The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 643

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Chapter 644

The swordsman who split space was Aris, and the one who raised the blue sword in the sky was Rektar, the swordsman.

The mighty swordsmanship caused by the two transcendents turned into light and collided with the blade containing death.


However, perhaps because they moved too hastily, Aris and Rektar’s sword strikes could not completely erase the flow of death.


Raon gritted it. He felt death break through his ribs.

Just when I thought it was over, the flow of the window suddenly stopped. It was a moment, but it seemed as if time had stopped.


Aris, who tore through the space and ran, and Rektar, who rushed like thunder from the air, crushed the stopped black blade.

Woo woo woo!

The aura that contained death melted into a dim light as if it never existed.

blood profit!

The moment the black energy was about to sink to the ground, Raon threw a fragment of the sword sheath floating in the air onto the floor.

The diamond-shaped pieces of the scabbard were stained black as if they had been painted with ink.


As soon as Raon picked up the fallen piece of the scabbard, Aris threw herself behind him, hugging him tightly.

“I might come back! Everyone bow down!”

She raised a thick black screen and bit her lip. An urgent face I have never seen before. It was an expression I hadn’t seen before when facing the light dragon Kaibar.

“Ah, Mr. Aris?”

“Suddenly, what is this… .”


Burren, Martha, and Runan widened their eyes in embarrassment. Even the master class didn’t know what had just happened.

“Everybody back off!”

“Keep your head down, hide behind a tree or a rock!”

Only the Grand Masters, Limer and Serena, realized that the situation was critical, and put back the windshield and swordsman.

“… … .”

Sword Demon Rektar didn’t even look back. Standing in the first place, I sprayed a cool momentum that sent chills down my spine.

“don’t worry. I will protect you even at the cost of my life.”

Aris bit her lip. Her embrace was unwaveringly warm, as if trying to erase her anxiety. She really seemed to have a will to protect her no matter what.

-Turn it off… .

Lars let out a deep moan as he grabbed his head.

‘Did you stop the black blade?’

-That, it is.

The boy nodded helplessly.


Now that Lars is in a parasitic spiritual state, he must violate the law of causality in order to use physical power.

Although he had built up a bond with Lars, it was strange because there was no reason for him to save me while suffering great damage to both the main body and the spiritual body.

-Because I’m pissed off.


-Even in a spiritual state, avoiding the real king’s senses, you’re an arrogant bastard! If only I had a body, I would have beaten you to death right away!

Lars clicked his tongue long as if he was sorry. It seemed that he was furious that he had avoided the sign of himself who mastered everything.

-Don’t even think about looking for you. he’s a strong guy

‘I know.’

Raon nodded calmly.

– You know? Could it be that he has a familiar face?

‘okay. I can’t help but know.’

Looking at the piece of the blackened sword sheath, he twisted his mouth upward.

‘Because only Derus can use Undercurrent.’

The black blade that contained death was an aura named Undercurrent, one of Derus Robert’s true powers.

In fact, even if it wasn’t an undercurrent, Derus could be predicted. Because Derus is the only transcendental attack that will kill me from a place I can’t see.

‘but… .’

His behavior was beyond my expectations.

Derus thought that he would never come here, and even if he did, he would never attack.

But Derus appeared here and fired an undercurrent at me. He meant that the guy who only thought he would be cold like a machine was also human.

‘Derus Robert.’

Raon twisted his lips as he glared in the direction where Derus was expected to be.

‘It’s finally starting to show its tail.’


My dry lips trembled as I watched Raon disappear through the cracks in the space called Cuba. She swallowed her dry saliva and turned her eyes to Derus.

“Why are Aris Sieghard and the Sword Demon here… .”

“It’s really cunning.”

Derus Robert wasn’t angry, but instead gave a faint smile.

“I knew that Aris Sieghard and the Sword Demon were hiding. I thought I could kill Raon Sieghart before those two came. but… .”

He continued talking while looking at Raon in Aris’s arms.

“The reason Raon Sieghart survived was purely thanks to his own strength. He bought a split second by breaking the scabbard.”

“ah… .”

“That moment saved his life. However, there are a few oddities.”


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“If anything is strange… ah!”

Kubara looked towards Sword Zone’s grave and raised her eyes. As Derus said, there was one strange thing.

“You mean the sword demon Rektar.”

“It is quite possible that Aris Sieghard cares for Raon Sieghart. Risking your life like now is unexpected, but it is understandable.”

Derus looked at Rektar and narrowed his eyes.

“On the other hand, the sword demon’s reaction is strange. Even if you gave Raon a small lesson, he was definitely an enemy, but he seemed more urgent than Aris Sieghard.”

He touched his chin and shook his head.

“There might be other relationships between Raon Sieghart and Rektar the Sword Demon, apart from the Six Emperors.”

“I will investigate.”

Kubara understood what Derus meant and nodded immediately.

“one more.”

Derus waved his finger at Kubara.

“At the end, there was a strange reaction from Raon’s body. Re-examine everything about the life of Raon Sieghart.”

“All right.”

Even though there was already a mountain of information about Raon, Cubara, he nodded without hesitation.

“Go first. You should have already read the directions.”


She responded immediately and sank into the shadow of Therus.

“When ‘she’ said there was someone standing in my way, of course I thought of Glenn Sieghardt. but… .”

Derus put his hands behind his back and narrowed his eyes. He looked down at Raon with eyes filled with anger and joy at the same time and painted a dry smile.

“That might be you.”

Before the low voices even rang out, only a cold wind lingered on the mountainside where the two were staying.


-Now you’ve definitely left.

Lars frowned as he clenched his temples.

-Damn it! Your pride hurts.

The guy repeated the same words, saying that he would have run right away if he had been healthy.

‘okay. I must have.’

Raon patted Lars’ reddened head and nodded.

‘Derus Robert.’

How strong have you been?

Even if Rath is not the real body, his senses far exceed my ones.

Even such a Ras couldn’t even capture the existence until Derus attacked. It seemed that Derus had grown beyond my imagination.

“aunt. You will be fine now.”

Raon let out a short sigh and grabbed Aris by the shoulder.


Alice widened her eyes as if to say something.

“If you see them ambush from afar, they’ll tell you they don’t want to reveal their identity, so they won’t come anymore.”

“I know, but… .”

She nodded briefly as if she had expected it too.

“You must have run away already. You can relax.”

Raon laughed and stood up.

“Dae, what the hell is going on?”

“What happened!”


Realizing that the situation was over, Burren, Martha, and Runan came running. Not only them, but the entire Gwangpungdae had panic in their eyes.

“There was a raid.”

Serena wrinkled her brow as she looked in the direction the black blade had come from.

“S-A raid?”

Dorian opened her eyes as she came out of the sofa where she was hiding.

“okay. I don’t know who it is, but I was aiming for Raon.”

Rimer looked this way and bit his lip. He seemed resentful of not being able to stop himself.

“I-I had no idea.”

“Damn it!”

“hmm… .”

Burren, Martha, and Runan also clenched their fists as if angry at not doing anything.

“I was a master enough to barely notice. If I hadn’t prepared in advance, I would have missed it.”

Aris shook her head at the three captains, saying not to blame herself.

“He is the strongest among the transcendent. Maybe I can reach my father… .”

“Are you saying you can reach the family lord?”


It’s hard to believe, but it’s possible, she sighed.

“I don’t know who he is. It was a type of aura I had never seen before.”

Rimer frowned as if his opponent was unpredictable.

“A super, transcendent person?”

“Why is the Transcendentalist Raon… .”

Cold sweat ran down the bridge of Burren’s and Martha’s noses.

“It must be because I ruined the plan.”

Raon smiled as he pointed to the entrance of the black shimmering tomb.

“You ruined the plan?”

Aris quickly looked away as if to say something.

“It was not a tomb. There were countless devices installed to make the Six Emperors and neutral forces start a war. over there… .”

Raon briefly explained the tomb to Aris.

“… Since the plan, which consumed an astronomical amount of manpower and resources, was ruined, it seems that the head of the faction that conceived the plan tried to kill me.”

“Um, sure… .”

“That must be right.”

Serena and Rimmer also nodded as if agreeing.

“Who the hell is the guy who came up with that plan?”

Aris glared at the spot where the blade had landed and brushed the side of her hair.

“There is no one like him in Six Emperors. No, even if it’s not there, everyone’s name is known.”

She frowned, saying that she had seen all the owners of the Six Emperors, but there was no one like him.

“I don’t know either. but… .”

Raon smiled lightly as he looked at the fragment of the sword sheath containing the undercurrent of Derus.

“You won’t be able to hide until the end.”

Derus’ deviation from my prediction is not necessarily a bad thing.

Because its aura was revealed, it would not be impossible to later make Derus Robert, the Celestial Swordsman, and Derus Robert, the villain who committed many evil deeds in the shadows, the same person.

The greatest harvest of today may not have been Sword Master’s Muhak, but the revelation of Derus’ undercurrent.

“Anyway, it seems really over.”

Aris looked at the forest that had become quiet and nodded.

“It would be better to get out of here quickly just in case, but before that.”

She licked her lips briefly and looked at Blade Demon Rektar.

“Why did inspiration come? No, why did you stop it?”

Aris looked at the Sword Demon with sinking eyes, saying she did not understand.

“so… .”

Rektar slowly turned around. He couldn’t be calm, so he showed cold eyes.

“Are you dissatisfied?”


Aris calmly shook her head.

“Thank you. If it wasn’t for inspiration, I wouldn’t have been able to save Raon. It was moving so fast that I couldn’t even keep up.”

As usual, she honestly admitted her shortcomings.

“Thank you, but I don’t understand. Why did you save Raon? What do you mean?”

“… … .”

Raon looked at Rektar’s dry complexion and nodded briefly.

‘That’s right.’

Unlike Aris, Rektar didn’t have to save me even when he himself was injured.

“If that child dies, the legacy in the grave will also disappear, so I saved it.”

Rektar’s eyes were cold enough to freeze.

“How did you know that?”

“They talk about it, and it’s strange that you don’t know that.”

He pointed at the neutral forces soldiers who had come out with the light wind band. Through their chatter, it seemed that he had heard the circumstances inside.

“Um… .”

“I’m sorry.”

The neutral warriors lowered their heads as if they had nothing to say.

“That was the only reason.”

Rektar’s sword vibrated thinly, as if it wanted blood at any moment.

“hmm… .”

Raon groaned as he looked at Rektar’s dry eyes.

‘It doesn’t make sense.’

Seonggeomryun is a group that is crazy about swords and swordsmanship, and it is not strange at all because there is no difference between sword demons.

However, the eyes of the sword demon I saw today revealed an urgency that went beyond the reason. She seemed to be lying.

“I can’t believe it… .”

Aris tilted her head, saying it was strange.

“You don’t need to pry.”

“… … .”

Rektar kept his cold expression as if it didn’t matter.

“Then, are we going to try a match to steal the sword master’s legacy?”

“Isn’t that obvious?”

He put the sword over his eyes as if to see the end immediately. It was as if humans were transformed into a single sword.

“Crazy inspiration.”

Aris raised her sword in the middle with her eyebrows wrinkled. The magic of the space sword flowed, and the space around her shook like a haze.


It was when Aris and Rektar were about to thrust their swords into each other’s hearts.


The teeth of the blades the two were holding snapped at the same time. It was the part that blocked Derus’ attack.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Aris and Rektar looked at each other’s swords and relaxed.

“There are Transcendentalists who don’t know who they are, so I don’t think today is the right time.”

“I agree.”

As Rektar nodded, the warriors of the Holy Sword Training Corps who had been hiding behind him approached.

“Raon Sieghart. Just ask two things before you go.”

“Tell me.”

Raon nodded towards Rektar, who seemed to be looking at others.

“Is the demon sword master dead?”


“Is it true that you got one more martial arts in Sword Zone?”


“Breaking the scabbard seems to be one of the skills of the sword master.”

“That’s right.”

He nodded his head because there was no point in lying.


Rektar nodded calmly with an unreadable expression on his face, then turned his back without regret.

“I won’t see you off.”

Aris waved her hand as if telling her to go quickly.

Raon looked at Rektar, who slowly withdrew, and widened his eyes. A familiar face caught his eye behind him.


It was Rektar’s disciple, Muston.

“… … .”

When his name was called, Muston shrugged and turned his back.

“come here!”

Muston’s soul is bound to me by the emotion of <jealousy>. If you ask him, you may be able to learn the true meaning of Rektar.

“It can’t be.”

However, Muston refused my order. He looked at me calmly and then followed Rektar.


Muston’s eyes were transparent, and the aura of <jealousy> that was strangling him still lingered. I don’t know why the spirit-bound being ignores my words.

-The reason is simple.

Lars snorted like it was nothing.

-The reason your subordinate, who has pledged his soul to you, doesn’t listen to you is because he thinks that his current actions are helpful to you.

‘Then maybe… .’

Raon swallowed dryly as he looked at Rektar’s back in front of Muston.

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