The Northern Grand Duke’s Crazy Son-in-Law Chapter 41

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41. Flowery speech

Where is the upper-level demon?

There was a slight stir at his remark.

Devlian waved his hand to silence the surroundings. Then he raised the corners of his lips and asked.

“A high-level demon? I don’t know where you heard that.”

“Oh, was it too urgent? Then······. Well, I guess the reason you waited for me was because of the letter from His Highness the Grand Duke.”

As the bastard reached into his bosom, the knights on both sides drew their swords. Clang-. A sharp sound was heard, but the bastard didn’t even blink.

“This is a letter from His Highness the Grand Duke. You guys are so sharp.”

He clicked his tongue as he looked at the sword aimed at his neck.

He was right. The reason I waited for him was to confirm the order he received from the Archduke.

“That’s right. I heard you received an order from the Grand Duke-.”

“Oh, Your Highness the Grand Duke. How dare you call yourself the Grand Duke?”

Devlian frowned at the nitpicking. The captain stared at Devlian. His eyes seemed to ask, Are you going to let that go?

Devlian shook his head.

The banquet hall was filled with people from this side. The chosen knights and wizards, the preparations were perfect.

There was no need to get angry at someone who was going to die soon. There was no need to rush.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Oh, right. I’ll let it slide just this once. Be careful next time.”

Devlian chewed his lip slightly. He was quite good at getting on people’s nerves.

“Okay, I will convey His Highness the Grand Duke’s orders! Everyone, bow your heads. Well, no one is bowing. Well, I’m not that strict either.”

“Hey, he cleared his throat.”

“I told you to stop the demons, but you f*cking bastards are now attached to the demons! Oh, the word ‘damn’ is highlighted.”

The guy bent and straightened his index and middle fingers.

The atmosphere turned cold in an instant.

‘He’s really crazy.’

Devlian was purely amazed.

“If you want to be forgiven, bite your tongue and die.”


“Why are you angry at me? I just read it.”

As the deputy commander suddenly stood up, the bastard raised both his hands in an exaggerated manner. The deputy commander’s face became distorted.

“It’s a childish provocation that will lead to death soon, so calm down. It’s a good day.”

At Devlian’s words, the captain sat back down, exhaling hot breath.

“There’s one thing I’m curious about.”

Devlian looked at the man and asked. The man twirled his finger as if asking a question.

“There’s a story about a monster being caught with magic.”

Devlian asked what he had been curious about.

The other wizards held their breath. Killing a monster with magic-. What kind of insubordination is that?

“Well, what kind of monster are you talking about?”

Devlian frowned at the man’s answer.

That meant that the monster he caught wasn’t just one.

‘Tsk-. Are you bluffing?’

“The demons aren’t that difficult. The problem is the demons. Do you know that the blood of your demons contains a high concentration of mana?”

It was a famous story even in the Black Magic Society. It wasn’t for nothing that the Demons were revered as blessed beings.

It was an interesting story. Devlian nodded. The other wizards also leaned in slightly.

“Yes, because the blood has a high concentration of mana, most magic doesn’t work on it. Mana flows from places with low concentration to places with high concentration.”

The wizards nodded simultaneously. The man’s voice had a strange power that made them concentrate.

“So, in order to use magic on the demons, you have to compress your mana to the max. The demons are definitely the natural enemies of magicians.”

“Did you really catch the demon?”

A wizard asked incredulously. The man nodded.

“Concentration is the key. You need to compress the mana.”

“Mana compression?”

“You don’t even know what compression is?”

There was a brief silence at the man’s question.

“Oh, my God.”

A look of obvious contempt appeared on the man’s face. Devlian replied with a frown.

“Why compress the mana? We have a magic stone staff.”

All the wizards nodded at Devlian’s words. The man sighed deeply and shook his head.

“Well, then it would be in the North. I understand.”

The wizards’ faces crumpled at the man’s mutterings.

Devlian couldn’t stand it anymore and jumped up.

“This guy is going too far with his eyes!”

Devlian’s staff was aimed at the man. Other wizards also grabbed their staffs. The knights drew their swords. The atmosphere became tense in an instant.

The man showed no sign of being discouraged. Instead, he clicked his tongue even louder.

“You don’t even know what a wizard is, and you’re still calling yourself a wizard when you don’t even know how to compress mana.”

The man pointed his finger at the wizards and scolded them.

“Mana compression is only necessary for you, the chosen one.”

At that moment, the wizard near the guy kicked his arm.

The evidence of choice, the magic circle left behind by the first wizard, was clearly engraved.


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The man grabbed the wizard’s arm. He didn’t seem to care about the sword pointed at his neck. In fact, the sword retreated slightly.

“Is this the magic circle left behind by the first wizard? It’s certainly interesting.”

You know the first wizard. Devlian squinted his eyes. He realized the identity of the feeling of foreboding.

“You captured a crow.”

“Similar. Could you turn your arm? I can’t see it very well.”

“Stop! It was weird when he showed up alone in the conference room. He was just crazy.”

“Well, there’s one thing I’m curious about.”

In the midst of the ominous atmosphere, the guy raised his hand.

to the end-.

‘No, you shouldn’t get involved.’

In this situation, getting angry would have been more like talking back to the guy.

Devlian nodded, trying to suppress his annoyance.


“Usually, if someone comes here alone and lies down like this, wouldn’t you suspect that there’s something there?”

Devlian chuckled at the bastard’s question.

What is there-.

If you look at the free time, there might be something hidden.


“What can you do?”

Devlian looked around and asked.

There were more than ten chosen knights, and eight wizards carrying staffs.

What can he do here?

“Well, with such fancy words-.”

Colorful speech-?

Devlian frowned at the strange answer.

Soon the sense of foreboding became clear.

“I can tie you up.”

The man snapped his fingers.

A noise I had never heard before came in.

The sound of weapons clashing, someone screaming, the sound of shouting.

Just then, someone came in, roughly breaking down the door.

“Knight- Gilbutton!”

The knight was in disarray, but his eyes were sharp. He swung his sword.

The knights who had their swords aimed at Galahad quickly retreated.

Beyond the broken door, a chaotic corridor was visible. Soldiers and knights were mingling, exchanging swords.

A boy holding a sword upside down cut the soldier from top to bottom. A scream erupted and red blood sprayed in a long line. Another soldier stabbed the boy with his sword.

at that time-.

“These damn kids.”

The phoenix smashed the soldier’s head. The old man came in, swinging the red phoenix.

He was the captain of the 7th battalion who was locked up in the basement of the Black Magic Academy. How on earth······.

‘This crow-.’

“Devilian! Didn’t you say you took care of the captain!”

“This little brat-. Are you going to deal with it?”

“Damn it! This is not what we promised!”

The captain shouted, avoiding the old man’s eyes.

In an instant, the room became a mess.

People stood behind the guy.

A boy, a woman in a maid’s outfit, an old man with a staff, a knight in a stupid helmet, a soldier with a shield, and even a knight. The composition was so diverse that I wondered how they had assembled it.

‘You came alone and made a fuss to kill time-. You can completely block out the noise by spraying mana? Is that possible?’

Devlian was purely amazed.

It was an action that went beyond boldness.

It hadn’t even been half a day since he arrived.

In the meantime, he rescued the 7th Battalion Commander and came in himself to buy time. How dare he make the situation like this.

It was so amazing that I wondered how they did it.


Everyone stopped at Devlian’s scream.

“That’s great.”

“I’m actually pretty good.”

“Yeah, that’s great. I admit it.”


“Do you think I believed in crows?”

Devlian raised the corners of his mouth.

“Thank you for doing our work for us.”

They laughed at the sight of the red blood on their bodies. It wasn’t just Devlian. The others laughed too.

The knights drew their swords. The ashen light slowly spread. The ominous aura expanded its territory. The number of chosen knights, stronger than the common knights, exceeded ten.

There were two executives, including Devlian, and eight useful wizards. They were all chosen ones.


Suddenly, a cool feeling came. The evidence of the choice tattooed on my wrist responded.

A translucent shield appeared in front of Devlian. The ice picks blocked by it scattered. The cold shards tickled his cheek.

“This is cowardly······.”

Devlian squinted his eyes and shouted.

“What a pity.”

Devlian tapped the ground with his staff, his appetite waning.


The ceiling collapsed violently.

A giant tentacle that broke the ceiling struck them down.

The old man threw him into a stick filled with aura. The tentacles collided and shattered the wall behind them. The tentacles struck again without stopping.

Just as the knight wearing the stupid helmet was about to step forward, a guy named Gilbert stepped forward.

The place where they were was pushed by the tentacles and collapsed.

The cool night air that came through the collapsed gap swept across Devlian’s face.

“Will only a high-level demon be allowed to attend the launch ceremony?”

The place where they had been was in ruins.

Devlian stood at the end and looked down.

I was looking forward to seeing what kind of expression that cocky bastard would make.

He was hugged by a knight wearing a stupid helmet.

Looking up-.


Was laughing.

Devlian felt a strange chill at that smile.


“You prepared more than I thought.”

Galahad looked up and clicked his tongue.

Six giant tentacles were moving around the castle. Each one was terrifying in size and power.

At that moment, the stupid helmet came closer. Blue eyes were visible beyond it. It seemed to be checking if Galahad was okay.

“Okay, can you give me a lift?”


Adrianna gently put Galahad down.

“It’s similar to that time. It basically feels like they forcibly brought up a higher-level monster.”

Gilbert said, frowning.

It seemed like he was talking about the demon thing he saw during Palho. It definitely felt similar.

“Oh, if we let something like that out, wouldn’t it be dangerous for them too?”

Galahad frowned at Gilbert’s soliloquy.

It definitely didn’t feel like I was in control. But the tentacles were pointed towards me, not towards them. As if they couldn’t be seen.

‘Ah, I guess that’s what they call choice.’

It seemed like it had something to do with the magic circle of the first wizard.

At that moment, gray fireballs flew in from far away. There were more than ten of them at a glance, and their momentum was unusual.

It wasn’t the kind of thing a wand-dependent fake wizard would throw around.


Galahad squinted his eyes and flicked his hand. Sparks shot out rapidly.

The spark aimed right at the center of the fireball, but instead the spark disappeared.

‘High mana concentration?’

Galahad compressed the mana and bounced it back.

Only then did the fireball disperse, but at a slow rate. The concentration was calculated in reverse from the speed of the dispersion.

‘The mana concentration is quite high. And the casting speed is short. Why?’

Galahad snapped his fingers repeatedly, pondering. Unlike before, he had to compress the air, so he was short on time.

“Crater of explosion!!”

Gwen’s fireball hit the last one. Gwen’s magic didn’t dispel it, but it redirected it. The ashen fireball landed behind her.

The earth shook as ash spread throughout the land.

‘Not good.’

Galahad opened the lid of the water canteen.

“These guys are coming down!”

At that moment, the old man shouted. The knights with ashen hair came rushing down, their speed considerable.

“Knight- Gilbert-!”

Gilbert stepped forward, introducing himself. The old man followed him, swinging his staff. Damien moved.

‘It’s not easy.’

From demon creatures and demon knights beyond the highest level, to wizards armed with staffs and magic circles left behind by the first wizard.

The power was considerable.

There was a reason they were taking it easy.

Things weren’t going well.


Adrianna tapped my helmet.

‘There’s Adrianna over here.’

Galahad raised his head.

The giant tentacles were waving ominously.

“Can you handle that?”


“What if this is a devil’s paradise?”

Adrianna was silent.

“Well, I guess we’ll need reinforcements.”

Galahad muttered, looking up at the cloudy sky.

Shouldn’t we have arrived by now?

The stupid helmet shook.

“There is something like that. Okay, let’s go.”


‘What the hell is that guy doing?’

Devlian’s eyes were crumpled.

This one was using a staff inlaid with a high-grade magic stone and even a magic circle left behind by the first wizard.

I was confident I could beat any wizard.

Until I met him-.

He was breaking their magic with just a snap of his fingers.

It was an unbelievable situation if you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes.

‘It wasn’t for nothing that the president of the association was on guard.’

But, it was like that anyway.

“Expand your sanctuary.”

Devlian gestured behind him. The members of the academy were moving busily.

Beyond the broken wall, a huge magic circle was drawn. It was a magic circle that had been painstakingly created. Magic stones were piled up like a mountain on top of the magic circle.

These were the magic stones that the Black Magic Society had collected so far. How much would they be worth? It was impossible to put a price on them.

He inserted the giant staff into the magic circle. The magic circle made a strange sound and emitted light.

at that time-.

“Ugh········· Euaaaah! Please save me!”

The guy next to the magic circle couldn’t avoid it and was sucked in.


Devlian muttered a curse and stepped back.

The magic stones turned to ash. A foul, pungent smell filled the room, and soon it spread harshly.

It was the legacy left by the first wizard. The magic stone turned to dust and scattered like ash.

The ash quickly swelled the area.

Devlian covered his mouth and nose.

The ash that began to spread became thicker as it sucked in the blood.

Soon the area was filled with ash.

It was a sanctuary.


The monster howled harshly. It was filled with joy.

Devlian trembled at the power in that voice.

Even though I knew for sure that they were on the same side, their presence was so huge that it was scary.

It couldn’t be helped. It was a top-tier monster. What would happen if such a monster entered the sanctuary?

He was now an unstoppable disaster.

Devlian looked at his forearm urgently. The magic circle he had carved was burning red.

‘It’s working properly.’

The ash grew stronger. The chosen knights howled like monsters.

The existence of the opponent was erased from Devlian’s mind.

Once the sanctuary was activated, there was absolutely no chance of them winning.

Even if that Adrianna comes-.

“This is the beginning of a new era.”

This was just the beginning.

Devlian looked around with hot eyes. The other members of the academy were looking at Devlian with eyes full of emotion. Hot tears flowed from their eyes.

Devlian nodded at each of them.

At that moment, I suddenly felt something strange.

The number was exactly right.

‘······I’m sure one got sucked in earlier?’

Devlian looked again.

As expected, the numbers were the same.

‘is not it?’

At the very end-.

“Oh, I got caught.”

The guy was smiling brightly.

It was so bright, as if something really happy had happened.

“Your eyes are asking how I got here.”

The guy raised the corners of his mouth and rolled up his sleeves.


“I got one too.”

The seal of choice was clearly engraved.


Devlian’s thoughts stopped.



Tom sat down at the terrible scream.

The giant tentacles writhed violently as if in joy.

The thick fog took my breath away. An uncontrollable fear rose from deep within me.

I didn’t even have the strength to move my fingers.

What good would it do?

That great despair is howling-.

The thick ash scattered, engulfing the great despair.

The castle was shattered. The ground was turned upside down. The earth shook violently.

It was not something that could be resisted.

at that time-.

A white light flashed.

There were those who cut through the thick ashes and advanced toward great despair.

It was Adrianna, the hero of the North.


How can you proceed like that?

A crunching noise was heard from next to me.

Something that had been a knight, now a monster, was approaching Tom.

Revealing a hostility filled with ashes-.

Tom stared at him blankly.

Not a single finger moved.

The monster opened its mouth wide as it looked at Tom.

Through it all, the knight’s face appeared. He was drooling as he looked at Tom.

When I got right up to you-.

“It’s the yard-.”

A deep voice was heard, like the howling of an animal.

At that moment, the guy who was approaching suddenly disappeared.

A thud, a small sound was all.

The monster, having lost its strength, fell down.

“It will be a feast just like he said.”

The Archduke moved forward, chewing on a tentacle that he had pulled out at some unknown time.



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