The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman Chapter 242

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Chapter 242

Raon slung Belga over his shoulder and narrowed his eyes.

‘The Qinglou Tribe is talking… .’

The Qinglou tribe communicates by crying like animals. It was hard to believe that even though he was a little clumsy, he spoke human language.

“Who are you?”

He asked while making a wall out of glacia so that the young Blue Clown couldn’t escape.

“I-I can’t get caught.”

He looked around and put his head in the water. There was intense anxiety in his shaking pupils.

Raon scanned the whole body of the young Cheongru tribe. The flesh from his arms, legs, and waist had been roughly torn away, and green blood was dripping.

‘That wound… .’

It is not a human injury. It was a scar like a beast’s claws or teeth.

‘Did this guy save Belga?’

Belga was floating on the water in a stunned state, and the Qingru tribe was chasing after her. Looking at the situation, it seemed that this young Chengru Tribe had saved Belga from the other Chengru Clan.

“Did you save this person?”


The Qinglou Tribe nodded with their heads dipped in the water. I was used to the clear eyes and small human-like ears.


Raon opened his eyes wide as he looked at the young Blue Clover. Yesterday, when the North and South Alliance drove out the Qinglou Tribe, it was the little Qinglou Tribe looking this way from the water.

“Have you seen me?”

“Oh, no.”

“You looked in my direction in the river yesterday.”

“Oh, no. It’s my first time.”

He shook his head as if he wasn’t the young Blue Clown.

‘I’m sure you saw mine… no way.’

Besides Gwangpungdan and Tiller, there was one other thing by the river. The corpse of the Qingru tribe. The corpse of the Qinglu Tribe that Tiller had cut was sinking in the water, and this guy seems to be looking at it.

‘Is that why he looked sad?’

At the time, the reason why I thought that the eyes of the Qingru people were clear and sad was because of the same people.

“Ooh, free us.”

The young Cheongru Tribe pointed to the screaming Cheongru Tribe with their arms and legs caught in underwater shoes.

“It’s not something everyone wants to do.”

He conveyed his clear intentions in weak words. The sincerity was buried in the clear eyes.

“Isn’t that what you want to do?”

I was convinced that there was an external factor behind the runaway of the Qingru tribe.

“What is your name?”

“… doesn’t exist.”

The young Qinglou tribe paused for a moment, then shook their heads.

“Sigh, I don’t have time. I can’t get caught.”

He covered his face while saying the same thing as before.

“If I can’t do it now, can I come back later?”

“eww… .”

At those words, the Qingru tribe raised their heads in a daze. After staring at him for a while with anxious blue eyes, he nodded slowly.

‘You can believe it.’

He saved Belga even when he himself was injured, and he was the only one with eyes like those of the Blue Cliffs he had seen in his previous life. He decided to give it a try.


Raon nodded and raised the cartoonist. The ice on the surface of the water melted and white vapor covered the surroundings.

“Come back here when the moon is in the center of the sky.”

“Ah, yes.”

The Qingru Tribe looked around with curious eyes and then disappeared into the water. Now I see that there are big wounds on the back and neck. It had healed as if it had been injured a long time ago, but it was a terrifyingly large scar.



When the ice in the water shoes that bound their arms and legs melted, the other Qingru people rushed out.

Raon clenched his fist as he watched the young Cheongru tribe disappear in the opposite direction.

“I finally got a clue.”

* * *

The chief of Doran Village looked at Raon with a bewildered face.

‘Isn’t this a dream?’

Since I was born in Doran Village, I have been watching the Gazelle River every single day. She had times when the rainy season came and flooded the village, times when the waterways were split due to earthquakes, and times when huge tidal waves erupted.

I had seen so many things, so I thought I wouldn’t be surprised no matter what happened in the Gazelle River, but my heart pounded loudly at Raon’s majesty.

“Oh, ice… .”

Raon created a huge crown of ice just by stepping on the water. Even though it was ice that rose in an instant, it was so hard that it couldn’t be broken, so the Qingru tribe couldn’t escape.

‘Do more than Mr. Tiller.’

Tiller only walks on water and attacks with a long spear slung on his back. However, Raon cleaned up the whole situation just by stamping his feet.

‘It’s like an ice god… .’

Raon, who plays on the water as if riding a river and creates an ice prison by stomping his feet, looked like a water or ice god.

“I-I made ice like that!”

“Huh… ”

“Oh my God!”

“Can a person do something like that?”


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The other villagers were also surprised, but they couldn’t close their mouths. Everyone who had been shouting for the North-South Alliance a while ago was chasing only Raon with lost eyes.


The village chief swallowed dryly as he watched Raon return with everyone on ice.

‘How is such a thing possible at such a young age?’

Tiller is in his 30s, and Raon is not yet 20 years old. It was unbelievable that that young friend showed superior abilities to Tiller, who had been trained directly by the North and South Leaders.

“That’s Sieghart… .”

“How did you see it?”


The village chief muttered Sieghart’s name and looked to the side in fright.

“Isn’t our Raon amazing?”

Rimmer was grinning and waving.

“I, I did not know that such a young person would show such inaction. Your eyes seem to have improved.”

“That guy is special. And Sieghart is special too.”


“There were a lot of people who looked at us funny because we stopped walking for a while.”

Rimer looked at the village chief with a soft smile.

“Oh, I, I… .”

“I understand. The ones close to this town are the North and South Alliance, and since you live by the river, you can’t help but be influenced by them. but… .”

He struck the sword sheath without erasing the smile hanging from his mouth.

“When Sieghart raises his sword, there is nothing to put his name on before us.”

“ah… .”

The village chief trembled his chin. He had no life, no momentum. It was just a low voice, but a shudder shuddered in the back. He was subduing himself not through threats, but through declarations.

‘Everything is different.’

Earlier, when we were drinking together, it was as if we were seeing the ubiquitous chaos, but now it felt like we were facing a huge, irresistible storm.

“You’d better think carefully.”

Rimer greeted Raon, who was approaching the riverside, and waved his hand.

“Because if you make a wrong choice, there is no going back.”

* * *

Raon went out to the riverside again at the appointed time with the nameless Cheongru tribe.

As I was listening to the sound of the river flowing quietly, a round head stood out from the river right in front of me.


The Qinglou Tribe nodded slightly.

“You really came.”

I thought about what to do if he didn’t come, but he showed up on time.

“Hey, because I promised.”

The Qinglou Tribe raised their heads quietly.

“is it.”

Raon nodded and sat down on a rock. The Qinglou Tribe came out of the water and sat down on the floor at a distance.

‘It’s definitely small.’

Perhaps he was still young, he was smaller than the other members of the Qingru tribe. However, it seemed to be unique to this guy that his fins and webbed feet were small, giving him a human-like appearance.

“Do you know that they call you the Qinglou Tribe?”


The Qinglou Tribe nodded their heads contemptuously.

“As far as I know, you Qinglu tribe lived independently without coming and going with other tribes. Instead of attacking, they ran away or avoided humans as soon as they saw them.”

Raon continued, recalling the pure appearances of the Cheongru Tribe he had seen before.

“Why have they changed like that?”

I asked the part I was most curious about from the beginning.

“It’s because of me.”

The Qinglou tribe clenched their knees with their hands and trembled their lips.

“Is it because of you?”

“My, I ruined everything.”

Transparent water filled his eyes as if he was about to burst into tears.

– Moan, he is a stuffy guy.

Lars clicked his tongue as if he didn’t like it.

‘Wait a minute.’

Raon pushed Lars away and looked into the eyes of the Blue Clover again.

“What do you mean? Does it have anything to do with what you’re talking about?”


The Qinglou tribe let out a deep sigh.

“I am… .”

* * *

From the time I was born, I felt that I was different from my siblings.

Although they looked the same, the language of the tribe, which expresses emotions through less than 30 cries, did not satisfy my needs.

So, disobeying their parents, they secretly approached humans.

Of course, I didn’t have the courage to go out in the open. I quietly listened to their words in a place where no human gaze could be seen.

I was thrilled to know that I could express countless expressions through language, expressions, gestures, and the pitch of my voice.

After hanging out under the boat and constantly listening to human language, I was able to understand their words before I knew it. After a while, I was able to speak, albeit awkwardly.

I wanted to have a direct conversation with a human, but I was afraid to approach it.

He appeared when he was living as a loner who could not get along with his species and could not approach humans.

“Can you speak human language?”

tiller. He was the first person I found and spoke to on the day I practiced speaking under the boat.

I don’t remember exactly what my first words were, but I do remember that the excitement outweighed the fear.

“Great. It’s the first time I’ve seen the Qinglou tribe talk.”

He didn’t think it was strange, he was interested and taught human language directly. Thanks to him, he can read books as well as talk.

“Shall we be friends?”

Tiller once coined the word friend.


It was a word I had heard of, but did not know exactly what it meant.

“okay. People who are close and like each other are called friends.”

He nodded coldly.

I was happy. I was so happy that I was called a human being and that I had someone who understood me, to the point where I thought it was okay to die.

Tiller knew my thirst for knowledge and taught me more about the world. He accumulated a lot of knowledge, and he even learned how to use Dokdo to see maps.

“Can I ask you one favor?”

When I learned various knowledge about the river and the sea, Tiller smiled and held out his hand.


“okay. Friends always do a favor.”

At the words of a friend’s request, I nodded without thinking.

“There are many reefs around here, so it is dangerous to take a boat. I want you to make a chart for me.”

It was not that difficult because he had already learned how to read a map and had various knowledge accumulated.

Every day from morning to night, he made charts for Tiller by going around various rivers.

Every time the chart was completed, human villages were burned and many people died, but Tiller smiled softly, saying that it was just culture.

I believed it because it was the words of a friend. I was so stupid I just accepted it.

“Can you tell me about you guys?”

When he was halfway done with the chart of the Gazelle River, Tiller asked him to tell him about the Blue Clover.

I was happy. It was good because my friend seemed to be interested in me just as I was interested in humans.

I told Tiller about the Blue Clover. He told me how to talk, how to live, what he likes and dislikes.

But he wanted more.

How the Qinglou Tribe uses water magic, what are the Qinglou Tribe’s weaknesses, and why the Gazelle River is clearer than other rivers?

I thought about it and shook my head. I don’t know the exact reason, but it seemed like I shouldn’t tell you.

“It’s disappointing that you didn’t even listen to the request of your only friend.”

Tiller left without saying that.

I was anxious. My hands trembled and I couldn’t breathe just because my only understanding was gone. I couldn’t even eat because of anxiety and stayed up all night with my eyes open.

Tiller, who returned after a week, did not get angry and gave him a present. He gave human food and new books and apologized.

“Sorry. I just wanted to know a little more about my friend’s race.”

With those words, the anxiety and nervousness disappeared. He was so happy that he told him all the secrets of the Qinglu people.

He told me about the clan’s treasure, the water stone, which can purify water and give orders to the Qinglu people. He also told me that the Qinglu tribe’s emotions intensify in muddy water. .

Now that I think about it, it wasn’t joy, it was the answer to anxiety. I took hostages out of fear that Tiller might leave me.

Tiller said thank you and smiled broadly. Seeing that smile, his ominousness dissipated.

He returned in two days and said that he had prepared a gift and asked me to visit the Xiren River.

With a happy heart, I swam all the way to the Siren River, but after searching for a long time, I couldn’t find anything like a present.

They waited until night, but couldn’t find anything, so they returned thinking Tiller had made a mistake.

And saw.

The screaming bloodshed of green blood flowing down the clear gazelle river.

The corpses of his people were scattered on the floor, and the surviving people were wearing metal collars around their necks.

“Oh, are you here?”

Tiller waved his hand with his usual smile. His hands and face were splashed with the blood of his brothers.

“Thanks to you, I was able to catch it without difficulty.”

He stepped on the chieftain’s head and raised the receiving seat.

“They all knelt when they took the child hostage. thanks. friend.”

The first time I screamed and rushed at him, I don’t remember what happened after that.

When I came to my senses, I was alone in the depths of the Gazelle River, with the corpses of my parents and siblings on top of me.

There was a wound on his back that wouldn’t be strange even if he died. Thanks to my family, they seemed to think I was dead and left me behind.


I cried and fainted all week.

After accumulating everything in his heart in his heart, he chased after his own people.

He tried to keep his people from killing people at depths and distances undetected by Tiller.

But nothing could be done.

It was all about saving a few people, and I didn’t even have the courage to ask for help from Tiller.

Every time I saw Tiller becoming a hero by killing the Blue Clover he controlled, my heart was dying.

Today, when I was in despair because I couldn’t save humans, the person in front of me appeared.

The eyes of this human, who gave off a far more terrifying air than Tiller’s, were strangely warm.

So, without realizing it, I started to speak human words for the first time in a long time.

* * *

“that… I did.”

Leon closed his eyes.

‘deep sea.’

Saying sorry isn’t enough. The life of this Qingru Tribe was so disorganized that it was not lacking even compared to the self in the previous life.

‘however… .’

why am i angry?

I have nothing to do with this guy, but I can’t stand my anger. It wasn’t just the feelings she received from Lars, she seemed to stand up to her original anger.

I opened my eyes and looked at the flowing river. The eyes of the young Qingru tribe sitting a little closer reflected.

‘Is it because they’re similar?’

The appearance of the Qingru Tribe attacking people while being held on a leash by Tiller resembled his previous self, who had been brainwashed and killed unwantedly.

It was because of the reflection of the self from the previous life that Derus had decapitated him from the Blue Cliff, so his emotions intensified like this.

“I-I don’t even know why I said this.”

The Qinglou Tribe tilted their heads as if it were strange.

“I have a few questions.”


When Raon averted his eyes, the Blue Clover nodded.

“I heard that the Chengru tribe became aggressive long after the Gazelle River became muddy. What happened to that?”

“Ah, I deliberately set aside time so that there is no connection between the change in the river and the aggression of the Qingru Tribe. During the empty time, I asked my people to find out the depth of the reef and the river in order to make a chart of this river.”

“So it was.”

Sailors said that after the water became muddy, the Qingru tribe roamed the river. It was clearly a work to find out the reefs and depths in the river, as directed by Tiller.

“Now, Tiller is controlling the Qingru tribe with the object called the reception stone to attack people, right?”


“The reason is to eat this place?”

“that’s right. Go, I said I had the entire Gazelle River.”


Raon laughed. Considering that he tried to make a chart of the entire Gazelle River, Tiller must have been thinking of putting all the areas that touched this river under the Civil Alliance, not just Doran’s village.

‘Sieghart looks funny, but it seems.’

It was clear that Sieghart wasn’t filling up in Tiller’s eyes, seeing as he was aiming for Sieghart’s territory, where he had settled down.

‘I have to teach you.’

Since you were the first to start a fight, I decided to let you know what would happen if you messed with Sieghart.

“Well, then… .”

The Qinglou Tribe stood up as if they had said everything.

-Turn it off!

Lars, who had listened to the story of the Qingru Tribe without saying a word until now, bit his lip.

– Raon! Are you going to let that guy go like this! I mean, you’re good at doing nonsense!

The boy sniffed as if he was about to cry.

Raon laughed.

‘It’s the devil… .’

I don’t know who is the real demon king among Lars, who is depressed by the story of the Blue Clover, and Tiller, who uses the psychology of that little boy who is no different from a baby to enslave the Green Lou Tribe.

– Hey son!


I was about to call out to the young Blue Clown, but it stopped.

That guy, unlike himself in his previous life, lived without even a name. The back, which I lived alone without being able to fit on this side or that side, looked so small and shabby.

“You said you didn’t have a name.”

At Raon’s low words, the Cheongru tribe stopped walking.

“What did Tiller call you?”

“It’s you or a friend… .”

The Qinglou tribe shook their shoulders without looking back.

“Didn’t you give me a name?”


It was clear that Tiller was only thinking of using this child, given that he would not name it. Disgust set in.

“You yourself?”

“Because a name that is not called is meaningless.”

The words made my heart thump.

Raon stood up. As he approached the side of the Qinglu tribe, he saw the river.

“Do you know the word garam?”

“Mo, I don’t know.”

“It’s an old word meaning a clear river.”

“Clear river… .”

“Your name will be Garam.”


The Qingru Tribe looked back with their mouths wide open.

“Tiller, ignorant of the subject, tried to invade Sieghart’s territory, so I will deal with it.”

Raon held out his hand. He decided to be the first to extend a helping hand, which he had not received from anyone in his previous life.

“You help. Garam.”

“I am… .”

Garam did not answer. I stared at him blankly and gritted my teeth.

“I don’t trust humans!”

“Then why did you tell me your story? Why did you save humans?”

“that… .”

He hesitated for a while, then slowly opened his mouth.

“Even, I didn’t want to make my own people kill people… .”

“I see.”

Raon smiled lightly. My heart was definitely set by those words.

“Tiller is handled by me. You save your people.”

“no. Tiller is strong. I can see.”

Garam’s eyes trembled.

“Tiller has more mana than you have.”

“I guess so.”

Tiller is a monster on the verge of reaching Master Intermediate. It is natural that he is stronger than himself who has risen to the lower ranks. But there’s nothing he can’t kill.

“don’t worry.”

Raon smiled and grabbed the sword bottle. Bright red lightning flashed in the dim eyes reflected in the river.

“I’m good at taking out the trash.”

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