The Northern Grand Duke’s Crazy Son-in-Law Chapter 70

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< Demon City >

Hell of a story is now considered a ghost story.

It was a ghost story meant to make newcomers sit down in the dark of night and warn them of how terrible the Demons were.

The content of the ghost story was simple.

A huge city was destroyed by demons in just one night, and although the demons were later driven out, there were no survivors.

In the process, the once huge city was reduced to nothing but ruins, and no one visited it anymore.

There was a ghost story that if you happened to pass by, you would hear screams and laughter.

There was a city that completely disappeared, even after a landslide struck.

the problem is-.

“Hey, youngest, I told you to sing a song.”

It was said that a horror story more terrifying than Hell was unfolding right next to me.

Adrianna’s helmet was pointed at Tom. There was something urgent about it.

Tom’s hair stood on end.

“Didn’t you say that the youngest can’t speak?”

“Oh, that’s right. I thought you were just a quiet person.”

Tom stuck out his tongue at Gilbert’s nod.

Gilverton didn’t touch Damian or Gwen, but he kept touching Adrianna, perhaps because she was the successor to the knighthood.

“I will sing instead!”

Tom took out his instrument in a hurry.

‘You did well learning.’

Tom plucked the instrument, muttering softly. It sounded pretty good, as he had put in quite a bit of effort.

So much so that Gilbert turned his attention from the youngest to Tom.

Tom began to sing desperately.

Gilbutton seemed satisfied, as it became a little quieter.

Tom, who was even more enthusiastic about it, had no choice but to admit that he had underestimated Gilbert.

“Tom, the blind date, is singing, so the youngest one should dance. He has no tact.”

Tom couldn’t stand Gilbert’s tongue-clicking sound and let out a long scream.

“What a killer high note.”

Gilbert clapped his hands in admiration.

Thanks to this, Gilbert’s attention was turned to Tom again.

Tom sang and shook his hips while playing his instrument to get Gilbert’s attention.

It was the best performance of Gilbert’s life.

This place was practically an abandoned area, so it was easy to get lost, but Gilbert wasn’t confused.

It was thanks to the golden line extending from the knife.

The thick line stretched out long as if marking a path.

Even if I wanted to get lost, I couldn’t get lost.

“The hero of the North is not hidden by thick helmets – not even by thick armor!”

Plus, Tom sang and played music, so it was fun to take the reins.

Gilbert laughed and grabbed the reins.

At that moment, the golden line suddenly shook.

Its size was reduced in an instant.

Suddenly, the surroundings became dark again.

I didn’t notice it when the gold line wasn’t there, but when it disappeared, it was quite inconvenient.

At that moment, Gwen’s scream erupted from the carriage.

“Ah… no! I can’t do this anymore!”

“Then there’s nothing I can do. Say hello to Damien! Bye-bye! Damien!”

“No! Bye-bye- no! no!”

“Don’t worry! I’ll take care of your industrial accident compensation! You’ll also get a hefty retirement pay!”

“Severance pay…? Ah… No!”

The golden line became clear again.

In fact, it has become longer than before.

‘What on earth are they doing in there?’

Gilbert took the reins.


“You’ve worked hard.”

Galahad patted the stretched-out Gwen and got out of the carriage.

A cool breeze cooled Galahad’s heated spirit.

The refreshing, moist air tickled my nose.

‘A city erased by the demons.’

Galahad looked around, recalling the explanation he had heard from Tom.

As described, the remnants were everywhere. Broken pillars and walls were scattered here and there. Looking at the foundation alone, it was thicker than the capital city, but it was worn down in places as if it had not survived the passage of time.

Among them, the few remaining pillars that seemed to be holding on weakly proved their former strength.

Although they were only traces of fallen or bare foundations, they were truly magnificent as they stretched out long and wide.

With snow piled up on top of it, it looked quite splendid.

‘What a wonderful tomb.’

Galahad put a tobacco stick in his mouth.

‘It’s disconnected.’

Galahad fiddled with the knife. There was no response even when he injected mana into the knife.


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It was clear that something had happened to the target’s medium.

“Where are we going now!”

Gilbert asked in a high voice. Galahad lit a cigarette. The smoke mixed with his breath drew long lines.

“I have to look for it now.”


Galahad waved his hand and looked around.

The tracking magic suddenly stopped. Something was definitely wrong.

Galahad waved his hand and scattered mana. He scattered it quite far, but there was no response.

‘You broke my tracking magic-.’

The tracking magic that connects one medium to another is a very sensitive magic.

If there was even the slightest abnormality in the medium, it was easy for it to become distorted.

Experienced agents have layered magic on hand to prepare for such instances.

Galahad’s tracking magic was threefold.

‘There was no response at all.’

It was as if Galahad’s tracking magic had been erased and disappeared.

It was one of two things. Either the opponent’s magical skills were superior to Galahad’s, or it was the power of the Demons.

‘I guess it’s the latter.’

“Sir Gilbert, would you mind going up there?”

Galahad pointed to a pillar standing tall among the fallen ruins.

“Yes? Yes.”

Gilbert climbed up the pillar without asking why. Despite his armor, he was quite nimble. From a distance, he looked like a beetle.

Gilbutton, standing at the end of the pillar, looked around.

“There’s nothing! It’s ruins! Ruins!”

Even though it was an abandoned city, it was within the patrol range. If something had been seen with the naked eye, it would have been caught on patrol.

The button was raised for confirmation.

‘Did it stop here and move? No, if it did, there should be traces of a medium.’

Galahad quickly reviewed the situation.

Seeing as there was absolutely no trace of the medium, it was clear that Damien still had it.

But I can’t track it.

“That’s strange.”

“What are you talking about?”

Gilbutton, who had returned without notice, asked. Gilbutton’s forehead was covered in sweat.

“There’s no trace at all. Did it ascend to the sky?”

“Hey, there’s no such thing in the sky. I checked.”

Galahad winced at Gilbert’s confident answer.

The moment I was about to say something to him-.

“I checked it myself. It definitely doesn’t exist in the sky. If it went down to the ground, it went down-.”

‘Fell into the ground-?’

Galahad muttered softly.

It was surprisingly plausible.

If he had gone underground, that would explain why there were no traces left behind.

“I see, it was underground.”

“Huh? No, I’m joking.”

“I am serious.”

Gilbert made a strange expression.

“Are you selling land?”

“No, we have to find the hidden passage.”

“I hid it, how can I find it?”

“Oh, I didn’t realize what Sir Gilbert might think.”

“······Are you kidding me?”

“That is correct.”

Galahad waved his hand to silence Gilverton.

“If the demon is underground and has done something to erase my tracking magic, then their mana concentration will be high. The demon likes high mana.”

“Aha, I see.”

“Do you understand?”

“Yeah, something like that-.”

“Sir Gilbert, you wrinkle your nose when you lie.”

Galahad clicked his tongue and snapped his fingers. The mana arrow appeared. He vaguely remembered its size.

If there was a separate passageway used by the demons, and if there was something there that could nullify tracking magic, then the mana concentration would definitely be high.

“No, when will I find this?”

Gilbutton grumbled softly. It was funny, but it was true.

The area of ​​the ruins was too large to find a passage by comparing the mana concentration with mana arrows. On the other hand, time was short.

At that moment, a stupid helmet came into view. It was Adrianna.

Adrianna was feeding the horse. Even though she was wearing gauntlets, her hands were careful about touching the horse.

‘Oh, there was Adrianna.’

Galahad remembered how he had taught Adrianna how to detect magic.

“Sir Gilbert, did I ever tell you?”

“What are you talking about?”

“The youngest is Gaeko.”


“It’s really dog-like.”


Dalgrak. Dalgrak. Dalgrak-.

Adrianna, wearing a stupid helmet, ran around hard.

Its running speed was faster than that of most horses.

Running at that speed, you can check your mana concentration.

Galahad exclaimed in admiration.


Adrianna stopped in front of the most intact pillar among the thick pillars scattered here and there.

It was a collapsed structure on both sides, centered around a pillar. It looked like a door, but there was nothing behind it.

It looked like something that could just be passed over as a strange fall, but the mana arrow on Galahad’s finger was a tiny bit smaller than before.

‘I really found it.’

“Good job, youngest.”


Gilbert tapped Adrianna on the shoulder. The stupid helmet looked at Tom urgently. Tom turned Gilbert aside.

Galahad looked inside the pillar. There was something painted on it that looked like a painting.

At first glance, it looked like graffiti, but strangely enough, it had the shape of a magic circle.

‘This is… amazing.’

The principle of the magic circle is followed, but the shape is drawn so that it looks like a picture. This is not a simple magic circle, but a work of art.

‘It looks similar to the magic circle of a demon trainer. Is it a remnant of the Jema War?’

It was similar in form to that of a monster trainer, but its basis was completely different.

It was a new magic circle I had never seen before. I was very excited.

It seemed that this was the cause of the tracking magic being cut off.

It was an old-fashioned magic circle, but it was even more difficult to understand when it was decorated in the form of a picture.

Even Galahad had difficulty understanding it. Galahad analyzed it using his experience interpreting the magic circle of a monster tamer.

‘It’s a magic circle that opens with the blood of the demon tribe.’

This magic circle required a higher concentration of blood than the monster trainer’s magic circle.

That is, he demanded the blood of the demons.

‘The northerners will never get in.’

In the first place, the North didn’t even know what a magic circle was.

If it weren’t for Galahad, I would never have discovered it.

I opened one of the canteens Adrianna had given me. There was a cheerful sound and a disgusting smell of blood.

Thump! Thump!

‘Didn’t you just eat?’

Thump! Thump!

‘If you keep doing that, Adriana will do this to you.’

Galahad, who had silenced the Egg of Pain, poured the blood from the water bottle into the magic circle.

The demon’s blood painted the magic circle red. Then, the magic circle vibrated slightly.

Galahad stepped back slightly, with Adrianna guarding in front of him.

“It’s sturdy.”


Then the space between the pillars was pushed away. Gugugu! A dark space appeared with a sound of stones scraping.


“Found it.”

The stairs were wide enough for four men to walk side by side.

The dark staircase looked like the entrance to hell.

Galahad snapped the tobacco with his fingers.

The first cigarette rolled in, brightening up the darkness.

The cigarette that had been rolling for a long time has died down.

“I guess this is a real city of demons.”

Galahad recited a joke, but no one laughed.

Galahad clicked his tongue slightly as he took out a new pack of cigarettes and put them in his mouth.

I looked back briefly.

The stiff members were visible.

“I will speak alone from here on out. From now on, you are all mute. Sir Gilbert, didn’t I say you were mute? Shut your mouths.”

Galahad raised the corners of his lips at the silence of the crew and stepped onto the stairs.

How long had he walked? He felt a presence ahead. Galahad, who had gathered mana, snapped his fingers without hesitation.

A low groan was heard, accompanied by a small sound.

Galahad spread his mana, grasped the shape, and advanced.

A demon was lying on the ground with an ice pick stuck in his neck. Even though his neck was pierced, he had no expression on his face.

‘You’re a lowest-level demon.’

Galahad grabbed the back of the man’s neck and held his arm with his foot. Blood poured out. A foul smell filled the air.

The demon looked up at Galahad. There was not a trace of fear in his eyes.


I heard air escaping.

“That’s wrong.”

Galahad placed his hand on the demon’s temple and cast a mental spell. The demon’s eyes became hazy.

“Is this the city of the demons?”


The demon’s eyes were distorted. It was a mental barrier again.

‘You’re quite prepared for the mental realm.’

However, it was something that had happened once before.

Galahad dug his fingers into the bastard’s temple without hesitation. He felt an unpleasant resistance as one knuckle went in.

Kkeuk-. The demon let out a soft groan. Pain rose in his mind.

“Is this the city of the demons?”


“Are there any humans inside?”


“I see, have you seen the group carrying the skinny boy?”


Galahad quickly sorted out the situation.

After finishing the calculation, he pulled the devil’s scruff of the neck.

He asked right in front of the demon’s eyes.

“Do I look like a demon?”


The guy sniffed and nodded.

At that moment, the demon’s head swelled. Galahad clicked his tongue and took a step back.

A stupid-looking helmet appeared in front of Galahad.

It was Adrianna.

Bang! The flesh burst with a loud sound and was sprayed. Adrianna, who was in between, was hit directly, but she did not waver at all.

“This is an interesting situation.”

Galahad wiped the blood from his forehead.

‘You think I’m a demon.’

It was most likely because of the Egg of Pain. Judging from the way he sniffed, it was either because he drank blood or-.

Either one would have been more than enough.

Plus, there are humans too.

‘The demons can bring humans in.’

At that moment, the stupid helmet stared at Galahad.

Galahad nodded, taking a deep sip of his tobacco.

The calculation is complete.

“It looks like I’ve really come to the city of the demons.”

A fragrant lemon scent wafted through the air.

The stupid helmet clanked. Adrianna had a distinct personality, so I could guess what she was talking about.

“Should I go back and ask for support?”


Galahad glanced back. Gilverton was holding his sword firmly, Gwen was so nervous that she was weeping, and Tom was holding his shield.

Although their expressions were different, there was no sign of them backing down.

Adrianna’s suggestion that we should ask for support was valid.


“I’m sorry, but I can’t afford to wait for support. And I can’t completely trust the Archduke.”


I could feel the confusion beyond the stupid helmet.

“Ah, to be exact, I mean you can’t trust the eyes and ears of the Archduke. No matter how careful the Demons are, the Demon City is a different story.”


The stupid pitch just stopped.

It was a bit of a risky story, but Galahad trusted Adrianna’s character. No, he completely understood it.

At that moment, Gilbutton raised his hand. Galahad nodded, clicking his tongue slightly at Gilbutton’s pout.

“You can talk now.”

“If you look at the security from here, it’ll be even tighter down there.”

It was a question that did not suit Gilbert.

From the magic circle to the demons standing in front of the entrance – they were very wary of intrusion.

How to get through him-.

“There is a way.”


“Okay, everyone, focus.”

Galahad shook off the tobacco. Everyone’s eyes were fixed on him at the same time.

“We’re in front of the Demon City. It’s probably dangerous. If anyone wants to go back, they can. Yes, Gwen. Tell me.”

“Is Damien inside!”

“There is a high probability that it will happen.”

“Bad devil! Go now!”

Galahad laughed softly at Gwen’s curious shout.

“Okay, everyone, hold out your wrists.”

Galahad tilted his water bottle against the wrists of his men.

“After rubbing your wrists, bring them under your ears and rub them.”

So that the smell of blood spreads very thickly.



Tom swallowed dryly as he looked around.

A huge monster passed by, growling, a little distance away.

The problem was that he had to act calmly even with the monster right next to him.

It wasn’t just monsters.

‘Is this all the demons-?’

There were pretty and handsome people everywhere. They all had flashy appearances and were neatly dressed, but they had no expressions. It was as if they had no emotions.

All Tom could do was keep his eyes down as much as possible.

Gilbert had his sword half drawn. Adrianna was also holding the hilt.

Everyone was very nervous, but Galahad, in the lead, was relaxed.

I even exchanged greetings with the demons from time to time.

The monster escaped Galahad.

Eventually, we arrived at a huge door. It was a door carved from thick stone, and its surface was covered in strange patterns.

“I want to steal it.”

Tom swallowed dryly at Galahad’s serious monologue.

There was a huge two-headed monster in front of the door, and the demon threw something at the monster as if feeding it.

It was flesh. Blood was dripping down.

Tom desperately suppressed the nausea rising in him as the monster ate it with such relish.

The demon who was giving flesh to the monster turned his head this way.

It was a demon who dressed neatly like a nobleman. However, there were skulls hanging from his waist. It was as if a nobleman was showing off his jewels.

Galahad approached the demon without any hesitation.

All eyes were focused on me at the same time.

‘It’s the end. It’s really the end.’

Tom screamed inwardly.

Galahad and the demons stood face to face.

The monster next to the demon sniffed at Galahad. Then it stepped back slightly.

Galahad looked at the demon and greeted him leisurely.

“You’ve had a hard time.”

As if greeting a guard at the gate.

‘······Is that the plan?’

Tom screamed inwardly, gripping his shield tightly.

Gilbutton drew his sword.

My heart felt like it was going to burst from the rising tension.

at that time-.


The demon bowed his head and opened the door.

“Thank you.”

Galahad passed through the door without incident.


< Demon City > End

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