The Rebirth of the Hero’s Party’s Archmage Chapter 87

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Episode 87

It is known in the world that the warlock group is united under one purpose and order, but in reality, this is half wrong and half right.

While there were groups of novices who roughly learned basic black magic and imitated black magicians, there were also elite groups gathered under a council called the Black Church.

The group led by Tureina was one of the latter. Of course, this does not mean that communication and cooperation with other groups are active.

[Rivadin got hit?]

Shadow number 5 asked in a surprised voice, and shadow number 1 nodded.

[We destroyed it together with the magicians of the special department who were hiding. Among them was Tyrinthid.]

Tirinthide… … .

Although he was a fairly strong wizard, he probably wasn’t strong enough to defeat Rivadin.

[Was Tirinthid a non-fighter? Otherwise, how can you fight against Rivadin’s chains… … .]

[They are dead too, so there is no way to find out.]

[This is embarrassing, I was killed 8 times by the head of the special department. Now, there are only four members left, including us.]

Then Shadow Number 4, who was humming and handling the ominous doll, chuckled.

[It’s quiet and nice, why?]

[Now is not the time to joke around. Valencidis will soon be going to the Holy See.]

At that time, a puff of cigarette smoke came out, and a strong wave arose in the flow of magic power. Everyone kept their mouths shut, as if submitting to that overwhelming power.

“Rivadin was destroyed while dealing with the brats of the Special Operations Department… … .”

With the stick in his mouth, Tureina pondered deeply what Valencidis had reported, and then the next moment he looked straight at Valencidis.

“You can believe that, right?”

A feeling of pressure as if the blood vessels of the entire body were standing up taut, an intimidating feeling that made the spine stand upright like a doll pierced by wire.

Even though his body was far away in , Valencidis’ body was instantly covered in cold sweat.

In the storm of magical power that seemed to distort even his breathing, Valencidis calmly lowered his head.

[How could I tell a lie?]

There was silence for a long time.

The gaze that seemed to be probing his soul lingered on Valencidis’ eyes for a long time.

Only after the heat rising in the room had dissipated did Tureina open her mouth again.

“What about this child named Lane Ludwig?”

[After watching him throughout the final exam, I was able to confirm that his talent was enormous, but it was not enough to defeat Liveny.]


Tureina, who seemed to be lost in thought for a moment while biting her shoulder strap, suddenly sensed some sign of popularity and nodded.

“Then let’s see next time. Directly from the Imperial Office. Until then, avoid doing anything that might raise suspicion. “This is the end of our regular contact.”

Starting with Valencidis disappearing, the 4th, 5th, and 7th seals disappeared one after another. Only then did Tureina look over her shoulder.

“What’s going on?”

Following the sound of footsteps lightly grazing the darkness of the abandoned temple, a girl with short dark blue hair walked out.

“I’m going to have to take a big hit soon, so I thought Tureina might need some help, so I came!”

She looks like a ten-year-old girl.

The innocent smile on his face undoubtedly makes him look like a ten-year-old, but in reality, he is a monster that has lived for hundreds of years.

‘One of the three pillars that have guided the black church… … Elamas.’

Even Tureina could not read the limits of this monster’s power.

“I will take care of it. “I don’t need your help.”

“Ah~ Say that again. No need to bounce. “We need to get Rin’s body out, but our power has been reduced by half.”

“From the beginning, they were all thrown away. “It doesn’t matter how many people die or how many are alive.”

Then he came quietly like a snake and gently stretched out his hand to the teacher’s armrest. Tureina immediately irritatedly unleashed her magical power and chased it away.

“Don’t touch my things carelessly.”

“Ahahaha~! Good, good, bouncing like this is Touraina’s charm.”

These disgusting things… … .

I feel nauseous every time I face it, but I just have to be patient a little longer.

‘Once I wake Master from his sleep, I will kill him and burn him all together… … .’

You might think you’re using me, but it’s quite the opposite. I’m using you guys.

“Then, if you need help at any time, just tell me~ I’ll run right over for cute Tureina!”

If you later explain that it was all for this plan, you can remove the excommunication from the church.

And once again with Master… … .

* * *

“Pippy, look at this! this!”

As soon as I returned to the dorm, I made a fuss. I was so intoxicated by the power of this stone that I couldn’t even remember how the party ended.

“Do you know what this is? Hehe, are you curious?”

Fifi, who was sleeping in the cage, opened her eyes, turned away as if she was not interested, and closed her eyes again. Lane spun the cage around.

“Curious? You know this, it’s the Black Sheep Lin! “It’s Emmitsa Page’s memento!”

“… … .”

“Hehe, aren’t you jealous? I envy you? Huhuhuhu.”

Then I lay down on the bed. To prevent the black sheep from breaking and being lost, she wrapped it around her thin chain and hung it around her neck.

I just hold it in my body, but I can feel the flow of energy filling my whole body and circulating.

I can’t believe I can feel the sensations that I usually only feel when I’m sitting cross-legged and training my magic, so clearly in my daily life.

This kind of thing feels different when you look at the numbers, so I called out Lu Diyan.

Gustaba: Objectifies the practitioner’s physical condition with mathematical numbers.

ㆍJu (柱); Current horsepower 39,412.

The horsepower, which was roughly around 30,000, jumped to nearly 10,000. The figure had soared by about a quarter, so I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.



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– New horsepower circuit connections confirmed: ???



Analyzing the circuit… … .

ㆍ When maintaining circuit connection, ‘active magic recovery’ is activated in the caster’s main form.

ㆍ Magic power recovery per hour: 3,941 (1/10 of the current caster’s magic power)

ㆍ When the circuit is disconnected, the ‘Active Magic Recovery’ ability is disabled.

It’s awesome, it’s really awesome.

If you combine it with meditation, you can recover all your magic power within 4 to 5 hours. Magic power is restored even during battle.


– You can inherit your ‘unique magic’ research progress in the surrounding environment.

– Progress 49.2%.

Perhaps thanks to the sincere fight against Rivadin and Valensidis this time, the progress of the unique magic was already approaching 50%.

What kind of bonus will be given when it reaches 50%? Just thinking about the reward is thrilling.

But when I thought of Valencidis, that guy’s face, my head, which was full of excitement, turned cold.

‘I should have somehow defeated Rivadin this time and found out who their leader is.’

They know how I dressed up as a woman, and they know the techniques I used (the magic square is not listed anywhere in the history of the chain)… … .

Who on earth is this?

Although only party members know this, Lista, Keyes, Friede, and Touraine are all dead.

‘Could it be the legacy left behind by Tureina?’

If you think about it that way, you were right. Since he died recently, if he created Ribeni and Rivadin before he died… … .

‘But isn’t human body softening black magic?’

But when I think about the ‘Golden Children’ following Tureina’s whereabouts with their eyes lit up, the puzzle falls apart again.

I don’t want to believe it.

I don’t want to believe it, but… … .

No, maybe those who borrowed the power of the ‘Time Lord’ might have spied on my past self.

My aunt also said that Tureina’s book was simply used… … There’s no need to be quick to doubt your disciples, right?

‘This is the kid who listened to me so well. ‘I can’t have forgotten how I told you not to touch black magic, right?’

Above all, I just don’t know what I’m going to do with my soul, and I don’t have to worry about the results. Because the soul is already in this body.


“Pippy, I’m sleepy, I’m sleepy. “Lin, be quiet.”

“Do you remember what it was like when you and Tureina broke up?”

It was a question asked without much thought, but Fifi trembled and opened her mouth after a short silence.

“I hate Fifi and Tureina. I often fought with Touraina and Friede. Friede, I cried sometimes. Lin, that’s why I don’t like Tureina.”

At that moment, an enormous shock hit my chest.

“… … That arrogant kid confronted Friede? why?”

How dare that tomboy talk to a heavenly teacher?

Did this cross the right line?

I will never be able to repay you for teaching me and raising me for the rest of my life… … If I were there, it wouldn’t have ended with me getting hit on the head.

“I can’t speak, Pifi can’t speak.”

“Why, tell me. Because it’s okay.”

“I don’t say anything. Friede said, don’t tell Lin. Fifi, don’t talk.”

I was so shocked that for a moment, blood rushed to my head and I had a headache.

Tureina This little boy is really… … .

It was something I was really curious about, but Fifi always followed Friede’s words first, so no matter how much I tried to further investigate, I wouldn’t be able to get an answer.

‘First of all, I keep in my mind the fact that Touraina was a bit out of date in his later years.’

That way, even if you hear some shocking information later, your spirit won’t break down. It is always good to assume the worst case scenario.

I just hope that doesn’t happen.

So now Valencidis is the only one who can find out the information? How can he get rid of that guy so that word gets out that he’s well-informed?

‘But seeing that guy use magic during the final exam, it seems like he’s quite an expert… … .’

Since there were less than fifty students in the third year class, all final exams ended on Friday afternoon.

Valencidis won the top cadet position with overwhelming results, as he had done for three years. So much so that Professors Soo and Cha Seok both gave it a perfect score.

However, seeing how he treated Rivadin last time, I don’t think this guy was the leader, but the more I think about it, the more it seems like a mystery.

‘But I guess I got the Black Sheep Lin this time and powered up properly… … .’

It wouldn’t be that difficult to figure out the relative method.

* * *

As the next morning dawned, it was time to say goodbye to my family.

The North Gate of was crowded with magic world figures returning from all over the empire, and the bodyguard of the powerful Ludwig family was large and decorated with splendor, so it was not difficult to find them.

Swan, the family’s bodyguard, recognized Lane and Elin and immediately saluted them.

The private soldiers who were packing their luggage followed suit and saluted, but strangely, they were all grinning.

“It’s been a while, Swan.”

“How are you, master?”

Elin, who was yawning next to her, narrowed her eyes when she saw the smiling faces of the soldiers.

“What happened yesterday? “Why are you so excited?”

“It is because the heir of a famous family became the chief cadet. “There is also a guy who won as many as five gold coins in a drinking bet.”

Then a young soldier said, “Thank you very much, master!” He shouted, and soon a wave of laughter broke out among the soldiers.

“Oh my, oh my! They’re amazing, huh? Come to Magyeong and gamble. “If I was going to bet, I should have made sure to bet and earn more.”

“Twenty pieces of silver were all I had! “I’ll be sure to remember all of this during the final exams in the second semester!”

“Okay, reception. “I’ll help you get a house.”

When Lane responded cheerfully, the soldiers burst into laughter.


“Do-ryeon-nim! Do, Ryeon, Nim!”

“Do-ryeon-nim! Do, Ryun, Nim! Do, Ryeon, Nim!”

Then, he let out a shout with his mouth full, but as stinging glares poured in from all around him, Elin immediately calmed him down.

“Hey, you pathetic bastards! Who do you want to embarrass right now?! Why don’t you just throw shit on the family flag? “Why don’t you be quiet?”

It was around that time that Lane’s family appeared.

“Brother Lane!”

As always, Seri jumped up.

The problem was that this time, his four-year-old younger brother, Bran, also joined the charge, making it a bit difficult to defend.

As she hesitated, Seri clung to her back and Bran clung to her left leg. Kids, if I keep doing this, I’ll die.

“Tongue, brother… … I, too, am going to become a magic wizard like my brother… … !”

A cool wizard like me?

Well, what is that… … I was so dumbfounded that I stroked her little head and tangled her hair like a swallow’s nest.

“You’d have to work really hard to do that.”

I didn’t know it when I was attacked by Keyes, but now that I’ve tried it myself, I know it. The one who says this feels infinitely good.

“Ha, dear… … !”

“okay? Then, teach me what Seri doesn’t know.”

“I only trust tax collectors!”

Suddenly, I felt eyes on me and raised my head, making eye contact with my mother who was smiling brightly.

“You’ve become an older brother who sets an example for your younger siblings, Lane.”

“They just stick.”

“Have you ever thought about why your younger siblings do that?”

Brim, who asked the type of question Lane couldn’t answer, walked over and patted his son’s cheek lovingly.

“Now that you are a member of the student council, you will begin preparing for the seasonal festival in earnest.”

“is it so? “It’s so annoying I’m dying.”

“Please create a festival that many people can enjoy. It will be a good memory. To you and to others.”

With that Valencidis?

But now that my family is leaving the devil’s land, I don’t have to worry about being taken hostage by that guy.

“… … Well, I’ll try my best.”

“And I know you’ll work hard.”

After a short chat, the family got on the family carriage. As soon as Swann got on his horse, the soldiers lined up, holding spears.

“Then, Eldest Elin, Master Lane. “I’ll just leave.”

“uh. “Be careful where you go.”

Lane, thinking of Valencidis, answered in a slightly serious voice, and Swann also nodded with a serious expression.

“Don’t worry. “I will protect the safety of you three, even if it means sacrificing my life.”

As the group set off, following Swan, who was leading the horse, Seri and Bran clung to the carriage window and waved their hands wildly.



If you don’t respond, he’ll be like that until he dies, so even though it’s annoying, I give him a quick wave and he laughs.

“Why aren’t they waving at me?”

When Elin muttered in a sulky voice, as if she was upset, Laine smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

‘Family, after all, is just a nuisance.’

It’s annoying, annoying, and cumbersome to deal with.

But what… … It’s not particularly bad. Sometimes I feel like some part of my life is filled with something that I can’t explain.

To conclude, yes, it’s not bad.


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