they could go berserk properly.

-Kale, shouldn’t you be shaking?

Kale answered firmly to Jjangdol’s soft words.

“Of course I should tell you.”




Choi Han and Raon quickly approached Kale, who was rising through the brilliant light.

And the kale that emerged from the light had no injuries whatsoever. Rather, it had a good complexion.

He spoke to those who were waiting for him.

“I need to raid Ryan’s castle.”

Choi Han paused, and Raon shouted with a bright face.

“Human, are we finally back to our castle?”

Kale nodded blandly.

He proudly extended his hand to the Guardian Elf. The Guardian Elf and Wisha looked at Kale with blank expressions, but Kale opened his palm wide and spoke.

“Do you have a map of the inside of Ryan Castle?”

Give me the map.

The tone, expression, and actions of his speech were most likely intended to convey that intention.

“… … .”


The Guardian Elf stared blankly at Kale’s palm. Then he looked at Kale’s face once.

One palm, one face.

After doing that several times, I finally opened my mouth.


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“I do have a rough map of the castle interior. Why do you need it-”

“I’m going to get my ass kicked.”

Kale said it once, but kindly said it again.

“…You’re turning Ryan’s last name?”


He nodded kindly even when asked a question.

And then he smiled faintly.

“It is said that there will be a ‘cry of sunset’ there.”


Baek Sa-wi-sha’s shoulders shook. She wasn’t the only one.

Wolf Clan Chief Nia and Hunter Koukan. The two beastmen who had been standing in the corner took a step forward in great surprise.

“The cry of the sunset! Isn’t that sacred water broken?”

Koukan opened his mouth with a trembling voice.

“Well, if we have that, we might be able to do a proper berserk! Chief, right?”

“yes yes!”

Nia nodded vigorously as if she had never felt intimidated before.

“Okay, please explain in more detail!”

And when Baek Sa spoke with a rare stammer, Kale shrugged his shoulders leisurely.

“Okay. I also need to tell you what I’m going to do next, so let’s sit down and talk.”


Crawling, crawling.

-Human, human! You must bend down more! It gets narrower in front of you!


Kale leaned forward further.

-Like a turtle! Crawl! Crawl!

And then I crawled forward, crawling slowly.

“I’m not having a hard time at all!”

Meow meow.

On and Hong walked leisurely in front of him, looking like cats. On’s gait was even elegant. It looked like he had learned the gait of a nobleman from Ron.

“Kale, are you okay?”

Choi Han’s voice was heard from behind.

“Shall I carry you for you? Ah.”

He paused while speaking.

“I can’t upload it here!”

As Hong said, the tunnel was too narrow to carry a child.

“…I’ll just go as I please.”

Kale swallowed a sigh and continued speaking.

A voice was heard from the front.

“Just a little further, there’s the entrance.”

It was Baek Sa. She was also crawling along at the same pace.

“This is the only way to enter the castle walls quietly, so I apologize for the inconvenience.”

Currently, Kale and his party were using a secret passage to enter Dragon Lion’s castle.

‘Magic is dangerous.’

‘All routes to the ground will be discovered.’

‘The security is so tight these days, I feel like I’d be caught right away even if I went into the castle.’

After much discussion, a conclusion was reached.

‘First of all, we have no idea what is happening at Ryan Castle right now.’

This was the biggest problem raised by the Guardian Elves.

‘I haven’t been able to go anywhere near it for about two weeks now.’

Two weeks of information gap.

To fill this,

‘Once we enter the secret passage, we check the situation and then come out.’

I had to start by spying.

Everyone agreed with what Kale said.


Baek Sa apologized again, and Kale responded nonchalantly.

“it’s okay.”

Wisha groaned, still feeling uneasy despite that answer. Unlike before, her attitude toward Kale became even more extreme. This was a natural course of events.

‘I really thought you would be my savior.’

Kale casually relayed the conversation he had with the origin of the world.

And after hearing all this, Wisha was thrilled.

‘Everything can be turned back!’

Kale Henitus. This guy can do it all.

‘Can the energy of the world be re-established?’

Using the source too?

‘Is this human?’

Kale said he was human, but Wisha was honestly half-believing in that.

Half of the thought is that he might not be human, but a god-like being.

Or, half the heart that believes it is human and trembles at its wondrous power.

‘Actually, it doesn’t matter either way.’

The only thing that matters is that this person is on our side.

‘Is it possible.’

Dragon Lord, hope that you can stop what the Bora Blood Hunters are doing.

Hope that the destruction of this world can be prevented.

‘Yes, this person is the hope.’

So, we must diligently help this person in everything he does.

Wisha made up her mind.

Her crawling steps quickened a little, reflecting her feelings.


Cale sighed as he tried to keep up with the faster pace of the leader. But he still opened his mouth.


“…yes yes!”

Lark’s voice was heard from behind.

Today, only Average 10, Wisha, Choi Han, Lark, and Kale came here.

Since we couldn’t bring many people for spying, we basically only brought along those who were excellent at hiding or had skills backed up by them.

“Are you okay?”

“… Yes! It’s okay!”

Kale nodded at the innocent yet gentle voice and moved forward.

This narrow tunnel would be a difficult place for the slender but large Lark.

‘I said I’m fine.’

You don’t have to worry too much about it.

Choi Han will probably take care of Lark before any trouble arises.

Kale crawled away without looking back.

-Kale, are you having a hard time?

Trying to ignore Jjangdol’s words.

And Lark could catch a glimpse of Kale’s appearance from behind.

‘…don’t be a bother.’

He crawled through the tunnel, crouching as much as possible.

I couldn’t help but feel my back and head touch the ceiling little by little and get dirt on it, but I didn’t care.

‘If we follow you, we’ll just cause trouble, right?’

When the Wolf Clan Chief Nia asked cautiously, Lark couldn’t bring himself to tell her that he could follow her.

‘I am not capable of protecting you, Chief, and you are not capable of protecting yourself.’

I can’t cause any more trouble to Prince Kale.

That’s why Lark told Nia and Koukan.

‘I, I’ll take a good look and come back!’

The two men thanked him for those words. And Lark himself-

‘It was shiny.’

He looked at me with very sparkling eyes.

Lark knows that look.

It was similar to the look in people’s eyes when looking at kale.

That’s why Lark knew that light was ‘expectation’ and ‘faith’.


Lark exhaled deeply without realizing it.

“are you okay?”


Although he answered Choi Han’s words nonchalantly, Lark felt a heavy feeling in his heart for some reason.

But I didn’t hate the weight.


Strength entered my hands that were pressing on the floor.


There was no clear purpose to what I was going to do.

Lark’s mind was filled with the thought that he absolutely wanted to accomplish something. He harbored a slight anxiety about whether this attitude of his was right.


At that moment, Baek Sa opened his mouth.

“They all came.”


A baby white snake escaped from the white snake’s embrace and climbed up her head, pressing its face against the ceiling of the tunnel.

“Mom, be quiet.”


The baby snake went back into White Snake’s arms, and Wisha reached out towards the ceiling.


Soon the opening in the ceiling opened.

“wait a minute.”

Wisha went out first.

After a while, she stuck her face into the tunnel and said.

“You may come out.”

-Human, I’ll go first!

Starting with Raon’s words, they came out one by one.


Of course, Kale groaned and crawled out of the tunnel.


And as I sat up, I stumbled slightly.

-Human, are you okay?

It was because I had been crawling on my knees for quite some time.

“Oh. It’s okay.”

Kale answered vaguely and straightened his posture.



A chair appeared in front of him.

Wisha smiled and offered him a small chair.



Cale sat down on the chair without even refusing and looked around.

“It’s the basement.”

After climbing up to Lark, Choi Han closed the tunnel exit door. Then he stood right behind Cale.


Kale unfolded the map.

“Is this the right house?”

“Yes. It’s the basement of this house.”

Ryan Castle.

Kale imagined a castle as a huge castle.

But in reality, this place was like one huge village.

‘There is an outer wall.’

There are several houses inside.

The number exceeds that of a small village.

‘And there’s an inner wall.’

Only in it does Ryan’s lair, or castle, exist.

“A magical device has been installed on the inner wall, so anyone without a registration card cannot access it.”

You need a permit to enter Ryan’s Lair.

“Because of this, our spies with registration cards worked inside the castle and brought us information.”

Thanks to that, the map showed the inside of the castle in quite great detail.

“Of course, none of them lasted more than three months.”

They are so good at detecting spies that spies who enter Lion Lair are discovered within three months. Those who escaped are fortunate, but most are caught and meet with unpleasant endings.

“That’s why we rarely send spies into the castle these days.”

It is not possible to reduce the lives of our already small number of allies.

“I changed it to hearing rumors from outside, that is, from the village.”

Even that didn’t work out for about two weeks.

“They say they’ve started patrolling the village too.”

The village also conducted a registration check, and the guardians, who could not bear the risk, did not dare approach the castle.

I also told the spies not to engage in any excessive activities.

This was an inevitable choice.

“…because it was not long after I touched the origin of the world.”

After the Guardian Elves and Wisha met the origin of the world, it was more important for them to keep their treasure trove undiscovered.

“First of all, this is the house where our agent lives.”

A village drawn in a circular shape surrounding Ryan’s Lair.

The agent’s house was to the north.

“Some of the water people live in the western and southern regions. They do manual labor. Of course, most of the water people are in Lair.”

My gaze moved to the map inside the rare.

“The basement is completely empty.”

A giant rare the size of a palace.

“Yes. It is estimated to be at least the third basement level. No agent has been able to approach there. Of course, there were those who approached there, but contact was lost.”

“It looks like security is at its tightest.”

“Yes. If I had to name a place where the water might be, I would guess it would be Ryan’s bedroom and this basement. And-”

She was speechless for a moment, but then continued.

“… There have been reports that a significant number of those who surrendered to Ryan have disappeared underground for about a month.”

This was information that even Baek Sa-do did not know, and it was something he heard when he met the Guardian Elf this time.

Kale’s eyebrows rose slightly.

“And then two weeks later, it started making incomprehensible warning sounds and you couldn’t access it?”


Kale was lost in thought for a moment at Baek Sa’s affirmation.

A crying sound that reminds me of the black despair that Choi Han heard.

The cry of the new water sunset, spoken by the origin of the world.

Dragon Lion, which also has the trait of domination.

And there are hunters who always cause trouble by using dead mana and despair very well.

‘It’s quite creepy.’

For some reason, Cale was reminded of the ugly side of the alchemy bell tower he had encountered in the past underground of the Mogor Empire capital.

A hill made of bones that was located in the basement of the bell tower. A cylinder filled with dead mana stood tall in between.

The black despair created by piling up all of these.

‘Sometimes the answer lies in past experiences.’

As Kale continued his thoughts, Baek Sa’s voice continued to whisper in his ear.

“And the agent here is human.”

“is it so?”

“Yes. They are one of the few human agents. By the way, there are many humans living in Ryan’s castle. Most of the chores are done by humans.”


She burst out laughing.

“If you go to the center of town, there is also a prayer temple that worships Ryan as a god.”

That laughter was a mockery.

“Anyway, she’s a human agent and she’s quite old, so she’s been working here for three months without arousing suspicion. You can trust her skills. I think she might set a new agent record.”

And added:

“I heard from the Guardian that this agent also obtained a registration card to enter the lair, so it would be a good idea to get information from her.”

“That’s a good thing.”

Kale nodded in agreement, thinking that things would go smoothly.


This is a world ruled by dragons and the Purple Blood family, but those within it have unknowingly done quite a bit in their positions.

Thanks to that, Kale was able to move around much more comfortably.


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