The Regressed Son of a Duke is an Assassin Chapter 234

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Episode 234. Second Coming (1)

A short time of only about 2 minutes.

In that short period of time, people’s thoughts changed moment by moment.


It is beyond amazing and overwhelming.

It’s overwhelming, it’s so devastating.

It’s so miserable… …

I feel very sorry.

The eyes of countless people filled with pity and sadness were turned towards the owner of the holy sword.


Now it’s embarrassing to even count them.

The holy sword, which was supposed to open the path to salvation with the power of holy light, had already slipped out of its owner’s hands several times and ended up lying on the floor.

Even if you attack at high speed,

Even if you powerfully wield the magic power of light,

Even if you cooperate with other knights who have received the power of the holy sword,


“Execution of Justice!”

He even casted the divine secret technique that only the owner of the holy sword could use,


It was all useless.

All Xian did was lightly swing his sword,

With that light swing, the holy sword fell out of the owner’s hand several times.

A literal wall that doesn’t even need to be explained.

Xian was overwhelmingly suppressing Eshel to the point where the holy sword was reduced to a useless roadside tree branch.

To the point where it’s almost like training.

“Two minutes and thirty seconds have passed. “Now you only have 30 seconds left.”

Indifference itself.

It’s like looking at a solid rock that won’t be chipped by sharp waves.

Xian’s eyes did not change at all.

The time suggested by Sian is now less than 30 seconds left.

Eshel’s body and mind were increasingly shaken by anxiety and nervousness.

I tried my best to come up with a solution as quickly as possible, but


Nothing came to mind now.

“Come on, holy sword! Give me stronger strength… … !”

The only thing I can hold on to is the holy sword desperately held in both hands.

Power erupted with brilliance from the Holy Sword in response to the appeal, but it was far from enough to deal with Xian.

“This is not enough! “I ask you to give me stronger power, Durandark!”

The ugly appearance of the savior holding the holy sword and crying for strength.

Most people watching this frowned and then shook their heads.

“Do you see it?”

Xian, who had been standing still and silently counting the time, finally asked a question.

“These many eyes are on you now. “It’s all full of incomprehensible questions, not a firm faith in you.”

Now even the knights who had inherited the power of the holy sword had stopped fighting and were watching the two men face off.

“I think you’ve realized it by now. If he has to save his life, he should turn his back and run away now… … .”

Eshel couldn’t say anything, so she just kept grinding.

“If you run away, you might survive. However, if that happens, people will remember me as the owner of the holy sword who ran away in the face of the presence of an ugly fog.”

“… … !”

“But if you continue to fight me until the end, you will still be remembered as the unfortunate owner of the holy sword who maintained his character as a savior. “Which one do you want, brother?”

“You’re asking the obvious! I am the eldest son of the Berth family, the guardians of the continent, and the owner of the Supreme Holy Sword! Even if my body is torn into dozens of pieces while fighting you! “I will defend this position until the end, Xian!”

Was it different from the answer you expected?

Xian made a blank expression but tilted his head.

“Do you know that, brother?”

“What do you mean?”

“Contrary to what you just said, your eyes clearly show that you don’t want to do that at all.”

Ashel couldn’t close his mouth, so he just opened his mouth.

“The desire to run away is clearly evident. I just want to tell you to be honest with yourself right now… … .”

After three minutes of immobility, Sian finally took a step towards Eshel.

“Unfortunately, all three minutes have passed.”

The instructions given to him and the time for mercy were all over. Now, all that remains for the owner of the holy sword is,

There was only a time of merciless judgment.

“Did you say you would defend the place even if it meant being torn into dozens of pieces?”

Slowly, step by step.

An evil being that embodies all the sins of this world is approaching him.

Eshel couldn’t control the trembling that was building up, so her body stopped.

“You seem to be looking at me too mercifully. “Did you think I would just tear your body into dozens of pieces?”

Xian snorted that it was ridiculous.

After a while, Xian’s laughter subsided and his face became stained with a serious expression.


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“Tens of thousands of pieces! “Wouldn’t it be meaningful to tear things to pieces so much that we can’t even recognize who they originally were?”

The devil’s smile has become much more mean and vicious than 7 years ago.

It was a smile so creepy that no human being could ever fully face it.

“Brother, you will feel tens of thousands of pains from now on! There’s nothing like it! People will feel pity when they see your brother with his fingers torn into pieces, right down to the joints. Then I will tell it to others! The owner of the holy sword met a miserable end because he could not handle the power of the magic sword. and… … .”

Before you know it, the two have become as close as a single step.

The moment I heard Eshel’s breathing sound of fear and terror,

The corners of Xian’s mouth rose larger on both sides.

“People will remember him as a fake savior who said nonsense and said he would establish a new order with his meager abilities.”

“… … !”

“I will enjoy that hopeful future with a smile.”

With those words, Xian raised the magic sword enveloped in black fog high.

At that moment, Eshel saw.

Exactly one second later, the cruel sword of the magic sword cuts through his entire body without mercy.

This was truly an impossible area that could not be prevented or avoided.

Eshel, who imagined her future soon to be torn into thousands or tens of thousands of pieces, desperately cried out for salvation in her heart.


A heavy sound piercing the ground, along with a cloud of dust spreading around.

Kayram was exactly a span away from Eshel’s eyes, but

“… … !”

It was getting closer but not touching.

Strictly speaking, it wasn’t that I couldn’t reach it, it was that I couldn’t reach it.

What is currently in contact with the tip of Kayram’s sword is,


It was a long light spear emitting light similar to the light emitted by the holy sword.

It wasn’t something someone threw or summoned with magic.

The source of this window is none other than the sky.

As if it were a savior sent from heaven to save the owner of the holy sword, it was completely blocking the path of Xian and Kayram.

At this, Xian slowly raised his head.

Because this spear was not the only thing that fell from the sky,

The gaze continued along the long spear shaft, at the end of which was a huge hand holding the spear handle, and at the connected fingertips,

“… … .”

There was a large knight wearing dazzling golden armor.

* * *

A healing center located in the center of Hwangseong.

Since there was no time to transport the fallen emperor to the imperial palace, they first transported him to a nearby healing center.

The emperor is breathing hard and the healers are trying desperately to save him.

Arin was watching that scene with her heart pounding.

“Abama, how on earth did you receive the power of the holy sword?”

She had not heard that the Emperor had received the power of the Holy Sword.

It never occurred to me that the emperor would have asked for it arbitrarily.

Arin was convinced that other members had been tricking her without her knowledge.

“Everyone get out of the way!”

When it became noisy outside the urgent care center, I heard someone’s familiar voice.


Another member of the imperial family who burst in through the door that had been tightly shut for the sake of the emperor’s stability.

It was the second princess, Violet Sebellus.

“… … !”

Her eyes fluttered violently as she encountered the emperor’s condition.

As if he had never expected this situation.

She immediately looked back at Arin with eyes filled with anger.

“What on earth have you done, Arin?”

Even the emotional reunion with my younger brother who had been missing for a week wasn’t enough.

Violette was scolding Arin as if trying to shift responsibility for the current situation.

Arin blinked in embarrassment.

“You’re swinging a sword at Abama! Are you still a member of the imperial family? How did Abama get to this point… … .”

“Stop being so forceful!”

Violette flinched at Arin’s bold rebuttal.

“You knew, right? “She knows that Abamama has received the power of the Holy Sword!”

“… … !”

“If you have a mouth, speak!”

“I-I didn’t know!”

Negation with hesitation is the same as positivity.

Arin finally grabbed Violet’s shoulder with confident eyes.

“How could you do such a ridiculous thing to Abama, who is not even a healthy person! Did you really think it was for the good of our imperial family and empire? Before we are princesses, we are Abamama’s children! How can I fulfill my duties as a child to my Abama… … !”

“I’m a victim too!”

Violet, who was cornered against the wall, shook off Arin’s hand and shouted.

“He, Eshel, deceived me and cast a spell on Abamama! I didn’t even know that! “I just agreed because I thought Abamama wanted it arbitrarily!”


“… … !”

Violette hastily covered her mouth.

“What did you just say? “Who bet what on whom?”

Violette, who was holding her head in frustration, let out a deep sigh.

Violet immediately looked at Arin with a gaze full of despair.

“You’re not the only one thinking about the Empire, Arryn. “As the princess, I am also worried about the safety and future of this country.”


“I, too, have worked hard to follow in the footsteps of Abama, whom I respect so much, and not disgrace the name of the imperial family! “You shouldn’t look at me with such pathetic eyes!”

Violette revealed her feelings openly, as if she was expressing her sorrow.

Arin felt a very strange feeling seeing her honest side for the first time in her life.

“Just like you followed that man named Xian, I just followed that man! If there is a responsibility to pay because of that… … .”

A clear tremor appeared from Violette’s lips as she tried to speak.

Violette tried to calm it down and then spoke calmly.

“As the princess! “I just do it proudly!”

After saying those words, she turned around.

“Where are you going?”

“If you’re curious, do you follow me?”

Violette left the healing center without a sour answer.

Arin, who hesitated for a moment about what to do, glanced at the emperor and then closed her eyes tightly.

“Please take care of Abama, Resimus!”

In the end, Arin chose to follow Violet and hurriedly followed her, leaving Resimus behind.

Violette didn’t care whether Arin followed or not.

He just silently moves forward to do his job.

The place she was heading to was none other than the imperial palace, especially the road leading to the basement.

* * *


Boris hurriedly opened the door and came inside, barely able to suppress his breath that was rising to his chin.

I consumed too much magical energy in subspace than I expected.

As the aftereffects continue to increase, it is now difficult for me to even control my body properly.

Boris barely raised his head.

What he saw in his eyes was,

“You came. “Mr. Boris?”

It was none other than Mia.

“You’re sweating a lot. “Have you had any hard work?”

“Why, why are you here Mia?”

Mia answered with the same indifferent expression.

“Because I couldn’t kill Sian Berth. So, while I was thinking about what to do, there was someone who was curious about this place. So he came back.”

“Gu, is anyone curious? “What is that?”

Boris, sensing some threat, quickly turned his head.

However, his head could not turn completely.

A black blade was placed very close to Boris’s neck, which was halfway turned.

Soon, a cold sweat broke out and I heard someone’s familiar voice in my ear.

“You said you were looking forward to seeing whose face would distort first?”

“… … !”

“First of all, how did you feel about being distorted? “Mr. Boris?”

(Continued in the next part)


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