The Main Characters That Only I Know Chapter 445

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# The main characters only I know Episode 446

The death of Mara Papias, who was said to be the nightmare of the mixed world.

Seo Sumin’s expression, who achieved that great achievement, was extremely calm, without any sign of excitement.

As if this is natural.

Seo Sumin raised his head and looked up at the sky. Despite the fierce battle between her and her Mara Papias, her battle was not getting any better.

The newly appeared fortresses and the Elohim army pouring out of them like a shower are pushing the allied forces from beginning to end.

Even now, she could see the Elohim targeting her, slowly approaching from afar.


Seo Su-min collapsed in his seat.

‘I need to move, but…’ … .’

My body doesn’t listen. It was good to have gained new enlightenment, but I had no strength left in my whole body.

It was a kind of rebound phenomenon.

I ended up wasting too much strength. If you learn a new skill, you have to refine and develop it over a long period of time, but it was a natural result because I eliminated that process and used it immediately in practice.

In the first place, even using the white-knuckled fist at the extreme moment was close to a miracle.

‘Is this the end?’

I flop down in my seat and helplessly raise my head and look at the sky.

Countless angels of slaughter coming down this way. They won’t care what condition she is in and will just spear her like a machine.

The future it depicts will definitely be a terrible one.

‘But at the end… … ‘I missed you.’

Defeated the enemy. And I climbed over the wall. He thought he was at a point where he couldn’t go any further, but he knew there was a next time.

More than feeling proud of myself through the whole process.

‘me too… … .’

I had a lot of regret.

I wanted to be praised by Yoohyeon. I wanted to hear that I did well and that I worked hard.

Considering her life after reincarnation, she was supposed to be the most adult, but… … At this moment, she desperately longed for him as just Seo Su-min.

‘I’ve waited a long time for five years.’

When Kang Hye-rim became the Black Thunder Lord, Kwon Ji-ah traveled through the hybrid world in search of traces of Yoo Hyeon, and Yoo Young-min became the mercenary king to find and collect fragments.

Seo Su-min remained in the union and continued to wait for Yoo Hyeon to return.

I just waited.

Because I thought that someone, at least, should protect this position.

‘Stupid man.’

He must have gone forward without looking back. Whether it was before or now, that part hasn’t changed.

Even though I felt a bit harsh in that part, I liked Kang Yoo-hyeon because he was like that.

Because he was braver and more upright than anyone else, and he never gave up and brought light to her world.


Will I see a flash of light before I die?

Seo Sumin saw an unusually strong light shining towards him through the Elohim.


No, it wasn’t an illusion.

Flying towards us with the light behind us is a familiar face riding a huge white owl.

“Kang Yu-hyeon?”

no. no. I was mistaken because her face looked similar. The one flying this way on Baekhyo was not Kang Yu-hyeon.

“Su-min! “Take my hand!”

“Is it Yura?”

Kang Yu-ra flew low and stretched out her hand toward Seo Su-min. The Elohim, saying they would not sit by and watch, threw their spears at once.

Red spears rained down from the sky like a torrent. Baekhyo quickly approached Seo Su-min, showing off his spectacular aerobatics that was unbecoming of his huge size.

“Sumin, hurry!”

“ah… … .”

In response to Kang Yu-ra’s urgent cry, Seo Soo-min reached out her hand without realizing it.

Although she had no strength left in her body, perhaps her desire not to die had brought about a final miracle, and she was barely able to move at least one hand.

In this way, Baekhyo narrows the distance.


Kang Yu-ra grabbed Seo Su-min’s hand and pulled her towards him.

“Yura you… … How do we get here… … .”

“Detailed explanation later! “Getting out is the priority!”

There was no time to properly seat Seo Sumin in the back. Kang Yoo-ra hugged Seo Soo-min tightly in her arms and further encouraged Baekhyo.

“Baekhyo! Fly with all your might! If you don’t, we’ll both die! know?”


Since Baekhyo was also a divine beast, he was aware of the seriousness of the situation and continued to fly at the highest speed he could fly. Baekhyo, who surpassed the wall of sound and became a beam of pure white light, quickly broke through the gap in Elohim’s battle line.

‘me… … Did you buy it?’

Seo Su-min, who had given up and thought she was almost dead, couldn’t believe she was alive now.

At first I thought it might be a dream. He just doesn’t want to die so much that he might be seeing the hallucination he most desires right before he dies.


‘It’s warm.’

The warmth of Kang Yu-ra hugging him.

And the nice smell she gave off.

It was telling me that this was not a dream but reality.

“thank you… … .”


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“Thank you. I just did what I had to do. Sumin, you are my precious friend.”

“huh. It did… … .”

“So, let’s all survive together. “We will win this war and everything will go back to how it was before.”

As before.

Those words quietly resonate in my heart.

Kang Yu-ra, who spoke, and Seo Su-min, who is listening, know that they can never go back to the way they were before.

Still, I say this because I want a better life than I have now.

Because we are human.

Because we are human.

“And look over there.”

When I looked in the direction Kang Yu-ra pointed, I saw the Allied Forces fighting against the enemy with all their might.

Although the appearance of the Elohim could have led to despair, the Allied Forces instead built a new front line and did their best to defend against their attacks.

Now that they have sent Yoohyeon to the depths of the foundation, all they have to do is hold on.

And now, true to its name, the Allied Forces were joining forces and uniting to fight the enemy.

“Everyone is fighting.”

Not far away, a huge sword strike rises high into the sky.

The huge sword that crossed in the shape of an X split the sky and even reached part of the foundation.

“That… … .”

“Doyun oppa is fighting.”

But that sword strike, even though it was only seen by one person, the number seemed to be two?

Are there any other helpers? However, such clean swordsmanship could not have been shown in the same way by anyone other than Choi Do-yoon.

‘Well, it doesn’t matter.’

Seeing that they are so powerful, I don’t think their match will last long.

The fight between Kang Hye-rim and Kwon Ji-ah, which was felt elsewhere, seems to be over, and the fight between those who can be said to be elite forces is now almost at an end.

‘Is Youngmin the only one left…? … .’

Seo Soo-min recalled the untrustworthy youngest member of Baekhwa Management. He wondered if he should help him even now, but it was obvious that if he continued like this, he would only become a burden.

Above all, it was thanks to the presence of the Holy Spirit who was with Yoo Young-min that he did not feel a great need.

Seo Su-min, who looked beyond the pure white world, instinctively read what would happen in Yoo Young-min’s fight.

‘The winner will be decided within 5 minutes.’

Although she didn’t know the outcome of the match, at least the Yoo Young-min she knew would never have started a losing fight, so she didn’t have to worry.

* * *

“Ugh. “I’m dying.”

Yoo Young-min sighed as he narrowly dodged the arrow of light fired by Ahura Mazda.

“Why am I fighting like this?”

Although he always fought to win, the same did not apply to Ahura Mazda.

In fact, fighting Ahura Mazda was more of an emotional response to the anger caused by the deaths of his men.

Everyone else was fighting hard, but his pride in not being able to back down also played a part.

“Stop talking nonsense and just focus.”

Mephisto leaned closer to Yoo Young-min and sighed in a different way.

I wanted to say something more, but I didn’t have time to do that right now.

An intense light explodes at one end of my vision. I realized that this was a sign of an imminent attack, as I was exhausted from the continuous attack and defense a little while ago.

When Mephisto stretched out his arms, a translucent five-layer force field appeared in front of him.

At the same time, the arrow of light touched the force field, changed direction, and flew to another direction.


The sight of lights bending and scattering in all directions at the same time was a spectacular sight.

Distortion of space. It was an ability that was very compatible with Ahura Mazda, which attacks with light.

“You are persistent. But how long can we really stop it like that?”

Ahura Mazda was not surprised that his attack was blocked. Knowing that his opponent was Mephistopheles, he poured out stronger attacks.

If you were to distort space and deflect the arrow of light, wouldn’t it be okay to attack so big that it would hit you even if you changed direction?

Youngmin Yoo and Mephisto also sensed that something quite big was coming this time.

“Lord Mephisto. Can’t time stop again?”

“Do you know what kind of omnipotent thing it is to stop time? “I’ve already used up a lot of my strength, so there’s nothing more I can do.”

The power Mephisto used was powerful, but his fuel efficiency was not good.

To stop time. Although it was such a powerful force, Mephisto had no power to do more than stop time.

Since the ability was limited to defense and support rather than attack, it was impossible to win even if the same 1st generation Holy Spirits fought against each other, although it could be drawn to a draw.

In particular, even if the fight is perfect, if the opponent is Ahura Mazda, I wonder if I will barely be able to win the match.

Because he expended too much power to send Yoohyeon to the foundation, all Mephisto could do now was distort space, not time.

The level is so weak that even things like the ultra-small black holes that disturbed the Elohim can no longer be created.

The most that can be done is to distort the light emitted by Ahura Mazda.

“So, guess what? “You have the bullets I gave you, right?”

“I want to do that too.”

Youngmin Yoo’s eyes followed Ahura Mazda’s location. Even though he used all the skills to clearly spot the opponent with a sniper’s eye, he was unable to follow Ahura Mazda’s movements.

“How on earth do you match something that moves at the speed of light?”

“Can’t a sniper do that too?”

“Where in the world is there a sniper who can hit the light?! No, then Mephisto shoots.”

“I don’t shoot guns. Why shoot a gun when you can just stop time? “Like a fool.”

“You can’t stop now!”

Ahura Mazda had a sneer on his lips as he watched the two bickering.

Even though he was listening to such a stupid conversation, he didn’t let down his guard. I already knew that Mephisto was wasting time and that Yoo Young-min would definitely use that opportunity to come up with a means to defeat this side.

‘Time is on our side anyway.’

All you had to do was take the time slowly and be careful of the opponent’s final blow.

Zeus, Odin, and the others seemed to have lost the fight and died, but he was different.

‘I don’t let down my guard. If you have a secret bullet, just dodge it.’

Ahura Mazda moved at the speed of light and continued to waste time. It has the disadvantage of not being able to attack when it turns into light and moves, but it was enough to override that disadvantage.

‘Even if you pull the trigger for the rest of your life, you won’t hit this one.’

It was quite arrogant to make a human subject wary of God, but Ahura Mazda decided to think positively.

Now that the other usurpers have died one by one, he has an opportunity to seize more power as long as he survives.

For that time, the current irritation can be passed over with just a moment of patience.

Ahura Mazda immediately shot a huge pillar of light.

Mephisto took Yoo Young-min with him and leaped through space to move to a distant place.

From a distance, they could see a mushroom cloud rising along with a huge explosion where they were just a moment ago.

“It doesn’t seem like you look down on this side.”

“hmm. okay. “Bluffing doesn’t work either.”

Looking at Ahura Mazda, who was still on guard and only making moderate attacks and hitting and running away, the two realized that their operation had failed.

I intentionally tried to make people lose their guard by appearing untrustworthy, but Ahura Mazda was responding more rationally than I expected.

“I guess Zeus and Odin, etc. “He must have felt a sense of crisis as other Holy Spirits died.”

“So what now?”

“What can I do? “There is only one way.”

“What is that?”

“Shooting light with a gun.”

“… … “Did you really mean that?”

Yoo Young-min asked if he was sane, but Mephisto was sincere.

“You can.”

“No, how?”

“You see. “Not the light, but beyond the space that the light is trying to reach.”

Beyond space?

In fact, what is the difference between predicting the future and shooting?

At least if Maxwell’s devil had existed, I wouldn’t have had to worry about this situation for so long. Probability adjustment, it would have been worth trying if we could bring that extreme probability of close to 0% to reality.

But for Yoo Young-min, who doesn’t even have Maxwell, that’s impossible… … .

“it’s possible. “I guarantee it.”

“Am I really able to do this?”

“yes. it’s possible. I’m not telling you to keep looking. All you need is a split second. It’s a very small amount of time, less than 0.1 second. “That’s enough.”

“… … all right. “I will try.”


Before I knew it, I figured out the location and saw a light approaching from afar.

“You only get one chance. Even the timing to make that opportunity is very short, and the possibility is extremely slim. In fact, it is an operation that makes no sense.”

“… … “I’m telling you to cheer up now, right?”

“You can still do it. “Because you have seen the back of the man who made that possible.”

“… … .”

Looking at Mephisto smiling at him, Yoo Young-min was speechless.

There wasn’t a single word wrong, so much so that it almost made me laugh.

okay. It did. I didn’t endure for five years just to collapse in a place like this.

“Let’s do it.”

“It’s a good mindset.”

At the same time, light fell from the sky.

Like God’s judgment to punish demons and humans.


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