The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 623

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Chapter 624

Raon returned to the annex before the dinner was over.

I wanted to enjoy the dinner with Gwangpungdae until the end, but I couldn’t participate in the executive meeting like a beggar, so I got out early and took a shower.

Lars jumped up like a frog while wearing a neatly ironed uniform.

-You liar! The original king is not yet satisfied!

Lars waved his fist as if regretting that he hadn’t enjoyed the dinner to the fullest.

‘It can’t be helped.’

Raon shook his head as he pushed Lars away.

‘I have a meeting, but I can’t spend my time talking about it. And you ate enough food.’

I’m afraid that Lars will go wild like this. He ate all the food in the buffet, I don’t know why he’s rambling.

– Food is not enough. Since the subordinates are there, the main king must remain at the dinner party until the end!

The guy waved his hand, saying that as a king, he should always remain by his subordinates. Looking at it now, it seemed that he regretted not being able to stay with him until the end rather than not having finished eating.

‘I thought it was a simple insectivore. No, insectivores are right.’

Lars always showed sincerity to his subordinates, but this time it seemed that he wanted to cherish the dinner time.

‘I’ll try to make a seat again next time.’

I was also a little disappointed, so I said let’s hold a new dinner next time and cut off the clinging Lass.

I left the room with the jecheon sword draped around the waist of my uniform. I was about to go out to the front door, but Sylvia and her maids were waiting at the door.

“Why are you here?”

“You’re going to your first executive meeting. I was waiting for you to cheer me on.”

Sylvia came over and straightened the slightly wrinkled collar.

“How to… .”

“Because I have a friend at the non-banquet! I heard from him!”

Ensia brought her hands in a V shape to her eyes and smiled.

“ah… .”

is it you again?

Lately, I thought it was amazing that Silvia and the ladies-in-waiting knew my information so well, but it was all that person’s ability. As expected, he was an eccentric who was not pushed by Merlin.

“Did you prepare well? At the round table, even the big stockholders who acknowledge you will be a little different… .”

“What does it mean to be different?”

“The round table is a small battlefield. In order to get a mission that can build better performance, a mission that can earn more, or a mission that is comfortable, the executives argue and even fight.”

Sylvia sighed as if she knew well about the executive meeting.

“You may be a bit territorial, but you will be able to learn more about the place called Sieghart, so go back thinking that you are learning.”

“You know me well.”

“I did a field trip when I was a direct descendant.”

Sylvia smiled lightly.

“Ah, I didn’t have to worry. This time, Rimer-sama will go with you.”


Raon calmly shook his head.

“That human. Sleep drunk.”

Rimer said he would die after eating it all, and emptied all the alcohol on the buffet before passing out. By now, you should be sleeping in the dorm.

“Uh, um… .”

Sylvia blinked blankly, then pursed her lips.

“If you are Raon, you will be able to do well!”

Ansia smiled, saying that everything would be fine.

“Hey, do your best.”

Shiyan still stuttered, but her voice definitely gained more strength than before. It seems that Raon’s electricity is going well.

“… … .”

Judiel silently lowered her head, but the sunken eyes showed the belief that she would do well.

“I’ll be back.”

Raon shook hands with everyone and headed for the main building. He walked to a circular building called the Caucus or Round Table and stood at the door.

“Meet the Great Lord of Gwangpung.”

The two prosecutors who were waiting in front of the conference hall bowed with their hands on their swords.

“Please go in.”

The prosecutors lifted their heads and opened the door so they could go inside.

Raon greeted the prosecutors with his eyes and entered the meeting room.

As I walked down the short hallway, I saw a huge round table filled with soft light and enough space for dozens of people to sit.

The color of the round table was dyed black as if a shadow had been cast over it, forming a strange harmony contrasting with the silver wall bathed in moonlight.

Several executives were already sitting at the round table, but a middle-aged man sitting in the middle quickly stood up and waved.


It was Trevin, an iron man with a personality as cool as his short-cropped blonde hair. He took a step closer and gave a big smile.

“Lord of the iron belt.”

“Now I get to meet you.”

Trevin said it was nice to meet him and grabbed his shoulder.

“Haven’t we seen each other before?”

I say it like it’s been a while, but after returning, we met in the audience room, and before that, we had joint training with the Gwangpungdae.

“From here.”

He pointed to the black round table.

“I missed you at this roundtable.”

Trevin grinned and raised a finger.


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“I was wondering what kind of accidents you are running into here.”

Holding onto his shoulder, he headed towards the end of the black round table.

“Come this way. I’ll guide you to the seat of the mad wind.”

At this round table, it seemed that each executive had a designated seat. I followed Trevin to the far right of the round table.

Strangely, however, all the seats of the other daeju are located inside, but the seat of the daeju, the gwangpungdaeju, was placed at a lower end than the dan.

“Why is there only a separate windmill?”

“that… .”

“Because he won’t come.”

The question was explained not by Trevin, but by a naked woman sitting at the back of the round table.

Serena, the master of swordsmanship, had impressive deep blue eyes like a sunny lake.

Serena, like Trevin, was also someone who always showed a friendly side.

“Lord of the Swordsman.”

Raon bowed his head to Serena.

“Goodbye. This is a place where you don’t have to say goodbye.”

Serena waved her hand, telling her to be at ease.

“Well, but what do you mean you won’t come?”

“It is literally. Your former lord did not show up at all, so the lord of the heavenly sword put him in the last place.”

She clicked her tongue, saying she had rarely seen Rimmer at the Round Table.

“That’s right. I’ve hardly seen Rimer-sama either.”

The iron manor also shook his head, saying that he had never seen Limer here.

“… okay.”

Raon bit his lip. He had heard about our ransom from others, and his trust went away at once.

‘This damn elf… .’

Rimer left the gymnasium early, saying that he would ask for a good assignment at every meeting. It seems now that he was at the gambling house during that time.

“Then how did our mission fall apart?”

“They were taken care of for things that no one received.”

Serena laughed.

“hmm… .”

Raon licked his lips.

‘Somehow, the mission was all messed up.’

Considering that his life was in danger if he only went out on a mission, it was clear that he had only received things that others would not take.

“after… .”

Raon sighed and sat down in the seat of Gwangpungdaeju. He swiped his dusty nameplate and vowed to give more of his Li Mer.

“So how is it? How does it feel to be a lord?”

Serena sat down and blinked one eye.

“To be honest, I don’t feel much. It seems like I’ve been playing the role of a sponsor for a long time.”

He expressed his sincere heart.

“It is exactly the answer I expected. You look like a model student.”

Serena smiled, saying she knew it.

“From the first time I met you, I thought you were a bigot.”

Trevin smiled and nodded.

“is that so.”

Raon smiled lightly. For the first time, the two of them stood in the same position and chatted.

* * *

Glenn crossed his arms while standing on the top floor of Gajujeon Hall, which wouldn’t be strange to call it an observatory. He nodded slightly, thinking of Raon who had just entered the meeting room.

‘I’m weak, but I’ve grown.’

Raon’s image is a bit small, but I can feel it has increased. He seemed to develop the existing ones rather than learn new ones, as he gave advice by giving an interpretation of Muhak.

I thought that Raon had neglected his own training by focusing only on Gwangpungdae for three weeks, but it wasn’t at all. While raising his subordinates, that child did not let go of his own training.

‘He’s a child I can’t help but cherish.’

From his talent and personality to his perseverance, he had nothing to throw away. It was no exaggeration to say that it was the greatest masterpiece in Sieghart’s history.

“My lord.”

As Glenn nodded in satisfaction, Loen stepped aside.

“Don’t worry too much, even if it’s your first roundtable. Rimer-sama will be coming soon.”

“… He passed out and won’t be able to come.”

Chad, the non-banquet owner, looked at Loen and shook his chin.


Glenn frowned at Chad.

“Did you get injured in training?”

“It is not. Gwangpungdaeju held a dinner party to commemorate the completion of training, and he said he passed out while drinking there.”

Chad swallowed dryly and explained why Rimmer had fainted.

Jigsaw Jigsaw!

As soon as Glenn heard Limer’s story, he had a thunderbolt in his grasp. If Li Mer were here, an intense air wave would burn him that would really burn him to ashes.

“Hmm… .”

Rowen licked his lips and raised a finger.

“Isn’t the Heavenly Sword Master here, so am I… .”

“No, there is no need for that.”

Glen shook his head, looking at Rowen.

“Because not having Rimmer would be more helpful.”

He muttered that he didn’t need it as if he believed in Raon.

“Still, the executives you see in the audience room and the executives you see at the round table are probably all… .”

Chad lowered his eyebrows as if anxious.


Glenn turned around and shook his head calmly. He raised the corners of her mouth thinly as if looking into the future.

“A dog. No, because I released a shark.”

* * *

Raon narrowed his eyes as he looked at the executives seated at the round table.

‘It’s completely different from when I saw it before.’

They were people I had often seen in the audience room, but seeing them here had a completely different temperament.

The momentum that had been weighed down by the transcendental person named Glen Sieghart rose up like wildfire and revealed its teeth as if they were going to devour each other.

‘Is this Sieghart’s executive?’

Both Danju and Daeju both have intense energy and soulful eyes.

It was to the point where I was proud that these warriors belonged to Sieghart, whether or not they were friends with me.


While Raon was smiling with satisfaction, the door to the conference hall opened with a wave of energy that was different from before.

It was Balder who entered with heavy steps. A round table meeting is called a cadre meeting or a shareholders meeting.

I know that Jeonju rarely participates, but unexpectedly, Balder participated.

“Is Balder?”

“The Lord Jinmu is coming… .”

“Everything is fine.”

“Still, don’t you come more often than Gwangpungdaeju?”

The other executives were also curious, and they heard a murmur from here and there.


Balder snorted at Raon, who was sitting in the corner, and went to the farthest seat and sat down.

This time the door opened smoothly, as if it had been oiled.

However, the momentum of the person who came inside was huge and sophisticated enough not to be pushed by Balder. Denier, who had prayers perfectly woven as if stitched with thread, walked with calm eyes.

Denier looked at Raon for the last time after making eye contact with the round table executives. He showed a gentle smile as if he had come and sat down opposite Balder.

[Does Hyeonmu Jeonju come sometimes?]

Raon sent a message to come to Trevin, who was far away.


Trevin shook his head.

[Hyeonmu Jeonju participates in the round table every time he is not on a mission. He is popular with executives because he gave up a lot of his duties.]

He laughed, saying he was completely different from Balder.

Raon looked at the two electric poles sitting at the far end.

Balder wrinkled his brow as if he didn’t like the situation, and Denier’s eyes were as calm as usual.

While everyone was silent at the heavy momentum of the two, the door opened for the last time and Chad, a non-banquet drinker, came inside.

“I am the last one.”

Chad bowed his head as if to excuse himself. He entered the furthest in, stood between Denier and Balder, and took out the papers.

“It’s time, let’s start the meeting.”

Chad opened the first paper and nodded lightly.

“First, let me tell you about the continental situation. Thanks to the efforts of the executives here, there were no major problems within Sieghart’s domain. Rather, there were many cases where I raised my name by resolving an external incident.”

His gaze crossed the papers and turned to Raon.

“But just because Sieghart’s realm is peaceful doesn’t mean the entire continent is flat.”

The non-banquetist’s eyes shimmered with a strange light.

“Eden raided Sepia, war broke out between Balkar and the Black Tower, and the Civil Alliance destroyed the Garam family to occupy new lands. The White Blood Church also ate the Kazan Protestant Church, and the Seonggeomryun began its advance toward the world.”

He knew the details of their administration, as if he had investigated the trends of the entire Ouma.

“Of course, that’s not all. Shin Ju-o-ling also moves in detail. Even if we assume that Aris-sama’s power is still, the remaining four are also plotting something. Just as a forest fire starts with a small spark, you should not ignore anything even if it is difficult.”

Unlike when he was trembling in front of Glenn, he recited the situation of the entire continent in a calm tone.

It was as if people had completely changed. When he thought that he was a person who should not be easily seen, his words continued.

“However, it is not the Six Emperors Oma nor the Shin Zhu Oling that are receiving the most attention right now.”

“Is it the sword zone?”

Serena licked her lips briefly.

“you’re right.”

The non-banquet owner made eye contact with Serena and nodded.

“It is said that a map with the location of the tomb of Swordsman, who was the strongest on the continent hundreds of years ago, appeared. The current owner of the map is a killer with the alias Baek Sau.”

He even knew the name of the murderer, as if he had mobilized the information power of the non-banquet.

Hearing the name, Raon wrinkled his brow.

‘Baksaura… .’

When Merlin spoke, it seems that a soldier named Muryeonggwigaeng had it, but it seemed that the owner changed during training.

“The six emperors are colliding one after another, and even the tomb of Swordsman has been revealed, so it is not strange that the current continent is called a powder keg.”

Chad let out a short sigh.

“I hope that the officers who go out on missions always pay attention and control their subordinates firmly.”

He gave advice, advice, and handed over the first paper.

“Then I will assign the mission from now on. If you have a mission you want, please raise your hand.”

Chad lifted the second paper. It seemed that the mission was written on that document.

Raon looked at the atmosphere of the round table and licked his lips.

‘I would like to see the tomb of the Sword Master.’

Given that Chad talked about Swordsman’s grave first, the task must include exploring Swordsman’s grave. I was attracted to it because I thought I would gain more than other missions.

“As I said at the beginning, the first mission is reconnaissance of Sieghart’s estate. Contrary to its appearance, it is a very important mission because it is a route to explore from the North Sea to the end of Mt. Bukmang, and it is necessary to prepare for abnormal situations and raids.”

Chad raised his voice and lowered the papers.

“If you want a reconnaissance mission, please raise your hand.”

At his question, a small number of Danju and Trevin raised their hands.

“Hmm, then this mission is the Iron Warfare… .”

“for a moment.”

As Chad was about to choose Trevin, Balder raised his hand.

“Such a trivial thing. Isn’t it usually the youngest to do it?”

He looked this way, muttering something trivial, as if he had already forgotten what Chad had just said was important.

“If you are the youngest… .”

Chad tilted his head at Balder.

“Here you are. The kid sitting at the round table for the first time today.”

Balder pointed this way openly. It seemed like he was trying to get into a fight, but to go out directly without going through his subordinates, he was truly a consistent human being.

“I just became a major owner, and this is my first time participating in the round table. At times like that, it’s only right to take on menial duties on behalf of seniors.”

He wrinkled his brow, saying that kids these days have no manners.

“Um… .”

Chad crinkled his brow as he touched the papers. He seemed to roll his head to stop Balder.

Raon looked at it and smiled.

‘As expected.’

Balder was no different from a beast that moves at his whim, so I thought he would definitely start a fight, but it was as predicted.

“I know at least that there are seniors and juniors among executives.”

Raon looked at Balder and took a light example.

“However, that relationship is for mutual consideration. I don’t think it exists to offload a mission you don’t want.”

He put forward his reasoning toward him who crumpled his brow.

“As the head of the armed forces leading his subordinates, he must receive a mission that he can do with all his might. I think it’s disrespectful to this round table to take on an unwanted assignment while being noticed as a junior.”

Raon said that and sat down again.

“I-that cheeky bastard!”

Balder wrinkled his brow and stood up.

“Isn’t it that you don’t see that you’ve made some achievements! What are you trying to say about this place!”

“Isn’t it the round table? I think it was made into a circle for this kind of discussion.”

Raon touched the round table in front and smiled.

“Great, yes. You are right.”

Balder surprisingly readily admitted his mistake.

“But this is not just a place for discussions. If there is a disagreement, the decision can be made by force.”

He clenched his fists as if he was caught.

“Today I… .”

It was when Balder tried to twist his mouth. The door to the conference room opened as if it would break, and Aris entered.


Her body disappeared as if it had turned into light, then appeared at the end of the round table and slapped Balder on the cheek with her foot.


Suddenly beaten, Balder broke the chair and crashed into the wall.


“ah… .”

“What, what?”

Everyone opened their mouths at the sudden incident.

“Hey, it’s a baby.”

Aris stepped on the fallen Balder’s head and wrinkled her brow.

“If there is a new executive, you can’t take care of it, so you start a fight? It’s so small that it makes chicken meat stand out!”


Balder pushed Aris’ foot away and jumped up.

“sister! What are you doing!”

“I can’t stand it because it’s so disgusting to be rude!”

Aris muttered that she was sick of it and sat down in Balder’s seat.

“Ugh… .”

Balder gnashed his teeth but couldn’t do anything about it and chewed his lips.

“That lump is not worth it. child.”

“A lump! What a lump!”

“A lump of scaffolding, ask!”

Aris wrinkled her brow while looking at Balder’s ragged muscles.

“This is not scaffolding, it is muscle! No matter how old you are, those words… .”

“okay? Then I’ll call it a muscle mass.”

“That’s it!”

Balder stood next to Aris and nodded as if he was satisfied.

Raon narrowed his eyes at the sight.

‘Are you satisfied with that now?’

Beaten, stripped, insulted, he seemed satisfied with a single muscle mass. It was easy to understand, but not understandable.


“yes. yes!”

At Aris’ call, Chad swallowed dryly and nodded.

“Give me.”

She forcibly took the papers from Chad’s hand and lifted them up.

“You guys don’t care. If you have a new baby, you have to take care of it.”

Saying that, Aris raised the document towards Raon.

“My nephew. What do you want to do? Because it’s the first mission. This aunt shoots.”

“ah… .”

Raon looked at Aris, who was swaying, and closed his eyes.

‘Please stop… .’

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