The Reincarnated Assassin Is A Genius Swordsman Chapter 867

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Episode 868


Raon’s sword world and Mathirus’ breath clashed, and a golden pillar rose up that seemed to connect heaven and earth.  

Sparks flew all over the heavens and earth as a result of the competition of immense power, and pitch-black cracks opened.  

‘also… .’ 

Raon bit his lip as he watched the breath of holy light pouring down as if it would destroy the world. 

‘Am I being pushed back?’ 

Because gravity was added to Seonggwang’s breath, even Gaebyeok could not completely break through it. Even if I cut it with the sword world, the breath of light continued to rush in. 


Lars looked at himself with worried eyes. 

‘are you okay.’ 

Raon calmly shook his head. 

‘I knew from the beginning that it wouldn’t be easy.’ 

Even if you engage in a one-on-one battle with Mathirus in a healthy state, there is a high possibility that you will lose. It was natural to get pushed back when I was exhausted like I was now. 

[You fool!] 

Matirus sneered as if he thought he had won, and breathed even deeper holy light. 

It felt like the bones all over my body were crumbling from the pressure that became stronger. 

“Hmm… .” 

The green demon ate his food without relaxing, perhaps because it had experienced something before. 

‘I’m sorry… .’ 

Raon put strength on the heels of his feet and pushed the Jecheon Sword and Rimmer Sword forward. 

‘I haven’t given it my all yet.’ 

Facing the breath of holy light that created a terrifying pressure, I brought out the emotions that had sunk to the bottom of my soul. 


<Sloth>, <Jealousy>, <Gluttony>, <Lust>, and even the biggest one, <Anger>. The power of the devil is contained in the blade of Gaebyeok, which is pushed away by the breath of holy light. 

The power of the demon kings is originally a power exerted through negative emotions, but I am different. 

Just as the devil is divided into a savior and a murderer depending on who uses the sword, the power of the devil that blooms from his hands becomes darkness to save people and dwells in Gaebyeok. 


The color of Gaebyeok, which was dyed with a brilliant golden glow, changes. 

Not a dawn with the sun rising, but a sinking sunset. The true intentions of a prosecutor who has come to understand the world after going through time and storms are revealed on two swords. 

Blah blah blah! 

The glow of the sunset that endures the night. A dark golden sword that embraces light and darkness cuts through Holy Light’s breath. 


No matter how much Matirus concentrated his mana, it was no use. 

The world of swords, containing new values, advanced by cutting down even the concept of gravity that had pushed the breath of Holy Light. 

[What is this!] 

For the first time, a panicked voice burst from Mathirus’ huge snout. The eyes of the guy who was confident of victory widened as if they were torn apart. 

“As expected, it doesn’t just happen.” 

Green Wolf nodded, saying he knew it would be like this. 

“This is how Raon Sieghardt comes out.” 

[Don’t stay still! Deal with that guy!] 

Matirus seemed to sense an ominous feeling from the continuous barrage of sword attacks and shouted for help from the green demon. 

“Are you okay? The dragon’s pride… .” 

[I mean, shut up and go!] 

“… i get it.” 

The green fox nodded lightly and left his body to the wind. He appeared on the right side of Raon with a thin wind. 

“Don’t feel bad. “Because you killed us three times too.” 

The green fox showed calm eyes and stabbed the sword imbued with wind towards Raon’s chest. 


Just as his sword was about to pierce Raon’s heart, a blue arrow flew out, and a red magic circle appeared. 


The red magic circle blocked the green demon’s sword attack, and the blue arrow pushed his body back without hesitation. 

“Uhm… .” 

When the green fox raised his head with a low groan, a woman wearing an old woman’s mask was standing in front of Raon. 

“Don’t interfere with my man’s fight.” 

Merlin’s red eyes flashed as if he was going to kill him if he came close. 

“I will protect this child even if it means dying.” 

Sterin spewed black blood from his mouth and raised his bow. Her desperate determination could be felt in the arrows flickering with blue light. 

“It’s not easy even with just one guardian… .” 

The green fox raised his hand as if he was going to step away and then took a step back. 


Raon focused only on the battle with Matirus, not paying any attention to the green demon. He harmonized the power of the Demon King with the joys and sorrows he gained from ascending to transcendence, and drew out an even sharper sword. 


In the end, the breath of holy light that Matirus poured out with all his might reached the end first, and the flow of mana that he had forcibly gathered also stopped. 


But Raon’s sword has not stopped yet. It soared high into the sky, wrapped in a sharp energy wave that seemed as if it could cut down the world. 


Matirus swallowed dryly as he looked at Raon’s sword system, which sent shivers down his spine. 


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‘This is dangerous.’ 

It is a deadly sword strike that goes beyond its surging power. If I made a mistake while avoiding it, I could be buried here like the rest of my compatriots, so I thought it would be better to stop it. 


Matirus used a series of high-level defense magics named Absolute. 

There, he summoned four orbs of light at the same time and built a thick wall of mana. 

[If it’s like this… uh?] 

I thought I could block Raon’s sword strike enough because I was weak, but his sword smashed through the orb wall and defense magic he had built like a glass window and crashed into my neck. 

Whoa whoa! 

I barely reacted and turned my neck, but I couldn’t stop the flesh from being torn off. Flesh as large as a human house exploded, and red blood poured down like rain. 


Matirus trembled his huge wings and let out a roar that could reverberate through the entire forest. 

‘Such pain!’ 

This is the first pain I have felt since I was born. He had fought many battles against humans, but he had never suffered a wound like this. 

‘but… .’ 

Matirus let out a low groan and shook his head. 

‘I survived.’ 

Just before being hit by Raon’s sword strike, the dragon heart on her uvula was moved downward. Thanks to this, although the wound itself was serious, death was avoided. 

‘Now it’s my turn.’ 

Although he still has plenty of mana and stamina, that person’s stamina and mental power have already reached their limits. 

If you just heal the wounds you suffered now and then fight back, you will be able to kill everyone without difficulty. 


As Matirus healed the wound on his neck, he once again created a powerful force of gravity towards Raon. 

It is an ability that consumes a lot of mental power, but now is not the time to cover it up. 


He summoned a huge spear of light that could crush Raon with gravity and erase all life below. 


Raon swung his two swords as if struggling. Hundreds of flowers bloomed on the blade, and he spewed out thousands of flames. 

[Friendly tricks don’t work!] 

Matirus manipulated gravity to explode fireworks in the air. I didn’t want even the smallest spark to reach me. 


Thousands of firework fragments exploded and thick gray smoke appeared in the air. 


Matirus took advantage of the blind spot to strike down ten spears of light summoned from the sky at the same time. 

It was God’s Wrath, a high-level linked magic that caused a powerful explosion from the point where the spear was inserted. 

Coo coo coo coo! 

As God’s wrath poured down on the World Tree, a sword rose up, cutting through the gray smoke.  

A silver blade imbued with powerful mana. It was the highest level of martial arts, which humans refer to as the ultimate sword. 

Quad deud deuk! 

The sword fired by Raon Sieghart instantly destroyed the wrath of God and rushed towards him. 


Matirus tried to suppress the Heavenly Sword by concentrating gravity, but it did not work against the strong intention contained in the sword. 

[Stop! stop!] 

He had no choice but to block the Jecheon Sword by shouting out dragon words that consumed not only gravity but also mental power. 


The Jecheon Sword trembled its blade as if it wanted to keep going, but it was blocked by gravity and Yongeon, so it slowly lost its strength and began to fall. 

[Struggling until the end… uh?] 

It was time for Mathirus to summon God’s wrath again. 

From behind the sinking Jecheon Sword, a leaf-shaped sword stuck out in the wind. 

[Huh, stop… .] 

The moment he was about to spit out the dragon, the leaf sword disappeared and soared right in front of his neck. 


Rimmer’s sword sliced ​​through Mathirus’ throat at a speed that made it impossible for him to react. Slightly below the uvula. It was the exact location where he had hidden the Dragon Heart. 

[iced coffee… .] 

Mathirus’ neck was bent, and dark red blood spurted from his mouth and wounds. His wings folded and his massive body began to slowly fall. 

Matirus fell as fast as the gravity he exerted and hit his head in front of the world tree he was trying to burn. 


*      *       * 

“Huh… .” 

Raon knelt on the floor, spitting out black dead blood. Seeing Marty Ruth losing his vitality, he clenched his fists with his weak hands. 

‘It’s okay, it’s okay.’ 

Although he wounded Matirus with the sword, the wound was not fatal, so he had the strength to continue fighting. 

In order not to miss the last opportunity for Matirus to heal his wounds, I fired the sword with the Jecheon Sword, hid the Sword of Rimmer right behind it, and fired it together. 

The moment Matirus struck down the Jecheon Sword with all his might, Rimmer’s sword unleashed a gentle wind and stabbed the unsuspecting man in the vital spot. 

It was a gamble, but I was glad that it worked. 

[My, I am to humans… .] 

Matirus’ huge eyes trembled as if he couldn’t believe it even now. 

“The lizards tell that story every time they die. “It’s so boring.” 

Raon twisted his mouth and pierced the eyes of Matirus, who he had not liked from the beginning. 


Matirus let out a tearful scream that was uncharacteristic of a dragon with a huge body. 

“I feel a little better now.” 

Raon let out a shaky breath and grabbed Rimmer’s sword as it slowly came down. 

[Now, wait! Let’s make a deal. If you save me, I will give you information that may be helpful! No, there is plenty of gold and jewels… .] 

Unlike when Matirus regarded beings other than dragons as insects, he showed an ugly side. I thought it was a lizard, but now it looks more like an earthworm. 

“I don’t do business with earthworms.” 

After shaking his head resolutely, he slit Matirus’ throat. 

[Keuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu… .] 

Matirus died without even being able to utter his last scream. 

“Huh… .” 

Raon dropped his two swords and sat down. Now I didn’t even have the strength to hold the sword. 

‘All I can say is luck.’ 

In fact, even if both were at full strength, Matirus would have won. Because there was a big difference between him and myself. 

However, because of the difference in power and exhaustion, Matirus looked down on himself. 

I was able to win thanks to continuing to aim for the opportunity. 

-It’s not luck, it’s skill. 

Lars shook his head with a long smile on his lips. 

-I can’t call you a brat anymore! 

The guy patted his shoulder as if he did well and that he liked it. He seemed to acknowledge it, which was rare. 


Noknangsa burst out laughing. 

“I didn’t expect this situation… .” 

He shook his head as if he didn’t really think that Matirus would fall. 

“Three dragons. “Even if one of them was a Holy Dragon, the two of them are ancient dragons, so it’s so absurd that they can catch them all by themselves, so I’m at a loss for words.” 

Nokrangsa narrowed his eyes, saying that even though he had changed, he still seemed to have changed too much. 

“Shut up.” 

Merlin put a finger to his lips as he rained down a stream of lightning at the Green Lion. 

“Don’t disturb our Raon from enjoying the feeling of victory.” 

“… “You have changed into so much more.” 

Noknangsa briefly clicked his tongue. 

“I have to leave for today. “It would be difficult if I died yet.” 

He snapped his fingers, saying he had to run away. 

“Where are you going?” 

Merlin snorted as he wrapped a magic circle around the Green Lion Temple. 


Stelin also pulled the bowstring all the way as if he didn’t want to let go. 

“Send me… .” 

Raon waved his hand vigorously. 

‘If you catch that guy, you’ll have to sacrifice yourself.’ 

Even if Nokrangsa is tired and injured, he is still a transcendent warrior. 

He can’t even move a finger anymore, and Merlin can’t catch the Transcendant on his own. 

Stelin was also seriously injured, so it was not a good idea to fight any longer. 

“huh! okay!” 

Merlin answered sweetly and nodded. However, she did not release her magic circle to prepare for an unexpected situation. 

“As expected, it’s wise.” 

Nokrangsa nodded as if it was a good choice. 

“Instead, just ask one question. “How did you join hands with the dragon?” 

Raon tilted his chin while looking at Nokrangsa Temple. He probably wouldn’t have answered if I asked him anything else anyway, so I asked him what he was most curious about at the moment. 

“It wasn’t difficult. Because the dragons hate you.” 

“Do you mean hatred towards humans?” 

“He is both human and Sieghart.” 

Noknangsa mumbled something incomprehensible and wrapped his arms around the wind like a long gun. 

“Sieghart? “What is that!” 

“Next time, one of you and I will die.” 

He disappeared with the wind without answering his last words. 

“Okay, is it over?” 

Dorian lay down on the spot, panting. 

“I think so.” 

Burren also sat down next to him and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. 

“The tree lived too… .” 

Runaan nodded, praising the World Tree for not breaking until the end. 

“I killed hundreds of monsters, but I killed three dragons by myself…” .” 

Marta shook her head as she looked at the different colored dragon corpses. 

“This is absurd. “What did you do?” 

She shook her head as if she didn’t understand. 

“It’s all thanks to Master.” 

Raon slowly turned his gaze and looked at the requiem sword stuck at the root of the World Tree. 

‘okay. ‘I didn’t do it alone.’ 

When the World Tree took on a deep glow, the wind of Limer blew from the Requiem Sword.  

It seemed like he was still worried about them and had not left, so they fought until the end to help them let go of their regrets. 

‘Now you can leave with peace of mind.’ 

I closed my eyes, hoping that Rimmer would leave without worrying, and when I opened them, a blue message appeared before my eyes. 

[You have accomplished an impossible feat.] 

[All abilities are 40 points… .] 

[New characteristics… .] 

[Characteristic <Story’s… .] 

The reward message came to mind much faster than usual. 


Lars screamed as he looked at the message. 

-What, what! Why are you giving it to me so quickly? Don’t you think I told you to wait? 

‘I know.’ 

Raon smiled slightly. 

-Oh, it doesn’t matter! You don’t see it anyway! 

Lars breathed a sigh of relief, as if he was fortunate. 

‘No, I think I can look at it now.’ 

I had deliberately not checked the messages since Rimmer died, but now I felt like I could see them. 

-uh? Why, why are you looking! Just don’t look! 

Lars shook his head and said to leave it alone for the rest of his life. 

‘I was a little satisfied… .’ 

Raon collapsed in the warm wind of the World Tree and smiled as she overcame her bitterness. 

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