The Rebirth of the Hero’s Party’s Archmage Chapter 90

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Episode 90

“Oh my, I didn’t know that the noble lady of the page would be interested in such a menial job as a moderator?”

“joy! That fox devil can’t even go to the bathroom by himself, can he? “I guess that’s why I asked you to support this!”

“What?! “Fox devil?”

What made the cadets heading to the conference room buzz was the heated battle of nerves between the Lady of Panton and the Lady of Page.

“why! “You mean what I said was wrong?!”

“Wrong! “I was completely wrong?!”

“If I’m right, then I’m right!”

“It’s wrong! Apologize!”

“what! “Are you ordering me now?!”

It was surprising that prestigious nobles voluntarily became committee members, but it was not unusual to see them pouring venom into every word they said, as if they were hostile to each other.

“Wow, that’s the page that says I transferred to the first year.”

“She’s really pretty, just like the rumors say.”

“rumor? “Didn’t you take it during the final exam?”

The student council room was where the student council presiding committee was held.

The number of people was the smallest of any club, but the size of the room and facilities such as desks and chairs were more luxurious than any other club.

Perhaps because one side was made entirely of glass, the student council room, with the summer sunlight shining through, looked like the cadets’ dream place.

“Does the student council have this place all to themselves?”

“I’m really jealous.”

The student council room, which had been so cluttered, became quiet the next moment as the room door opened.

In an eerie silence, a young man who was currently the No. 1 cadet in entered the club room, leading his junior officers.

Everyone looked at them with blank eyes, as if they were staring at the silently falling twilight. The dignity itself was different from that of an ordinary cadet.


Junior executives Lane Ludwig and Christa Warden, who followed behind with their arms full of documents, looked startled.

Cassena and Gertrude were found.

Lane and Christa exchanged glances and then shrugged their shoulders at the same time as if they didn’t understand each other. That stimulated the hearts of the two girls to no end.

“I am Valencidis, the student council president. “Let’s start the seasonal festival executive committee now.”

As soon as those words were out, Lane and Christa handed out the minutes to those in attendance.

The minutes listed the duties to be performed by the organizing committee members during the seasonal festival and the tasks to be performed by the person in charge of those duties.

As it was a festival created by cadets, everything from complex issues such as accounting to simple issues such as festival order and club arrangement were recorded in the minutes.

“Elodie, Lanna, Savelio. “You three are the children of merchants and have often served customers since you were young, right?”

“yes? Ah yes.”

“Excluding the people who belong to the club that is preparing a large-scale event for this festival, you three are suited to be the guides.”

Valencidis tactfully and efficiently led the personnel assignment, which could otherwise become disorganized.

It may seem simple, but because people were selected and assigned based on core logic, there were more people who were convinced than those who opposed it.

Should I say that I have accumulated years of experience… … No, it was at that time when Lane was glaring at Valencidis, wondering if he had a frightening insight into a person’s strengths and weaknesses.

“I don’t understand why so many inefficient appointments are needed, student president Valencidis?”

It was a low voice, but perhaps because of the thorn in the voice, the inside of the conference room became quiet.

In an instant, an unknown tension filled the conference room.

The person who created that atmosphere was a female student sitting in the right auditorium, in the center of where third graders were sitting.

“Maya… … .”

Vice President Felix sighed in a tone as if something had finally come.

Her pure white forehead was revealed by parting her hair with a silver pin symbolizing her family, and her exemplary facial features underneath seemed to be covered by glasses as sharp as a knife.

When Casena tilted her head and poked Gertrude’s side to demand an explanation, Gertrude, unable to overcome the gap in social status, answered.

“Maya Snark. “He is one of the ten clans and holds three seats in the third grade.”

Just as there were 16 clans under the Eight Great Schools, there were ten prestigious magical families under the Five Great Families.

For reference, Gertrude’s Viscount Panton, Felix’s Viscount Drake, and Special Department Manager Doran’s Viscount Slade also belong to this group.

When Valencidis gave him a look as if asking her to speak one more time, Maya stood up with an orderly, aristocratic posture.

“Isn’t the number of people assigned to publicity, guidance, and preparation abnormal? “Are you planning on having each cadet compete?”

Then Felix intervened as if to mediate.

“The number of players selected remains the same as the tradition?”

“I don’t know why we have to follow tradition the way it is.”

“What on earth do you want to say?”

“The magic of our cadets is not magic to show off to the unworthy. “This is something that lowers the quality of the leading university in the empire.”

Worthless ones? dignity?

At that time, half at the same time, a faint cynicism that looked like anger or ridicule appeared on the lips of the two people and then disappeared.

Valencidis and Lane Ludwig.

Of course, the two people didn’t have the ability to realize that.

“If we only select VIPs, such as the owners of the Magic Tower or the heads of major departments of the Magic Alliance, we can minimize this unnecessary appointment process.”

“… … ?!”

“Linking up with these people will be of greater help to the future of cadets who were unable to make an impact in the final exam.”

Several cadets who were pondering those words looked at each other with perplexed eyes.

“The rule is that the seasonal festivals in Deleiten are open to everyone who enters and exits the city.”

The student council treasurer, Triwis, opened his mouth with a characteristic emotionless, inorganic expression.

“Even in the case of VIPs you mentioned, people who have formal partnerships are carefully selected and invited.”

Then, the male student who was sitting next to Maya in a bad posture and had been trimming his nails since the meeting began, spoke up.

“Hey, if we exclude half of ‘everyone’, wouldn’t we be able to invite at least four or five times more VIPs?”

Lowinbelt Kanwer.


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Like the Snark family, he was the successor to a noble family belonging to the Ten Clan.

“that… … “I don’t know why you’re so obsessed with VIPs.”

“Now that I am in my third year, I want to put back in its proper state.”

Maya Snark continued her explanation.

“Thousands of onlookers come to during the festival… … How many of them know the value of magic?”

“Magic value?”

“Magic is a power and art enjoyed only by the upper class, and of course, only those who have received an education as refined as the cadets of can recognize its value, talent, and effort.”

Gertrude’s eyes, who had ties to most of the noble families, sparkled with interest, not because of those words but because of the members of the hosting committee.

‘Among the 2nd and 3rd graders, all the members of the Ten Gates clan are here… … There are also talented minor nobles.’

That means that the people over there were united under one goal and attended this event, hmm… … .

“It’s just a waste of time to hold a magic festival for people who can only describe magic as flashy, grand, or cool.”

Maya, who declared so, gave a light glance to the descendants of the Sedoga family, as if asking for their consent.

The clerk, Sandra Keppel, was yawning as if she was bored as always (this person has no interest in anything unless she finds it interesting), and Christa looked confused.

You can’t tell the emotion from Lane Ludwig’s expression, but it definitely drives a wedge here.

“If the student council can’t do it, please leave public relations to us. “We will invite more than 100 influential people in the magic world.”

“… … !”

“This will definitely be a good opportunity for cadets who have not yet been introduced to the magic world.”

Perhaps they were persuaded by Maya’s words so far, but the reactions of the cadets who had been concentrating on her impassioned speech were split in two at that moment.

“Isn’t this a good idea?”

“No, anyway… … .”

“I won’t be able to make a mark on the next final exam, so I think it’s really good, right?”

While the sons of nobles and some wealthy commoners nodded in agreement, the commoners narrowed their eyebrows, showing intense disapproval.

‘This isn’t good… … .’

Felix touched his forehead.

From the beginning, the executive committee was in danger of being split in half.

It was around that time that Valencidis, who had been silent, spoke up.

“What does magic mean to you, Maya Snark? Is it power to rule? Power to dominate?”

“It can be seen as an indicator of quality.”


“What’s funny?”

“The world is stagnant because you, who rule in the name of nobility, have such a one-dimensional way of thinking. “It’s not progress.”

The third-year student next to Maya got upset and stood up, but Maya calmed him down by gently raising her hand.

“Let’s listen. “What is magic for a prominent student council president?”

“Magic is opportunity.”


“Give a chance to those who have nothing. Rather than throwing bread to the hungry, give them a chance to buy bread, and give those who are weak, helpless, hungry and sick throughout their lives a chance to at least live like human beings. “Another name for that opportunity is magic.”

Lane’s eyes opened wide for a moment.

Because the beliefs that Valencidis had were very similar to the beliefs that were deeply entrenched in the depths of his teacher.

– Now, follow me.

If the dean had had the same thoughts as Maya, the name Grand Wizard Lin would never have appeared in the history books.

Rin may have died of starvation while wandering the slums at a young age. Crucially, she would never have even met Lee Star, Friede, or Keyes.

Magic was a world of freedom that allowed even those who were orphans to become great wizards. Lin really liked Emmitsa Page’s words.

“The truth will set you free.”

How could a warlock who sold his soul to the abyss have such a dazzling attitude? … .

I’m embarrassed.

Valencidis is a warlock who cannot be trusted and an enemy worth guarding against, so I have no desire to defend him… … .

“And the seasonal festival is a time to convey that dream to those who do not yet know magic. “I have no intention of inviting only carefully selected VIPs.”

Valensidis’ impassioned speech was so great that even the nobles of the Ten Clans showed signs of hesitation when he finished speaking.

“If you insist on such foolish beliefs, we can’t help it.”

Maya Snark nervously pushed up her glasses as if the trend was different.

“Surely only clubs can individually attend seasonal festivals, right?”


“From now on, we will disband all clubs with opinions that run counter to our wishes. “It’s a magic battle, rightfully so.”

Even Valencidis of the world raised both eyebrows in confusion at that operation.

Isn’t this a threat that cleverly uses the club rules of ?

When Cassena Page quietly whispered that such a thing was possible, Gertrude sighed.

“It is possible. Since proclaims that it is based on merit, it is possible to take over positions in other clubs based on skill.”

“What is all that?!”

“It was originally a method created for healthy self-purification, but there were ways to abuse it like that. “I learned something very good from Maya.”

Gertrude muttered with a hint of contempt, but in fact the viciousness of this method did not end there.

“As you know, there is a school rule that says the student council cannot forcefully lead seasonal festivals. Isn’t that right, Felix?”

“Maya, you can’t believe it… … !”

“So, during the festival period, we cannot intervene in disputes between clubs at all.”

Maya walked over with a triumphant smile, placed both hands on the chairman’s desk, and leaned towards Valencidis, who was sitting beyond it.

“You decide what to do. “Are you going to prevent the common-class cadets you care so much from even participating in the festival, or are you going to give them a chance to join the upper-class?”

For a moment, there was silence as if the world had stopped.

No one opened their mouths.

Everyone can only watch with bated breath as this war of nerves unfolds, with no way of knowing whether the outcome will be won or lost… … .

“… … .”

“… … .”

“… … .”

What broke the chillingly cold silence was a voice filled with pure curiosity.

“According to the rules, only student council officers can’t get involved in disputes between clubs, right? “Can I join if I’m not a member of the student council?”

At that question, the silence that had been overwhelming the hall was broken, and at the same time, a commotion arose.

It was Lane, Lane Ludwig.

Maya Snark nodded politely, perhaps thinking that this was support fire to end the situation.

“Yes, Prince Ludwig.”

As soon as the answer came back, ting, ting, ting… … The sound of metal rolling on the floor brought a silence that interrupted the flow of time in the once turbulent hall.

The groaning silence that only makes the clock on the wall of the student council room aware of the passage of time.

With dumbfounded expressions, everyone could only look back and forth between the metal object rolling on the floor and Lane, who had thrown it away without a care in the world.

“Then you can quit.”

The fact that it bounced around on the student council floor like trash, rolled around, hit Maya’s foot, stopped spinning, and flopped around helplessly was just a sign.

A sign of excellence that is coveted not only by cadets but also by all wizards who did not enter .

It is literally the embodiment of the dreams and ideals of the cadets, who continue to fight for survival of the fittest and endless competition just to get that small piece of metal.

“I’m quitting, student council.”

It is the student council badge.

No one could understand its meaning at first. Because it has gone far beyond the realm of common sense that the brain can accept.

Until Raine stood face to face with Maya Snark and clearly declared war.

“Are you guys that good at using magic? “Let’s take a look at that outstanding skill.”


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