The Main Characters That Only I Know Chapter 377

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# The main characters only I know episode 378

The dining atmosphere quickly became gloomy.

Kang Yu-ra, who had a tender heart, even had tears in her eyes.

In the heavy atmosphere, only Kang Hye-rim was eating the food prepared without much thought.

Yoohyeon was momentarily embarrassed. Still, he meant to tell me not to worry, but I didn’t know that he would shed tears.

It’s just not a big deal, so why do they do that?

Because Yoohyeon had experienced so much, her threshold for difficult things was much higher than others.

“Uh, I’m okay now. really. “Thank you for putting my mind at ease.”

“Yeah, but brother… … “It was very difficult.”

Kang Yu-ra couldn’t hold it in the end and burst into tears.

“I feel sorry for my brother, what should I do?”

“No, Yura. I’m really fine. Until yesterday, well, honestly, it was difficult… … Thanks to you, I feel better. really.”

“Heung. So what do we do now?”

“There are a lot of people I haven’t met yet. Checking out what everyone is doing, and looking for old colleagues who parted ways… … Well, that’s how it should be. “Does anyone know?”


“Because anyone is good. No, what about Sumin? “Weren’t we together?”

“uh… … So, Sumin… … .”

Yura hesitated slightly, but when she saw the look in Yuhyeon’s eyes, she seemed to have given up and confessed honestly.

“that… … “I left the city a month ago, saying there was something I had to resolve.”

“A month ago? “So you’re saying we were together before then?”

“It did.”

“What is it that needs to be solved?”

“Su-min asked me to keep it a secret.”

“So much so that you won’t even tell me?”

Since Yoohyeon came out so seriously, even Kang Yura could not refuse any more.

She looked sideways at Kang Hye-rim, who was still engrossed in her meal, and spoke quietly.

“therefore… … Hye-rim says she’s going to punish the guy who did that to her older sister… … .”

If we were to say that Kang Hye-rim was the person who made her like that, there was only one person that came to mind in Yoohyeon’s mind.

Mara Papias.

Since he, the devil of Tahwajaecheon, led Kang Hye-rim’s corruption, it was safe to say that he was actually the culprit. Seo Su-min noticed Mara’s presence early on and went to take him down.

He said he would scold him verbally, but considering Seo Soo-min’s personality, he probably would have said it much more harshly and directly than that.

“that… … “It’s a bit of a big deal.”

“W-Is that so too? I should have stopped Sumin. Sumin was so stubborn that I had no choice… … .”

“no. “There’s no need to worry.”

“why? The opponent is a first-generation Holy Spirit. Mara Papias, the dangerous king of the devil! No matter how Sumin you are, how many transcendents are there and how many enemies are there… … .”

“Even taking that into account, it’s okay.”

Yoohyeon recalled one of the stories Gareth told her while he was moving with her.

It is said that an intruder appeared in Tahwajajaecheon, where Mara Papiyas resides, and single-handedly wiped out more than 10 transcendents and the heavenly army living in Tahwajajaecheon.

I was puzzled when I heard who such a strong person was, but the moment I heard Kang Yu-ra’s words, I immediately knew the identity of the intruder.

Sumin Seo. Perhaps it was because she had already stepped into the potential of being a transcendent that she had become incredibly strong in the past five years.

Yoohyeon told Kang Yura everything she knew.

“Really? “Sumin really won everything?”

“okay. You’ve been with Sumin for so long, why don’t you know that? “You don’t know how strong you are.”

“Well, even if Sumin is strong, the opponent is also the opponent… … “It’s natural to be worried.”

Kang Yu-ra then talked about how great Seo Soo-min is evaluated as a force within the coalition.

In fact, if you look at Seo Sumin’s skills alone, he has the power of a monarch, especially an executioner. She did not become a monarch because she did not like that position very much.

Moreover, because it was extremely rare for her to step forward and do anything herself, it is said that only a very small number of people within the alliance knew of her strength, and that was only high-ranking people.

“Considering Sumin’s personality, I thought she would come right back after work… … .”

Now that Mara Papias has run away, it becomes unclear whether Seo Sumin will return.

Considering her personality, it wouldn’t have been surprising if she pursued Mara Papias until the end and eliminated him.

“Is there any way to contact Sumin?”

“no. There is no such thing… … .”

“I thought it would be enough to contact you and explain that Hye-rim is fine.”

The reason Seo Soo-min moved was Kang Hye-rim.

The person who corrupted her was Mara Papiyas, and he thought that if he got rid of him, Kang Hye-rim would return to normal.

However, before she could defeat Mara Papias, Kang Hye-rim was changed by Yoo Hyeon.

Even if we leave it for now whether it was salvation or another problem, there was a high possibility that Seo Sumin would come right back as long as this fact was told.

The problem is that communication devices used on Earth do not work properly in hybrid systems.

Above all, although there were several ways to make phone calls, the biggest problem was that Seo Su-min could not be contacted.

“still… … “Just knowing that he’s alive and well gives me some comfort.”

I don’t know how strong Seo Sumin is, but if he was able to go to the realm of the first generation of the Holy Spirit on his own and lay down a drum, it seemed like he wouldn’t get hurt no matter where he went.

If things went that far, no one would have the guts to touch her without going crazy.

As for Yoo Young-min, I don’t know what he’s doing, but he seems to be alive and well.

“Have you heard any news from Seoryeon or Jia?”

“ah. Seoryeon was already about to tell me. “She has a sister in this city too.”

“Uh, really?”

“huh. I’m in charge of administrative work in the city. “I was already planning to visit today.”

“What about Jia? “Do you know Jia’s whereabouts?”


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“Kwon Ji-ah… … I do not know either. “I’m the type of person who doesn’t make myself known very well, so I’m sorry.”

“No, you don’t need to be sorry. is it… … “Jia, you don’t know yet.”

Still, I thought it was fortunate. Just knowing the whereabouts of Baek Seo-ryun and Seo Su-min was an achievement. Although I was worried about Kwon Ji-ah, she wasn’t the kind of person who would go out and get beaten up.

After finishing the meal, Yuhyeon stood up.

At that moment, my father, who had gathered his thoughts on the second floor, came down the stairs and ran into Yoohyeon.

“Are you going?”

“yes… … .”

I didn’t ask when I would be back. Yoohyeon also said nothing more.

Even without talking, the two knew each other. After leaving today, I can’t be sure when we’ll see each other again.

The father hesitated for a moment about what to say, but then seemed to have made up his mind and lightly patted Yuhyeon on the back.

“Cheer up.”

“… … .”

There was a lot contained in that one word of encouragement.

When I met her the other day, her father used the honorific language toward Yuhyeon as if she were a stranger. But now he treats me comfortably and supports me as if I were his own family.

That one small change felt very big to Yuhyeon.

“haha. I feel embarrassed for no reason. “As I get older, I feel like I’m just being picky.”

“No, there was enough support. thank you.”

“is it? Since I always treat my daughter only, it becomes very unclear how to treat my son.”

“It’s the same.”


“It’s the same. “Both then and now.”

okay. His father was the same now as he was then.

Regardless of whether the other person is a son or a daughter, the father’s appearance as a family member has not changed at all, past or present.

In the past, now, and in the future.

That’s what family is.

“Heh, heh. is it?”


“If you say that, I feel relieved. okay. “Be strong and achieve what you want.”


When I finished talking with my father and went out to the front door, my mother was waiting for me.

“Does your father talk a lot?”

“no. “It was no big deal.”

“okay. He’s probably already said everything he wants to say, so I won’t say much. Cheer up.”

“… … yes. thank you.”

That alone was enough comfort, so Yoohyeon smiled softly and nodded.

When Kang Hye-rim and I came out of the house, Kang Yu-ra, who had come out first and was waiting, smiled brightly like before and led Yoohyeon away.

“ruler. let’s go. To the central administration of the Old Town.”


A strange structure unfolded, with Kang Yu-ra leading Yoohyeon and Yoohyeon leading Kang Hye-rim.

As Old Town is a large city, there are quite a few means of transportation, and there were some interesting means of transportation that I saw at Cosmo Market the other day.

From a large rattlesnake running quickly across the ground to a pterosaur with four wings flying in the sky.

“Do you have anything to ride?”

“me? Of course there is.”

Kang Yu-ra seemed to have been waiting for such a question and started bragging while lifting her chin.

“I was originally going to tell you later, but I can’t help it if you’re that curious.”

“Why aren’t you calling me now?”

“I can’t just sing mine.”


“I’ll know it when I see it.”

The place where Kang Yu-ra took Yoohyeon was an empty space as wide as a helicopter landing pad.

“Captain Kang Yu-ra. Nice to meet you.”

“yes. Thank you for your hard work.”

Kang Yu-ra gave a light greeting to the person guarding the vacant lot and eventually stretched out his right hand toward the sky. Light seemed to flow from the back of her hand and she soared high into the sky.

Yoohyeon and Kang Hye-rim stared at the scene as if they were amazed.

About 10 seconds passed? Soon, a large shadow appeared over the vacant lot.

It was a bird of prey with huge wings that appeared with its back against the strong sunlight.


Yuyeon, who thought that the bird of prey looked somewhat familiar, widened her eyes.

Kang Yu-ra, standing next to Yu-hyeon, curled up the corners of her mouth as she looked at him.

“It’s been a while since I saw you, brother?”


“that’s right.”

What appeared was a huge white owl the size of a house. Yuhyeon immediately recognized that the bird of prey was Baekhyo. The size was a world away from what I saw when I was a baby, but how could I not know?

Baekhyo finally landed in the center of the clearing, cried, and then recognized Yuhyeon and widened his eyes.

The guy immediately recognized his owner, who had returned after five years.

“A long time. “Baekhyo.”


Baekhyo flapped his wings and approached Yuhyeon. In the past, it was small enough to fit into Baekhyo’s arms, but now the difference in size between the two was so great that Yoohyeon could easily fit into Baekhyo’s wings.

Yuhyeon stroked Baekhyo’s forehead as he leaned his head toward her.

“Yura, you were in charge of Baekhyo.”

“that’s right. Do you know how sad she was after her brother disappeared? “He can’t even eat properly, and I worked hard to raise him to get to this point.”

“I’m glad Baekhyo followed you.”

Yuhyeon didn’t find it strange that Baekhyo was following Kang Yura. Baekhyo was a divine beast that could be said to be a descendant of the owl raised by Minerva, so he instinctively felt the scent of his master in Kang Yu-ra.

Thanks to that, Baekhyo was able to live again thanks to Kang Yura, even though he felt sad that his owner Yoohyeon had disappeared.

Currently, Baekhyo is considered the best divine beast, boasting one of the fastest flight speeds in Old Town.

Even the huge falcon that Choi Do-yoon was riding couldn’t match Baekhyo’s speed.

“Come on, let’s move.”

Kang Yu-ra got on Baek Hyo’s back. Yuhyeon also nodded and climbed onto Baekhyo’s back. Kang Hye-rim was wary of Baekhyo at first, but soon, as if she liked the feel of Baekhyo’s fluffy feathers, she fell on her back as soon as she got on his back.

Baekhyo immediately flapped his wings and soared high into the sky.

The speed was enough to surpass that of a fighter jet, but surprisingly, Yuhyeon was not subjected to any gravitational acceleration or wind pressure.

As I climbed to the top, I could see the Old Town at a glance. The place Baekhyo was heading to was the tallest building in the center.

That place, boasting an overwhelming height that even the Burj Khalifa on Earth could not match, was the central administration of the Old Town.

The building was so large that there was space for a huge divine beast to land in each area that was supposed to be an outdoor terrace.

Baekhyo got off on the central floor.

“Come on, let’s go. “I have to surprise you, Seoryeon.”

“… … okay.”

Yuhyeon got off Baekhyo’s back. Baekhyo was sad to say goodbye to his owner whom he hadn’t seen in a long time, but Yoohyeon stroked his face and told him not to worry.

“We will meet again soon, so don’t worry, Baekhyo.”

“that’s right. And now that the real owner has returned, Baekhyo has to live with his brother again.”

“Yura, are you okay? “What if I don’t have Baekhyo?”

“no way. Don’t worry, I have a lot of other people to ride with. The position of guard captain doesn’t just exist? In the first place, I only took charge of Baekhyo as an acting owner for five years. “I feel more comfortable giving back.”

“If you are, then what… … .”

Yoohyeon, Kang Yura, and Kang Hyerim immediately entered the building.

There were various people walking around inside. Not just humans from Earth, but also humans from other worlds, and even sub-races were mixed together.

Some of them were surprised when they recognized Kang Yu-ra and bowed their heads in a polite greeting.

From the looks and attitudes they gave, Yuhyeon realized that Kang Yura was truly a person recognized in Old Town.

“Where is Seoryeon?”

“I’m sure he’s already at work and doing paperwork by now. And it’s not just Seoryeon. “Among the people at your company, there was one more person in charge of gathering information, right?”

“Mr. Seong Yu-chan?”

“that’s right. He also works here. And now he’s married.”

“what? really?”

Yuhyeon was filled with anticipation knowing that not everyone was unhappy.

What kind of expression does Baek Seo-ryun make when she looks at herself? Just the thought of surprising her made her feel a little turned on.


When Kang Yu-ra arrived at the door, she was already so excited that she was about to knock on the door.


A huge explosion occurred inside, engulfing Yuhyeon’s group.


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