The Rebirth of the Hero’s Party’s Archmage Chapter 16

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Episode 16

has a system called a club to promote student exchange and competition.

For quick understanding, let’s first look at three examples.

1. Combat magic club.

2. Fire attribute magic club.

3. Festival Magic Club.

A club is formed when students with the same goals and motivation gather together, and if they find an advisor or instructor and obtain approval, they are recognized as an official club and even receive a fee to support their activities.

“Wow, there are more places that are better than I thought.”

A stall in front of the school main building.

As I was stroking my chin and looking at the promotional posters for the club that decorated the stall, quite a few interesting places caught my eye.

▶Adventure Magic Club:

1. In connection with the Southern District of the Adventurer’s Guild (Alliance), after completing basic training, you can actually cooperate with adventurers and go on missions.

2. An opportunity to receive advice from seniors who have actually become adventurers!

3. It is more fun to live freely than to live a life confined to a magic tower!

Oh, you’re an adventurer?

I thought it looked fun at first glance, but it is one of the most popular clubs with fierce competition as the number of students applying every year is fierce.

“Didn’t you hear anything from Lord Ludwig? “The descendants of the Madose family must enter here?”

Of course, I didn’t have time to quietly check out the club, but that was because of this Christa Warden who was sticking next to me like a piece of gum.

“That won’t be a problem.”


“My father won’t care where I go.”

“That can’t be right.”

When I answered half-heartedly and tried to turn my attention to Dajabo, Gertrude Panton opened her mouth next to Christa.

“The Magic Volleyball Club is a royal club. It is a place you must enter for the glory of Madosega. “You can think of it as close to an obligation.”


“The time when Cavern Ludwig and Madelia Page were members of the Magic Volleyball Club is called the golden age of . “He won the championship several times with Super Ace.”

In most cases, there is only one club per subject, but the magic volleyball club called the Royal Club was an exception.

This game of volleyball with magic balls was a pastime that only those with overwhelming talent for magic could enjoy.

In order to set up, spike, or receive a magic ball, you had to throw your body like a volleyball each time, and in addition, you had to do magic calculations in your head.

Traditionally, there was one club for the Madose family, one club for the eight major schools, and two clubs for medium-sized and minor schools.

‘It’s a duty… … .’

It seemed that being born as a nobleman was not necessarily a good thing. Whatever I do, obligations follow me like shackles.

“The sculpture magic club looks more fun than that, and is this the local development magic club? Oh, what is this?”

One day, somewhere in the desert in the chill of the night, while I was on watch and reading a book, I remembered what Rista, who came and sat next to me, said.

– When the world becomes peaceful, people will be able to do even a little bit of what they want to do. Now many people are struggling to survive… … .

Certainly, in that era, magic was focused solely on the field of combat, so it was difficult to find academic diversity.

Even before the long summer began, that is, ever since I was a child, a strange sense of war had been hanging over the world because of the Black Church.

At that time, I was turning the pages of the book without showing any particular reaction to Lista’s words, when I suddenly remembered what Lista had said as she placed her hand on my head.

– Later, in the world where Rin becomes an adult, there will be rich forms of life. She wants Rin to protect those lives.

What do you protect? It seems like everything went well for the 300 years I was gone… … .

At that time, I touched the top of my head where Rista’s hand had touched, but I could not feel the unknown warmth that Rista had again.

As I turned away from the desert of the past and the stall with a bitter smile, I heard a disconcerting voice behind me.

“… … You heard me right, right? young master? “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to visit the local magic club here.”

Gertrude was so dumbfounded that she sighed as she glared at the back of the boy who was walking away while waving his hand.

‘There’s no way he wouldn’t know that magic volleyball is an essential skill even at social gatherings among high-ranking wizards.’

Are you doing this because you don’t have confidence?

It is true that magic volleyball requires overwhelming talent, but… … However, it makes no sense for Sega’s descendants not to come in.

‘The glory of the Ludwig family, which has competed side by side with the Madose family and the Page family for 100 years, may end with Lane’s generation.’

As realization reached that point, a smile of conversion appeared on Gertrude’s lips.

‘Page’s eldest daughter disappeared after some kind of incident. And Ludwig’s fall… … Now, Christa is opening the era of the Warden.’

And the moment he looked back at Christa, the master he proudly served.

“… … ?!”

Gertrude blinked.

There wasn’t.

Christa Warden… … Where have they disappeared to? Are you sure you’re following in Lane’s footsteps?

* * *

“I was just curious what the local magic club was like.”


“I never followed you. “Do you understand?”

“Okay, okay.”

This was already the fifth time I heard it. Lane sighed.

The local development magic club was located on the third floor of the Yonglong Hall (龍烿館), the western annex. From what I heard from Krista, it’s not a very good location.

The door was half open, but even though I was trying to knock out of courtesy, I was startled by the shouting that came out.

“I can never give up this club! “How can we accept such ridiculous conditions!”

It was a thin male voice.

It was a voice that was as frightened as it was very excited, but the voice of the man receiving it was so relaxed that it seemed arrogant.

“The strong one becomes the ruler. I heard that these are the rules of the club. What do I have to do? “You know better than me, right?”


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This voice… … ?

As Christa raised her eyebrows warily, Lane looked at her with eyes demanding an explanation.

“I don’t know? It’s Logan. Chaihak’s Review Index.”

“Chaihak school… … .”

“What do you know? “It’s a school that specializes in producing only Wing-type wizards.”

“Who doesn’t know?”

There are three main schools of magic use.

One is Remidier.

It means ‘those who read’.

A school that builds a magic square, assigns runes, and calculates mathematical equations using pencils, and then uses magic using drawing paper as a catalyst.

Most southern wizards fall into this category, and the advantage is that the entry level is easy, but the disadvantage is that the ceiling is low, so they cannot advance to a higher level.

Another one is Wing.

It means sending out the body, and this school focuses on martial arts rather than magic.

This is a type that draws a magic square on the body and then activates it as needed to strengthen the body.

Naturally, they were once called heretics among wizards because their main focus was close combat.

The Slade family and the Chaihak school can be said to be the representatives of these Ging-type wizards.

The other one is Bargante.

It means finger.

By making a hand seal in the shape of a rune, the process of building a magic circle and granting runes is simplified, showing an overwhelming advantage in casting speed.

Of course, because the runes and magic squares are simplified, there are quite a few shortcomings in terms of power.

Unlike the South, which pursues technique and art in magic (Northerners call all humans south of Eleanor the Southerners), all Northern magicians who pursue practicality are the Bargante type.

For reference, the Northern Osarius School, famous for producing Archmage Lin, represents these Bargante-type wizards.

Still, these three major schools all had one goal: the Jorgen type. Jorgen means ‘the thinker’.

Those who have reached the point where they can use all magic through mental calculation are called Jorchen. If you weren’t a Jorgen type, you couldn’t even get the rank of Archmage, let alone Sage.

However, can we say that Jorgen is the exclusive property of a very small number of people who are truly born as geniuses?

So, most southern wizards are satisfied with the Remidier type, and northern wizards are satisfied with the Bargante type.

Those who want to become stronger easily and quickly may learn all three schools and train in a way that only takes advantage of them.

“So, let’s have a magic battle and clearly determine the winner? “Since you don’t have the guts to join a senior, isn’t that why you’re offering him the best possible offer?”

“… … !”

“Local development in the first place? Why do you need a club like this? “Who knows?”

Looks like we’re in some trouble. Lane asked with his eyes what kind of situation this was.

“It’s not that unusual. The number of clubs is limited. “As much as the number of insolvencies.”


“So, if you want to create the club you want and there are no vacancies, you can use your magic skills to suppress other clubs.”

Christa added, as if it were obvious, that ‘s educational philosophy of unlimited competition also applies to clubs.

“Are you saying everything can be solved with magic?”

“Isn’t it good?”

“That’s right.”

It certainly doesn’t seem like a bad approach.

If survival is determined by a struggle of strength, you can’t neglect your studies or club activities. I guess I’ll have to work a few times harder.

‘So it sounds like that guy from the Chaihak school is trying to take over this club to create a new club… … .’

Then what… … I refuse to get caught up in troublesome matters. Just figure it out on your own.

‘I didn’t come to sign up in the first place, I just came because I wanted to see if there was something… … .’

As I turned to leave without any regrets, the man shouted in a voice that suppressed his fear as much as possible.

“You fellow scholars of the Eight Great Schools will never know until the day you die, but magic is not all about mathematical research or the development of academic societies!”

“Hmm, then what do you have?”

“Magic has still not been properly incorporated into relief projects such as farming or civil engineering work!”


“If a system where such people receive magical help is established, the poverty problem may be easily solved! This is a club established by seniors to study just that! “You can never hand it over!”

At that time, that one cry, that sound, an echo that seemed to have returned from the past, grabbed Lane’s feet in an instant.

“Ha, sir… … .”

Lane frowned, scratched his head, and eventually let out a deep sigh. They nag me until I die… … .

“lane? hey.”

And then I turned towards the club room. The conversation was continuing inside.

“Hahaha! Are you sincere? If such a thing were possible, archmages and wise men would have done it a long time ago!”

“… … !”

“I wonder what kind of face you make when you say you can’t even protect a club against a first year student.”

“I, I, am saying that that type of magic is not everything!”

“If you win, you can win the magic battle. Are there so few talented people? Well, the manager is like this—”

“—Okay, let’s do it. “Magic War.”

It wasn’t the club manager’s voice that sharply interrupted Logan.

The manager’s eyes widened as he was pushed against the wall, his glasses half broken, and Logan’s brows furrowed as he looked back.

“you… … .”

It’s not like I’m trying to help a stranger or do something unbecoming like that.


Then why are you doing this?

To be honest, at this time, I couldn’t even interpret the reason for my own actions. No, it’s just that you know but don’t want to admit it.

– Magic can really do anything.

One day during the journey, an oasis was created in the desert using water magic to cool off from the heat and replenish drinking water.

In front of a bonfire in the desert, Rista started the conversation with these words before telling me to protect the abundant form of life.

Of course, I responded indifferently.

-Not anything. There are a lot of things I can’t do.

– Still, imagine that an ordinary fisherman received the benefit of the same thing just now. Would you say the same thing as me?

In fact, it was a question I had had ever since I started learning magic.

If magic is so great, why was I born in the slums? If this kind of power exists, why are there poor people and thieves in the world?

– Lynn, can I ask you one favor?

– What?

– After the expedition is over, can you make me some magic? Magic that even ordinary people can easily use if they learn how to use magical power.

On any given day, a farmer can shed a small tear of relief, and a fisherman can let out a small exclamation of joy, the kind of magic.

– Lynn, make it with your own hands.

What flashed through my mind as I was about to leave the club room was the smile Lista gave me that day. and… … .

“A new member who just joined.”

The boy didn’t know at that time.

What is truth? … .

Little by little, step by step, my intelligence as a great wizard who had searched for the truth in the past was getting closer to the truth.


– You can inherit your ‘unique magic’ research progress in the surrounding environment.

– Progress 37.1% => 37.9%.


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