The Reincarnated Assassin Is A Genius Swordsman Chapter 802

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Episode 803

“under… .”

Lawrence looked at the burning divine sword and swept his white hair back.

“We’ve seen enough so far, so are we going to fight with all our might?”

He nodded as if he liked it and put both hands in front of him.

“good night. “Let me tell you how high the wall of transcendence is.”

A pure white airflow blooms over Lawrence’s shoulders. He wrapped the cloud-like energy of reverse sea fog around the blades of his hands, as if he was going to fight with all his might.

“Then let’s begin.”

Raon politely bowed to Lawrence and then used a cartoon ball to kick the ground.


He accelerated with the flames and advanced, aiming for Lawrence’s neck with a

sharp sword.

“However much!”

Lawrence stretched his right hand forward as if anticipating his own charge. The

blade of his hand shot up like an awl and collided with the sword of the Jecheon Sword.


The sword and hand met, and a sound like a huge piece of metal colliding echoed in all directions.

“under… .”

Raon bit his lip as he felt the strong rebound force pushing away the divine sword.

‘As expected, transcendence is different.’

Seeing the sword shaking as if it would break, it seemed like Lawrence had no intention of looking at it.

‘It’s not just about being pushed by force.’

Even my swordsmanship was easily defeated.

Unlike the previous sparring, his sword skills were easily erased to the point of futility.

It was clear that Lawrence was hiding not only his military power, but also his level of reverse maritime power.

‘Sounds like fun.’

Determined to destroy Lawrence’s power, he stepped his right foot onto the slanted ground.

I stabbed the magic sword attached to my waist and summoned Glacia’s cold energy.


The sword of the magic sword stretched out in a straight line with the left arm, fluttering like a haze and blooming countless flower petals.

Hwaryeong of frost. Blue petals containing cold air enveloped Lawrence’s whole body.

“What a troublesome swordsmanship.”

When Lawrence elegantly lowered his left hand as if calling for a butterfly, all the

pieces of frost that had wrapped around him melted away. It was a miracle caused

by the reverse sea fog.

‘I expected this much.’

From the beginning, I thought that Lawrence would erase Hwaryeong, so just before the cold disappeared, his hand went down to the left side.


The moment Lawrence frowned at himself, he unleashed a fierce battle with his red-flaming divine sword.


Thirty-six sword techniques spread out in a split second, containing different sword techniques.

Instead of a single sword strike of thirty-six points, thirty-six different sword strikes were fired at Lawrence’s extremely small body.

“You’re crazy… .”

Lawrence also widened his eyes as if embarrassed by the dizzying variety of Red Island Thirty Six.

However, like a transcendental person, he quickly came to his senses and drew a

circle with both hands.


The white airflow that spreads out from his fingertips erases the flow of the red island and thirty-six grains. Of course, it was not an easy task for him either, as the energy of the reverse sea fog that had built up in his hands decreased significantly.

‘You have to keep pushing.’

Even Lawrence cannot use Reverse Sea Fog infinitely.

Just as water drops falling tens of thousands of times pierce a rock, if you continue to develop your sword skills, you will eventually be able to break through the reverse sea fog.


Raon opened a frost kite with his divine sword and drew a silver sword dream with his magic sword.

‘Ordinary swordsmanship has no meaning.’

We need to make a change.

Seoriyeon, which fires the true sword and the frost sword at different times, contains a fantastic sword and summons dozens of blades, while the silver sword dream,

which deceives the opponent, contains a heavy sword and a dull sword that constricts space.


The cold blade generated by Frostyeon erased the white airflow of the reverse sea

fog, followed by Eungeommong’s blurry but powerful sword strike that pierced Lawrence’s chest.


Lawrence frowned as he saw the flames of the divine sword rushing in.

He seemed surprised by the drastic change in his swordsmanship from what he had always seen.

“You prepared very well to defeat me!”

Lawrence lowered his eyebrows and spread his hands. The airflow that had been

blooming like smoke from the blade of his hand coalesced, took the form of a strong ring, and crushed Eungeommong.


The white fog swirled around as if protecting Lawrence, and the energy of the reverse sea fog became a sword that could cut through anything and seeped into his hands.


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That look seemed to be the sincerity of Lawrence the Transcendent.

“It’s real from now on.”

Lawrence was not satisfied with his defense, and fired a powerful volley of reverse

sea fog with his right hand.


The energy of the reverse sea fog, which had huge waves in the calm waves, pierced the defenses of the divine sword and the magic sword and struck Raon in the chest.


Raon was thrown out and rolled on the floor, vomiting blood. Since it was not a serious internal injury, I immediately got up and prepared for a counterattack.


Lawrence stopped walking and lifted his chin, as if he thought his counterattack

was dangerous.

“Because I’ve paid all the cards. “It’s time to see whose hand is stronger.”

His eerie eyes flashed as if he was ready to fight in earnest.


Raon advanced towards Lawrence with the flames of the divine sword and the cold of the magic sword burning more intensely. I’ve already forgotten about her beating.

The only thing that came to mind right now was swordplay to destroy the Yeokhae Fog.


Lawrence’s eyes sparkle with deep gold. It meant that she was reading the entire flow of her own swordsmanship.

‘But it doesn’t matter.’

If Lawrence understands his swordsmanship, he can develop beyond that and fight. For that, he honed his swordsmanship skills day and night.

“My end will not be the end.”

Raon was not afraid of breaking the swordsmanship he had prepared.

Instead, he smiled happily and hit Lawrence with all his might.

“I know that fierce persistence is your true talent!”

Lawrence bit his lip as if he was tired and held out a pure white sword.


The red sword and white hand clashed, and a storm of fog and flame rose up to the sky.

* * *

“Huh… .”

The magic sword master was in vain as he watched Raon and Lawrence clashing


“That guy Lawrence was hiding that kind of power… .”

He trembled his chin and said, “I had no idea that Lawrence’s destructive skills were of that level.”

“I know. I thought the current Raon would work well… .”

The magic sword master nodded as if he agreed.

“It seems like that arrogant guy really cared about us.”

He looked into Lawrence’s cool eyes and touched his own neck.

“Is that the reverse sea fog?”

Buren swallowed dry saliva as he looked at the white airflow.

“You really erase Raon’s military education so easily. “It feels like putting white paint on the sword.”

“Rather than being erased, it is being destroyed.”

Marta frowned as she looked at the white air current that melted Raon’s sword skills.

“It’s not a magical force, but it’s definitely weighing down Raon’s sword.”

She let out a raspy breath as if surprised by the very existence of the reverse sea fog.

“I think I can see Raon’s swordsmanship. but… .”

Runaan nodded with sparkling intelligence in her fierce eyes.

“Raon is also changing.”

She nodded calmly as if she trusted Raon.


Muston stood next to Rektar, biting his lip slightly.

“Who do you think will win?”

Because his voice was loud, everyone’s eyes turned to Rektar.

“Of course Lawrence.”

Rektar answered right away without hesitation.

“Lawrence’s eyes and senses are special. The more you fight an opponent, the easier it becomes to read the numbers. “That guy has been fighting Raon for two months, so he must have already figured out all the sword techniques.”

He nodded resolutely, as if the outcome had already been decided.

“Plus, the difference in level cannot be ignored. Even though Raon is at the highest level of Grand Master, he is still far from transcendence. “It won’t be easy to win.”

Rektar looked at Zalek, who was standing quietly, saying that Raon could not win.

“Ryeonju doesn’t know much about his grandson.”

Zalek met his gaze and raised his white eyebrows.

“That leech’s sword skills are improving even at this moment. “It’s so damn true.”

He clicked his tongue as he examined Raon’s swordsmanship.

“If he was just a doll repeating the same sword moves, I would have destroyed him right away.”

Zalek gritted his teeth as if he remembered all the trouble Raon had endured.


Dorian stood next to Zalek, his eyes sparkling.

“Then Raon wins?”

“I don’t know if that guy will win or lose. just… .”

Zalek frowned and shook his head.

“I’m not saying I’m the kind of guy who will break down like this.”

As he said that, he looked at Rektar again.

“What do you think? “Is this the answer you wanted?”

“It’s pretty good.”

Rektar narrowed his eyes at Zalek, who spoke for him.

He folded his hands together as if he believed in his grandchild and fell into the battle between the flames and the fog.

* * *


Raon laughed even as he watched Yeomryonggyeol melt into nothingness.

‘Do you even erase this?’

Even though he used the sword’s skill in Yeomryonggyeol, which has the strongest firepower, he was unable to break through Lawrence’s reverse sea fog.

Every time I build a sand castle, it feels like a wave crashing down on me, but strangely enough, it made me laugh.

‘It’s not strange, is it normal?’

Because it’s an opportunity for me to develop further.

Like the Mind’s Eye, the reverse sea fog is not invincible. As his own swordsmanship improved, he gradually became more and more broken.

It is true that Yeokhaemu blocked his sword, both during the Silver Sword Dream

and when he used Flame Dragon, but Lawrence was also greatly shaken.

If his sword does not stop developing, he will have a chance to destroy that white



Raon polarized the ring of fire. Raising the level of the spirit and concentration, he focused on his own image and mind, not on Lawrence.


On a day of extreme pleasure, I mixed the wind sword and the thunder sword. The divine sword burning with flame extends out, surrounded by lightning and wind. It was truly divine speed.


Lawrence concentrated the energy of the reverse sea fog in his hand and struck down the divine sword covered in wind, lightning, and flame.

However, cold sweat dripped from his forehead as if it was not an easy task for him.


Raon expected that the sword strike would naturally be blocked, and included the

snow sword, the Yu sword, and the lost sword in the silver wind hoe of the Snow Wind Sword.


Like a winter snow field that no one has stepped on, a quiet yet firm sword strike

extended into Lawrence’s chest.


Lawrence overlapped his left and right hands to block his new sword strike.

“How far are you… .”

He chewed his lip as if embarrassed by the energy of a handful of dried seaweed that had disappeared.

“There is still a long way to go.”

Raon did not organize the numerous sword techniques that came to mind.

Just as a child freely solves a puzzle according to his or her own ideas, he performed his own swordsmanship without considering the compatibility and coexistence of swordsmanship techniques.

A slow but sharp sword, a heavy but soft sword, a sword that extends magnificently and aims at one point.

A variety of sword techniques without any consideration for efficiency or flow were performed one after another at Raon’s fingertips.

This is not something you can do alone, even if you have incredible talent. This was possible because of Lores, who received all of Raon’s swords.

“crazy… .”

Lawrence bit his lip until it bled as he watched Raon pour out a series of peerless

sword strikes.

‘What on earth did this guy get?’

The swordsmanship seen over the past two months changes as if it were evolving.

The swordsmanship I knew had changed so much that my previous experience was

actually detrimental.

Moreover, as the depth of swordsmanship became deeper, it was not easy to block the changing swordsmanship.

Every time Raon’s sword is blocked, the energy of the reverse sea fog escapes in bunches.

If things continued like this, it seemed like the reverse sea fog would be broken not by auras or physical strength, but by swordsmanship.

‘That’s not allowed.’

In order for a child named Raon to grow, you must become a wall. Otherwise, he

had no right to be standing here.

‘You can never lose!’

If Raon becomes stronger, you can also grow your Yeokhaemu. With the energy of transcendence, he crushed Raon’s whole body as he approached with new sword skills.

Whoa whoa!

He broke Raon’s sword skills and exploded the energy of the reverse sea fog in front of his chest.


Raon was thrown out and rolled on the floor, spitting out black blood.

His whole body trembled as if he was in severe shock, but he never let go of his two swords.

“ha… .”

Raon slowly gets up. He smiled cheerfully, as if he was having fun even though blood was leaking from his mouth.

“… “Are you really a monster?”

Lawrence bit his lip.

“OK! “Keep coming here!”

“of course.”

Raon laughed and rushed towards Lawrence.

Convergence. The two swords he holds are constantly changing as he clashes with

tens and hundreds of sums.


Fast, slow, strong, weak, heavy, light, moderate, empty. Now he was aiming for his own neck with an unknown sword technique.


Lawrence pushed Raon away roughly and gritted his teeth.

‘… ‘That won’t work.’

I have to end it here.

The flow of reverse sea fog begins to stop. Since he had never fought for this long, he was reaching his limit.

Raon’s body was also breaking down because he was fighting beyond his limits. For both of our sakes, I thought it would be better to end it here.


Lawrence erased the waves of flame and frost caused by the divine sword and the

magic sword at the same time, and rushed towards Raon.


He spread his hands and aimed at Raon’s chest and abdomen. The energy of the reverse sea fog was concentrated on both of his hands so that he could erase any attack.


The moment Raon’s eyes were filled with white air currents, he extended his left foot forward.

‘This cannot be stopped.’

Due to the difference in auror and level, it is currently impossible to overcome the energy of the reverse sea fog with one’s own sword.

There is only one way. He had no choice but to erase the reverse sea fog with his

sword skills.


The Divine Demon Harmony calmed down. He erased the flame of the divine sword and the frost of the magic sword, revealing the silver blade of the Heavenly Sword.

The world of imagination was opened, emptying all flames and cold.

The path of ten thousand swords. His own swordsmanship in pursuit of the true Ten Thousand Swords converged on the Jecheon Sword, creating a golden flash.

“No matter what, it’s too late!”

Lawrence spread the energy of reverse sea fog all over the heavens and earth as if

he wanted to erase any sword skills. This space itself seemed to be dominated by him.


Raon lowered the sword he held with both hands toward the pure white fog that stretched out like the hand of a god.

Gaebyeok, the reincarnation of Geomgye.

The golden brilliance containing the swordsmanship of the entire world clashed

with the white fog that erased all swordsmanship, and dragon sounds erupted from

all directions.


After a roar that sounded like a mountain shattering, an enormous shock wave exploded, turning the ground upside down and turning the area pitch black.


When Rektar lowered his hand with frowning eyes, the wind blew and erased the

black smoke that filled the clearing.

When the dust settled, what was visible was Raon kneeling and Lawrence with his

hands on the ground. whistle. The last sparring between the two ended in a draw.

“Hey you crazy guy… .”

Lawrence ground his teeth as if he was dumbfounded.

“Are you planning on killing me?”

“I thought Lawrence would accept it.”

Raon smiled weakly and shook his head.

“You are truly crazy. “It was more powerful than the previous generation of holy sword drills!”

Lawrence’s eyelids fluttered as he said something that was either a compliment or

an insult.

“That’s something I hear often.”

Raon laughed and fell to the floor.

“Thank you for watching.”

While saying that, he nodded to Lawrence.

“That’s bullshit.”

Lawrence lay down on his back with his brows furrowed.

“Would I be doing this if you had seen it?”

He waved his hand to stop talking nonsense.

“If Lawrence had given his all from the beginning, it would have been over right away. You gave me time to grow. “I lost my strength at the end.”

Raon smiled and said he knew everything.

“Thank you so much… .”

“That’s it. Congratulations on reaching the rank of Grand Master.”

Lawrence lightly tapped Raon on the shoulder as he said that.

“oh? “Isn’t this the first time you’ve been complimented?”

“Yes, I’ve been tormented by you for two months, so I wanted to tell you this first.”

After saying that, he turned his red face away.

“thank you.”

Raon forced himself up and bowed his head to Lawrence.

“I owe you.”

“It wasn’t a burden, it was a nuisance!”

Lawrence wrinkled his nose, telling him to say the words properly.

“That’s right.”

Raon scratched his head with a faint smile.

“But… .”

Lawrence turned his head to look at Raon.

“Did you get a clue to ascend to transcendence?”

“hmm… .”

Raon did not answer right away. He glanced at Lawrence, Rektar, and the people

around him, then looked up at the night sky and nodded.

“yes. “I think I’ve found it now.”

After Raon finished sparring with Lawrence, he returned to the mansion and immediately entered his room.

Perhaps because I had lost all my strength, I was so tired that it was difficult to even stand.

‘How was sparring today?’

Raon stretched out his hand to Ras, who was leaning back on the bed and wagging his tail.

-It’s still not enough!

Lars said it was still sloppy and slapped his hand away.

-If that guy had done his best from the beginning, he wouldn’t have been able to

fight back and stab him. It’s true that his swordsmanship has improved, but his combination was too sloppy. I need to research a lot more. In addition, the Auror’s movements have become sluggish because he is concentrating on swordsmanship!

The guy talked about his shortcomings with his mouth twitching like he was eating marble ice cream.

-but! It is also true that progress has occurred. Two months here would have been

greater than a year at Sieghardt.

Lars nodded, saying that he had achieved really rapid growth.


Raon laughed as he recalled the shortcomings Lars had told him about.

-If you’re thankful, go buy some beaded ice cream!

Lars waved his hand, telling him not to finish with words.

‘When I return to Sieghardt, I’ll buy you enough to fill your stomach.’

Raon gave Lars a promise and looked at his hands.

‘As expected, there are still many shortcomings.’

As my sword skills improved, I had to pay more attention to the combinations and

focus on auras and body movements.

There was still a lot of work to be done in order to reach transcendence.


Ras frowned and came closer.


-What is the clue to reaching transcendence that you think of?

The guy nodded, asking what value he had in mind.

‘Well, first of all, there are two things. I’m a little embarrassed… .’

It was when Raon licked his lips and was about to speak.

[Mangeom’s buds have begun to sprout.]

[All abilities increase by 20 points.]

[The level of the attribute increases.]

[The level of the attribute increases.]

[The level of the attribute increases.]

[The grade of the trait has exceeded 12 stars, and a new trait… .]

[New title… .]

The rewards accumulated during two months of training at Seonggeomryeon came to me at once.

-Holy shit!

Lars shook his head as he smacked down the message.

-This guy has terrible timing! At this rate, it is clear that they are waiting and making fun of the king… uh?

The guy gritted his teeth saying he would break it down, but when he saw the title, his eyes widened.


Lars burst into laughter, pointing to the new title.

[A new title is created.]

-It’s a leech! Now that guy has recognized your leech nature!

The guy giggled, saying that his words were finally working.

However, Raon had no time to pay attention to the title because he was looking at the other side.

‘ as a new trait?’

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