The Rebirth of the Hero’s Party’s Archmage Chapter 41

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Episode 41

Late at night, I sat on the steps of the temple’s main entrance with Fifi for a long time and looked up at the starry sky.

There was no need to say anything to each other. He wasn’t that kind of personality. It was just nice, being able to spend the same amount of time together.

I just kept laughing because I liked that alone.

As the dark sky turned purple, signaling the dawn of dawn, Lane opened his mouth.

“Friede told you to wait for me?”

That was fascinating. No, it was more puzzling than fascinating.

Why did you make me wait? Is that also 300 years? for what reason? There must be some purpose.

Unless it was something really important, there was no way Friede would have abandoned Fifi, whom she valued more than her own flesh and blood, in a place like this.

Although all of the warrior party’s companions liked Fifi and found it cute, she was nothing more than a new baby compared to the affection Friede had raised since she was a cub.

“This, this, this.”

Fifi shook her neck. There was a very small pocket hanging out. There she was able to take out a ring.

It was a ring encrusted with a gemstone that glowed like a blazing flame, the treasure of treasures.

I couldn’t help but gasp for a moment, not because of its value but because it was a familiar item.

“This is Friede’s.”

“That’s right, that’s right, that’s right.”

Fifi flew up as if to follow.

His destination was in front of the tightly closed main gate of the temple. Although it was only worn out by the passage of time, the door made of red wood was in perfect condition.

“Have you eliminated all grave robbers for 300 years?”

“I protected it, I protected it, I protected it.”

“why? “No, what?”

While I was wondering how to open this, Friede’s ring gave off a brilliant light.

As if resonating with the light, light also emanated from the red dragon statues erected on both sides of the main gate.

Coo coo coo coo… … And then the huge door began to open, blowing out a cloud of dust.

As I was whistling in exclamation, Fifi flew inside, so I had to rush in to catch up.


There was no need to use a separate lighting spell because a flame rose from the candlestick hanging in the alcove right where Rain’s feet touched.

The dimly lit interior of the temple was full of dust, but the ceiling was high, the jewels decorating the pillars were dazzling, and the red dragon statues lined up along the passage were imposing.

Although it was still a cold spring dawn outside, there was a strange warmth inside and I felt comfortable as if I had entered the womb.

“Pippy, where are you going? Fifi!”

How long did he walk along the afterimage of the flames that Fifi shed and flew away?

The place where Pipi finally stopped was at the end of the long corridor, where the shaman’s bedroom was located.

‘Friede’s room… … .’

After hesitating for a moment, I opened the door, and Fifi sat down on the bed, bobbing her head back and forth and humming.

I thought it was because he was happy with his owner’s scent, but when I looked closely, I saw something under Pipi’s claws.

It was a luxurious ebony wooden case.

When I opened the neck box, feeling an inexplicable sense of tension… … A glass bottle covered in red silk appeared. It was a mysterious liquid that glowed brightly in the dark with the brilliance of red gold, like a flame.

“What is this?”

What made Lane suffocate at that moment was not the liquid, but a small piece of stationery lying on the bottom of the crate.

It was so old that it had turned yellow and looked like it would crumble if handled even a little roughly.

and… … The familiar handwriting was alive and breathing on the letter paper.

[1168.09.24 – To Lin.]

I was startled and stopped breathing.

It was difficult to breathe because of the empty laughter that came out intermittently from Mokuldae.

‘Date 250 years ago… … .’

I calmed my breathing and carefully opened the letter.

Dear Lynn.

I am writing this letter again this year. It will probably be the last.

Knowing that Rin is terrible at finding treasures, I decided to give up on hiding it somewhere for grave robbers.

So I left Fifi as the gatekeeper. So that this letter and gift can reach Lynn.

Have you met Fifi? Gwangryong took pity on us and extended Pipi’s lifespan. I’m sorry I couldn’t see Lin’s surprised face in person.

Both Fifi and I have aged a lot. Still, I want to meet Rin again just as much as before. As she got older, she started to cry more and all she could think about was the things she couldn’t do for Rin in the past.

I must leave now.

I plan to follow the corps to Antarctica’s . If my dream comes true, she might be able to survive until Rin comes.

I will conclude my letter here.

I’d like to write more, but I don’t know what I’ll hear from Ristana or Keyes, so I’ll stop.

Now, we all want to not put the shackles of the past on Rin, who has to start a new life.

Enclosed in the letter is a birthday present.

Lynn, happy 19th birthday to you. I promised it a long time ago. That’s Dragon’s Breath.

I will pray with all my heart that this gift will be of some help to Lin in her future journey of life.

Thank you.

And I miss you.

– Your old friend, Friedega.

The typeface of the letter was blurry and shattered. I could feel my eyes becoming wet and swollen.

‘What kind of respectful language is inappropriate? … .’

That’s what I thought, but when I realized that Friede was 90 years old when he wrote this letter, I felt helplessly empty.

It was only then that I knew for sure.

I was hoping in vain. The hope that my comrades might be alive somewhere, the hope that I might meet them again… … .


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I was living my life appeasing the vast loneliness with that small hope.

“Don’t cry, don’t cry. “Lin, don’t cry.”

Fifi urged, moving back and forth between her shoulders. He wiped her eyes and shook her head.

“are you okay. I’m not crying. I just find it funny to use polite language… … .”

I tried to act calm, but it was difficult to even hold something with my hand. He decided to get rid of the dragon’s breath right away before he missed it.

Pipi seemed to know this and pricked the cork with its beak and pulled it out. Like heat rising from a fire, a mysterious spiritual energy leaked out from the liquid in the glass bottle.

Thank you, Friede. I muttered to myself and then poured all of the thick liquid into my mouth.

“… … ?!”

Something felt strange inside my mouth, and the sensation traveling up my esophagus was painful, as if I was swallowing a flame.

But the pain… … It doesn’t feel like pain… … It’s as if a tremendous amount of vitality is rising… … .

Blood vessels bulged and glowed red throughout the body, and a power that I had never felt before rushed into the main body that circulated magical power through those blood vessels.

A feeling of fullness as if an uncontrollable force would explode, a burning sensation as if one’s body was being eaten by flames.

“Pifi, my bag.”

“Bag, bag.”

“I have a diary I used to write in. “Please unfold it for me.”

I felt a dizzying sense of exhilaration and felt explosive magic circulating through my body, and a string unfolded before my eyes. It must be Lu Diyan.

Gustaba: Objectifies the practitioner’s physical condition with mathematical numbers.

ㆍState: Current horsepower 13,222 -> 26,444.

My mouth dropped open at the absurd figure of horsepower increase.


Exactly double?

This was a truly ridiculous amplification figure. The increase in magic power of the pills and elixirs that the Eight Great Schools have been preparing for the next dean for hundreds of years is less than 5,000.

‘Oh, such a mistake…’ … .’

If I had known it was this great, I would have made about 50,000 horsepower and then eaten it to get to 100,000. But I shook my head to drive away the gloom.

‘But now I can use the image barrier.’

As proof of this, isn’t the unique rune subtly flickering on the bandaged left palm, expressing its presence?


– New horsepower circuit, meets usage conditions: flow rate preservation.

The growth of magical power is unique; in the beginning, it draws a gently downward curve, but once it passes a certain point, it changes to an upward curve.

This means that once you get into a certain orbit, the growth rate gradually accelerates.

So there is nothing to be depressed about at all. The speed of magic power growth is probably a world away from what it was before.

By then the morning light was shining brilliantly through the leaded glass of the temple. She said as she packed Friede’s neck in a package.

“Pippy, I have to go now. “We have to leave now so we won’t be late for the dormitory curfew.”

“Lin, I have to go. “Rin, I have to go.”

“So… … Do you want to come with me?”

Then Fifi’s eyes lit up, but then she lowered her head as if she couldn’t do that.

“Fifi, Friede is waiting. “I waited for Rin, now I wait for Friede.”

Is that so?

Did you promise to do that?

Does this guy have to repeat the endless wait once again? He couldn’t leave it like that.

“You can wait with me.”

“Lin, together?”

“huh. Friede is so famous that there would be an uproar if anyone found out he was alive. There’s no need to wait here, we’ll go meet each other then. Friede will be so shocked that he will fall asleep… … .”

Fifi tilted her head in confusion at first, but then her eyes lit up, and she climbed on top of Lane’s head, twitching her head back and forth.

“Together, together, together.”

As I left the temple, the morning sunlight spread out and colored the world brilliantly. With a bang, the huge door closed by itself behind me. It will probably never be opened again.

“Pippy, do you want to eat something?”

“Corn, corn, corn.”

“Oh, right. “You really liked pipi corn, right?”

It was a spring morning with still a chill in the air, but conversations with old friends warmed my body and mind throughout the way back.

Warm, warm, warm, it warmed my soul.

* * *

After finishing writing the letter, Friede looked down at the letter in silence for a moment. Next to him, Fifi was pecking at corn kernels.


“Phi phi, phi phi, phi phi.”

“I have to go now.”

After finishing eating the corn, Fifi raised her head and looked at the old master with clear eyes. A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Friede’s wrinkled mouth.

“Would you please wait here for Rin? She doesn’t want that child to be left alone with her.”

“Pipi, Lin is waiting.”

“It’s going to be a really hard and difficult trip… … “You will be alone until the child comes.”

Friede couldn’t imagine how painful and long the journey would be. Because she doesn’t know, she might be leaving for Antarctica now.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

“Are you sure you’ll be okay? “You can just come with me.”

“Even though it’s hard, I wait for Pipi Lin. Lin, Friede’s friend. “Lin, Fifi’s friend.”

iced coffee… … Friede held her Fifi dearly with both her hands and began to cry quietly for a moment.

Maybe this will be the last time. But what if… … .

“I’ll be waiting for you at <1000 Leagues of Flame>, Pifi. “When Lin is ready to go on her journey, please pass this on to Lin as well.”


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