The Martial God who Regressed Back to Level 2 Chapter 417

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<Mushin Returns to Level 2 Episode 417>

Gilgamesh is asking for cooperation to eliminate Pythia.

This is a strange situation.

‘Pythia’s condition became strange after the last succession ceremony… … .’

Pythia said that she didn’t know why she was the reigning constellation, and her condition became strange after that.

There hasn’t been any contact from them these days.

Perhaps instead, Gilgamesh realized that he had been deceived by the god of war and said that he would cooperate.

‘They haven’t sent much information so far, but suddenly they want to eliminate Pythia.’

Pythia and Gilgamesh.

Both are ultimately servants of the God of War, and are ambiguous beings to trust.

In some ways, this proposal is also a trap.

[Even if they suddenly say we should eliminate Pythia, it’s hard to believe it. Please tell me some context.]

[I have a lot of doubts. I’ll show you what happened.]

Jiiiing… … .

Then, a link appeared in the message window.

The phone owner, Yoon Se-ah, looked wary as she saw it.

“Can I press this? “Isn’t there some malicious code planted there?”

“… … “No matter what, would Gilgamesh, the constellation, plant malicious code?”

“uncle. “You have to be careful about things like this.”

“okay. Then I’ll just press it on my phone. “I barely use it anyway.”

Seong Ji-han took his cell phone from the room and entered the link.

Then the video played.

Inside, the God of War was flashing two red lights in the darkness.

[Why did you call me? According to the four people, they were diligently keeping the managers’ watchers in check.]

[Something more urgent has come up. Gilgamesh.]

[What’s going on?]

[Humanity receives an invitation to the Arena and seeks to evolve one step further.]

[What’s the problem with that? Isn’t that a good thing?]

[It would be good for you, the king of mankind. As the situation grows, the supervision of managers becomes more intense… … .]

After humanity was upgraded to a lower race, black and white administrators narrowed their surveillance net as if they had been waiting.

If humanity is upgraded to intermediate level, the administrator’s observations will become even sharper.

But Musin’s next words were unexpected.

[I will fulfill my promise to you in advance. Let me go down to the ground with Pythia and take the laboratory back.]

[that is… … Is it true?!]

[Yes, Pythia. You show him where the laboratory is.]

[All right. God of War.]

[…] … First of all, thank you.]

And then the screen darkens.

That’s how the short video ended.

And, Yoon Se-ah, who was watching this video together, expressed her doubts as if it was absurd.

“huh… … uncle. “Isn’t this cut off in the middle?”

“Isn’t it strange?”

“uh. “Musin seems to be keeping humanity’s evolution in check, so why is he suddenly giving us a laboratory?”

“I can’t tell just by looking at this. “Let’s ask this guy.”

After finishing playing the video and returning to the half-elf community screen, Seong Ji-han sent another message.

[What is a laboratory? Why does that come up when talking about humanity?]

[Current humanity was built with me as the starting point.]

[You deny the theory of evolution that monkeys became humans.]

[no. Evolution is also true. me too… … okay. It was one of the h*m* sapiens.]

Are we even going to have h*m* sapiens?

Seong Ji-han was dumbfounded when he saw the message.

[Of all the people, I was the only one who survived the laboratory. And I sowed my divine seed, and my descendants prospered and developed humanity.]

When I saw the additional message Gilgamesh sent, I remembered an experiment scene I had seen before.

An experiment in which an enemy clan put humanity in a test tube and burned it, only to save one person, Gilgamesh.

After that, did he survive and spread his blood?

[Well, most of them were useless… … There was someone as talented as you. okay. You will admit it. I am Gilgamesh’s blood relative.]

[No need for that kind of thing.]

[Hehe. They are recognized as descendants of the King of Humanity. Be thankful.]

[Okay. Why don’t we just talk about the lab. Why do you need that?]

[I cannot see offspring unless it goes through a laboratory.]


[okay. It is a side effect of sowing so many seeds in the beginning.]

Seong Ji-han frowned.

So do you need a laboratory now to look at your offspring?

[They say humanity is your descendants. But why do you want to see your child again?]

[If only there was a talented person like you. Aren’t there a lot of useless things? I need to see new descendants and complete Gilgamesh’s bloodline again.]

This is a truly noble reason.

Seong Ji-han decided not to inquire further about the laboratory.


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Instead, it focused on its original purpose.

[Why do you want to eliminate Pythia?]

[what are you talking about? Of course, she is a faithful servant of the god of war.]

[okay? But she, she used to ask me quite a lot of information.]

[joy. Have you ever done something like that? I’ve been seeing you rolling your eyes and thinking about useless things for a long time… … but. She changed as a person after realizing that she was the reigning constellation.]

[After the throne succession ceremony?]

[okay. A prophet like that is at the reigning constellation level 8… … Does that make sense? At first, he seemed like he couldn’t believe it. People changed quickly. and… … .]

Gilgamesh paused for a moment, then sent the message again.

[I got stronger. whopping.]

[I’ve become stronger… … .]

[We recently completed a mission together. It was incomparable to before. The power of the reigning constellation was handled too easily.]

[Do you feel threatened too?]

[What is the threat? There is no way a king could be defeated by a prophet or something like that. However, Dongbangsak is sufficient for the martial arts card. This woman is completely unexpected.]

Gilgamesh was incensed by Seong Ji-han’s words, but showed caution about Pythia’s strength.

For this proud guy to say things like this, he has definitely become stronger… … .


If Pythia has become so loyal to the god of war, it would be right to take this opportunity to eliminate her.

However, Seong Ji-han did not find Gilgamesh very trustworthy.

‘It seems like if this guy touches anything, things will fail.’

Until now, Gilgamesh had been hostile to Seongjihan, so his failure was his own success.

If we cooperated this time, it was a different story because we would be in the same boat.

[What are your plans?]

[Come to the laboratory. That place, I can control. After trapping Pythia there, let’s attack together.]

[It’s a joint attack… … Are you planning to rebel against the god of war in earnest?]

[I won’t do it openly yet. Let’s just say that the lab’s equipment went crazy. At the same time, we will block communication with the outside world and detain Pythia. You just have to fight her according to her timing.]

[Somehow it feels like I’m doing all the fighting.]

[If I reveal my true colors to the god of war, won’t there be no one who can tell me the news? Still, I will tie her feet with chains, so it will be a great help in the battle.]

Is this to help as much as possible without being discovered by the military god?

Around the time Seong Ji-han was looking at the message like that.

[Jihan… … Wouldn’t this be too risky? If Gilgamesh betrays you, you can fight the two constellations.]

“That’s right.”

“Mom is right! Even if there is no betrayal there, the plan seems very poor. The same goes for talking as if you will have complete control over a laboratory that you haven’t even found yet… … Is detaining the constellation Pythia easier said than done? … .”

Seongjia’s mother and daughter, who were looking at the message together, expressed their anxiety about Gilgamesh’s plan.

“i think so too. That guy’s plan, every time he used it on me, I drank water. “For some reason, I don’t think things will turn out as I said this time.”

“okay? Then I guess I shouldn’t go… … .”

“But, if they stop us, even Martial God won’t be able to defeat them.”

Seong Ji-han’s ultimate goal is a wandering martial god.

Those two aren’t from the East, they’re just a rather strong constellation.

If we can’t overcome them, how will we fight against the god of war?

‘Rather, it is better to eliminate it when the Void Disposal Plant and Pal are listening, like now.’

Seong Ji-han decided to go that way and sent a message.

[i get it. egg plant. Where is the laboratory located?]

[The location is… … .]

* * *

2 days later.


Seong Ji-han landed on an island in the Pacific Ocean.

A tiny island located in the north of the Australian continent.

The location of the laboratory that Gilgamesh told me about was definitely here.

‘Is it really here…? … .’


Seong Ji-han looked around the island.

The island filled with palm trees seemed to have absolutely nothing to do with the laboratory Gilgamesh had mentioned.

at that time.

Sussss… … .

The tree’s roots rose from the ground and touched Seong Ji-han’s feet.

[Did you come? Welcome to the right place.]

Gilgamesh’s voice heard through the roots.

[The laboratory will be opening soon. Pythia is breaking the seal, so come in as soon as I give the signal.]

He was already planning a surprise attack, and his voice was slightly excited.


I don’t know if things will turn out as he intended, but for now, I’ll have to keep my presence as low as possible.

Seong Ji-han was waiting while thinking that.

Jiiiing… … .

The red eye on his right hand flashed and sent a voice.

[Oh, the main body… … ! This place is not unusual.]

‘Can you feel something?’

[It’s currently sealed, so it’s quite an interesting place… … Can I analyze this place in my own way? Maybe we can take over this space.]

‘okay? Then try it.’

Seong Ji-han asked the cooperative red hand to investigate and then waited for Gilgamesh’s signal.

And how long did I wait?

Kurrrrrr… … !

The entire island began to shake violently.

[Get ready. Soon, the laboratory will open.]

I’m afraid those words will end.

Jiiiing… … !

From the center of the island, a huge red light bursts out.

They all soared into the sky at once.

Just by looking at it, the enemy’s power is enormous.

[Oh, the body! Gotta go there! If we go, we can make this facility ours!]

‘They say this is Gilgamesh’s.’

[What does that mean? Everything that is imbued with the power of red is the owner! He cannot claim ownership.]


Why do you say things that I like?

‘okay. I’ll take it and give it back if it’s useless.’

When Seong Ji-han heard those words and was about to leave.

[Seoul, Seong Ji-han! Come here quickly!]

At that moment, Gilgamesh also sent a voice through his roots telling him to come quickly.

A voice that seemed much more urgent than before.

For some reason, it felt cheap.

‘… … Did I fail again? this guy.’

I tried it just in case, but it turned out to be wrong.

Seong Ji-han increased his strength, thinking that he had to be fully prepared.


‘I guess I’ll just stop playing Battle Tube and wait and see what happens.’

In any case, the goal of this plan is to eliminate Pythia, a servant of the God of War, by surprise.

But there’s no need to advertise that I’m going to kill this guy all over BattleTube.

Seong Ji-han thought so and approached the central part of the island without turning on the channel.


In the middle of the red light.

“Hello~ Seong Ji-han. long time no see?”

A woman was waving her hand with a bright face.

She has red hair and blue eyes.

Unlike the smile on his face, his eyes were calm and calm.

“Did you already know I was coming?”

“Well, to a certain extent. “I’m a prophet, right?”

Then, she stepped on the floor with her foot.


Then, what appears at her feet.

“Ugh, ugh… … .”

“… … hey. “They said it wasn’t a threat.”

It was Gilgamesh’s face, badly mangled.

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