The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 278

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Chapter 278

Raon resonated with the ring of fire and narrowed his eyes.

‘It’s not just the numbers… .’

I’ve seen some strong ones.

White blooded bastards eat the blood and flesh of others to increase their blood.

Seeing the blood seeping through the flow of mana like oil floating on top of water, it seemed that quite a few masters had died here.

‘It can’t be tracked.’

I tried to find the source of blood, but I couldn’t get there. Like a long rubber band breaking, the soul sword’s energy split in the middle.

‘I’ll have to be careful.’

Seeing the subtle stench of blood and the blood ghosts who didn’t reveal the slightest sign, it seemed like it would be better to investigate as if they were wandering mercenaries without revealing their identity as initially planned.

“All the buildings look interesting.”

Burren looked up at Gran Seville’s unusual buildings and whistled. It seemed that he was interested in a different form from the angular and cold Sieghart buildings.

“hmm… .”

Runan was the same as usual. I didn’t pay much attention to the buildings, I just looked towards the Malve Lake beyond Gran Seville. It was clear that he thought it was good to bruise.

“Wow, the inside is more colorful, isn’t it?”

“Ji, what’s really shining like that?”

“It’s like this during the day, but it’s more chaotic at night?”

“It’s a crazy town.”

The other prosecutors were also busy looking around without feeling the blood.

Raon smiled lightly as he saw Gwangpungdan’s lack of reaction.

‘It’s rather good because it’s not acting.’

It was a realistic reaction like a boorish mercenary who came to Gran Seville for the first time, so it wasn’t bad. No one would think that he was a swordsman from Sieghart.

“Whoa… .”

Martha sighed heavily and clenched her fists. She hadn’t grasped the blood, but she instinctively seemed to smell the blood of the white blooded bastards inside Gran Seville.

‘Is it an enemy?’

It is said that the heart pursues the enemy, not the head, but Martha seemed to have found the white blooded with her soul. In a way, it felt similar to a requiem sword.

“Because it’s embarrassing. Don’t be nerdy!”

Raon gestured to the Gwangpungdan members who were dumbfounded. He deliberately spoke rudely to pretend to be the mercenary leader.

“no way… .”

“The captain was also excited.”

“that’s right. The person from the first village is the leader.”

“Heh heh… .”

The members of the Gwangpungdan acted as typical small-scale mercenaries as they were trained when they came here.

“It’s tacky.”

“If you come from the countryside, that is natural.”

“The hukou have arrived again.”

“I’ll take all the money and go back.”

“Some of them will become the Jibakryeong here.”

The smoke seemed to have worked, seeing the people passing by and the sneers of the gatekeepers right behind me.

“Shut up and follow me! I’ll decide on a place to stay and let you play however you like!”

Raon smiled lightly and headed to the inn where he had stayed in his previous life.

* * *

Raon called the team leaders Marta, Runan, and Buren into the room. After he sighed, he seated the three of them.

“Biyeon’s prediction was correct. The ones here are the blood demons of the White Blood Church.”

The pale blood that was identified with the Ring of Fire and the Requiem Sword is the remnant left after the considerable master’s energy was eaten by the White Blood Christians.

Considering the size of the original energy, it seemed that a strong man of at least the level of an archbishop was hiding in this city.


Martha gritted her teeth. When it was confirmed that he was a white-blooded church, the energy he had been holding back flared up with anger.


Raon looked down at Martha with cold eyes.

“If you can’t control your emotions, get out.”

Said it colder than usual, enough that Burren looked back in surprise.

“There is no one looking after us on this mission. If there is a master sergeant or higher among the enemies, or a grand master, it’s not worth fighting, you may have to leave. If you lose your temper in excitement, not only you will die, but the other members as well.”

Now, neither Rimer nor Cheryl is here. Since Gwangpungdan had to handle everything alone, retreat was always an option to keep in mind.

“I know… .”

Marta clenched her fists and exhaled slowly. As the takgi flowed from her mouth, the seething energy began to subside.

After calming down her anger by controlling her emotions, Martha’s eyes were clear again. While she was here, she practiced and it was her effect that made her control her emotions.

“Then let’s start over.”

Raon nodded with satisfaction and looked at the three captains.

“Our first objective is the search. Seeing as they can’t be traced even with the requiem sword, the White Blood Church leader here won’t show up easily.”

Seeing that even with the detection ability of the requiem sword, the activities of the white blood followers were not detected, it was clear that they were hiding their blood by borrowing the power of jinbeop or martial arts.

“That means you have to find it from the bottom and go up. Even if you find a white-blooded cultist, don’t attack them. Let go of it, and you have to track it down and find the beggar.”

Torture doesn’t work on White Blooded Christians because they are fanatics. To reveal their identities, you had to figure out the identity of the White Blood Christians and then chase after them.

“That would be nice. okay.”


As soon as Burren and Runan heard the instructions, they nodded as if they didn’t have to think.

“after… .”

Martha closed her eyes without answering.


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‘Is this something that can’t be erased?’

Even now, if you close your eyes, that day It reminds me of that hell where the 10 apostles and blood demons ate the flesh and blood of villagers and dragged her mother away.

I will probably never forget it for the rest of my life.

Even now, it is a scene that appears in my dreams every day. Even if you kill the 10 apostles and save her mother, you may not be able to escape that nightmare for the rest of your life.

‘Until now, I had only made excuses myself.’

Because I’ve been through something like that. Because I have that nightmare every day.

He thought it was inevitable to lose his temper when he saw the white blooded bastards. He repeated that it was natural for his hands to go out and his head to go blank without even realizing it.

‘I can’t keep doing that.’

Now you have to let go of that self-consolation.

‘Cause I’m not a child

You can’t live as a child who couldn’t do anything forever. As promised to Raon and his first team members, it was time to move forward.

‘By the way, that guy really is a monster.’

Less than an hour had passed since they arrived in Gran Seville, and they figured out the situation that there was a White Blood Church and even came up with countermeasures. He felt it every time, but not only his powerlessness, but also his vision and experience seemed to see a master level master.

‘I should learn everything.’

There are many other things to learn, but the element you need right now is a cold reason. I wanted to resemble the calmness of Raon who always keeps his cool.

Martha calmed herself down and opened her eyes. She looked at Raon with unwavering eyes.

“It’s fine.”

Raon smiled as he looked into Martha’s calm eyes.

“Tell the same to the members. And the comrades-in-arms group should move in groups of three as previously determined.”

When three people go together, it is possible to report and deal with problems at the same time when one person has a problem. In this situation, it was most efficient to go with three people.

“Dismiss if there are no questions.”

Raon beckoned the members to return.

“Are you traveling alone?”

Burren stopped walking and turned his head.

“Are you worried about me?”

“I’m not really worried about monsters.”

He smiled and scratched his cheek.

“Then what are you doing?”

This time Martha narrowed her eyes.

“I need to meet you.”

Raon smiled lightly and stood up.

“The client who called us here.”

* * *

Raon left the dorm alone. Like a nerdy mercenary, he snooped from place to place before entering an antique store on the corner of an alley.


The old man wearing monocle glasses nodded his head in annoyance.

Raon slowly looked around the clutter on display and headed to the counter where the old man was.

“What are you looking at? will you buy Will you sell it?”

The old man looked up and down Raon and frowned.

“I’m here to borrow it.”


“An ax to cut down a big tree.”


The old man got up slowly. Her eyes, which had been filled with annoyance a moment ago, suddenly became transparent like marbles devoid of even the slightest emotion.

“Come this way.”

Raon followed the old man into the counter. He went through several rooms of unknown purpose and reached the innermost one, where he saw a gray window hanging down in the wall.

“This is not it.”

When he opened the window, a dark space and a white staircase appeared. It was a secret passage that was treated magically.

Raon nodded and went down the stairs. He sensed the presence of a few people in the darkness, but he ignored them and continued down.

-Humans always hide underground while they can face the sun. These are pitiful things.

Lars clicked his tongue as if he didn’t like something.

– What else are you doing here?

‘The place where the client of this mission is.’

-What kind of bastard client is stuck on the floor?

‘People who like to hide usually gather in the black market.’

Raon laughed. What I was looking for now was an information group that covered the entire continent, and the black market that operated numerous gambling houses and bars in Gran Seville.

– Why did they make such a request?

‘Because the money here is running out.’

No matter how good entertainment is, it is not to the extent of sacrificing one’s life to enjoy it. As the number of missing people increases, the number of people visiting this place will decrease, and sales in the black market will also hit bottom.

-Hmph, you mean the hukou are disappearing.

‘yes. Hugu also needs to take good care of the environment to come back with money.’

As Raon said that, he looked at Lars intently.

‘I’m learning one thing here.’

I’ll have to take care of the food properly so that Lars, who generously gives, doesn’t run away. Except for macarons.

-hmm? Why, why do you look at the main king with such eyes?


He shook his hand and smiled.


As we descend the stairs, a soft light turns on in the dark hallway. It was a signal to follow. Moving along the light, an antique door appeared.


When I opened the door and went inside, a woman wearing a purple robe and a hooded hood was sitting in front of a round table.

“Sit down.”

The woman nodded slightly and pointed to the seat in front.

“My name is Denning Rose, the head of the Gran Seville branch of the black market.”

Denning Rose introduced himself and took off his robe. She was a striking short-haired beauty with red hair, wearing an eyepatch with a black rose on her right eye.

“My name is Raon Sieghart, Lord of Storms.”

Raon sat down in the seat across from Denning Rose and lowered his head.

“Are you disguised as a mercenary?”

“yes. It’s the most comfortable to wear as a mercenary when investigating.”

Because mercenaries are so free-spirited, they rarely follow the rules. The job he disguised the most in his previous life was a mercenary.

“It’s a pity. I wanted to see the face that fell in love with the youngest father-in-law of the Yonan family.”

Denning Rose smiled lightly and laid the papers on the table.

“Things have changed a little from when I requested it.”

She held out the papers with a smile on her face.

“White blooded. It seems that it has also been confirmed that there are high-ranking white-blooded members.”

“Uh, how… .”

Denning Rose’s left eye bulged.

“When I arrived here, I felt a weak blood flow. It seems that famous masters have suffered.”

“that’s right… .”

She shook her chin in amazement.

“Recently, people who could be called strong people are dying every day. There is a high probability that there will be an archbishop or an apostle.”

Denning Rose pointed to the bottom of the paper. It had the names of people who had recently disappeared. Expert Intermediate, Advanced, and Superlatives had long passed their heyday, but there was one Master among them.

“All of them… .”

“yes. These are the people who disappeared recently after sending the request.”

“To think that even the master disappeared without a trace… .”

I thought it was more dangerous than I expected.

“Isn’t it clear how many apostles there are and who the archbishop is?”

“Not at all. A few days ago, we caught a white-blooded cultist, but he committed suicide right away, so we couldn’t get any information.”

Denning Rose frowned in pity.

“Since he was caught by our agent during secret missionary work, he won’t show up even more now.”

“Even the black market can’t find the White Blood Church.”

Raon licked his lips while looking at the documents. He thought something would come out, but he didn’t have much difference from what he got here.

“It’s embarrassing, but the White Blood Church is like our natural enemy.”

Denning Rose let out a deep sigh.

“We are a group created by people at the bottom to protect themselves. In Gran Seville, many people ask for information, including gamblers, thieves, courtesans, clerks, and servants. But the White Blood Church is not a place to be found by such means.”

“Fantasticism… .”

“yes. They never reveal their identities except to those who believe in blood gods. It’s not easy to tell the difference between lower-class cultists because the color of their blood is similar to that of ordinary people.”

“Thanks to that, Grasseville’s sales are falling exponentially.”

“How else… .”

“Because there aren’t that many crazy people who enjoy entertainment until they die.”

As I told Lars, most people don’t risk their lives for entertainment. There are many entertainment cities similar to or larger than Gran Seville.

“Um… .”

Denning Rose swallowed dry saliva while looking at Raon’s calm eyes.

‘Definitely different.’

As soon as he came to Gran Seville, he felt his blood and realized that the White Blood Church was hiding. No one had figured it out until now. He was a man whose ark was different from that of ordinary masters.

‘I won’t be pushed even by the twelve stars of the continent.’

I’ve never felt such an astonishing feeling from the 12 Continental Stars I’ve met so far. If it was Raon, it seemed that he could stand up to even the twelve stars of the Continent, who were one year older.

‘How can someone under 20 do this?’

What’s more surprising is his personality and mentality.

I thought he would be arrogant because he gained both power and fame at such a young age, but he doesn’t feel that way at all. He was extremely polite and thought only about his mission, taking in information very quickly.

‘He must be a dangerous man.’

People only looked at Raon’s powerlessness, but I wondered if what we really needed to see was his judgment and insight.

“If there is anything we can support, we will do anything. We don’t have to deal with all the white blooded cultists, so please kill only the high-ranking cultists here.”

Denning Rose gathered her thoughts and bowed her head. Gran Seville is a place where a lot of sales come out compared to its size. I could really do anything if I could only drive out the white blooded people.

“Whatever… .”

Raon smiled and stood up.

“I will remember those words.”

* * *

After meeting Denning Rose, Raon drank and wandered all over Gran Seville before heading to Malve Lake. There were quite a few people who came to play boating with the gisaeng, so he killed his presence and walked on the lake.

After climbing the hill on the other side of the lake, I looked at Gran Seville.

-What else are you doing? Are you not eating dinner? This is a gourmet city!

‘It’s gourmet, I have to do something first.’

-The demons who eat and die are said to have good skin!

‘I have to work to have money to buy food.’



Raon threw Lars, who shouted “Bob,” toward the lake, and looked down at Gran Seville. The more time it takes, the more dangerous it is for the gwangpungdan members and ordinary people. We had to figure out the secret of this place as soon as possible.

‘It’s overly flashy.’

When night fell, brilliant lights flashed and colored the city with splendor that was on a different level from daytime. Disappearances, murders, and blood ties seemed to be unthinkable, just joy.

‘There’s something.’

In Gran Seville at night, there was a dank stench different from that of the day. In particular, the flow of blood became more secretive, and the Yogi of the Soul Sword lost its strength as if it had been crushed by something. It was clear that the White Blood Church had done something to the entire city.

‘It would be possible here.’

Now was the time to see the forest, not the trees, so I got out of Gran Seville and climbed the hill where I could see the entire city.


Raon closed his eyes and exhaled deeply into his lungs. He opened his eyes feeling the stuffiness go away.


The ring of fire, now increased to seven, resonated. My heart beat fast and the flow of the world began to slowly pass by.

The waves of the river, the movement of the air, and the flowing clouds all flowed slowly like slugs.


Raon added more strength to the rapidly spinning rings. The moment the clear sound of the rings merged with the spirit, he grasped the requiem sword.

Woo woo woo!

As if the requiem sword had become the eighth ring, it resonated with the rings of fire that swirled around the heart, causing a magnificent yogi.

‘Here’s one more.’

Raon bit his lip and raised the evil eye of anger. The rage that clung to his soul pierced his reddened vision.

When the flow of the world shown by the ring of fire, the yogi of the soul sword that grasps blood, and the clairvoyance possessed by the evil eye of rage came together, an unexpected sight came into view.

“As expected, those bastards turned around.”

Eerie sparks of light flew from Raon’s eyes.

“You mean you did this shit?”

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