The Reincarnated Assassin Is A Genius Swordsman Chapter 826

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Episode 827

“What are the bishops doing?” 

At the call of the second apostle, the blood demons with their faces revealed walked out.  

A blood spirit that is different from that of ordinary Christians. These were archbishops and bishops with blood lines carved into their robes. 

“Kill the babies!” 

At her gesture, the archbishop and bishops kicked the ground with cool eyes flashing. 


The blood-spirited spells that blossomed from the hands of the archbishop and bishop turned into flashes of fire and rained down on the head of Gwangpungdae. 


From the Black Tower, three sub-level magicians walked out and put their hands together. 

The creepy demonic energy rising from behind their backs turned into a black wave and fell toward the windpipe. 

“How dare you!” 

Rimmer stood in front of the Gwangpungdae with a cool smile. 


The light green wind blowing from his sword tore apart all the blood magic spells that were pouring towards the Gwangpungdae. 

“I can’t go.” 

Lavawin took a heavy step and raised his sword. A thunderous sound sounded as if the sky was splitting apart, and the black waves that were trying to break up the storm shattered. 

“I don’t think I need to step forward.” 

Lavawin took a step back to protect the relatively weak sailors. 

“Wipe it all away!” 

Martha, as if she had already forgotten that she had almost been killed by the Second Apostles moments ago, stepped forward again and decapitated the white-blooded believer.  

“They are unnecessary for the creation of the world! “Do not spare your hands!” 

While Buren encouraged the frenzy, he followed behind and maintained a checkup on Martha to ensure she did not fall alone. 

“Focus on defense rather than attack… .” 

Instead of Marta and Buren jumping forward, Runaan maintained the center of the blast wave and protected the swordsmen in dangerous situations. 

Coo coo coo coo! 

The Gwangpungdae also emitted sharp energy waves and cut down white blood cultists and demons without hesitation.  



“Uh, what about young guys… .” 

The White Blood Cultists and Demons seemed to be tired of the spirit of the Gwangpungdae, who were pushing in like bison, and were pushed back without even being able to counterattack. 

The gap in force was large, but the gap in momentum was even wider. 

“How far do you come in? “There is an apostle right next to me!” 

A red-haired demon who appeared to be the archbishop screamed in a cracked voice. 

He seemed taken aback by Gwangpungdae, who was not afraid even though the Second Apostle was right in front of him. 

“There’s someone watching my back, so why should I be scared?” 

Martha said she believed in Raon and pressed the white blood believers even more fiercely. 

“Joe, it’s a little scary, but… . No, it’s very scary, but I believe that the Great Lord will protect me.” 

Dorian looked back at Raon and nodded briefly. 

“That’s right.” 

Raon tilted his chin as he looked at the two apostles with their eyes fluttering. 

“I’ll say it again, your opponent is me. “Don’t look anywhere else.” 

He said, “Go for it,” and aimed his sword between the eyes of the second apostle. 

“Haaaa… .” 

The Second Apostle stretched out his arms and let out a hollow breath. 

“I never thought it would be so repulsive to see these scoundrels nitpicking with such petty power.” 

Goosebumps rose up my spine as the white blood bloomed from beneath her feet. Just looking at her made her heart feel like it was tightening. 

‘Is it real from now on?’ 

Raon wiped his smile and let out a low breath. 

‘I heard you have a lot of ups and downs, but if you look at the energy you have, you’re even better than Lawrence.’ 

It would be correct to see him as a transcendent. 

Although the Second Apostle does not acknowledge it, the nickname that follows her is Witch of Ups and Downs, a unique nickname given to her because her power varies depending on her physical condition that day, from Grand Master Advanced to Transcendence.  

In fact, no matter how many ups and downs there are, it is impossible for a Grand Master to display transcendent level military power. 

In other words, although the Second Apostle is a transcendent, it seemed right to accept that there were times when his power weakened. 

“As you wish, I will take your head first.” 

The Second Apostle clenched his fist and disappeared into white smoke. 

‘Where… .’ 

Before I could turn my gaze, her power came rushing in from the right. 


Raon rotated his body around his left foot and raised his sword. Cartoon Ball Bead Wall. The second apostle’s fist was blocked with a barrier made of flames. 


With a strong shock wave, Raon was pushed back five steps, and the second apostle also took three steps back and slightly bent his knees.  


The second apostle let out a sigh as if he could not believe that he had been pushed out. 

“How can something like a Grand Master… .” 

She frowned as if surprised by Raon, who blocked her attack and even counterattacked. 

“Isn’t it difficult to be surprised already?” 

Raon pulled out the requiem sword with his left hand and twisted his mouth. 


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“I still have a lot to show you.” 

By inserting the requiem sword and the heavenly sword into the ground, the world of imagination was opened. 

Sword Realm Shinma Harmony. 

He lifted his chin while holding the divine sword shaped like the sun and the magical sword shaped like the moon in both hands. 

“There is no point in using similar tricks.” 

The Second Apostle’s eyes burned red, and angel wings made of white blood sprouted from behind her. 

“I’ll show you what kind of realm transcendence is!” 

When she spread her wings of blood, she disappeared before my eyes, leaving no afterimage. 


Raon narrowed his eyes as he followed the traces of the two missing apostles.  

‘I never thought it would be difficult to catch even in the state of sword fighting.’ 

Even though I resonated with the ring of fire and used my sense of lore, I was unable to locate it. The second apostle was now in an area that was much faster than him. 


As Raon was spreading his energy in all directions, the second apostle’s fist penetrated the left chest as if piercing the space. He looked like he was going to break his heart right through his ribs. 

‘Attack is better than blocking!’ 

Raon gave up his defense and drew a close-range slash at the fists of the rushing second apostles. 


The flames, rotating like the wheels of a carriage, collided head-on with the fists of the Second Apostles. 


Orange sparks of melted fire and blood spread in all directions, and Raon and the second apostle took three steps back. 

‘It’s powerful, but… .’ 

Raon quenched his appetite while looking at the slightly trembling sword. 

‘It’s not about speed.’ 

As for the destructive power of martial arts itself, it is he who opens the sword world. 

But even if I tried my best, I didn’t think I could catch the second apostle’s speed. 

‘Is that speed the real ability of the Second Apostle?’ 

I heard from other people that the 2nd Apostle had the tendency to be a fighter who overpowers his opponents with force, but now I see it’s a completely different story. 

Boasting absolute speed, and not mindlessly attacking with his body, and keeping in check, he seemed to be closer to a strategist than a fighter. 

‘If I can’t catch it, let it come in…’ .’ 

While I was thinking about how to deal with the 2nd Apostle, I felt a strong blood coming from behind. 


I tried to quickly turn around, but the power of the second apostle was approaching first. 

‘You can’t stop this.’ 

Raon stuck out his elbow, which was equipped with Seolhwa’s barding, and blocked the second apostle’s blow. 

Ugh! Ugh! 

My body was thrown forward with a pain that felt like my arm was falling off. Fortunately, no bones were broken, but the impact even hit her head. 


I put my left foot forward and tried to take a stance, but a white fist flew in front of my eyes. Before I knew it, the second apostle had moved forward and fired a blow. 


Raon swung his magic sword forward and knocked away the second apostle’s fist. 

Blood profit! 

The fist, wrapped in blood, was so close that the shock wave caused the flesh on his cheek to fall off. 


The moment Raon suppressed the pain and wielded his divine sword, the second apostle had already taken a step back and was yawning mockingly. 

‘It seems like something has gotten faster… ?’ 

He could be confident that his adaptability with the Ring of Fire was better than anyone else’s, but strangely, he couldn’t catch the movements of the 2nd Apostle.  

It seemed to be faster than the initial speed. 

-You saw it right. 

Lars nodded calmly. 

-That vampire bitch, she’s getting faster and faster. 

The guy frowned, saying that he still didn’t feel like he was at his best. 

‘Then you can’t catch it even with a sword.’ 

The Igi Gear Sword was certainly fast, but due to his immaturity, it was difficult to chase down the 2 Apostles. 

‘Then it would be better to hide it.’ 

There is no information known that he can use the Igigeo Sword against the White Blood Cult and the Magic Tower. 

Rather than using it clumsily to increase our vigilance, the right thing to do was to save it for the last moment. 

“Where did the initial leisure go?” 

The second apostle lifted his head and tilted his chin. 

“It’s too late to regret it now.” 

She smiled coldly, as if she had already decided whether she would win or lose. 

“Because you will die without even seeing my face.” 

The Second Apostle spread his wings and charged. The moment she saw the whitish afterimage, her fist was already flying into her abdomen. 

‘It’s definitely too fast for me to handle, but… .’ 

Raon lowered his posture and twisted his lips. 

‘Strangely enough, it doesn’t seem like we’ll lose?’ 

*      *       * 


The Second Apostle laughed at Raon, who narrowed his body to reduce the hitting area. 

‘Why are you trying today, you’re out of luck.’ 

The blood demons of the White Blood Cult can exert greater force at night than during the day, but they are special among them. 

I didn’t think I would lose to anyone right now, because I could bring out my maximum strength on a full moon night like today. 

Moreover, the opponent is a child below you.  

It is not strange to say that the power of swordsmanship itself is transcendental, but the huge difference in speed makes it a piece of cake. 


The second apostle gave Raon a slap on the waist with a deep smile. He reacted late and swung his sword, but he had already retreated. 

‘It won’t let you move at all!’ 

This time, he approached, pretending to aim for the left shoulder, then turned to the right and aimed for the thigh. 


Although Raon’s body was strong and he did not fall, Raon’s complexion turned pitch black as if he had been greatly shocked. 

‘It’s over now.’ 

To ensure the end, the Second Apostle plunged his fist into Raon’s neck. 

The moment he was about to pierce Raon’s neck with his fist, he naturally turned his body and struck away his own fist, as if he had expected it. 


The Second Apostle was thrown back like a stone kicked by his foot. 


The second apostle’s chin trembled as he watched Raon slowly getting into his stance. 

‘You saw this?’ 

It was the fastest I had ever moved, and I couldn’t believe that the attack was blocked. 

‘No, it’s a coincidence. You won’t be able to see it, but you can’t stop it!’ 

Thinking it was luck, I stretched out my fist toward Raon’s vital spot again. 


However, Raon raised the magic sword diagonally and completely blocked the power coming into the solar plexus.  

Coo coo coo coo! 

The Second Apostle stepped back, leaving deep footprints in the sand. Her eyes trembled as if hit by a wave. 

“What’s this… .” 

The Second Apostle chewed his lips and looked at Raon. 

“How on earth!” 

“I told you.” 

Raon tilted his head with his divine sword and magic sword raised. 

“I still have a lot to show you.” 

“Shut your mouth!” 

The Second Apostle flashed an eerie light and rushed towards the ground where his footprints remained. 

*      *       * 


Raon twisted his sword blade to block the fist of the second apostle who raised his fist from the bottom left. Comic ball red island. A line of flames drawn in the air narrowly grazed the shoulders of the second apostle. 

“Ugh… .” 

The Second Apostle urgently took a step back, holding his shoulder where the light blood was flowing. 

“It starts from there.” 

Raon pointed to the shoulder of the second apostle and raised his eyebrows. 

‘I can’t help but be embarrassed.’ 

The reason he was able to predict the movements of the two apostles was thanks to the insight he learned at Seonggeomryeon. 

Although he is not able to read the opponent’s psychology like Dorian, he was able to roughly understand her movements while fighting with the Second Apostle. 

“It’s obviously not visible, so how…?” .” 

The second apostle’s lips trembled as if he still couldn’t believe it. 

“There is a way to fight even if you can’t see it. and… .” 

Raon sneered, revealing his bright red eyes. 

“It’s starting to get familiar to me now.” 

The adaptability of the Ring of Fire and the Demon Eye of Anger was beyond human standards, so the movements of the two apostles began to become familiar little by little. 

It seemed like if a little more time passed, I would be able to defeat it. 

“… good night.” 

The Second Apostle looked up at the sky with a full moon and bit his lip. 

“From now on, I won’t let you even see my shadow!” 

She disappeared, stepping on an earthquake that shook the entire island. 


The second apostle comes in aiming for the right shoulder. I threw out my sword to counterattack, but the second apostle had already left the spot. 


The Second Apostle struck away the Jecheon Sword from the left and struck his own waist.  

As the speed increased, the power also increased. The heavy impact pushed my body to the gravel. 

“not there yet!” 

As mentioned, the 2nd Apostle moved faster and attacked from the son-in-law. As I deviated from her familiar speed, it became difficult to follow her movements again. 


He swung his sword while predicting the direction of the 2nd Apostle, but the 2nd Apostle was able to move faster even after seeing it late, so he was able to evade and attack at the same time. 

Whoa whoa! 

After being hit in the chest by the second apostle, he was thrown out and fell into the sea water. 


Raon looked at the second apostle with his wet hair behind him.  

‘There are veins all over my body. ‘Are you overdoing it?’ 

White veins were sprouting from the second apostle’s face and body.  

Seeing how he was overloading his body and mind, it seemed like he wouldn’t be able to hold on for long, but he felt like he would collapse before that. 

‘Then I guess I’ll have to go fishing.’ 

Even though the Second Apostle was moving at a speed beyond recognition, the attack’s path itself did not change much. 

If you can’t keep up, the right thing to do is to bait the needle and wait.  


Raon raised his magic sword to block the second apostle’s fist coming towards his face. 


However, the sword was unable to withstand the twisted angle of the second apostle’s blow, and the magic sword bounced off and stuck in the sand. 

“It looks like you’re done showing it?” 

The Second Apostle began to taunt Raon’s entire body at an increasingly faster pace. 

Coo coo coo coo! 

Raon followed the movements of the second apostle while using the prayer wall and Seolhwa’s barding at the same time.  

The area hit by the blow was narrowed to the minimum and the ring of fire resonated endlessly. 

“Where has the momentum from earlier gone! Move! “You turtle bastard!” 

Even as the wounds on my body increased and blood rose inside, I focused all my attention on the movements of the second apostle. 

‘I can feel it now.’ 

After fully understanding the movements of the second apostle, Raon used the Igigeo sword to lift the magic sword that had fallen on the sand. 


There was no way the Second Apostle would miss the sight of the sword flying, so he added the magic of the space sword to the floating demon sword. 

‘This is the last time.’ 

Raon pretended to be weak and deliberately revealed his weakness. The final step was to shake the fishing rod to get the bait to bite. 

“It’s over!” 

The moment the 2nd Apostle retreated into the air to the left to suffocate Raon, who had revealed a gap, a magic sword that split the space suddenly popped out.  

Whoa whoa! 

Before the Second Apostle could defend herself, the blue blade of the magic sword pierced her back and tore off her bones and flesh. 


The Second Apostle screamed and flinched in pain and shock.  

“What is this!” 

The moment she panicked and was about to pull out the magic sword, a red shadow appeared before her eyes.  

Raon’s divine sword suddenly rose and fell as if it were splitting a huge full moon.  


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