Trash of the Count’s Family Part 2 Chapter 226

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He doesn’t simply want a ‘yes or no’ answer to the question of whether he has caused any harm.

“Are you willing to visit the palace?”

For a moment, Bailey could see a smile forming on Kale’s lips.

He asked softly with a smile.

“If you were to visit, what would you do?”

While they were just asking each other questions, Bailey gave an answer instead of a question.

“I will take you with me.”


Kale’s smile grew wider with satisfaction.

‘That makes sense.’

But Bailey’s expression wasn’t smiling.

“I think you’ll have to move secretly.”

Kale’s expression turned strange at her words. He asked straight away.

“Is there anyone in the palace who does not welcome us?”

Bailey responded, impressed by Kale’s cleverness in immediately understanding what he meant.

“Yes. There will be many of them. But Your Majesty will be waiting.”

“His Majesty the King is hostile to the Holy Empire, and many of his subordinates seem to have sided with the Empire.”

“That’s right.”

Kale asked without further embellishment.

“Your Majesty, does His Majesty the King represent the will of the Kingdom of Har?”

Who holds the initiative in the kingdom?

“As long as the Prime Minister and I are alive, Your Majesty will achieve what you desire. However, the Prime Minister and I are old.”

Bailey and the Prime Minister, who are in charge of Foreign Affairs and Home Affairs respectively.

It was said that the two people were firmly supporting the king.

But because they were old, it also meant that the direction of power could change at any time.

Kale opened his mouth right away.

“I don’t like things that are cumbersome and time-consuming.”

“Me too. You should go see His Majesty the King before the Empire finds out.”

When a king of a country meets someone, it is up to the king’s decision.

Bailey confirmed this on the spot.

Because Cale Henitus and his companions were clearly the ones the King had been waiting for.

She continued.

“Normally, it would take a long time to get from here to the capital. You will use teleportation magic, right?”


Bailey asked as if it was obvious after seeing Dragon Rashid, and Cale nodded.

‘Now dragons can use magic.’

If you control an area through Dragon Fear, you can also teleport.

Bailey looked at Kale’s calm appearance and asked as calmly as possible.

“Keel Sir.”

It was a very important question.

I need to hear a definitive answer.

“In the future, will there be many things that will cause trouble to the Holy Empire?”

Kale answered without hesitation, knowing what Bailey was worried about.

“From beginning to end. I will be a burden to the Holy Empire.”

Bailey’s expression brightened.

“Then, there will be no harm to the Kingdom of Har from Sir Kale. I am sure Your Majesty will respond in the same way.”

“That is satisfactory. Then, Minister, may I ask you two more questions?”

“As much as you want.”

Bailey was willing to answer anything.


But a cough escaped her mouth.

“young master.”

The butler of the black castle approached her, handed her a handkerchief, and called out to Kale softly.

“A long conversation would be difficult.”

Bailey waved her hand at what Kale said.

Cough, cough. But the cough kept coming out.

After all, he was old and had to go through rough snowy fields, and his body was taking a toll on him as he was exposed to the power of a dragon hybrid.

Although he wasn’t seriously injured, he was in a condition where he needed to rest.

“Okay, it’s okay.”

Hansako Bailey showed a willingness to talk further.

“Then let me ask briefly.”

Kale only asked questions that needed to be answered straight away.

As the Minister in charge of foreign affairs, it was an area he knew better than anyone else.

“What do you think will happen in the Holy Empire in the future?”

The corners of Bailey’s mouth went up.

It was a question I had been waiting for.

“I’ll wait until tonight, or tomorrow. If the Knight Commander of the Genuine Knights doesn’t report anything by tomorrow. And if none of the dragon half-bloods die.”

She held up three fingers.


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“I will show three actions at the same time.”

“I will listen.”

As Kale prepared to listen quietly, Bailey opened his mouth.

“First, we will send another punitive force.”

This was what Kale had expected.

“However, in addition to the dragon half-blood knights, we will also include the Inquisitors.”

Kale raised his hand briefly to cut her off.

“Who are the Inquisitors?”

Bailey was speechless for a moment.

Kale added with a smile.

“I really don’t know anything.”

Bailey didn’t believe that.

‘It must be to show humility and find the difference between the information he knows and the information of the Kingdom of Har.’

If so, there is no simple answer.

We need to tell hidden stories that are not universally known.

“On the surface, the Inquisitors are people who seek out and pass judgment on individuals or groups suspected of being heretics or cults in the Holy Empire. But in reality, what they do is ‘cleanse.’”


“Yes. We will cleanse and eliminate all beings that hinder the sect and the empire from taking control of the continent.”

A heretic inquisitor who carries out his cleaning work while hiding in the shadows of the empire and the cult.

“It is said that their power is only slightly inferior to that of the Dragon Half-Blood Knights. However, they are one of the most powerful forces supporting the Empire.”


Kale asked a question, knowing that Bailey wasn’t finished explaining.

Bailey then opened his mouth, realizing that the answer he wanted wasn’t what was on the surface.

Her body was tired, but her eyes were shining.

“From what we have learned in the Kingdom of Har, the Inquisitors are considered the most powerful force in the Holy Empire.”


She paused for a moment, trying to calm the cough that was about to come.

I took a sip of the tea the gray-haired butler handed me.


Bailey continued, putting down his teacup.

The reason why the Inquisitor is considered the best is-

“They are known to be human, but based on the information we have gathered, we have concluded that they are not human.”


Bailey couldn’t tell how surprised he was at first by what he had discovered based on the information.

“The Inquisitor-”


“I’m an elf.”

They were the ones who served the dragon closest.


Kale let out a sigh of admiration.


I never thought of this.

‘Well, the world tree is occupied by dragons, so naturally they are using elves as subordinates.’

Kale nodded and opened his mouth.

“Then let’s send the first punitive force once more. What about the other two?”

Bailey opened his mouth, remembering in his mind how Cale looked without the slightest hesitation at the mention of the word elf.

“The second is to contact His Majesty the King.”

“I guess you want to find out what was done in the Kingdom of Har.”

“That’s right.”

This was also a natural course of action.

“Then what about the third?”


Bailey hesitated to speak for the first time.

But soon her gaze turned to the half-shaven Rasheel sleeping on one side of the room.

Following that gaze, Kale also looked at Rasheel.

“I can tell without you saying anything.”

I found out the third one.

“Are you saying that you are bringing in dragons from the church?”

“Yes, it definitely will.”

Since the Holy City became an empire, there has never been a time when half of the Dragon Half-Blooded Knights suddenly lost contact.

So the central temple, the Pope will contact the dragon.

“The dragon won’t come to the Erge Mountains right away. But if there’s one chance, it might come here right away.”

Bailey continued cautiously.

“If they come, there will probably be one dragon or two.”


Kale thought.

‘If it’s just one dragon, should we catch it and interrogate it?’

If Erhaven beats me until I’m dusty, won’t he spit it all out?

It seems like it would be easy for six dragons to defeat one dragon.

“… … .”

Bailey swallowed hard.

Because I was looking at Kale’s calm eyes and the dragon Rashiel’s eyes sparkling as if he had never fallen asleep, I couldn’t help but feel anticipation.


But my older body found it difficult to even entertain such expectations.


Kale stood up from his seat.

“Go and rest quickly. After you rest for a moment, I will come back to you as soon as the teleportation preparations are complete.”

“…There’s one thing left.”

Bailey remembered that Kale had two questions.

“What is the other one?”


Kale hesitated for a moment and then said.

“Are dragon hybrids created beings?”


Bailey looked up at the ceiling and let out a sigh that was almost a laugh.

“The religious order says that it is a being born of a dragon hybrid.”

Her gaze met Kale’s.

“We are making guesses based on information we have gathered over several decades.”

It’s not a certainty, but it’s still just a guess.

“The dragon hybrid was definitely created.”

At that moment, the corners of Kale’s mouth went up.

The silent dragon’s voice reached Bailey’s ears.

“Then, if we go after the dragon hybrids, we can hear what happens.”

And then the butler who had been quietly looking after Bailey opened his mouth.

Ron said in a soft voice.

“I will take charge of the investigation.”


Bailey’s eyes widened.

Are you saying he wasn’t just a butler?

“Uh. Please.”

She was even more surprised by Kale’s flat answer.

‘There’s not a single person here that can be taken lightly.’

Cold sweat came out on its own.

Kale realized that Bailey was in pretty bad shape and told Ron.

“Bring the minister to me.”

“Yes, your highness.”

Bailey stopped walking as she was leaving the room where Kale was staying.

It was because a thought suddenly occurred to me.

“I, Sir Kale-”

Her voice trembled slightly.

“By any chance, how many minutes has the dragon been staying here?”

At that moment, she could see the smile forming on Kale’s lips.

“Well, I think there are enough of them to stay.”

Bailey bit her lip at his plain answer.

Her heart was pounding, and she finally let out a small laugh.

“I don’t think this old man has any heart left. He really needs to get some rest.”

“Yes. You must go to the capital city of the kingdom soon, so please get some rest, even if it is only for a short time.”


Bailey left Kale’s room and came into the guest room.

There were aides and knights waiting for me there.

Even Ron returned, and the Minister, lying on the bed, saw the anxiousness and anticipation on his aide’s face.


“But why?”

The aide hesitated, exchanged glances with the surrounding knights and officials, and then opened his mouth.

It was something everyone was curious about.

“Is that person, Kale Henitus, related to the Snow Archduke?”

Bailey closed her eyes.

The red color that stood tall in the white world came to mind.

“He said it had nothing to do with anything.”


A moment later, Bailey continued, as someone sighed.

“Even if he is related to the Grand Duke, what can we say?”

Snow Archduke.

When that place was attacked, the Har Kingdom was unable to properly provide any help, as it was collapsing under the pressure of the Empire and opposition trying to join the Empire.

“But now it will be different.”

Young King Danys.

If it’s him.

For Sir Kale, whose last name is either Henitus or Snow.

“We will give it everything we have.”

Even if you don’t have much.



Bailey was determined to use the greatest power King Danys had ever given him.

“I must send a telegram to the elders.”

The aide’s eyes widened.

“…Is that what you are saying?”

“Yes. When I go to the capital, you go with me and you contact him.”

Bailey looked out the window.

White snow is falling.

A being as white as those eyes.

The hidden guardian of the Har Kingdom.

A final move that will not be made unless the kingdom is destroyed.

“It is time for the white snake to move.”

An old tribe of water people who survived before the turbulent times.

I have to call her in.

“Of course, it’s up to the elder to decide whether to move or not, but I should at least tell him.”

“Shall we move?”

“… I think it will move.”

Bailey’s years of experience speak for themselves.

“…From now on, a fight will unfold between the Holy Empire or the Har Kingdom, one of which will have to see the end.”

Despite his mention of the destruction of his country, Bailey’s eyes were shining brightly even in his aged body.

It was the look in the eyes of someone who had found an opportunity.


“I will go.”

The ancient dragon Erhaven approached Kale as he was about to go see King Daenis.

Chapter 29. The Symbol of Victory

After deciding to move to Delphine, the capital of the Har Kingdom, all preparations were quickly completed.

Choi Han followed Erhaben and stepped forward.

“I will go too.”

Erhaven shook his head.

“No, Choi Han, you stay here. Kale, you think so too?”

“Uh… um.”

He pointed to Raon, who was flapping his wings next to him.

“I think it would be okay for the two of us to go and come back?”

“Can not be done.”

“It’s not possible.”

Choi Han and Erhaben shook their heads at the same time.

He made Raon’s cheeks puff up.

“Why, but! It’s enough for the two of us to go!”


Dragon Mila said with a soft laugh.

“It won’t work because both of them are troublemakers.”

“… … .”

“… … .”

Kale and Raon looked around as if they were being treated unfairly, but no one took their side.

“Me, Raon, and Kale. The three of us are going.”

As if he could not listen to any more arguments, the old dragon made a decision. His gaze turned to the Har Kingdom people in the corner.


“yes yes.”

Bailey wiped away the cold sweat for no reason.

Raon approached the sight and asked worriedly.

“Minister! Are you still in pain? Shouldn’t you be resting?”

“Oh, no. It’s okay, Dragon.”

Bailey was honestly about to lose her mind right now.

‘How many dragons are there?’

Raon, Erhaven, Rashid, Mila.

There are four dragons I’ve seen so far.

If she hadn’t had so much experience, she would have fainted long ago.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Bailey’s aide and Knight Sam were already out of their minds, so she had to keep her wits about her.

“Minister, are you sure you’re okay?”

Bailey calmed down and answered Cale’s question with a stern expression.

“This is a time when you can’t rest.”

You never know when the Holy Empire might notice something strange and take action.

So, we must act as quickly as possible and make sure that King Daenis is not flustered under any circumstances.


Bailey let out a short breath and opened her mouth.

“There is only one proper wizard in the Kingdom of Har.”

“But you said that person was an imperialist?”

“Yes. That’s why I had to teleport right away without being able to contact His Majesty the King separately-”

Bailey, whose words trailed off for a moment, continued.

“I apologize for any confusion or disarray for a moment.”

“Yes, it’s okay.”

For Cale, who had been planning to storm the palace without warning, a small commotion was nothing.

“Then, Minister. Where are these coordinates for the palace?”


Bailey realized he hadn’t said it yet and spoke flatly.

“This is the bedroom.”


“His Majesty the King’s bedroom.”


“Wouldn’t that be the most secret?”

Kale was silent for a moment, then asked.

“…I hope nothing happens?”


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