The Northern Grand Duke’s Crazy Son-in-Law Chapter 93

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Episode 93 Dad

‘It’s broken.’

Palho let out a sigh as he looked at the wizards who were over thirty in number.

Originally, wizards had strong pride. Now, such wizards were quiet. Their faces were wrinkled.

Even though they all rushed at him, they couldn’t even touch the hem of Galahad’s clothes, so the shock was bound to be great.

He gave her a perfect defeat and recommended the Magic Tower – it was a plan that was so meticulous that it was scary.

The wizards who were pushed north had no choice but to follow Galahad.

The problem was that their momentum was completely broken. Galahad seemed to think of them as nothing more than miners who were digging for magic stones, so it didn’t really matter-.

‘It’s a bit of a shame.’

Galahad was a man who did not lie. He said he would build a tower, so he will build one.

They were the wizards who were supposed to enter that tower. It was not good for the will of those wizards to be broken. It was a matter of efficiency.

It took will to grow the magic tower.

at that time-.

“You rotten academy professors! You only taught me useless magic!”

Corton shouted loudly. Palho frowned at the sudden blaming of others. Why would he blame the Academy professor for his loss?

“It’s the fault of the professors who only taught useless magic! They just wanted someone who could make magic tools! It was strange when the professors took special care of Galahad! It’s clear that they taught only Galahad real magic! They are the ones who caused this defeat!”

Corton was blaming others, his blood boiling. How could someone who graduated long ago blame the professor? Palho was slightly shocked.

“But now it’s different! Even the professor can’t cover my eyes! My eyes are newly opened. Go away, shell! You can’t stop me anymore!”

Corton really seemed to think that his defeat was due to the Academy professors. There was a resonance in his desperate anger at the establishment.

Blaming others was sweet. In this desperate situation, it was even sweeter.

“To pass on your teachings to a mere magic stone-. How arrogant. Galahad! I will make you regret this day!”

Corton shouted, flashing his pickaxe. One by one, the wizards grabbed their pickaxes because of his desperate actions.

“Shell, get away! Hahahaha!”

Palho was truly impressed.

‘We should promote Cotton to the president of the society.’

If you come out of Dawn, let Dawn take Corton away.


‘I’m really angry.’

The fox mask glanced around and clicked its tongue.

The 6th Battalion was a place made up of pointed buildings. Soldiers were lying prone on all sides. They were as hard as stone and did not move.

‘The ruler-.’

The ruler’s power exerted absolute influence over those below him. The six battalions without a leader could not stop him. Numbers were meaningless before him.

The fox mask rolled its eyes and moved inside the castle.

There were several corpses that had been stabbed to death. They were knights. They seemed to have raised an aura and resisted. The result was dismal. There were soldiers cut in half all around them.

‘You pushed your colleague in.’

It was truly a dirty way of acting like a ruler. The fox mask clicked its tongue slightly.

Eventually, the 6th Battalion was taken over.

‘How do I do this-.’

The fox mask’s head twitched at the ruler’s movements.

The ruler was not a card that could be easily discarded. The ruler’s power was quite useful at times. Even now, it was obvious. When dealing with the majority, there was nothing better than the ruler.

The way to resolve the situation was to give Galahad to the ruler.


‘He’s the guy who writes karma.’

It wasn’t exactly karma. If it was real karma, the space would have melted and flowed away the moment he took it out.

It wasn’t karma. It was magic that mimicked karma. It wasn’t real, but it wasn’t something to be ignored.

That’s why it was more of a problem.

He was a wizard, but he wasn’t a demon. He was imitating karma -. That wasn’t light at all.

Because the failure that the first wizard spoke of is being denied.

‘What the hell is that guy doing?’

The fox mask squinted at the sharpest tower.

The ruler liked high places. As expected, the ruler was on the highest tower.

The ruler was sitting on a chair made up of people. Behind him, the demons were lined up. It was the ruler’s proud collection.

He looked like he was ruling a kingdom, but his face was full of anger.

“You still haven’t caught it?”

The ruler asked in an irritated voice. The fox mask nodded at him.

“Because I’m with the Archduke.”

“Isn’t the Archduke already tied up?”

“Sometimes I let the leash go.”

“I’m not afraid of him.”

It was a vain bluff. The ruler’s power only applied to those below him. When he met someone of a higher rank, he was powerless.

The Archduke was clearly above the ruler. No, the Archduke was a monster without a position. It wasn’t for nothing that the fox mask moved cautiously.

However, there was no need to provoke the ruler. The ruler, who was in the form of a child, was difficult to hit. If you poked him for no reason, you could make matters worse. It was better to appease him as much as possible.

“But since I’ve teased you, you’ll be out soon. Just bear with me a little longer. I’ll bring you out right away.”

“Hold on! Ha!”

The ruler jumped up from his seat.

“Do you know what baton that bastard took?”

The ruler’s voice was low. At that, the fox mask squinted its eyes.

“I know. It’s the key.”


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“Yeah, but you want me to be patient?”

The ruler’s momentum pressured the fox mask. The fox mask let out a small sigh.

This guy and that guy···.

The fox mask’s gaze turned to the ruler. The ruler’s movements suddenly stopped.

“Yeah, I understand you’re upset because you lost your keys.”

The fox mask’s eyes tightened. The ruler’s shoulders distorted. The ruler’s eyes crinkled slightly.

“But did I lose it? It was you who got hurt. You stupid bastard.”

The ruler grimaced. The demons behind him took a step forward. Boom-. A heavy sound rang out.

The fox mask shook its head.

“Let’s do it moderately. Moderately. Who wouldn’t bring it?”

“You absolutely must bring it.”

The fox mask nodded at the ruler’s heavy voice.

“All the guys that were with me-. I’ll put them in my collection.”

The ruler’s head turned. There were demons and monsters standing there. They were expressionless, like stuffed animals. Bad taste. No, is he clever? The fox mask sighed.

“Yes, Adrianna, you can’t. Do you know why?”

The ruler nodded.

“Because it’s a sacrifice.”

“Yes, because it is a sacrifice.”

“It is not he who waits, but he who reigns.”

With that, the ruler sat back down. One of the people below him pulled out his tongue. With a loud thud, the person burst. It was a pointless venting.

“You took my baton-. Yeah, you have a good eye for it.”

The ruler muttered softly.

[It’s a souvenir.]

The fox mask held back a laugh.

As expected, it’s fun.

My interest kept growing.

It was a chronic disease of the fox mask.



Galahad squinted his eyes as he held out his golden staff. He looked at the tip of the staff to gauge the distance.

‘Is this it?’

When I held the end of the golden rod and extended it, it was the range of spatial magic.

I was continuing to practice spatial magic, but its power and distance did not increase.

‘The higher the mana concentration, the longer the range.’

It was a conclusion reached after several practices. Right now, Galahad’s limit was the length of a long golden staff.

‘How thick is the mana of the guy wearing the fox mask?’

No, it wasn’t just a matter of concentration. Unlike Galahad, who was only good at crumpling up space, the Fox Mask moved freely through him.

The reason why that is possible is-.

‘Because the blood of the Demon Tribe is thick with mana.’

That would be the way it was applied.

‘He is a wizard. A very good wizard at that.’

Galahad was convinced once again. It didn’t make sense for even a high-ranking demon to move so freely. It was highly likely that he was using mana compression.

‘Is teleportation impossible?’

Even though Galahad possessed a high concentration of mana, it was not engraved in his blood like the demons. Human mana was located around the heart.

‘If it’s possible because the Demon Race has a high concentration of mana in their blood-.’

Galahad pondered the premise for a moment, sweat running down his forehead and down his nose.

Within a short time, an appropriate conclusion was drawn.

‘I guess I should also have a high concentration of mana in my blood.’

It was a neat conclusion. It was a question of whether it was possible or not.

‘Come to think of it, I left the research to a branch of the 5th Great Black Magic Society.’

When I followed Corton to the 5th Battalion Branch of the Black Magic Society, I thought back to the people I had met.

‘You said Shern and Parnthal, right?’

Considering that it didn’t come out during the last incident, it was likely that it was still being researched.

Since you must have been researching while drinking the blood of the Demon Tribe, the results would have come out by now.

‘I should stop by sometime.’

Thump! Thump! The egg of pain trembled violently.

“Human blood and demon blood are different! It’s extremely dangerous!”

“You’ll never know until you try it.”

“You’re crazy! Oh my! It was a secret? You should’ve told me that in advance! I’m sorry.”

It was true that human blood and demon blood were different.


‘You’re reacting quite violently.’

Thump! The egg of pain trembled slightly.

It was obvious why the Egg of Pain was reacting so violently.

When Galahad’s blood becomes thick with mana-.

‘Because you are no longer needed.’

Thump! Thump! Thump! The pain in my chest pressed hard against my heart.

“I’m so sad!”

‘It’s okay, you can’t stay here forever.’

Thump! Thump! Thump!

“I like it here! They give massages diligently and they don’t eat junk food either-.”

‘Are you still taking care of it?’

Thump! The egg of pain shook violently. Urgency rose up inside me.

“At least let me watch it until it hatches? Oh, are you hatching?”

Hatching? Galahad’s brow furrowed at the strange word.

Hatching-. Galahad suddenly remembered the little Adrianna he had seen in his dream.

“If Galahad gave birth to you, are you the father? If he gave birth to you, are you the mother?”

“Gwen-, what are you talking about?”

At that moment, a sense of exhaustion welled up in me. A burning, terrible pain spread throughout my body. It was mana exhaustion.

The mana required for spatial magic was considerable. It wasn’t as much as hellfire, but it was enough to drain mana after four uses.



Gwen suddenly banged her head against the wall. Mana surged up through Gwen’s forehead.

Gwen’s mana was pure. It was as clear as the spring water deep in the mountains. The mana that had been depleted was instantly replenished.

Originally, it took quite some time to refill mana. For some, it took a week.

Even Galahad, who had been emptying his mana every day since he was young, took five hours.

Now, it didn’t take long since I was replenishing my mana by drinking the blood of the demons, but that method had side effects.

There were minor issues like the mind wavering, the pain egg becoming cocky, and the mana channels expanding.

However, Gwen’s way of recharging her mana was different. Gwen’s recharge was similar to Galahad’s natural regeneration of mana, but the speed was incomparably faster.

Even mana exhaustion was recovered. If getting high-concentration mana from the blood of the demons was the same as getting mana recovery from Gwen.

If you use both at the same time-.

‘I can continue to practice magic.’

Galahad raised the corners of his mouth deeply. What a wonderful environment this was.

“It looks like it’s in pain, but shouldn’t you recover first?”

“Are you talking about mana exhaustion?”

“Yes, that’s it. It’s shaking your body. If you ask for mana before it comes-”

That was correct. If you get mana before mana exhaustion, you won’t suffer from mana exhaustion.

However, if that happens-.

“Isn’t it less efficient?”


“To use you effectively, I need to use up all my mana and then recover.”

“Oh… It’s painful, isn’t it?!”

“I’m used to the pain.”

Gwen made a weary expression. Galahad ignored her lightly and focused.

As I concentrated completely, the surrounding noise disappeared.

My field of vision expanded greatly. I didn’t even blink. I compressed my mana as much as possible. The area around my heart felt tense.

Thump! Thump!

The Egg of Pain kept spraying mana. It was more enthusiastic than usual. It sprayed mana and pressed hard on the heart.

Of course, it was not an act that helped with compression.

The viewpoint was fixed on one spot. Galahad slowly held out the golden staff.

The easier the spell was to conjure up, the better. It was a spatial magic that required transferring a high concentration of mana at once.

“Box, cat, crack.”

The space a little distance away was rippling.

It was the same distance as before, but-.

“It got a little bigger.”

Galahad smiled coolly, pushing back his tangled bangs.

I immediately focused again. How many times did I cast my spell? – I stopped in excruciating pain. It was mana exhaustion.


Galahad sipped his water bottle and called out to Gwen. Gwen hit her head in frustration.

The pain was gone. Mana was full. Galahad nodded in satisfaction and sipped his water bottle.

As I tried to focus again, Gwen blocked my way.

“Is your nose bleeding?!”

“It’s okay. Get out of here.”

“I’m not feeling well! Let’s rest for a bit and then-.”


Gwen looked at Galahad. His already pale skin was pale. Blood flowed from his nose and his eyes were red from burst blood vessels.

Anyone could see that it was a dangerous situation.

I should have told him not to practice more here.

“It’s okay. I won’t die from this.”

Dying isn’t the problem!

Although it was absurd, Gwen couldn’t help but nod.

Because Galahad was smiling brightly as if he was really enjoying himself-.


‘Things are taking a strange turn.’

Bart, the 5th Battalion Branch of the Black Magic Society, bit his lip.

The Black Magic Academy originally worshipped ascension. For that purpose, the Black Magic Academy was not picky about anything.

But recently, the Black Magic Society has been acting strangely.

“Let’s work hard today too.”

“Did you pack lunch? You’ll be able to dig better if you eat a lot.”

The warlocks passed by, chatting away. They were holding pickaxes in their hands, which should have been holding spellbooks.

“What are you doing! Why are you mining for magic stones instead of magic?”

“Bart, haven’t you heard the news yet? The person who mines the most magic stones will become the president of the academy. You mine them too. You’ll become the president.”

A guy who has mined a lot of magic stones is the president of the academy! Does that make any sense? Bart chewed his lips.

Everyone was crazy. They were happy because they thought they would get money if they mined the magic stone and become the president of the society.

Not everyone went out to mine magic stones. Some continued their research quietly in the lab inside.


Bart rushed in at the terrible scream. Researcher Parnthal was rolling on the floor. It seemed as if something bad had happened, but Shern next to him was calm.

“How are you? Are you in a lot of pain? Was it too much for a mid-level demon? He drank it like wine-.”

“The coefficient! Five times that of the lower class-.”

The two looked at each other only after Bart coughed. Their gaze was strange. Something was off and awkward.

“Do you have a minute?”

“I’m busy. We’re doing research that the association has ordered.”

“······The main meeting?”

This meeting was a legendary story of the Black Magic Society. However-.

“The president of the society changed a long time ago. Since then, the society has become strange.”

“No, you don’t know. That’s fake. The real main body has not been revealed. To him, the blood of the demon tribe is wine.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“It’s better not to know.”

Parnthal spoke, shaking the clear glass. The demon’s blood was sloshing around. A lightning-shaped scar was visible on his wrist.

‘The condition of these guys···.’

Barton’s eyes narrowed. As he took a slight step back, the two suddenly approached him with brisk strides.

“You came at a good time.”

“That’s right, the research on the blood of the demons is now complete.”

“Human blood is also finished-.”

“Bart, do you know the difference between demon blood and human blood?”


“Human blood has no mana. Demon blood has a high concentration of mana.”

“What do you mean? There is mana in human blood.”

“No, to be precise. Not human-.”

Sherne looked up. Her eyes were red. Not burst blood vessels. Just red. Bart’s mouth fell open. What a hideous-.

At that moment, Shern’s mouth opened.

“There is mana in the wizard’s blood.”

“Okay, so here’s the problem.”

“Is the wizard human or demon?”

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