The Second Coming of the Legendary Sword God Chapter 27

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Episode 27. The road to the tower

Bronze class waiting room in the basement of the arena.

Rox drank the orange juice in the glass in one gulp.


“Okay, so you’re saying we have to reach gold class here to get to the top?”


“You just have to win two games to get to the gold class?”

“that’s right. One match in the Bronze class. One match in the silver class.”

“It’s not bad, but is there a way to just leave? “I wonder what will happen if I tell that man named Diberi in your mansion.”

I tore off a well-cooked chicken leg and put it on his plate.


“Even DeBerry can’t solve this problem. “The Legion is a neutral territory, and this arena is operated under the management of the Imperial Army.”

“It’s complicated.”

“Don’t find it difficult. “This is the fastest way.”

“hmm… .”

“Originally, to get to the gold class, you need more than a year of arena experience and at least 100 wins. “I was able to receive these conditions by using the name of the Strange family.”

It usually takes more than a year for adventurers to go from Bronze to Silver.

The path from Silver to Gold requires more matches than that, and even if you beat numerous competitors and come out victorious, there are times when you cannot get to Gold depending on your status.

The benefits we enjoy now are incomparable to those of other adventurers.

Rox picked up a chicken leg and chewed loudly.


“Well, I guess I’ll just do whatever you say.”

“Anyway, the opponent must be as strong as the guards at Castle Strange. So don’t use mana or Bae Hu-ryeong.”

“You’re saying we can’t use Bae Hu-ryeong too?”

I shook my head with a stern expression.

“Don’t use it. “If other people find out that we even have Bae Hu-ryeong, they will judge us as important members of the Strange family and will unconditionally attempt to assassinate us.”

“You mean the other guys?”

“Those from other families who are hostile towards Strange.”

“Yeah, I see.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not telling you to fight with your bare hands. “After that game, let’s go get weapons.”

I pointed to the inside of the arena visible from the window outside the waiting room.

The adventurers who started the battle came into view with the audience’s powerful shouts.


A knight wearing an iron helmet and armor quickly swung his two-handed sword, and the man in leather armor on the other side of him swung his hammer sharply to catch it.


The two glared at each other. It didn’t take long for them to figure out each other’s skills.

They ended the game after exchanging a few more attacks.

A man wearing iron armor who thought he could not win declared that he would give up the game.


A shout rang out again.

I looked at their reactions and spoke to Rox.

“how is it?”


“Those guys from a little while ago were in the silver class. “We will be dealing with guys that are similar to or weaker than that guy.”

“… … .”

“I don’t think you’d get hit by a guy like that, do you?”

Rox shrugged his shoulders.

“That’s it.”

“okay. “If you lose, I’ll kick your ass, so just know that.”

Of course, if you go to Gold or higher, there will be people with skills equal to mine, but those people won’t appear in Bronze and Silver classes, so you don’t have to worry.

I got up from my seat as soon as the silver class battle ended.

“Let’s go get weapons.”

* * *

There are five markets within the Legion Castle.

Merchants representing the North, South, West, East, and Central regions each bring their own country’s specialties and set up shop.

Most of the merchants who gather here are trying to make money, but some of them come with other purposes.

Like this weapons shop I’m browsing right now.

“The business is closed today. “I’m not selling anything, so stop it.”

A furry boy with brown hair and a long beard waved his hands with a tired expression.

“Then I’ll just look around and come buy it tomorrow.”

I went among the weapons he had laid out and looked at the items closely.

“I’m not selling it. I won’t sell it tomorrow either. They won’t sell it the next day either. Because they won’t sell it the next day either. “Just go, master.”

He tightened his eyes and raised his eyebrows.

“Then you can live if you come back in four days.”

“… “No, I’m not selling it, so why do you keep doing this?”

“is it so? Arms dealers don’t sell weapons. “That’s really strange.”

“That’s my situation. Master says you should go your way. “Aren’t there more weapon shops than here?”

“well. “I just want to buy what’s here.”


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“under! This is so… .”

The owner of the weapons shop sat with his back to me in his chair as if I was bothering him.


“Do whatever you want. Watch it or not. Anyway, I’m not selling anything here.”

“You want me to do whatever I want?”

“Yes yes yes, I don’t know which family you are from. If you don’t want a guy like me to lose his head, you have to do whatever you want.”

Turf, plod, trudge.

As I approached the weapons dealer, I grabbed a sword from the basket and removed the blade.


“I can really do whatever I want, right?”

“… Now, just a moment. Just a moment, master. No, what I’m saying is do whatever you want, just look at the weapon. “I’m not asking you to kill me or anything.”

“When did I say I was going to kill you?”

“I didn’t, but… .”

The arms dealer took a quick look at the blade and swallowed.

“no. “I think I misunderstood.”

“I just came to ask you a polite request. “I want to buy you weapons.”

“… Do you understand why you would bother to buy a weapon from me? “There are many arms dealers here in the Legion.”

I wanted to answer, ‘Because you sell the best weapons here!’, but I could only smile.

Now this hairy guy’s name is ‘Holland’.

He is not a blacksmith who makes and sells weapons, but one of the scavengers who visits battlefields and picks up items from the dead or raids defeated soldiers and steals their weapons.

That’s why it makes me uncomfortable.

He would be worried about what would happen if a master from a powerful family found out that he was a scavenger.

However, this guy has a really great sword.



“Yes, because the things here look good.”

Holland looked into my eyes, pondered for a moment, then reached out and scratched the back of his head.

“… I understand. “I’ll sell you one of those, so go now.”

“no. I didn’t come to buy this sword. “I’d like to look around a little more until I find what I need.”

“What are you looking for?”

“A sword for me to use. “I would like to see what blunt object this person will use.”

“Swords and blunt weapons… .”

He picked up a mace not far away with an annoyed expression.

“How about this? This is a weapon I got from a Viking in the north a while ago. “It was made small enough for you to use.”

“It’s very small for a mace, isn’t it?”

“Yes, I heard it was made for ceremonial purposes. “It’s small, but it’s much harder than a typical mace, which is nice.”

“For ceremonial purposes?”

“That’s right.”

Brunhild, who was dozing on my shoulder, opened his eyes. She looked closely at her mace and gently scratched her cheek with her paw.


I raised my mace and asked the merchant.

“how much?”

“Five pieces of bronze. Nothing less than that.”

“Five pieces of bronze?”

“Yes, it’s small, but if you look closely, the amount of iron in it is quite large-”


I placed a piece of silver in his hand. The merchant looked closely at the pattern drawn on the silver coin with wide eyes and then fell flat on his face.

“Yes, master. Sorry for not recognizing you! “S, str-”

“It’s done. So that was enough for Mace. “Can I buy one more sword?”

“sure! Take as much as you need. “You don’t have to pay for the items anymore.”

“no. So what makes me any different from a thief? “It’s a deal, so you have to pay a reasonable price.”

The merchant was in trouble. The person in front of him now is from the Strange family.

If you make a mistake, you die.

Even if you say a word, you must be careful.

‘… … ‘f*ck.’

Why is Strange coming to this market?

‘The warehouse must have been full of rare treasures.’

The merchant suddenly changed his attitude and came next to me, waving both hands like a traitor.

“What kind of sword are you looking for? “Just tell me and I will bring the appropriate item.”

I crossed my arms and quietly looked into the distance.

There, Siegfried was pointing at a sword in a basket with a bright expression.

‘There it is.’

A long sword that has lost its teeth and the handle is rusty, making it unusable.

Including the length of the handle, the sword was almost as tall as me.

“How much is this?”

When I raised the rusty sword, Holland waved his hand with an embarrassed expression.

“I’m sorry, Master, but that item cannot be sold. “If you sell a damaged weapon like that for money, you will be criticized as a fraudster.”

“So how much is it?”

“that is… It’s an unusable weapon, so I just wanted to get the price for scrap metal. Master, can I show you another item? “There are several swords brought from the south this time-”

I took a gold coin out of my pocket and threw it in front of him.



Holland looked at the gold coin that had fallen to the ground and rubbed his eyes with an expression of disbelief.

“This is what I think the price of this sword is.”

“Yes, master. It’s not possible. This really doesn’t work! If it becomes known that gold coins were received for such a sword. “I’m really dying.”


Holland hit his head on the ground.

With a bright smile, I grabbed his shoulder and lifted him up.

“Do not worry. “I won’t tell anyone about my visit here.”

I picked up the gold coin and gave it to him.

“Instead, our merchant is keeping it an absolute secret that I bought this sword?”

Holland swallowed his saliva and answered, taking the gold coin.

“… “Yes, master.”


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