The Main Characters That Only I Know Chapter 402

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# The main characters only I know episode 403

[Who are you? I can’t believe I go to a place like this alone. You look unusual for being just an ordinary traveler.]

It was the first time we met in front of me, and I was seeing clearly what level I was at.

Yuhyeon did not avoid Baekryong’s gaze. The white dragon has eyes as white and transparent as freshly fallen snow in the middle of winter. What is contained in those eyes is curiosity toward oneself.

It seemed like I couldn’t just ignore it.

“… … I am a traveler of the Union. “Who are you then?”

[Look at my sanity. I am an ordinary white dragon belonging to Daeseonggun Dragonica.]

‘An ordinary white dragon?’

Just as they found out what level Yoohyeon was, Yoohyeon also found out what Baekryong’s level was.

Not only is it leading a huge dragon corps, but the fact that it flew right away after discovering Yuhyeon from afar shows that this dragon is by no means an ordinary dragon.

Above all, a book of brilliant light floating above your head.

‘Ordinariness is frozen to death.’

However, since this side has not properly revealed its identity, we cannot say anything if the other side has not revealed its identity either.

Yoohyeon decided to agree appropriately.

“So what business do you have for me?”

[I’m curious.]


[There are still people wandering around in places like this. No one has been around recently.]

“A place like this?”

Yuhyeon looked around. Even though this place is still a border area, it cannot be said to be the territory of another Daeseong-gun. There was no particular danger in walking around.

If I had to force myself to point out risk factors, they would all be fantasy embodiments that lack any sense.

“I don’t think this place is particularly dangerous.”

[Oh my. I guess you haven’t heard the news.]


[Recently, bookworms have been frequenting this area. Because of this, the number of travelers stopped coming. And since we, Daeseonggun Dragonica, cannot leave the bookworms alone, we have come to subdue them.]

Yuhyeon stared at Baekryong as if that was true. The unwavering eyes of the white dragon did not appear to contain lies.

‘Now that I think about it, Choi Do-yoon said he also recently took down bookworms.’

How on earth did it take so many bookworms to have this many dragons move on their own?

The power of movement was so strong that it could be said to be excessive for a simple fight against bookworms. Isn’t this enough to fight a war with a decent castle?

[You noticed something strange.]

Baekryong, who noticed Yuhyeon’s subtle reaction, smiled faintly and said that.

Yoohyeon did not bother to deny it. He nodded, revealing his true feelings without hesitation.

“There is nothing excessive about the appearance of a bookworm.”

[The existence of bookworms is a sin that eats away at the mixed world. No matter how many of them there are, don’t you think this is enough to get rid of them?]

“Even taking that into account, it’s excessive.”

Yuhyeon raised his finger and pointed at the white dragon in front of him.

“Honestly, even if a decent number of bookworms showed up, I think they would be able to sort it all out on their own.”


White Dragon pretended to be surprised by those blatant words, but his eyes were curved like a crescent moon.

[You already know who I am.]

“I’m just guessing rather than knowing… … Honestly, no matter how great the king is, I don’t think there are that many dragons of your level.”

After talking, Yuhyeon was able to guess the identity of the dragon in front of her.

A very strong being in Daeseonggun Dragonica. Considering that its scales are as white as snow, it would be a very strong case among the white clan.

In particular, Yuhyeon, who has learned to sharpen her skills, sees the world from a completely different perspective than others.

The book that this white dragon carries, and even the storm-like flow of text within the white dragon’s body.

At this level, it is at least the second generation Holy Spirit. No, it’s much stronger than that.

“Aren’t you Sharuriel, the king of the White Scale Clan of the Great Seongun Dragonica?”


The White Dragon King, Sharuriel, was amazed at Yuhyeon’s insight, as he was able to see through his identity right away.

[I guess I didn’t look at the wrong person.]

“You knew me.”

[How could I not have known? You were very famous when you were in the lower world. Honestly, I was surprised. How did you, who was previously a teller, become human? It suddenly disappeared 5 years ago, so I don’t know when it reappeared like this. and… … He was even given the title of Book Pile Lord.]

“Is that so.”

[I know this much, aren’t you surprised?]

“That can’t be right.”

Yoohyeon shrugged her shoulders and smiled.

“I assumed so.”

[How on earth?]

“Aren’t you friendly with Galiats?”

[…] … .]

This time it was the White Dragon King’s turn to remain silent. When he thought about it, there was no way Yoohyeon didn’t know himself just as much as he knew the other person.

The story presented by Galliats is also famous in the mixed gender world. After all, it would be no surprise to say that he has achieved the biggest success story in a world where the road to success is already considered set.

She was the weakest among the dragon species, and was not even recognized by other clans. A teller with no background or reputation helped her rise to the position of dragon king.

The story these two created heated up the mixed gender world at the time, and even after a long time, the remnants of it still remain.

The white dragon in front of me was the main character of the myth that Galliats raised during his childhood.

“How are you, Mr. Galliats?”

[ah. I guess you didn’t hear it.]



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[How the world changed while you were gone.]

Yoohyeon also knows how the world has changed. Exactly how the Earth has changed is everything, but is there anything else that will change?

In particular, tellers belonging to the broadcasting industry will remain the same without any changes, right?

[Looking at that reaction, it looks like you really don’t know.]

“… … “Has Astronomical Corporation changed at all?”

[How much has changed? A lot has changed. Do you want to hear it?]

Yoohyeon nodded.

There was no particular reason to refuse. She said what happened to her former job while she was away. Who wouldn’t be curious?

[But what should I do? We need to move right now. If you really want to listen, would you like to accompany me for a moment?]

“Are you accompanying me?”

[yes. It looks like you’re trying to go somewhere, but have you decided on a destination?]

“for now… … “I was planning to go to Tahwajajaecheon, which is on the outskirts of the 36 heavens of heaven.”

[If it’s Tahwajajaecheon, then that’s where the evil demon lord is. ah… … I understand. Who are you going to meet?]


[Then I’m glad. We were also planning to go to that area at the same time.]

“That area? Where are you going, White Dragon King?”

[That’s a secret.]

“Is that so.”

Yuhyeon responded harshly. Despite her name, White Dragon King, she had a very playful personality.

However, this does not mean that the action is light. Although he does not feel the majesty of a king, the power he possesses is so real that it cannot be simply ignored.

“Well, as long as you give me a ride, I’d be grateful.”

I was already trying to speed up my journey. In a situation where we don’t know when the end of the world will come, the sooner the better.

[Okay, then let’s move together. You can talk on the way.]

“Then, please excuse me.”

[Oh. I’ll tell my subordinates separately… … Still, you never know, so be careful.]


[That would be fine with me, but among my subordinates… … There may be some people who look down on or ignore us because we are human.]


It certainly could be so. First of all, since the White Dragon King himself came forward, no one would be openly hostile to Yuhyeon, but he also did not think that he would like her.

Dragons are basically a race born with great strength. Like Celine’s Kiik tribe or Arisha’s Jeokmain, dragon species are considered a higher species from birth.

Due to the way he was born, Yongjong is naturally proud and arrogant. And the tendency to look down on the weak runs deep throughout the race. There is no mercy even if they are of the same species. Polyps are so severe that even other weak polyps are looked down upon and ignored.

The White Dragon King started from the bottom and rose to the top, so he tends to sympathize with others’ weaknesses to a certain extent, but this is not the case with other dragon species.

“Well, that’s okay.”



Yuhyeon was not afraid of the dragons’ territoriality.

Territorial? If you’re going to do it, tell him to do it. Looking down on me for being human? If you’re going to do it, do it.


Because you will definitely pay the price.

[but. I was worried for no reason.]

Sharuriel admitted his mistake. What she had to worry about now was not Yuhyeon, but other dragons who might pick a fight with Yuhyeon.

If Yuhyeon is taken away like this, there will definitely be a fight.

No, it’s not a fight, is it? No matter who sees it, it will end in Yoohyeon’s one-sided harassment. The White Dragon King knows how strong Yuhyeon is.

It’s been a long time since my instincts screamed that something was dangerous the moment I first saw it.

‘What on earth happened that changed me like that while I was not seeing you?’

When Sharuriel first met Yuhyeon’s gaze, it felt as if everything about herself was revealed to the world. That feeling was something I had never felt even when I met dragon kings from other scale clans.

Is that really a human?

Sharuriel could not help but have doubts.

Yoohyeon was clearly biologically human, but she was somehow quite different from the humans she knew.

[Anyway, shall we move?]

“Of course.”

The White Dragon King thought that since he was accompanying Yuhyeon no matter what, he needed to make sure to control his subordinates.

* * *

The wind that greeted me at high altitude, where everything seemed low, was a different feeling.

Yuhyeon, whose senses became sharper, felt with her whole body that the atmosphere of the hybrid world was much cleaner and clearer than that of Earth.

However, what was even more comfortable than that was that there was no interference whatsoever even though it was passing near Daeseonggun’s territory.

“It’s comfortable.”

[is that so?]

“If I had been alone, it would have been a setback in many ways. It would have taken a long time. thank you.”

[you’re welcome.]

“So what happened to you, Gagliats? how are you?”

[ah. There was that part.]

The White Dragon King laughed quietly and explained what happened to Galliats.

[Did you know that Galliats was promoted to director five years ago?]

“I know. “I saw it firsthand at the scene.”

Chairman Lotpiut personally took the stand and punished the traitor, appointing Galliats as his close associate.

How could I forget that powerful moment? It was the day when the shocking truth was revealed that the true identity of the chairman was the entire company.

“Did something happen to you, Gagliats?”

[There is no particular problem. just… … Because the company just closed down.]

“… … yes?”

Yuhyeon wondered if she had heard something wrong.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to take the statement that Astro Co., Ltd. was closed down.

“Unless I heard something wrong… … .”

[no. You heard right. Astronomical Co., Ltd. has been closed for some time. It’s not just Astro Corporation. Comedy Troupe and Exodos. All tellers who showed us scenes of the underworld stopped working.]

“… … why?”

[We don’t know why. As if they had made a promise, they all closed the doors. abolition. dispose. Bankruptcy. bankruptcy. Everyone gave excuses like that and stopped activities. Thanks to this, the Holy Spirits who were watching the underworld lost a great source of entertainment.]

“What happened to the tellers who worked there?”

[Everyone left to find a new path. There were probably quite a few people who couldn’t do that and decided to stay at the headquarters somehow, but I heard that the chairman forced them all out. The same goes for Galliats. Now, we are indebted to you.]

“You didn’t tell me why you did that?”

[Even if I asked, they just said they couldn’t tell me.]

“… … okay.”

If Galliats had answered that he couldn’t tell me, there must have been a good reason why Astro Corporation closed down.

And it seemed clear that this was not due to external intervention, but due to the president’s own will.

It’s not just Astro Corporation.

It was said that both Exodos and the comedy troupe had suspended their activities.

From what you’re saying, it seems like the process took place almost simultaneously… … The only reason for that is that it is related to the kings of stories.

Lotpiut, Damcheon, Catharsis. I could only assume that these three had made some kind of deal.

“So, Mr. Galliats, are you doing well in Dragonica now?”

[yes. I still correct it. Now I am being treated like an honored guest and am doing well.]

“That’s a good thing. Are there any other tellers I know… … Do you know what happened?”

[well. All I know is him. Still, if he was a talented teller, wouldn’t he be doing well somewhere? They are probably active in the astronomical market, or living somewhere in a hybrid world.]

“… … okay.”

Many faces came to Yuhyeon’s mind.

Manager Celestina, junior Celine, and classmate Alisha. Besides that, Romlaxis and several other tellers were a bit annoyed.

Where is everyone and what are they doing?

Yuhyeon was curious about that, but now she had no choice but to suppress that curiosity.

Because that’s not what’s important right now.

Before I knew it, the scenery had changed, and I began to feel a cloudy atmosphere in the clear air.

The fact that even the atmosphere has changed means that you have almost arrived at your destination.

[Arrived. This is close to Tahwajajaecheon. We can’t go any further than this.]

“no. Just having you come this far has helped me a lot. thank you.”

[I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but I hope you achieve what you want.]

The White Dragon King gave Yuhyeon down and disappeared with his men.

Some dragons still glared at Yuhyeon with disapproval, but no one said anything, perhaps because the White Dragon King himself gave a stern warning.

Just like that, the dragon army disappeared, and Yuhyeon was alone again.

‘Then, let’s move on to find Sumin in earnest.’

But, there was something to take care of first.

“Don’t hide and watch, come out.”

At Yoohyeon’s words, black shadows suddenly appeared here and there.

An ominous energy that flows naturally. It was very similar to the one Mara Papias used to play tricks on him earlier.

I haven’t even entered the territory yet, but I would have thought that the remnants of the devil would already be there to greet me.


At least there is no need to wander around without thinking.

“Just one guy. “Only those who can speak well will be spared.”


Among them, the one who seemed to be the leader gave an order. Yuhyeon’s gaze turned towards the guy.

“It’s you.”

At the same time, the black magic energy that erupted from Yoohyeon covered the world.


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