Transcension Academy Chapter 182

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Episode 182 – Defeat Jecheon Daeseong (1)

To be honest.

I thought I could do it easily this time.



Seo-joon vomited blood at Yeoui-bong, which was not recognized even by Chiron’s senses.

Of course, this place was a spiritual space created by the Taoist magic of the fantasy realm of Jecheon Daeseong.

It is said that he vomited blood, but there was no actual damage to his physical condition.

If it came in as an actual blow, Seo-joon would have died a hundred more times.

All the damage went into psychological damage,

Because of Sakyamuni’s immobility, there were no major problems.

“What the hell…!”

Seo-joon forcibly raised his body from the floor.

Seo-joon’s whole body felt like the nerves in his body were being cut off.

A face-to-face bet that takes place in the fantasy world.

All the damage comes as a mental blow, but the pain I was experiencing was completely unthinkable.

[Hahahahaha! This beat tastes better than last time!]

Daeseong Jecheon shouted in a playful voice.

The chin on the shoulder, the female guild rod, was repeating its increase and decrease.

Jecheon Daeseong was looking at Seojun with a very excited expression.

It looked like a fun toy.


Seeing the appearance of Jecheon Daeseong, Seo-joon gritted his teeth.

To be honest.

I really thought I could do it without difficulty this time.

Although this time it wasn’t a hair, it was a single shot.

I had to give Daeseong Jecheon a valid hit, but

Still, I thought I could do something.

Unlike the first encounter with Jecheon Daeseong, Seo-joon’s skills have improved dramatically.

It could be said that it was a growth to the extent that the word “blind relative” would fit perfectly.

Above all, there was a transcendental weapon, the Longinus spear,

Because by taking the Dragon Heart, the amount and output of mana increased remarkably.

In addition, now I can use the Transcendence skill, the Celestial Meteor Spear, from 1 to 3 seconds without difficulty.

No matter how much Jecheon Daeseong, he thought that he could not ignore Seo-jun now.

Especially in a state where most of the powers of Jecheondaeseong are sealed due to causal restrictions.


[After another 1,000 years, I think I’ll be able to fight back with my natural strength!]

What is the constraint of causality!

That monkey is really crazy!

Something like Beserk really couldn’t compare!

Beserk is the Great Monster of the End?

Stop talking funny!

If Beserk is the Great Monster of the End,

Here, Jecheon Daeseong was a monkey of destruction!

Can’t win.

Seojun quickly acknowledged it.

However, Seo-joon stood up from his seat.

It was because it was not a fight to win Jecheondaeseong in the first place.

one room.

It’s just one room.

It is a game to win if you feed just one shot regardless of means and methods.

So you can.

no, you must

‘Even at this moment, 1 trillion is evaporating!’


Seo-joon burst into TRP’s speed and jumped in at once.

As the distance shortened at once, Seojun thrust out Longinus’s spear.

The spear of Longinus pierces through space.

Countless changes dwell in a spear thrown out once.

[That weapon is quite menacing!]

Jecheon Daeseong shouted at the rushing spear of Longinus.

As the saying goes, Jecheon Daeseong did not hold the spear of Longinus with his bare hands like last time.

The transcendent weapon, the Spear of Longinus.

The genuine spear of Longinus, not an imitation, was a weapon of the same level as the Geumgang Yeouibong used by Jecheon Daeseong.

The problem is not only the difference in weapons.

The gap between users was that there was a heavenly difference.

Wow— oh!

Space was distorted as Longinus’s spear collided with Nuuibong.


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The atmosphere vibrates at the bursting fragments of power.


And the moan that erupted was none other than Seojun.

Obviously, it was Seo-jun and himself who attacked.

And it was Seo-jun and himself who were attacked.

‘What the hell…!’

It was as if they had been beaten together rather than attacked with the Spear of Longinus.

Pain as if my intestines were twisting.

However, Seo-joon did not lose his mind until the end.

Seojun naturally twisted Longinus’s spear.


The Spear of Longinus and the Lady’s Stick slide past each other.

The Spear of Longinus occupies space in an instant.

A move you couldn’t do before.

speed, power, trajectory.

The Spear of Longinus moves in the most efficient and threatening direction.

No matter how much Jecheon Daeseong is a true transcendentalist,

The power of transcendent weapons cannot be ignored.

It was clear that even Longinus’s spear, which did not contain much power, would take an immediate hit.

[He knows how to mix things up… that’s amazing!]

If it did, it really would have been.

In an instant, the new model of Jecheon Daeseong disappeared.

Longinus’s spear shot through the air.

Seo-joon turned his head to the fullest, expanding his senses.

[Here! here!]

At that moment, the voice of Jecheon Daeseong was heard.

In the distance, Jecheon Daeseong was waving his hand.

‘Which break?’

Seo-joon couldn’t shake the doubt that came to his mind.

As if the space had been blown up, as if the existence had evaporated.

It was a momentary movement that even TRP speed could not catch up with.

Soon after, Jecheon Daeseong lightly swung the Yeouibong.

It was a meaningless action because there was a considerable distance.

But it seems that the distance doesn’t matter at all.

Yeo Ui-bong surged toward Seo-joon, growing up.

Seojun hurriedly raised Longinus’s spear.

Wow— oh!

As power collided with power, waves of thick magic burst out.

Space was distorted by the wave, and fragments of power were shattered.

Fragments of broken power collided with each other and exploded in all directions.

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha! fun! fun!]

Jecheon Daeseong, who was wielding the Yeouibong, burst into laughter.

Soon after, he retrieved the female guild stick he was wielding and turned around.

At the same time, Yeoui-bong swung wildly.

Seo-joon shortened Longinus’s spear and swung it.


vague but visible

Currently, compared to the state of transcendence, Seo-joon falls short and falls short again.

However, now that he has grown up overcoming many death hurdles.

was able to respond

I was able to stand against Jecheon Daeseong.


Waves of bursting power wind around the space.



Kaga, Kaga, each!

The Spear of Longinus and the Lady’s Peak were intertwined and shook.

All the changes that can be made with a spear unfolded in Seo-jun’s hand.

An inexorable offensive continued.

Seo-joon faced all of them without avoiding them.


more faster.

The space is horribly distorted.

That moment.


With Seo-joon’s senses, the alarm bell rang.

unknown threat.

Seojun retrieved the spear of Longinus he was wielding.

Then, he immediately burst into TRP’s swiftness.

A flash of light burst out, and Seo-joon’s new model jumped out of the space.

and momentarily

Quagga gag gag gak!!!

The space where Seo-jun had been standing a moment ago was torn to shreds.

“This crazy…”

Seojun muttered involuntarily.

I didn’t see or perceive this.

What was it torn apart for?

What did Jecheon Daeseong do?

[more! Try more!!]

With the cry of Jecheon Daeseong, gurreung!

The ground cracked open and the torn surface rose into the sky.

At the same time, Uibong Yeo breaks through the space and rushes toward Seo-Jun.

Seo-joon lowered his posture.

The power that would not matter to death was contained in Yeoui-bong.

Seo-joon took a bite of his teeth.

It is not an opponent to hesitate in the first place.

It is also not the opponent who hesitates and sees the liver.

‘So immediately!’

Seojun immediately activated the magic of Samdanjeon (三丹田).

Woe——————————Damn it!

Heaven and earth vibrate in front of the true power of transcendence that explodes in an instant.

The shards of the earth that rose up disintegrate in an instant and turn into grains of sand.

In space-time where time seems to stretch.

A fleeting moment splits and splits again.

The raging storm engulfed hundreds of millions of grains of asrazine sand, creating terrifying waves of sand.

[Haha! I will come out like that!]


Eventually, the power of transcendence erupted from Jecheon Daeseong’s body.

And the presence of Jecheondaeseong becomes blurred.

Is your presence blurred?

Seo-joon was taken aback for a moment, but quickly regained his composure.

It shouldn’t shake.

Now is the time to fully focus.

Seojun raised Longinus’s spear.

Loud screams erupt as the air around them rips.

Stars explode in the distant sky.

The fragments exploded and fell as thousands of meteors.

At the same time, the momentum of Jecheondaeseong explodes and a huge storm erupts.

Suddenly, Seo-joon rushed at Jecheon Dae-seong.

Jecheon Daeseong also rushed at Seojun.

The distance between them is quickly shortened.

Seo-joon took the spear of Longinus.

Jecheondaeseong Fortress Yeouibong Peak.

fleeting moment.

A spear and a stick.

sticks and spears.

So strength and power.


Thousand Moon Meteor Spear.

Equation 1 (Equation 1).

Annihilation Thunder.

Cheonwolyuseongbong (天月流星棒).

Equation 1 (Equation 1).

Changchunbiryu (蒼天飛流).







Seo-joon collapsed with blood gushing out of his mouth.

Seo-joon lifted his head with difficulty and looked at the scene in front of him.

Due to the clash between the two Transcendent Ages, the space was grotesquely distorted.

Originally, there was nothing strange about the collapse of the fantasy world.

In fact, some spaces were collapsing.

However, the power of the annihilation thunder was being scattered by the Changchunbiryu.

Myeojeongnoeseong couldn’t use the side of Changchun Biryu!

“What, what a monster…!”

He said he was in a state of causal constraints!

Because of that, most of the powers are sealed!

[Whoa! It’s something I made, but it’s really amazing, isn’t it?]

Jecheon Daeseong did not even frown.

I was just genuinely admiring it!

Beserk is the Great Monster of the End?

Really don’t give a damn!

Seojun forced himself to stand up.


However, the body did not move as if it was no longer the limit.

And just then.

Split Body Art – Illusion

Multiple illusions.


Thousands of alter egos of Jecheon Daeseong popped up here and there.

[Let’s go! Guys!!]

Soon after, Jecheon Daeseong burst into a loud laugh and rushed at Seojun.

Thousands of Jecheon Daesung attacked Seo Jun following him.


At the same time, thousands of Yeouibong beat Seo-Jun’s whole body.


Seo-joon could not come to his senses from Yeoui-bong’s blow, which beat his whole body like crazy.

I wish I could say stupid things!

Jecheon Daeseong started riding the rhythm with a face full of excitement.

[This time with Jajinmori rhythm! Dung Gi Duck! Dunggiduck!]

If the real Jecheon Daeseong sings the dock.

[Dunggiduck! Dunggiduck!]

[Dunggiduck! Dunggiduck!]

[Dunggiduck! Dunggiduck!]

Thousands of Jecheondaeseong alter egos sang afterward.

And according to the beat, the women’s sticks rushed in.



《Jecheon Daeseong lecture progress rate 100% (+8.2%)》

《[The basics of stickmanship and spearmanship. <Ran. me. Chal> (Instructor: Jecheon Daeseong)] After completing the lecture, you will fully learn ‘Jecheon Daeseongsik – Rannachal (欄拿扎)[S]’.》

For an instant, a strange power soared through Seo-joon’s whole body.

Seojun swung Longinus’s spear in all directions.

It was a blow that I swung at random without thinking.

However, the description of Ran (欄) and I (拿) naturally nestled in it, creating a creepy power.

After completing the lecture, the techniques of Rannachal (欄拿扎) are included like a passive, even if you are not aware of it.

Because of that, the alter egos of Jecheon Dae-seong, who had been beating Seo-joon, ran away in a hurry.

“My money!!!”

Seo-joon rolled his eyes and shouted.

But soon.

[Congratulations on completing the course!]


Seo-joon’s mind was cut off with a dull explosion.


A room located inside Buckingham Palace.

Seo-joon was sprawled out on the bed.

I could move my body, but I didn’t really want to move.

Seo-joon blankly stared at the ceiling.


As I stared blankly at the ceiling, a thick sigh leaked out.

I didn’t want to do anything during the so-called sage time, which bound my entire body.

However, Seo-joon is not optimistic.


To put it slangly, it was fired.

To put it more vulgarly, I was blown away.

The time consumed in the process was a whopping 30 hours.

In a word, 30 trillion causalities have disappeared!

Of course, the tip of the hair was touched right away.

However, this match-up bet was a ‘one shot’, not the end of a hair.

Jecheon Dae-seong had to be fed an effective blow that could be defined as a wound.

That’s why Seo-joon fought for over 30 hours…

“······ shit.”

The current state of sprawling on the bed was the result.

<As I said before, the power of a transcendent is not easy to think about.>

<Besides, Instructor Jecheon Daeseong is a person who competes for the top rank among transcendentalists…>

Then, the mentor shouted at Seo-joon with a surprised expression.

<But to be able to fight this far with instructor Jecheon Daesung…! Kim Seojun-nim, has your growth really been amazing?!>

<Is it because he is the only one who can use the magic of the three steps?>

<Last time, the director said that if Kim Seo-joon transcends, all the transcendents of the dimension won’t be able to attack… but it can really be so!>

Then what do you do?

Hundreds of trillions seem to be evaporating right now.

Seojun let out a small sigh.

Well, seeing what the mentor said, it seemed like there was something there.

But that’s still a daunting task.

Rather, Seo-joon’s worries deepened at the words of his mentor.

It was because of the existence that gave up the transcendence that the observer said.

Doesn’t that mean that its existence is equivalent to Jecheondaeseong, which exerts its full power?

Of course, it wouldn’t be as high as Jecheondaeseong.

Jecheon Daeseong was a talented person who competed for the top among transcendentalists.

However, it was clear that it would at least be at a level that would compete with the perfect Jecheondaeseong to some extent.

This is the extent of Jecheondaeseong, where most of the powers are sealed due to the restrictions of cause and effect.

Then, what would the perfect Jecheondaeseong look like?

What would be the level to compete with such Jecheondaeseong?

‘Isn’t it really crazy…’

I could understand a little why the observer isolates the transcendentalists.

So I had to learn.

Cheonwol Meteor Chang, various Taoism, and Shinchang Hapil.

We must obtain a lecture that combines the essences of Jecheon Daeseong.

In order to do that, you have to give Jecheon Daeseong a shot.

But how…?

“Should we just do one more game?”

Seojun immediately shook his head.

In the current state, it was impossible to spend all the money that could be received from this job.

It was clear that he would spend all his money on competing with Jecheon Daeseong, let alone free coupons.

Of course, there was nothing to be gained by fighting.

《Jecheon Daeseong Ceremony – Rannachal(欄拿扎)[S]》

First of all, I was finally able to complete Rannachal’s lecture.

[Power achievement rate 14.1 (+11%)]

[Cheonwol meteor spear achievement rate 14.8% (+2.1%)]

And, while facing Jecheon Daeseong, the progress of the lecture was explosively rising.

Although it was insignificant, the progress rate of Atlas’ Diamond River was also rising.

To be honest, there’s no big loss even if you just fight each other…

No matter how much, it’s not burning hundreds of trillions!

Come to think of it, I even had to take the Hwata lecture, which costs 10 billion won per hour!


The depth of the sigh he exhaled grew deeper and deeper.

In any case, it is impossible to give Jecheon Daeseong a shot at the current state.

Then, somehow, the state of Jecheondaeseong must be weakened.

Last time, it was somehow possible by feeding Jormungand poisoned bananas.

So, I wish I could feed him poisonous bananas once again.

“Are you going to do that again…”

Jecheon Daeseong would be beaten twice.

I’m sure you’ll be suspicious from the point where there’s a banana in the first place–

That moment.


A good thought passed through Seo-joon’s head.

As we looked at last time, Jecheon Daeseong really likes bananas.

There’s no way monkeys hate bananas in the first place.

Although it is said to be a monkey of transcendence that transcended the limits of its species, the monkey was a monkey.

However, from the last experience, it was clear that Seo-joon would be suspicious even if he took out a banana.

It was clear that he would never eat it even if he told him to.


‘Couldn’t this be used in reverse?’

Seojun turned his head and looked for his mentor.

“Mentor. Can you help me?”

<Yes, yes? Do you want help…?>

Seojun approached the mentor and told him what came to mind.

Then, the mentor showed a shocked expression.

<I-Do I have to go this far…?>

“Then are you just watching my money evaporate?”

<Ha, but…!>


<Ah, I understand…>

Seojun nodded in satisfaction and went straight to the Transcendent Shop.

Then, search for Jormungandr’s deadly poison, which costs 100 million each.

Seo-joon pressed the purchase button without hesitation.

Hold on.

《Your causality is insufficient.》


I blew away everything I received for 30 trillion won.


Suddenly, an indescribable emptiness swept over me.

How much money has he earned so far, but can he see the word ‘lack’?

‘kill. that f*cking monkey. I will definitely kill you!’

two twinkling eyes.

“Don’t go anywhere, just wait here! I will bring you more money!”

<Hee, hee!!>


“I got lost, really…”

Seojun quickly headed to Aria’s office.

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