The Rebirth of the Hero’s Party’s Archmage Chapter 272

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Side story episode 1.

Forgotten War, Battle to Suppress the Spider Lord (1)

It is taboo to speak or write about the Lord of the Abyss.

This is because fearful whispers about the monarch become the force that eventually leads to the cracking of the seal.

That’s why all history books follow my orders and end this story briefly with a sentence or two… … .

I want to record the truth here and now.

Someday in that distant era.

Because the day will come when even these stories will be needed.

* * *

While returning from Harbadonia to the ecliptic, I occasionally had a dream.

No, let’s be honest. I had ‘that dream’ often, very often.

The dream was darkness, despair, madness, and an abyss.

Volcanic ash and snowstorms sweep in from North and South and cover the world.

In a snowstorm, the heavens and earth are strangely distorted, and everything is eerily melting in the volcanic ash.


At the feet of those who rule over the frozen polar soil and burning tropical volcanic ash… … I see dead children in pain.




When my children scream and moan and scream out of helplessness that I can’t do anything, the dream disappears as if running away.

When the dream ended, my whole body boiled with heat and my limbs ached as if they were going to fall off.

Is it just a nightmare? No, there is too much continuity to say that.

But it’s a precognitive dream… … .

That can’t be possible. There’s no way I have that level of ability.

“Rain, are you okay?”

“You’ve been in a strange condition since you came back from the North. “Aren’t you suffering from the plague?”

Lillian Karain and Logan, classmates I was happy to see for the first time in a long time, spoke to me with concern.

He smiled calmly, but it seems he couldn’t erase his pale complexion and thin face.

In the end, I had to take an honest sigh on the colonnade leading to the military conference room.

“I wish I knew what I should do now.”

“I have to attend the military meeting. “As His Excellency the Demon City.”

“That’s not what I said… … .”

It may have been a prank to tell us to relax.

When I saw that I couldn’t even answer that question seriously, I realized how little I had to spare.

The military meeting was attended by not only all members of the Yellow River Affairs Ministry but also key figures from each branch of the military.

A special person who would never be seen in peacetime was Kiran Wolf Vlado, the leader of the White Wolves.

“We gathered information from scouting parties sent out to various locations. Not only Necrachne, but also old ones have awakened and filled the snowy fields. 5 out of 10 scout teams are missing. This is what happened before when Baek Doryeong woke up. “There is someone who commands them.”

The place became noisy.

Anxiety seeped into the booming voice.

“Commander-in-chief, how long can endure?”

was built to ward off the dead and the old. But if the old noble awakens… … “I can’t give you a sure answer.”

“But what’s there to worry about? “We don’t have Yonghyeon.”

Respectful gazes turned in this direction, and sighs of relief came from all over.

“I believe that with the power of Yonghyeon, the third great sage, it will not be difficult to remove the seal of the gods.”

I asked myself if I could do it.

What gave me this power may have meant to touch the seal at this very time.

But is that really all there is to it? really? I opened my mouth cautiously.

“I think there must be some reason why I have this power.”

“… … ?”

“I’m still not sure, but… … That’s why I think we need to meet His Holiness the Water Dragon.”

Perplexity appeared in the officials’ eyes. Rem, who was yawning calmly in front of the emperor, said.

“So, what exactly are we going to do?”

“I will go to the Edea Peninsula and see Your Holiness within a month.”

“Are you saying you’re going to leave Harbadonia like that for a month? Do you know what’s going to happen?”

I know better than anyone else how precarious this decision is.

How quickly Shar’kath rose in power after waking up from a long sleep in his young days.

I know.

I know.

No way, no matter what I do, I can’t put that judgment into action.

Every time I try to make a rational decision in my head, the contents of ‘that dream’ come to mind and grab me by the shoulders.

This is ridiculous.

As someone who has faced the truth, he must be more rational than anyone else on this earth, but he is not a dull animal and acts emotionally.

“What if the Spider Lord is released from his seal during that month?”

Christa Eijin, who was crossing her legs arrogantly in the seat next to the throne, opened her mouth.

Putting aside her status as an empress, her talent as a magician alone qualified her to participate in the military council as a prominent figure of this era.

Unlike Yonghyeon, who is dismissed as a non-human being, he was a wizard with the greatest talent of the current generation among ‘humans like him’.

Raida was proud of the Empress’s talent and skills, and as proud as she was, she tried to take her to every public event.

“In that case, I believe that the Empress will use her skills and buy us time.”


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No matter how much I grew physically, I was still weak to direct praise.

“what… … Hmm, well, yes! I can do that much. “Who am I?”

When Christa responded boldly, Emperor Raida smiled widely and nodded.

“Whether it was or still is, it’s outrageously reckless. good night. “I won’t remit.”

“your majesty! We need to prioritize urgent inspection of the sealing camp before its power grows any further. How… … .”

“But it’s only one month. I can’t delay any longer. They plan to declare martial law and mobilize nationwide military force. “You must stay in your seat.”

* * *

In , what Akirea did for three years was to realize the majestic flow of nature.

The scorching sun.

A wall of fire convulsing beneath it.

Sitting cross-legged on a sand dune in the high temperature where the air becomes thinner due to dryness, I explored the grand beginning and end of life.

“We are fire, Akirea. Why do you think that is so? Why do you think that happened?”

An old flame, Gridaone, would occasionally visit the dunes and ask difficult questions.

“It’s because it breathes fire!”

Gridaone would leave with a faint smile on his face, but Jakan was more solemn than him.

“Fire is the beginning of life. Without fire, the world is immersed in darkness. You must be the fire. Akirea, do you understand what this means?”

I didn’t answer because I wasn’t sure yet.

Even when used in spoken language, dragon language was difficult to understand because it encouraged rhetoric and had complex forms.

So it wasn’t a pleasant experience.

I often thought of the younger siblings I left behind on distant continents and across the ocean.

Are you growing well?

What happens if you come here and say you miss it?

Will the true dragons kick you out because you are in training?

“First of all, you must know yourself. “You must look into the origin of your life.”

I feel sorry for my younger siblings, but I thought about my father so desperately.

Memories of the worlds we visited together came back to me as clearly as if it had happened just moments ago.

But it seemed like it wasn’t just a simple longing… … Something is strange.

Wasn’t there someone else at every moment?

‘Who is it?’

Red hair that looks like a blazing flame, just like you.

Amidst the harsh cold days, he always smiled confidently, pressing his forehead to his forehead… … .

The shape is unclear, but its presence is so cozy and certain… … .

‘I don’t know who it is.’

* * *

The Edea Peninsula, where the fairies reside, was truly a mysterious and unexplored place.

“Yonghyeon Lane Ludwig, the Presbytery has approved your visit. But it’s just you.”

The fairy race had nine tribes.

The self-esteem of the fairies, whose progenitors were the primates who first helped the gods during the age of the gods, was extremely high.

The first descendants, the fairies, called themselves that and considered themselves the heirs of the gods.

“Open the Tyrende floodgates.”

Of course, not all fairies were the same.

The white fairy has a noble appearance and a skin color whiter than milk, and is the most numerous. It belongs to 5 tribes.

A blue fairy who lives near the water and rules the waterways with her blue hair and transparent skin. It belongs to 3 tribes.

They opened numerous special economic zones in the name of openness and reform, and are now exerting a wide-ranging influence on the political and financial world of humanity.

In contrast, the Black Fairy, who occupied the northern part of the Edea Peninsula, maintained a closed and mysterious stance.

Black fairy.

Guardians of old traditions and servants of the World Tree.

In short, it is extremely unusual for them, who reject even fellow fairies, to allow entry into the port.

However, since I was the only one allowed, I had to move from the merchant ship to a barge and then use my telekinesis to row the oars.

Disappears, the jungle blocking the way. And a pier made of fresh greenery woven like a rope appeared.

Five black fairies wearing dark green cloaks and carrying recurve bows were waiting in front of him.

“My name is Aeseolkina. As the one hundred and twenty-fifth attendant, I have been tasked with guiding you to the World Tree.”

The land of the black fairy had the image of humanity treating nature with love, not desire.

Mansions were built on trees, and each was connected by a suspension bridge.

There was no structure that harmed nature, and the fairies acted like animals.

“I heard that you were blessed by the Black Sun, so this child will follow you.”

Is this a legendary elk?

It is much larger than a deer, and its three or four-pronged horns show off its formidable power as a guardian of the forest.

I heard that black fairies ride elk instead of horses, and it was true.

“Can I really ride it?”

“of course. That’s why I brought you here. Nemetes. “He is a very gentle child.”


As her eyes lit up, Aethelkina stroked Nemetes’ head and whispered something in fairy language.

Then the elk bent his legs. Riding that elk and walking through the sacred forest path was an amazing experience.

I wish I could have come with Aki and Nen… … That was a shame.

Because there was no proper social infrastructure, it took nine days to walk through the forest to reach Lake Yerranata, where the World Tree was located.

“You are different from other fairies.”

“What does it mean?”

“That thing that’s unique to other fairies… … No arrogance. And white fairies and blue fairies don’t use bows because they say it’s cowardly.”

Aethelkina, who was setting up a hammock between tree branches for camping, answered expressionlessly.

“It is impious to have blood on hands that should serve the gods. “We are a tribe of priests, and such things are not tolerated.”

I had a lot of questions, but I couldn’t ask too many questions because the atmosphere wasn’t one that allowed questions.

It’s really hard… … .

The dark fairies treated me as someone who had faced the truth, and I felt like they expected me to be treated with dignity befitting such a person.

By the time 9 days had passed.

Suddenly, the roof of leaves that had broken the sunlight and scattered them on the ground disappeared.

Finally… … The forest is over.

Is this a huge vacant lot?

Is the World Tree in front? Would it be possible to meet Mir even for a moment?

As I was thinking that, I saw the back of a man kneeling beyond me.

While he was doing something, the fairies, including Aethelkina, knelt down in front of him and showed their respect.

“I brought the dragon sage.”

“You can just leave.”

The man looked back, flapping the long sleeves of his robes and clasping his hands together.

The sacred intimidation of that moment… … .

Although it is fundamentally different from the gigantic beings of the abyss, it is just as powerful and has a bright presence.

“Your nickname is Yonghyeon?”

“… … ?”

“That’s interesting. When the gods anointed me as a judge, the nickname they gave me was Cheong-eun (靑恩). “Let’s check with each other.”

Confirming it.

Before even asking what.

The judge of Qingyun clasped both hands while reciting a sacred scripture, and at that moment, the power of the gods was embodied on this earth.

Gwanghwa (光華).

Silver flowers blooming countless times.

Dazzling swirling waves of flowers filled the stream that was thought to be an empty space and rushed towards it.

“We, the Firstborn, can handle all the miracles of the gods, unlike you humans.”

For a moment, the flower tried to bind my ankles, shins, wrists, and my entire limbs.

“Asura Real Soul Sutra.”

A fantasy dragon soars through the sky. A sacred wave emanating from the golden dragon’s head.

At the end of that light.

The flowers that were fluttering vigorously soon lost all their petals and eventually fell helplessly.

When Asura’s other two dragon heads glared at the magistrate of Cheongeun, the magistrate waved his hand and chuckled.

“What an incredible power. That’s enough. “They must have been sure who each other was.”

what… … .

It was absurd.

“Can’t we just talk?”

“With this one sum, I have confirmed that you are Yonghyeon, and you have confirmed that I am a disciple of Cheongeun. Isn’t this more efficient than a few words of conversation? “Abyss is good at deceiving others.”

Cheongeun’s magistrate kissed the ring.

It was a gem bluer and clearer than any water in the world. When we kissed, gentle ripples rose over the jewel.

As soon as that happened, the world that was thought to be an empty space was scattered with light particles. My heart started pounding.

It was not an empty lot, but a lakeside.

Then this place… … .

A tree rose above the lake in a beautiful shape.

Up close, a tree so large that it cannot be captured at a glance. The leaves rustle regularly as if the tree is breathing.

Even without anyone explaining it, I knew it right away just by its precariousness and appearance. It’s the world tree.

Crucially, doesn’t it have the same energy as Baekchang-gung Serwebon? And above all… … .


A pure white child sitting on a branch of the World Tree and reading an old scroll of ancient dragon sayings.


Clear eyes wavered amidst pure white eyelashes, and then jumped down from the branch.

The lake was so vast that the shore on the other side could not be seen, and the depth of the water was also unknown… … .

Mir seemed to be approaching this direction at a trotting pace, creating quiet ripples, but then he suddenly stopped.


Then, he changed into the form of a dragon, climbed up a tree branch, and took on the form of a dragon again.

And then again.

It came down from the branch and came towards me, as if it had no interest in anything, or as if it was extremely bothersome while reading, but moved reluctantly.

His eyes were focused on the scroll, but his sincerity was evident as he glanced up here every now and then.

The child… … .

Hiding your inner feelings… … .

And it was so sloppy… … .

It was so cute that I wanted to hug it, but since Cheong-eun’s official was watching, I thought it would be a good idea to preserve Mir’s dignity.

Just give it to me too.

Isn’t Mir Mirguardia, the white true dragon?

Just as the Gwangryong Orthodox Church was God’s representative to mankind, White Dragon was God’s representative to fairies.

Look at that. Didn’t Cheong-eun’s judge immediately kneel down on one knee respectfully?

So, after barely controlling my laughter by clearing my throat, I exchanged solemn reunion greetings with Mir.

“I came to see His Holiness Jerry Serika, where are you now?”

Mir shook his head.

And with a snap of his fingers, turtles with pure white shells lined up on the surface of the lake, opening the way to the World Tree.

The dragon is a being that reigns over all living things, so there is nothing surprising about it.

does not exist.

Yeah, it shouldn’t be there.

I felt like I was getting a glimpse of my growth in just one month, so my heart swelled and my shoulders strengthened.

Hey, guy… … .

It looks like the corners of your mouth are going to be torn. What should I do?

“You are currently in a dream world. “If you want an audience, you must enter the world of dreams.”


“There is a way to touch the World Tree with a body part. “Most efficient for humans.”

Err, I don’t know.

After blocking the judge’s gaze with his back, he messed up his hair for the first time in a long time and turned it into a swallow’s nest.

Ugh… … He only let out a short voice at the strong touch, but was as calm as before we parted ways.

In fact, he seemed to like it. Since you don’t show your emotions on your face, the truth is out there.

“Then I’ll come back.”

I stepped on the turtles’ shells and walked towards the World Tree.

It’s a dream world… … .

After taking a deep breath, I heard Mir’s warning as I placed my hand on the trunk of the World Tree, where warm breath was flowing.

“You have to be careful. The world of dreams is fundamentally a primordial world. “If you stay too long with the human spirit, you can become a target of the abyss.”

I should have taken that warning seriously back then. So as not to be caught in the king’s abyss… … .


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