The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 304

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Chapter 304

Raon trembled as he looked at Martha, whose eyes were bloodshot.

“Your mother was on the battlefield?”

Marta never once told me about her story. From the atmosphere, we can only guess that the 10 Apostles attacked her village.

I felt sorry for the people they captured because they became food for the blood demons, but I never imagined that word would come out that I saw my mother here.


Martha nodded. Dark eyes shook violently.

“My mother was there.”

“Who was it?”

“… … .”

Martha didn’t answer and looked up at the magic lamp hanging from the ceiling.

“She got younger and prettier, but she was definitely my mother. I can’t know… .”

She bit her lip, saying she couldn’t have looked at it wrong.


When I call her name, her gaze descends. Her eyes widened as if filled with despair and emptiness.

“hundred… Blood lord.”

“… what?”

Raon let out a groan. My head was empty for a moment at the completely unexpected name, and I couldn’t think of anything.


Runan was also startled and took a step back. There was a dull sound as the water bottle fell on the floor.

“The White Blood Religion Master was in the shape of my mother.”

Martha said confidently. Her dying eyes seemed to be screaming.

“You mean we look alike?”

“It is not a resemblance. The White Blood Religion Master is my mother.”

“What do you mean… .”

Raon shook his head and saw the old waterdrop necklace in Martha’s hand.

‘That’s… .’

It’s a necklace that popped out of her neck during a rough training session in the summer of her trainee days. I’ve seen her put it back into her clothes a few times as soon as it pops out.

‘I’ve seen that. ah!’

Raon collapsed on the floor, unable to hold on to his trembling legs.

‘The white-blooded lord. she had… .’

When the white blood priest summoned the blood god and clashed with Glenn with all his might, a necklace had come out of her dress and shook.

Although the color was different, it was the same shape as the necklace in Martha’s hand.

‘Come to think of it… .’

The looks are also similar.

The white-blooded religious leader, Martha, had the same black hair and black eyes. I remember now He saw the white-blooded cult leader and thought he resembled someone, but that was Martha right in front of him.

Marta’s appearance gives off a graceful feeling unlike her personality, but if she gets a little older and reveals her richness, it seems that she will look similar to the white-blooded religious leader.

‘Then, the white-blooded priest is the real Martha’s mother?’

No words came out. The thought that her convictions were real pounded hard through her brain.

Raon swallowed dry saliva.

‘What the hell is this… .’

I said I would give you a consultation, but I couldn’t think of what to say to Martha.

Not living a normal life in the previous life is holding back when it’s like this.

‘Ras. What should I do? Do you have anything to say?’

-Bar, should I feed you?

‘… … .’

Lars hasn’t lived a normal life either, so it’s not helpful either.

“Martha. The white-blooded priest… .”

“She is not my mother.”

Martha suddenly let out an incomprehensible sound and lowered her head again.

“That face and body are definitely my mother’s, but what’s inside is a different bitch.”

She scratched the floor and clenched her fists.

“My mom doesn’t laugh dirty. She is someone who can’t even swear, let alone kill. She said there’s no way my mother could have become the head of the blood demons!”

“… … .”

Runaan approached and held Martha’s trembling hand tightly. A normal Marta would have brushed it off, but she quietly accepted Runan’s warmth.

Raon held his neck and narrowed his eyes.

‘Then did the soul of the White Blood Cultist enter Martha’s mother’s body?’

Having experienced the helmet of Eden firsthand, I did not think that such a thing was impossible. Whether it was necromancy, blood, or witchcraft, if he was a monster of that level, he would have made a way to transfer the soul somehow.

-right. It’s not that difficult.

Lars clicked his tongue as if he didn’t like it.

-There are quite a few parasites like that in the demon realm. They are hungry spirits who covet a healthy body with dirty souls.

‘… You tried to take my body the same way.’

Raon licked his lips. After all, Lars wasn’t any different.

-Bo, the king came after hearing your wish! You said you wanted it!

‘I didn’t?’

– I did! You damn devil son of a bitch!

‘Well, like that.’

– Aaaaaaaagh!


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Lars screamed as he clutched his head.

‘Look out of the way.’

Raon pushed Lass who was struggling and touched his fingers.

‘Then, was that why the Church of the White Blood took people with them?’

After raiding a village or city, the White Blood Church kills half of the people living there and takes the other half back to headquarters.

Until now, I thought it was a doctrine, but after hearing Martha’s words, I also thought that it was to find a body for the soul of a white-blooded church leader.

‘Is there any way to get it back?’

– No, not normally possible. But it depends on the circumstances.

‘situation? what is that.’

He said that the possibility was not zero, so he grabbed Lars.

-I mean, it depends on whether the soul of the owner of the body was swallowed or confined.

Lars struggled to let go and continued.

-Have you been through this time too? Since you absorbed the soul of a half-dragon, you can’t get it back, but if you lock the master’s soul in that mental world, there is a chance that you will come back to life.

‘Well, then that means there is no chance that Marta’s mother is still alive… .’

Raon frowned. There was no way the white-blooded religious leader, who saw people as less than insects, would save his soul.

-That’s not the case either.


-I talked about causality before.

‘okay. Cause and effect.’

-For strong power, there is such a reaction. There is no guarantee that it will unconditionally kill the soul of the body just because it is evil. Because I don’t know what kind of contract and conditions it might have been.

Lars looked at Martha, who was shaking her neck, and muttered that the outcome was unknown.


Raon slightly bit his lip… I couldn’t give Martha the words of Lars because I couldn’t give her any hope.

‘If there’s anything I can be sure of… .’

As I sighed, I saw the necklace in Martha’s hand.

‘for a moment… .’

It’s kind of weird.

If Martha’s mother had lost everything to the white blooded cult leader, there was no way she would be wearing that necklace. It’s an old necklace that’s neither pretty, expensive, nor special.

Seeing that she was wearing an old necklace that had nothing to do with her, as Lars said, there was a possibility that Marta’s mother was pushed away by the White Blood Religion and was trapped in the mental world.

Woo woo woo!

The requiem sword that was worn around the waist suddenly vibrated. As if that were true.


Raon clenched his fists and stood up.

“It’s not like there’s no way to save it.”

“What nonsense… .”

“That necklace.”

He pointed to the waterdrop necklace Martha was holding.

“The white blood priest was wearing that necklace too.”

At those words, Martha slowly raised her head. A pale drop of light sprouted in her dying pupil.

“If your mother’s soul was really eaten by the White Blooded Religion Master, there’s no reason to wear that necklace. It may be close to impossible, but it is not without hope.”

When she recounted the conversation with Lars, Martha’s eyes brightened a little.

‘Ah, wait.’

Raon avoided Martha’s eyes and frowned.

‘I don’t even know if the white blood priest is alive… .’


Lars replied lightly as if it was no big deal.

-That guy and half-pride lived on.

* * *

Outskirts of the commercial city of Cameloon.

A large number of people gathered in front of the old-fashioned yet splendid mansion.

A merchant passing by looked at the people standing around the mansion and tilted his head. Unable to contain his curiosity, he approached the old man right next to him.

“Isn’t this an empty house? Why are you gathering like this?”

“The King of the North is staying here.”

The old man looked up at the top floor of the annex and let out a short breath.

“Boo, if it’s the Northern King, Glenn Sieghard?”

The merchant, who had followed the old man’s gaze, backed away in fright.

“Write! Calling out his name carelessly, be careful!”

“Oh, sorry, sorry.”

“Since he is here, a bunch of peddlers who are trying to get in line by any means have gathered.”

The old man laughed, saying it was useless.

“But why did the King of the North come to Cameloon?”

“Don’t you know that? Where have you been and what have you been doing?”

“It came up today from Robert.”

The merchant showed the spices brought from the south.

“Ah, then you shouldn’t know.”

The old man nodded and pointed west.

“The Eden guys set up a branch west of Cameloon. There… .”

The old man told me all the rumors that had spread all over Cameloon.

“Ho, you dealt with the White Blood Religion Master and Tacheon by yourself? King of the North? Huh… .”

The merchant opened his mouth wide. In the past, many people regarded Glenn Sieghart as the number one person on the continent, but as Sieghart’s activities stopped, more people considered other absolutes to be higher.

Recently, there were many people who regarded the King of the North as an old man in the back room, but I never imagined that he would be a force to face the two heads of Oma alone.

“That’s not all.”

The old man twirled his fingers.

“His grandson, Raon Sieghart, also achieved achievements comparable to that of the King of Northern Extinction. It is said that he killed the 5 apostles to save the hostages while he was kidnapped, and also cut down a master swordsman named the Golden Face. That too in front of the White Blood Religion Master and Tacheon.”

He grinned and said that the young prosecutor had great spirits.

“To be honest, I think that friend is more amazing. It’s not something a 20-year-old soldier can do anymore.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

The merchant nodded with a bewildered expression.

‘Zighartra… .’

Lately, Sieghart hasn’t made a big name for himself. Because he doesn’t do big things in the center, he often hits at an intermediate level even in Yukhwang.

However, rumors will circulate that the Sword of the North has become colder and stronger through this incident. As expected, Sieghart’s name was not to be taken lightly.

The merchant turned around and went behind and put down his rucksack behind him.

“Didn’t you have somewhere to go?”

The old man pointed at the merchant’s backpack and narrowed his eyes.

“After listening to the elders, now is not the time for business to be important.”

The merchant smiled and sat down.

“If there is a person here who might be the first person in the world today and the first person in the future, you should see their faces.”

* * *

The old woman, who had been looking down at the people gathered below from the top floor of the mansion, smiled and turned around.

“Everyone is eager to see the head of the household.”

She smiled at Glenn, who was sitting in the middle.

“Would you like to say hello? Everyone will like it.”

“Like migratory birds, they are the ones who can turn their wings at any time. meaningless.”

Glenn shook his head without getting up from his chair. If she wanted to open her deal with Sieghart, she could come at any time, but she had no reason to meet with those who would now break her way.

Even if it’s not them, there are countless people who want to make a deal.

“I guess so.”

The old woman smiled lightly and nodded.

“So why are you here? Black market owner.”

Glenn narrowed his eyes at the old woman. This benevolent-looking old woman is the owner of the black market, one of the leading information organizations in the entire continent.

It was this old woman who brought the black market, which had been confined to the center, to its current scale, so I couldn’t let my guard down.

“Our deal must be over.”

“The deal is over. But grace remains.”

The black market owner stepped in front of Glenn and bent over. She shook her neck slightly as if she was having a hard time, but she bowed her head politely.


“yes. Gran Seville was an area that we managed with great care. Like commercial Cameloon, I tried to make it a nightlife Gran Seville.”


“For that purpose, we sent a lot of talent from the black market to Gran Seville. I even sent a candidate for my successor.”

“Are you referring to a girl wearing an eyepatch?”

Glenn narrowed his eyes. It reminded me of the head of the black market who was more active than anyone else in this matter.

“That’s right.”

The black market owner nodded softly.

“He’s a child who survived the 7 apostles thanks to the light storm. They clung to me saying that I had to save Raon no matter what.”

She gave Glenn a friendly smile and bowed her head.

“Thank you again for saving my child. You are the King of the North.”

“That kid was sincere enough to be thankful for. but… .”

Glenn stared at the black market stock and tapped his finger on the armrest.

“It’s hard to get the appreciation of a black market owner. Because I don’t know what you’re thinking.”

“You are too wary of me. For now, I just want to thank you. Don’t be hard on the girl’s heart.”

“A girl.”

Glenn smiled and nodded.

“Okay. It’s just that I’m not the one you or the child should be thankful for.”

“I know. Since that child is also coming here, let’s greet Gwangpungbudanju together.”

The black market owner looked up at Glenn and smiled lightly.

‘You seem to care more about the light storm liquor than expected.’

If you’re in a position like Glenn’s, you just accept the greetings of others. Seeing how he passed the ball naturally, it was clear that he cherished Raon.

‘Well, if it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t have come to save him.’

He made an excuse of ignoring Sieghart, but it was clear that he regarded the child named Raon as his successor, seeing as the householder moved himself.

‘It’s worth it.’

Raon Sieghart is a monster who reached Master Intermediate at the age of 19 and captured three apostles and five master-level ghosts.

Although he is young, he has enough skills to rise to the top level of the successor.

“I have something to tell you.”

The black market owner bent his back and looked at Glenn.


“Through this incident, I think the black market will also be checked by Eden and the Church of the White Blood.”

“I guess so.”

“I would like to request a temporary alliance to deal with Eden and the White Blood Church.”

“I’ll give you information, so you’re asking for help?”

“That’s right. We’ll do what we can, but the high-ranking apostles seem to be making extreme sacrifices… .”


Glenn closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them and nodded.

“thank you.”

The black market owner bowed his head.

‘Is this also because of Raon?’

Originally, Glenn’s personality was unique. There is no way that such an alliance proposal was easily accepted.

It seemed that he still couldn’t calm down his anger at Eden and the White Blood Church that kidnapped Raon.

‘I’ll have to prepare a present for Raon.’

There was nothing wrong with putting the line in advance, so it seemed nice to pack a gift to make him feel better.

“I’ll prepare the papers then and see you again with the fourth.”

The black market owner nodded and left the room.

“It won’t be bad.”

Cheryl, who was standing outside, stepped forward and smiled softly.

“Our information is limited to the north and the center, so if we borrow the power of the black market, we will be able to gain quite a bit.”

“My thoughts are similar. The war has already begun, and if it cannot be avoided, it must be destroyed.”

Loen touched the sword at his waist. A ghastly murderous intent arose in his eyes, which had only been benevolent.

“Please calm down.”

Cheryl smiled and raised her hand.

“Um, excuse me.”

Rowen scratched the back of his head as if embarrassed. However, the life in her eyes could not be erased.

“Even so, I can’t let the guys who hurt Master Raon sit still. I think I need to loosen up my stiff body.”

He grabbed a swordsman saying that he should restore his former abilities.

“I understand. If Raon had gone wrong, I would have wandered around the continent too.”

Cheryl also clenched her fists with terrifying eyes.


Glenn nodded.

“There is no reason to keep those worms alive. Make sure to delete the report as soon as it appears.”


“All right.”

The three of them looked at each other, glancing at each other.

“under… .”

Rimmer looked at Rowen, Cheryl, and Glenn, and flinched.

‘They say I’m not good enough to see me every day, and they add more.’

People who used to say why they take care of their children so much are now turning the continent upside down because of Raon. I don’t know how it happened.

‘Because it’s really strange.’

Cheryl doesn’t particularly like children, and Loen looks benevolent, but has a calmer personality than anyone else. It was really strange that the two of them fell for Raon.

‘Well, there is a charm.’

Unlike a child, Raon does not flirt with anyone or ask for help. He might have attracted their hearts because he was not a genius, but a hard worker who ran while looking upward.

“I… .”

It was when Rimer was trying to talk to Glenn. A knock was heard at the door.

“Gwangpungbudanju. This is Raon Sieghart. I came because I wanted to see the head of the household.”

After knocking, Raon’s voice sounded a bit nervous.



The momentum of Rowen and Cheryl, who were causing death, went out like a candle.

“I will open the door.”

“for a moment!”

As Rowen was about to approach the door as usual, Rimmer gasped and silenced him.

“My lord.”

He looked at Glenn and narrowed his eyes.

“Are you going to pretend to be cool again?”

“hmm… .”

“You must know this because you have been through this. As long as you live unmanned, dangerous things come to you from time to time. You may not be able to tell the truth.”

Rimer looked at Glenn with a rare serious look.

“Now, reveal your innermost heart. No one will say anything about caring for your grandchildren!”

“Ugh… .”

Glenn shrugged when he saw Rimmer for the first time.

“Well, I’d like to refute that drunkard’s words unconditionally, but this time he’s right.”

Cheryl gave a big nod.

“I am of the same opinion.”

Rowen stood in front of the door and smiled.

“Because I know what kind of person the head of household is. I don’t expect much.”

Rimer sighed and raised his index finger.

“worry! You must say that you are worried!”

He clenched his fists as if asking for a favor and approached the door.

“for a moment!”

Glenn raised his hand. Rimer, Cheryl, and Loen all looked back at the same time.


He cleared his throat in a strained voice.

“Ji, is my voice okay now? Isn’t that strange?”

“… … .”

The faces of the three people, who were frowning because they wanted to say something else, became blank at the same time.

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