The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 338

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Chapter 338

“Chi, intruder… Heck!”

The keeper standing behind tried to scream, but his throat was blown off.


Dorian came out from behind and gave a thumbs up. He was nervous, his fingers trembling slightly.

“Getting in shape.”

Raon smiled and looked at the two children in front of him. The wound was deep, but fortunately it was not fatal.

“You held up well. Good job.”

He stroked the two children’s heads and stopped the bleeding with an aura.

“Who, who are you?”

The blue-haired girl who gave me the name Pine trembled.

“A passing villain.”

Because of the possibility of Derus approaching the children, the identity could not be revealed.

“Ah, a villain? But you said you’re getting your name back… .”

“okay. I’ll find out your name, and I’ll get you out of here. Because he is a villain who catches villains.”


Pine’s expression was grotesquely crumpled to the extent that it was difficult to say anything. Because of controlling your emotions, you want to cry but the tears won’t come out.


Raon frowned. Feeling the bitter taste rising from his tongue, he looked at Pine and the children standing behind him.

‘Damn it.’

When I saw the distorted faces of the children who didn’t know what to do, I felt sick to my stomach. It felt like the self from the previous life that killed No. 9 was reflected.

‘I must have been like this too.’

No, it would have been worse.

After all, the self from the previous life could not be saved by anyone and completely buried his emotions.

He couldn’t even make a distorted expression like them, and he would have been smiling while wearing a black mask.

woo woo woo

Raon raised his head and looked at the common ceiling. The top and bottom started to get busy, probably noticing the abnormality in this place.

‘Is it coming?’

It moved faster than expected. There was no time to leisurely talk with the children here.

“Wait a little.”

Raon lowered his gaze and stimulated the mana circuit on the back of the two children’s necks, causing them to pass out.

“Now, wait a minute… .”

“It will all be over when I take a deep breath.”

After putting all the other children who were hardened behind Pine to sleep and gathering them in one place, they approached Dorian.

“Why are you putting the kids to bed?”

Dorian tilted his head at the children who collapsed on top of each other.

“Because he’s brainwashed and could attack you trying to protect him. and… .”

Raon looked at the aisle where the assassins approached with cold eyes.

“It’s going to get a little messy.”

Today, I intend to reveal my intention to kill. It would be better to put them to sleep because the sights that they couldn’t show to those children would unfold.

“Ugh… .”

Dorian jabbed at the fallen children and swallowed dry saliva.

“I-I fainted properly, right? Won’t it happen again?”

“don’t worry. It won’t happen.”

Raon smiled lightly and shook his head.

“Can you keep it?”

“No, of course.”

There was a bit of confidence in his voice, but he assumed it was Dorian.

Raon approached the entrance from which he came down.


Two masked men ran from both sides of the aisle, hiding in the shadows.

Chow ah!

He struck down the longsword given to him by Dorian.


The longsword imbued with the magic of a courtesy sword cut the body of the masked man running from the right at an angle. Bloody amounts of blood gushed out from the torn scars.


The masked man on the left stabbed his sword aiming for an opening. He pivoted his left foot and raised his longsword.


The masked man’s body was torn in half along with the sword. He couldn’t even scream and just stopped breathing.


As Raon walked in front of the passageway, black blades rose from the shadows on the floor. It was the assassination martial arts used by Robert’s assassins, the black spirit sword.


Raon didn’t even turn around, he stretched out his longsword and hit the Black Spirit Sword. Using the recoil, he gently lowered his longsword.

“Turn it off… .”

The assassin’s head fell off before he could even pull himself out of the shadows.

Woo woo woo!

Zookeepers and assassins descend from the upper aisle connected to the nursery. Without that usual spirit, he rushed in and swung his sword and dagger. He looked like an assassin.

“Same. It never changes.”


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Raon stepped on Jin-Gak with his right foot. He swung his longsword horizontally to his left. The blade containing the skill of the hand and the pleasure created a red wave in the air.


The bodies of the masked people who rushed at it like a flash battle were split in half along with their weapons.

“ah… .”


“What… .”

Through hell training, the shadows who shouldn’t even scream fell into the sea of ​​blood, unable to believe in their own death.

iron puck.

Raon stood in front of the aisle, stepping on the hot blood soaking the floor.

All the assassins who came down here were dealt with. Now I had to go upstairs and cut Lisbon, who was in charge.


Raon turned around and looked at Dorian. His expression did not change even after seeing the cruel scene, perhaps because of his anger.

“yes… .”


After saying that, I went up the stairs.

As soon as I came out of the stairs, swords stabbed me from all directions. A blade imbued with a shady aura aimed at the heart and throat.


Raon kicked off the floor and jumped up.


The assassins immediately raised their swords as if they knew that. Their flesh pressed against the skin like thorns.

‘It’s useless.’

At the same time, he slashed his longsword at the blades of the assassins who had stabbed him, causing a suicide attempt.


The assassins’ swords clung to the long swords and bounced off at the same time. They couldn’t overcome the anti-resilience and dropped their swords with their grips ripped off.

Chow ah!

Raon turned his body in the air and bent his longsword as it was. Four people’s heads were neatly cut off by the sword strikes that poured like rays of light.


Raon left the nursery school director’s office with an insensitive expression. His steps turned into a carpet of blood, soaking the floor.

“Hey, man!”

The old woman at the exit waved the staff she was holding. It is the head of the nursery school waiting for the children at the entrance. As expected, she was a shadow executive who was brainwashing.


Flames emanated from the old woman’s staff. The intense heat melted the aisle like cheese.


Raon did not back down from the spot. He raised a sword wind towards the mighty flames.


The sharpened blade of the wind cut the heat storm diagonally.

“Yes, who the hell are you!”

The old woman opened her eyes and gnashed her teeth.

“The dead man is talking.”

“What nonsense… .”

The old woman stepped back and tilted her body as she tried to use her magic again. She was in the same direction as the flow of the sword wind.

“you you… .”

The old woman looked at her body split in half with her eyes wide open, then fell over.

“Here you are.”

Raon quietly turned around. A middle-aged man with dark blue hair and a scar on his left cheek stood like a shadow. Lisbon. He was the keeper who made Number 9 die in his previous life, and was Matio’s henchman.

“It’s quite good.”

Lisbon raised her chin with cold eyes.

“How did you know about this place?”


“Looking at Koraji, it looks like he wants to become an apostle of justice. You got the wrong way.”

He drew the sword from his waist tediously slowly.

“Your family, your friends, your acquaintances, everyone you know will be brought here to die. It’s because of you.”

Lisbon let out an eerie voice and aimed his sword.

‘I guess so.’

Derus, Matio, and Lisbon also pretended to be bold in front of them, but they were naive guys who remembered the damages and repaid them behind the scenes. Those words filled with malice are by no means lies.

“I wonder if you can still make fun of that muzzle then.”

Lisbon laughed coldly. He thought of Raon as a knight drunk with a sense of justice.

“Is this a joke? But it will happen. you don’t kill After showing you your family and friends dying, I will pierce your heart at the end.”

“Is that so?”

Raon laughed. Among the new family members and friends that I have acquired in this life, none of them are tolerable. If something like Lisbon goes to Sieghart, you’ll get holes all over your body before you cross the front door.

“try. If you can.”


When I snapped my finger, Lisbon broke the floor and rushed in. A thick, strong air radiated from his sword, pressing down on his entire body.

“I told you. got it wrong It’s too late to regret it!”

Lisbon laughed viciously as if thinking Raon was frightened and struck down the sword. The strong air that surged from his sword broke diagonally and fell.


Raon lowered his center of gravity and stepped forward with his left foot. At the same time, the shooting blade struck the center of the strong spirit Lisbon caused.


The ferocious force that sprouted from an ordinary long sword broke Lisbon’s strong force and tore his arm intact. Not even blood flowed from his shoulder, which was burnt by the heat.


Lisbon screamed as if his throat was torn as he saw his right arm gone in vain. He wiggled as if his pupils would pop out.

Truly overwhelming. Raon’s power had already risen to a level where he could trample on a lower level master without using swordsmanship.


Raon approached the screaming Lisbon and slapped him in the left chest. It was a measure to stun the Rage Worm that was supposed to be lodged in his heart.

“Keep it!”

Lisbon fell backwards and rolled on the floor. He took advantage of the shock and stepped to the other side.

‘I-I can’t do this!’

It was me who got it wrong.

You can tell with just one hit. can’t win that The current self was a monster that could not be defeated by any means.


It didn’t look so strong, so I tried to report it to Derus after taking action, but it was a mistake. He should have been informed first.

‘Still, there is a hole to live in.’

His specialty is not swordsmanship, but footwork using shadows. He could have escaped from that monster if he used the Black Spirit.

oh oh oh!

Lisbon hides in the shadows and clings to the wall to move. As he tried to penetrate the darkness, his body leaned and fell to the floor.

‘What, what!’

There was no strength in the legs, and the pain was like burning flesh. Turning her stiff neck, she looked back at him.

“uh? Aaaaaaagh!”

Before I knew it, both of my legs had been cut off, and I lay disheveled on the floor.

“My, my leg! Why are my legs!”

“It’s ugly.”

“Ugh… .”

Raon approached Lisbon with heavy steps. Lisbon’s whole body trembled whenever the sound of footsteps echoed.

“Your men never scream until they die, and you are already the second.”

“that that… .”

“Didn’t I say screaming is the shame of an assassin?”

At those words, Lisbon’s trembling intensified. He clenched his teeth and raised his head.

“Uh, how could you say that… .”

“Because I heard you.”

“Who are you… .”


Raon smiled coldly to the point of chilling and raised his longsword.

“I am a specter who came back from hell to erase you.”

He slashed the sword straight down and drove it into Lisbon’s left chest.


It touched the heart very lightly so that it could not die immediately. Thin blood flowed from his chest.


Lisbon screamed and struggled, but the sword stuck in her chest never came out.

“Cry out.”

Raon tightly wrapped around his longsword and let out a terrifying glare.

“For the children whose lives have been taken away from you to hear, for the children buried without even closing their eyes to hear. and… .”

“Keuk… .”

Lisbon’s eyes narrowed at the terribly dry voice.

‘Cry for my nameless friend in the sky.’

Thinking of number 9, whose name I didn’t even know, I tightened my grip on the sword.

“You, you are the shadow… .”

“Your screams will be a requiem for them.”

Raon twisted his longsword and opened Lisbon’s wound. A terrible scream erupted from his mouth to comfort the specter.


* * *

After removing all the traces, Raon came down to the basement again.

“Okay, are you done? I heard a huge scream… .”

Dorian lowered his sword and swallowed dry saliva. There were sword marks on his shoulders and waist, and the bodies of assassins piled up next to him. He seems to have put up a pretty tough fight.

“okay. I will never do anything like this again.”

Raon nodded and pushed the corpse in the basement towards the passage. He erased all possible traces.

“Shall we wake the children now?”

“hmm… .”

Raon looked at the children who hadn’t woken up yet. It was only after he passed out that it was difficult, and tears welled up in his eyes.

“no. We can’t take it anyway, so it’s better to leave it to the people who will come soon.”

“Will you be nice to me?”

Dorian sighed and stroked the head of the child in front of him.

“I didn’t know that there were children living a life like this. I thought I had a hard life, but it was a very fortunate thought.”

He lowered his head as if embarrassed.

“You are you, and children are children.”

Raon shook his head.

“Your hardships are only known to you. There is no need to blame yourself.”

-It is as you said.

Lars nodded as he climbed onto the ice flower bracelet. This guy has been strangely quiet today.

– The important thing is not the past, but the future. Tell that guy to walk while thinking about the future.

Raon smiled and looked at Dorian.

“Think of the future, not the past. The important thing is to move on.”

“Who is it?”

“A strange person with a good appetite.”

– This king is not a strange person! A proud demon!

‘okay. okay.’

He nodded lightly.

“Hearing that, it gives me a little strength. Say thank you to the strange one.”

Dorian smiled, wiping away the children’s tears.

“hmm… .”

Raon looked up and narrowed his eyes. The sound of the armor of the knights could be heard from afar. The feeling you feel is familiar. It was Borini Keaton, whom I had fought not too long ago.

“It is time to go.”

“Is Sir Borini Keaton coming?”


He nodded, scribbled on two small pieces of paper, and placed one on top of the podium and the other in Pine’s pocket. Finally, I put a bag of gold coins next to it for the children.

“It’s a bit unfortunate. I wanted to see these guys laugh.”

Dorian also took out all the sweets and candies from his stomach pouch and set them down on the floor. Tears welled up in the boy’s eyes.

“I will see you soon. I will come to Sieghart.”



Raon nodded and gestured.

“Let’s go now.”


I ran to the underground passage attached to the common so as not to run into Borini Kitten. When I tried to go outside, the evil eye of rage found a small room behind the wall.


Raon looked at the bookshelf and stopped. A smile bloomed on his lips.

“I thought you were going to give me some loot?”

* * *

Borini Keaton swallowed dryly while watching the nursery school named <Cloud House>.

‘Is this really a place where assassins are raised?’

When he saw that he had broken into his room without anyone noticing and left a letter there, he tried to ignore it. However, the moment I saw the contents, my body moved first.

‘I heard they kidnap children and raise them as assassins.’

When I saw the content that I could never overlook as a knight, my desire to ignore it completely disappeared.

Hearing that there might be a trinket, he rushed with all his might, bringing only those he could trust among the silver knights.


“You will know when you go. But there are few signs.”

Borini Kitten patted the knight on the back and headed inside.


Blood pooled on the floor inside the nursery school building, and corpses cut by knives were piled up in the corners. However, they were the blood of masked people who shouldn’t be here.

“Um… .”

Borini Keaton bit her lip.

‘Is it really true?’

A corpse that has not been long will retain the temperament of when it was alive. The only energy left on the corpse was the shady feeling that an assassin would have.



At the direction of Borini Kitten, the knights scattered in all directions.

“There are stairs going down to the basement on this side.”

Borini Keaton listened to his subordinate and entered the nursery director’s office. A passage leading down to the basement was open on the bloody floor.

“let’s go.”

Borini Keaton went down the stairs nervously. She was able to reach the bottom only after going down pretty deep.


“ah… .”

The two of them trembled at the sight of the children lying on the floor and the blood full of blood.


Borini Keaton rushed over to look after the children.

“ha… .”


Fortunately, no children died. All of them touched the mana circuit and were put to sleep. It seemed like the person who wrote the note did it.

“hmm… .”

Borini Keaton, having found some time to spare, glanced over at the children.

‘He’s not feeling well.’

They all wore tattered clothes, and compared to their clean faces, their bodies were full of stab wounds. Seeing that all the children had scars in the same place, it was clear that they had been trained as assassins.

“There are things like instruments of torture over here.”

“Oh, there is also a room where the bones of children are piled up.”

“There is a room for children, but it is difficult for people to live… .”

The more the reports of the knights came in, the more anger filled him, and he had no choice but to clenched his fists.

“Damn it… .”

To be honest, when I came here, I hoped that the contents of the note were fake. If it was true, it was so sad and terrible.

But that wish did not come true. This was a hell for raising children to be assassins.

“ha… .”

Borini Keaton stood up and sighed. As she frowned and looked behind her, a piece of paper on the podium caught her eye. The paper was folded into a triangle just like it was in the room.

‘Did he leave it behind?’

When I opened the paper, it was written in the handwriting of the person who brought me here.

[Someone who will treat the children will come soon. Until then, please take care of the children.]

It seemed that he was asking to protect the children.

Borini Keaton looked at the paper and trembled.

“Are you just asking me to take care of the aftermath?”

To be honest, I felt fortunate. If these children had been held hostage, he would not have been able to move properly.

‘I have money.’

The gold coin pouch next to the paper seemed to ask for it to be used for the children.

“What should I do?”

“Wake up carefully. take them all.”

“Investigate the traces here. We need to find out who the culprit is.”


The knights split in half, woke the children, and continued collecting evidence.

* * *

“Um… .”

Number 45 felt someone’s hand and opened its eyes.

‘Is it him?’

I raised my head thinking that it was the tall man who had killed the zookeeper number 4 at the end. However, a knight in silver armor, whom he had never seen before, was holding his shoulder.

“Are you okay?”

“Ah yes… .”

I turned my head while answering. The man who saved her was nowhere to be seen, only his knights wandering around.

‘Was it a dream?’


The warmth of his caressing her hair still lingers. That warmth couldn’t have been a dream.

“No. 45… .”

As I clenched my fists, I heard a thin trembling voice. When I turned my head, Unit 86 was looking this way. Tears streamed from her eyes.

“No. 86!”

No. 45 bit his lip and ran to hug No. 86.

“Um… .”

The driver’s face hardened as if shocked to see them calling each other by number. He sighed deeply and came over here.

“My name is Borini Keaton. Owen’s knight.”

He slowly held out his hands.

“Come with me. I will let you live a human life.”

“ah… .”

45 couldn’t hold that hand. I know what kind of person Borini Keaton is, but he was afraid that something like this would happen to him if he followed him.

“Yeah… .”

I didn’t know what to do, and as I shook my shoulders, a well-folded note fell from my pocket. When she picked it up, it was written.

[We will meet again. Follow the knights.]

‘This… .’

I could see who wrote it. He was the one who said he would save them and find their names.

No. 45 carefully folded the paper and put it in his pocket. Recalling that person, she mustered up the courage to take the knight’s hand.

“yes. I’ll go.”

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