The Northern Grand Duke’s Crazy Son-in-Law Chapter 115

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Episode 115: Savage

‘You knew I’d reject you.’

Theodore muttered, looking at the Archduke’s upturned lips.

‘Then why did you create this place?’

As he pondered, Theodore remembered that the Archduke had also summoned Galahad.

Even though I knew I would be rejected, I made the offer.

‘To show Galahad that the United Kingdoms also want Adrianna.’

The Confederation of Kingdoms was a power that was considered second only to the Empire and the North.

Such a union of kingdoms saved even those with little mana, in line with Adrianna.

If we show Galahad the active steps of the Kingdom Union, it will put considerable pressure on him.

That’s a pretty shallow move for an Archduke to make, though-.

‘Because it involves Adrianna.’

Adrianna also wants to unite the kingdoms. Do what you want. – This is probably a warning.

It would be quite effective against the brilliant Galahad.

“Not this-.”

A look of confusion appeared on the face of the King of the United Kingdoms, Farhansta, as if he did not know how to refuse so firmly.

It was a natural story. The North was in a situation where it had to fight off the Demons on its own without any support from the Empire.

As if that wasn’t enough, the Empire chose the count’s third son, a sorcerer, as Adrianna’s match. The backlash was natural.

Actually, there was a lot of backlash at first.

Overcoming it was simply-.

‘It’s Galahad’s ability.’

Theodore was amazed again. Thinking back on it, it was amazing.

“Haven’t your relationship with the Empire soured? I heard they’ve cut off support now. Unlike that stupid Empire, the Alliance of Kingdoms respects the North, which protects the continent from the Demons. If it weren’t for the Empire’s eyes, they would have supported us.”

Farhanstha continued speaking urgently.

The Archduke laughed softly. The conference room shook slightly. Some soldiers staggered and shook.

To think that he could have that kind of presence just by smiling-. A look of disgust appeared on the knights’ faces.

“Are you different from the Empire?”

The Grand Duke looked at Parhanstha and asked.

Parhansta’s long white beard trembled.

The atmosphere became tense as if it would explode at any moment.


As the Archduke clicked his tongue, the tension disappeared in an instant. Parhansta’s face turned pale.

“He was poking around here and there.”

The Archduke spoke softly.

Parhansta was poking around here and there in the north as if he was looking for something. The Grand Duke pointed him out.

“There is someone looking for you.”

Farhanstar admitted it surprisingly readily.

Curiosity rose in the Archduke’s eyes. So did Theodore. The King of the United Kingdoms was looking for someone in the North. He couldn’t help but be curious.

“There was talk that he was in the North.”

Theodore became curious about his opponent. What kind of person could he be that the King of the United Kingdoms would come all the way to the North to find him?

“Who is it?”

When the Grand Duke asked, a look of concern appeared on Farhansta’s face.

Parhansta nodded after thinking for a moment.

“A man named Kerkek.”

Kerkek? Theodore frowned at the unusual name.

“He was a warrior from a fallen barbarian tribe, but his skills were truly outstanding. His bravery was beyond words-.”

Farhansta’s eyes were filled with regret. Just talking about him made the corners of Farhansta’s mouth quiver.

The Grand Duke snapped his fingers. Farhansta hesitated and then continued.

“I first encountered him on the plains. At first, I was bewildered by the blatant savagery. Where did such a savage come from? But isn’t his skill incredible? I brought him here because I valued his skill. But it wasn’t just his skill. He was so intelligent that he learned to speak right away.”

Farhanstha coughed softly. He seemed to be too old to even speak for long.

However, Farhansta’s eyes sparkled.

“I thought he was the blood of the great chieftain, a legend among the barbarians. It’s a story that barbarians often tell. His intelligence, which sparkled like a star in the night sky, grew brighter with each passing day.”

Farhansta coughed harshly. A person who appeared to be a doctor next to him hurriedly helped Farhansta up. Farhansta pushed his hand away.

‘To think that you would come looking for me in such an old body.’

Who the hell are you? – Theodore’s eyes narrowed.

“Kerkek was a man who knew ten when taught one thing, and a man who could see a hundred when told two things. He was brave like a barbarian, and was clever with the wisdom of the stars. He saw through all the other kingdoms’ moves. He blocked more than a hundred moves.”

Farhanstha kept talking. Speaking in that old voice, it felt like listening to a fragment of a legend.

The content seemed to have piqued the Archduke’s interest, so he nodded.

It was a rare reaction for an archduke.

“Thanks to Kerkek, our kingdom was able to establish itself as the center of the union of kingdoms. We held a grand banquet for him, but that night he suddenly disappeared. Without a trace, just as he had appeared. No, like a mirage in the night.”

“You didn’t just abandon me like a dog after the hunt?”

Farhansta’s face was scrunched up in confusion at the Archduke’s question. It was as if he had been insulted.

“Throw it away! Kerkek is not a soul that belongs to anyone! He is a free soul of the plains that cannot be bound by women, wealth, or honor!”

Farhanstha’s answer was firm. The Grand Duke laughed heartily at that.

“Why are you looking for the soul of the free plains?”

Farhansta shut his mouth tightly. Then he let out a deep sigh and nodded.

“Because I need him.”

Farhanstha’s voice was firm.


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“It’s Kerkek.”

The Archduke showed rare interest.

A man as rough as a savage, yet as clear-headed as the stars in the night sky, not entangled with money, women, or fame.

According to the description, he was the best man in the North.

“So where did you put Kerkek?”

Farhanstha asked, narrowing his eyes.

“It’s the first time I’ve heard that name. I’d like to meet you too.”

“I’ve heard that the situation in the North has been improving rapidly recently. If it’s Kerkek, then it’s possible.”

There was a strange atmosphere surrounding Farhansta’s words.

Certainly, the situation in the North had improved thanks to Galahad. It was strangely similar to the Union of Kingdoms.

no way-.

“What about this guy named Kerkek?”

“He is very brave, as befitting a barbarian. His appearance is quite rough, but his face is handsome. He would not eat without alcohol, and he would not sleep without a woman! According to the woman who slept with Kerkek, he was so virile that he lost consciousness the moment he was hugged!”

Theodore felt a little relieved at the very candid explanation.

Aside from being outstanding, isn’t he the exact opposite of Galahad?

And the name was Kerkek. It was a name that sounded like a choked-up sound.

At that moment, the conference room door opened. Galahad came in with his hair neatly combed. Everyone’s eyes were instantly drawn to him.

Galahad looked around the room.

The Archduke, the King of the United Kingdoms, and Adrianna were sitting around. It was obvious what this situation would show.

Galahad was a clever man. He would have understood the situation without me having to explain it to him.

‘The Kingdom Alliance also wants Adrianna-.’

Galahad would know the value of uniting the kingdoms. It must have been quite a burden.

In fact, Galahad’s expression when he entered the room was not good. His face looked somewhat uneasy.

The corners of the Archduke’s mouth went up fiercely.

At that moment, Galahad’s mouth opened.

“Long time no see.”

It was a sudden message. The direction was also strange. It wasn’t a greeting directed at the Grand Duke.

‘King of the United Kingdoms?’

Galahad said to Farhansta.

“Long time no see-?”

Parhansta’s eyes widened as he muttered. His wrinkled eyes sparkled. His aged mouth gaped open. Parhansta sat up abruptly.

“Ah, Kerkek.”

A look of joy came over his face, as if he had met an old friend. Farhanstha ran out of breath. One of his shoes came off and rolled on the floor.

“Oh… where have you been! Your appearance has become so clean! What kind of trouble have you been through! Kerkek, the star of the savages!”

Farhansta took Galahad’s hand.

The two of them seem to be resolving a long-standing issue.

The corners of the Archduke’s mouth hardened.

‘······Galahad is the savage Kerkek?’

In a completely unexpected situation, a subtle atmosphere hung in the air.

Only Farhanstha smiled brightly.


The largest mission Galahad undertook was to save the princess.

The longest mission was to divide the kingdom into two.

Splitting the Kingdom Alliance was a solo mission. The objective of the mission was to approach the Kingdom Alliance and cause a split.

Galahad then approached the smallest kingdom among the confederation of kingdoms.

It was a more difficult path than the other kingdoms, but in Galahad’s eyes, all the kingdoms of the United Kingdoms were the same.

Rather, it had the advantage of being smaller in size and thus more free to move around.

The problem was the resentment against the Empire. Galahad disguised himself as a barbarian. There were quite a few barbarian groups around the United Kingdoms, and he was the least suspicious.

There was no need to even invent a past. If you just pretended to be clumsy and ate raw meat, they would consider you a savage.

Galahad elevated the smallest kingdom in the confederation of kingdoms to the position of the leader of the confederation of kingdoms.

It wasn’t just Galahad’s ability. The kingdom’s ability was better than expected, which also played a part.

Since it was the smallest in scale to begin with, it was also the least subject to restraint from other kingdoms.

The friction and strife that arose during the process greatly shook the union of kingdoms, and the mission ended in success.

After completing his mission, Galahad returned, as always, erasing all traces.

I thought that was the end of it.

They were the ones who rose to the center of the alliance of kingdoms in the first place.

Just as a dog that has finished hunting is eaten, it was clear that Galahad’s presence would be burdensome.


‘I didn’t know you’d find it yet.’

Galahad clicked his tongue as he looked at Farhansta sitting next to him. He even came to see me in person.

“The Kingdom of Jeanne has recently raised a complaint. They say that the benefits they receive from the Union of Kingdoms are less than what they receive from the Union of Kingdoms. When the drought came a few years ago, how much did we help them? What should we do?”

Farhansta asked Galahad as he had done in the past. Galahad smiled bitterly.

“Please pass on the figures for the support received by the Kingdom of Jeanne to the kingdom that has recently paid the most money.”

“Oh, I see! Then we will keep each other in check! As expected, it’s Kerkek!”


I heard a faint cry of a monster. I turned my head and saw the Archduke glaring at me with a ferocious face.

“I heard the story.”

Parhansta spoke in a low voice. He seemed to be speaking quietly, but the other party was the Archduke and Adrianna. There was no way they wouldn’t hear.

“It doesn’t matter if you worked for the empire. Let’s go together.”

Farhansta’s proposal was unexpected.

‘They figured out that I’m from the intelligence agency.’

You could probably guess the purpose for which he approached you.

But it doesn’t matter-.

‘There’s a problem with the union of kingdoms. And it’s a problem so big that the king himself has to take action.’

Galahad’s eyes narrowed.

There were quite a few reasons to suspect it. The biggest one right now is-.

‘Because the prince is dead.’

This might be what the Third Prince was after.

At that moment, I felt a murderous sensation. It felt like I was in the jaws of a beast.

When he raised his head, the Archduke… no, the high-ranking demon was glaring at Galahad.

‘Did you intend to alarm me?’

Galahad quickly deduced the current situation.

The Archduke seemed to have intended to give Galahad a warning.

The Archduke’s petty plans were ruined when Farhansta welcomed Galahad instead.

‘That’s actually good.’

Whatever the internal circumstances, Parhansta participated as a representative of the Union of Kingdoms.

It would be better to raise the ransom when possible.

“Would you like to elaborate?”

Galahad turned slightly towards Farhansta.

Galahad spoke manly, his back to the ground.

Can I go to the Kingdom Union?

“Oh, you’re saying the obvious! I’ll tell you in detail what’s happened since you left! Let’s go where we need to go instead of staying here!”

While Parhanstha was making a fuss-.

Suddenly, a murderous sound was heard.

It was the Grand Duke.

“The meal is finished.”

The Archduke spoke softly. It was clearly an order to banish the guests.

“I haven’t even lifted a spoon yet······.”

I shook the spoon gently, but it didn’t work.

“Let’s all get out.”

The Archduke gave a short order.

It was a firm order with no gaps.

Galahad clicked his tongue slightly and stood up. The others were already leaving.

Farhansta, on the other hand, ran towards Galahad.

“Kerkek, you’ve been busy lately. You’ve really been busy. You’ve already decided to withdraw from the Kingdom Union-.”

Galahad shook his head slightly at the babbling Farhansta. The story of the union of kingdoms was not something to discuss here.

Farhansta’s aged eyes were filled with regret. It seemed as if his mind was in danger.

That would make sense. You must have been through a lot.

‘So that’s why you came looking for me.’

Galahad’s eyes deepened.

at that time-.

“You stay.”

The Archduke’s murderous voice grabbed Galahad by the back of his neck.

He turned his heavy neck and saw the Archduke’s ferocious eyes fixed on Galahad.

“No! Kerkek!! No! How did you find it!”

Parhansta cried out desperately. Parhansta resisted, but was dragged away by the others of the Kingdom Alliance.

They were comically watching the Grand Duke’s expression.

At the Archduke’s brief command, everyone went outside.

In the end, Galahad was left alone to face the Archduke.

The Archduke stared at Galahad silently. His eyes were not just fierce, they were vicious.

Even though I was just staring at it, I had the illusion that the air was getting heavier.


The Archduke said something out of the blue.

‘Farhanstha blew everything up.’

They say that as you get older, you become more talkative.

“Everyone has a past, right?”

“In the past.”

The Grand Duke laughed heartily. The floor shook with each laugh.

“It seems like he’s been desperately looking for you.”

The Grand Duke tore at the meat. Blood spurted out from the meat. A foul smell filled the air. It was monster meat. He said the meal was over-.

“Because I am so capable.”

Galahad answered lightly, picking up his fork and knife.

There was a brief silence. The room was filled with the rough sound of the Archduke tearing at meat.

The Archduke insisted on leaving Galahad alone. Galahad muttered quietly.

‘Are you worried that I might fall?’

It was an action unbecoming of a Grand Duke, but-.

‘Because Adrianna is weak.’

It was clear that Farhansta had provoked the Grand Duke.

Then Galahad opened his mouth and wiped his lips.

“Don’t worry. I plan to stay by Adrianna’s side.”

The corners of the Archduke’s mouth went up roughly. Looking closely, it was a smile.

“I’m not worried.”

The Archduke’s voice was quiet. Red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. It soaked his rough beard.

“Because I killed them all.”

The Archduke’s mouth was wide open. There were huge fangs embedded in flesh.

‘Please floss your teeth.’

Galahad frowned.

However, it was a lie to say that he wasn’t worried. If that were the case, he wouldn’t have left Galahad behind.


Galahad put the meat in his mouth and let out a sigh.

‘It’s already difficult like this.’

There are still many guests left to come.

Even Parhansta was one of the weaker ones.

“You’re a savage.”

The Archduke muttered again.

Galahad couldn’t understand why the Archduke kept talking about barbarians.


“Damn it! How dare you drive like that and get lost again! You red-faced old man!”

The old man in the white robe swung his cane in anger. The old man in the red robe, hearing the sound of the red, squinted his eyes.

“How many times have I told you that horse-drawn carriages are useless in this snowy place! Weren’t you the one who insisted that you could go? You idiot!”

“You can melt snow with fire! If you received red! If you’re going to do that, return the red! It should be the color of poop!”

“What?! sh*t color?! You son of a bitch! You do it!”

The old men fought fiercely, even swinging their canes.

The young man standing a little distance away squinted his eyes.

The elders of the Magic Tower are such big shots that they fight over such trivial things.

‘Why did the elders of the four great towers come all the way to the north?’

The young man’s magic tower was not much different. He couldn’t move because of the empire’s request.

[Galahad is up for sale?! I must catch him! I must!!]

The master of the tower emphasized to the young man several times that he must catch Galahad no matter what the conditions were.

‘What on earth is this guy Galahad?’

Wasn’t he just a top graduate of the academy? Why was everyone making a fuss about a wizard whose career had been cut short after that? The young man couldn’t understand.

“Look carefully! This is red!!”

At that moment, a fierce heat was felt. The old man was spitting fire from his staff. The fire was so strong that the piled up snow melted and flowed into water.

The young man opened his mouth wide.

“Red is a disease! Did you get the red color with just that much piss?!”

“What the heck, pee?!”

The old men continued to fight.

“Galahad promised to come to me!”

“I licked your lips first! You senile old man!”

As if they were keeping each other in check.

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