The Return of The Crazy Demon Chapter 94

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Episode 94. With a flame somewhere in my heart

A pork bone feast was held at Heukmyobang under the general command of Hao Mun’s uncle, Brother Deuk.

I ordered all the doors to the black cat room to be wide open, then roughly spread out tables and mats in the main hall, inner circle, and outer circle, and had them set up drinking tables everywhere. Mrs. Son and her husband, who received instructions from Deuksu, busily delivered food.

It is none of my business whether Namcheonryeon or the Swordsman Association invades.

First, I ate and drank.

I had a drink with Namgarak, a drink with Cha Seong-tae, a drink with General Byeok, a drink with Mrs. Son who was busy walking around, and a drink with Hoyeoncheonggwa, who had worked hard to teach a poor student.

He stormed into the kitchen and gave Deuksu a drink as he was cooking a whole pork bone. He also caught the siblings running away in surprise and gave them a drink each. After a while, the twelve priests who had been sent arrived and we had a drink together with the priests for the first time in a long time.

I quickly exceeded my drinking limit.

I walked around with a red face and made eye contact with strangers kneeling in the corner of the main hall.


The three men covered in blood looked at me with surprised expressions.

“… … !”

I asked the three people in a calm tone.

“Who are you? “Who hit you?”

The main hall became quiet for a moment.

“… … .”

The guys with bloody faces responded to me.

“Ark, we come from Namcheonryeon.”

“Uh, really?”

I guess I forgot for a moment because I was drunk. Then, I followed Sogunpyeong as he passed by.

“Gunpyeong, take a drink!”


Su Junpyeong quickly ran away, but did not bother to chase after him.

When I came to the hospital, I found that this place was also a drinking place.

Commander Byeok was explaining what had happened earlier to the twelve priests. I sneaked next to them and listened, and there was talk about what happened to the school, how Namcheonryeon was upset, and how not to leave the Swordsman Association alone.

I also nodded to General Byeok’s words.

“right. “Our Grand Army is right.”

The white man smiled and looked at me.

“Master, you seem to be eating a lot today.”

“You should drink some too.”


I handed the drink I was holding to the white man and then pulled out the sword from his waist.

“Priest, please borrow my sword.”


Holding my sword, I walked to the plum tree, circled around the tree, stopped, and gave my subordinates a roughly improvised sword ceremony.

“Please take care of our students, everyone. “I am Hao Wen Ju.”

As I showed my manners, my subordinates started drinking and got drunk here and there.

“I see you, Lord Moon.”

Perhaps because the subordinates were drunk, various answers came out.

“Ark, please take care of us too.”

When I held out my hand as if to secure space, the liquor table was led by the hands of the subordinates and moved away, and the place became spacious like a concert hall.

I said while looking around drunk.

“We, brothers of Hao Mun, I am Izaha.”

“… … .”

I introduced myself while holding my sword.

“I was born in Ilyang County and have been wiping guest tables since I was a toddler. But the guest house burned down and disappeared. Our Haomun started with a guesthouse burning down. Has that fire moved into my heart? Even now, it remains as a flame somewhere in my heart. “I am originally a worthless man, a man with a bad temper, a bad man, an ugly guy who goes from one thing to another, but since I was the weak, Hao Wen will stand on the side of the weak from now on.”

I continued speaking with my sword held vertically.

“Anyone who does not harm the weak for no reason is my brother. It doesn’t matter whether you come from a white province, a Sega family, a black province, a demon province, a temple, a widow, a Taoist monk, a beggar, a merchant, a woodcutter, or a fisherman. They are my brothers. However, ordinary people who have not learned martial arts, the weak, weak women, women with pretty faces, women with pretty hearts, young children, monks, Taoist monks, drunkards, Jeomsoyi, courtesans, shamans, and nuns. In addition, if there is someone who harasses the fathers, mothers, uncles, older sisters, older brothers and younger brothers who worry about making a living while doing various jobs, it doesn’t matter if they are from the dark, black, or white, rich or poor. “It doesn’t matter, I will deal with you.”

I laughed while drunk, looking at Haomundo. The alcohol was taking over my mind.

“My skills may still be insufficient compared to the mighty in the world, but I had a fortune-telling breakfast yesterday, and the day before yesterday, I also had a fortune-telling breakfast. In the past, I trained my physical strength with the brothers of the Black Cat Room, and not long ago, I received advice about the sword from a senior in Kangho that I met by chance. I am a man who gets stronger little by little every day, Haomunju Lee Jaha. “I will show my brothers the sword technique I have been practicing recently.”

I tapped the plum tree with my chair and entered the fluttering plum blossoms.

There, I swung my sword in a drunken manner, blending in with the plum blossoms. The dance moves were a mess, but it didn’t matter.

I swung my sword under the influence of alcohol.

With one sword, the plum blossom was cut into two pieces, and then cut again into four pieces. When I stabbed the central part with a sword wind, the broken plum blossoms instantly scattered in all directions.

It was a dance move that had no meaning.

However, after staring at the fluttering petals for a moment, I injected the chlorine scent into the sword.


As I watched the reddish polar energy forming on the sword, I let the sword energy go out and momentarily added a trick to collect it with the absorption method, and the flame-scented sword energy was broken into small pieces like plum blossoms and scattered in the air.

It was the scent of plum blossoms, interpreted in my own way.

I smiled while looking at the scent of plum blossoms.

The scent of plum blossoms floating in the air was burned by the sword wind, and then turned into dust and disappeared in an instant.

I thought it was fortunate that less aerodynamic force was injected.

My subordinates, who confirmed my amazing talent, applauded in unison.

After a brief introduction of myself and a sword dance performance, I bowed to the gathered people again.

Then, the attendants, priests, and brothers all jumped up from the drinking party and attacked me.

I threw the sword at the white man who was watching. When I went to Cha Seong-tae’s seat and held out an empty glass, Cha Seong-tae poured me a drink.

“I enjoyed it. Lord Moon.”

I held Cha Seong-tae’s shoulder while receiving the drink.


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“Our Hao Wen’s Cha General.”


“You can’t die. “If you want to survive, train hard.”

Cha Seong-tae nodded with a serious expression. I had a snowball fight with Cha Seong-tae and then we drank together.

This time, I also felt quite drunk.

Commander Byeok said as he approached me.

“Ark, are you okay? “You ate too much.”

I waved my hand and made the commander-in-chief go away, then sat down under the plum tree.

After I close my eyes for a moment… … .

I made the alcohol energy in my body stick to a ray of true energy and collected the true energy at the tip of my finger like when I was unfolding Mokgye Tanjigong. This is a trick that applies the principle of removing poison.

After a while, the alcohol condensed from the tips of my fingers turned into water droplets and dripped. It was a technique used for detoxification, but it also applied to alcohol.

After quickly getting rid of the alcohol, I looked at my subordinates with a normal face. He was staring blankly at me as I was once again getting rid of the alcohol.

He spoke to his subordinates in a calm tone.

“I am sober, so drink in peace. “I will stand guard tonight.”

While her subordinates remained silent, Sister Hong answered alone.

“All right. Ambassador type.”

I went to the main hall with my back and looked at the messenger from Namcheonryun who was still kneeling.

“Why did you come? “Did you reveal your business to me?”

One guy responded.

“We have come to request participation in the war at the Black Tomb Room under the orders of the Southern Heavenly Lord.”

“Is there a reason, cause, or cause why I should participate in the war? doesn’t exist?”

The three people seemed speechless and did not respond. One guy responded to me.

“I couldn’t bear to ask Lord Ryeon about that.”

I glared at the three people and said.

“Right. But do you think I’m a weaker man than Namcheonryunju Apostle Haeng?”

“I don’t know because we don’t have enough skills.”

“Is Namcheonryeonju even a top ten black sword master?”

“That’s not it.”

“You three, convey my words to the insolent Apostle Haeng.”


“If you behave rudely one more time, I will come find you. Then you will have to pull out the string again. wake up.”

The three people stood up and supported each other. My whole body was trampled by the executives, so there was no sound on my body.

I pushed into the center of the three and put my arms around each side.

“Now, let’s escape the Black Cat Room. I will guide you. “My subordinates are busy drinking today.”

“it’s okay.”

“Shut up.”

I led the three of us to the front door, arm in arm, like drunk brothers. Three very scared people hurriedly greeted me politely at the front gate.

“Ark, then we will retreat.”

“Thank you for saving my life.”

“I will convey it to you as is.”

One of the messengers who had overheard the conversation over drinks asked me.

“Ah, Lord Ark. I’m sorry, but since it’s the Ark of the Black Cat, I guess I’ll pass it on. Or should I just pass it on as Hao Wen Ju?”

“I am Hao Wen Ju.”

“All right.”

I looked at the three people and motioned to them to come closer.

“Come here. I will open a way for you to live. “If you go on like this and report what happened, there is a very high chance that you will get stabbed.”

The messengers responded in a very nervous tone.

“I will listen.”

“When I went to the Black Cat Room, I found that the Black Cat Ark was already dead. It’s true. Because I killed it. An unidentified master appeared and overwhelmingly defeated and killed all the well-known masters here, including Black Cat Ark, his master Daenachal, Lee Ryongnogun, Teacher Su, Heukseon Boju, and Dongbangyeon. “They beat them to death with clubs, killed them with axes, killed them in tension-fighting, tore them to death, and burned them to death.”

“… … .”

“That is me. Haomunju Lee Jaha. “You didn’t know, right?”


“In particular, there is a rumor that this Hao Wenju usually kills the leader and then relegates his subordinates to the bottom, so the number of troops is enormous. “You’ve probably heard of it too, right?”

“Yes, I’ve heard of it.”

“My ears stung.”

“I guess so. “If you are a thoughtful person, how should you treat me after hearing this?”

One messenger answered correctly.

“It is truly appropriate to visit with courtesy.”

I nodded.

“right. But you guys were rude from the moment you appeared. That’s why I was trampled by my subordinates.”


“If you want to live, put together what I just said and report it to your superiors. “I had a hard time not even being able to eat pork bones and being trampled by my subordinates.”

“Yes, then we will leave. Lord Moon.”

The three messengers walked a few steps, then turned around and one of them grabbed a gun at me.

“I also have ears and heard what you said outside. “I will deliver it well.”

I threw up my hand.

“I said this while I was drunk, so there is no need for you to take it seriously.”


“But I’m serious. “Do you understand what I mean?”

The two messengers looked at me with mesmerized expressions, but one smiled with a face covered in blood.

“All right. Then, Master Moon, we will return.”


I personally saw the messenger off, closed the gate myself, and then turned around. There were quite a lot of people, so some of the subordinates were finally able to taste the whole pork bone.

I asked while walking while watching my subordinate tearing off a pork bone.

“How does it taste?”

An obvious answer flowed from the subordinate.

“Ark, is this so delicious?”

I pointed at my subordinate with my finger.

“It’s not something you can eat easily. “Suck every bit of flesh attached to the bones.”

“ha ha ha. “I am doing so.”

I looked around and said.

“Who hasn’t eaten a whole pork bone yet, Son?”

Hands came up from all over. I looked at the guys raising their hands and said.

“Oh, I haven’t eaten yet either. “Put your hands down.”

The subordinates lowered their hands and laughed.

The alcohol had completely disappeared, and I suddenly became hungry, so I quickly jumped into the air, jumped over the inner garden in a single bound, then swung open the main hall door and entered.

“Where is my pork bone?”

Executives responded here and there with muzzles covered in oil.

“Are you still there?”

I went to the head table with my back to the table and there was a whole pork bone in a small bowl. I continued to rub my palms, then sat down and grabbed the pork bone.

My subordinates suddenly looked at me, so I said a short word.

“Let’s eat deliciously.”

His subordinates and brothers responded with smiles here and there.

“Enjoy your meal.”

I took a big bite of the thick meat from the pork bone. To summarize briefly, it is as follows.




Today, I, pork bone, was successful.

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