The Main Characters That Only I Know Chapter 375

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# The main characters only I know Episode 376

“What are you doing?”


Windarin was startled and fell away from Kang Hye-rim, probably not knowing that Yoohyeon was approaching. When Kang Hye-rim let Yun Da-lin out of her arms, she squeezed and unclenched her hand several times, feeling disappointed.

Yuhyeon looked at the strange sight and wondered what to do about it.

Windarin, who met Yuhyeon’s gaze, froze and hastily made an excuse.

“This is… … I thought it might be dangerous if I got caught in a fight… … .”

“Did you protect me?”

“Well, you could say that.”

Windarin had no intention of doing so at first. The opponent is Kang Hye-rim, the Black Lightning Lord. It may not be her now, but wasn’t she the one who reigned as a nightmare on the outskirts of the hybrid world just a short time ago?

It makes no sense to worry about such a person.

However, the expression on her face as she watched Yoohyeon fighting from afar looked so sad that Windarin could not stay still.

okay. This was all because of Ojira. She always was like that. Because of that, she was well-liked in Lindell, and her people affectionately called her their little lord.

Kang Hye-rim was not wary of Win Darin. When she approached her with concern, she said she was rather cute and even hugged and petted her like she was a doll.

Yeah, this would be better. Win Darin sighed in Kang Hye-rim’s arms and accepted her smile. That was just a little while ago. But who would have thought that the Book Pile Lord would come after winning the battle.

I was about to give up because I thought he was dead now, but something completely different from Windarin’s worries came out.

“thanks. “For protecting Hye-rim.”

“Uh, huh?”

When Yuhyeon spoke honestly, Windarin’s eyes widened in surprise. His reaction was that he didn’t know that Yoohyeon would respond to him like this.

“Is it unexpected?”

“No, well… … Because it wasn’t my intention to receive such a thank you. Now, wait a minute. What about the executioner? “You really killed me?!”

The fight that took place just a moment ago was so intense that one of the two had to die.

However, the fact that Yuhyeon came back so well meant that Windarin had no choice but to assume the worst.

“I didn’t kill him.”

“uh? really?”

“What can I do by lying?”

Yoohyeon extended her hand towards Kang Hye-rim. Kang Hye-rim, who was looking at Windarin with a regretful expression, immediately approached Yuhyeon and held his hand.

“Let’s go, Hye-rim.”

“Now, wait a minute. Are you really leaving? Where?”

“Because Executor Choi Do-yoon allowed me to send it. If you go further in, yes. “He said if you want to find someone, go to Old Town.”

“Old Town? Mmmmm. “It’s definitely not a bad choice since it’s one of the largest cities in the union.”


“for a moment!”

“What else?”

“The direction of Old Town is over there. If you continue down that road, you will come across other cities. You can only get to the Old Town by passing through there. So take this.”

Windarin said that and threw something similar to a mapa to Yuhyeon. Yuhyeon accepted it.

“It’s like a pass but also a permit approved by the monarch. If you keep it with you, you won’t get into trouble in the next city you visit. “You’ll still get attention, though.”

“… … Why are you doing this to me?”

“uh? No, well… … just. “I’m sorry for being suspicious at first, and I called the executor for no reason and the incident escalated to this point.”

Windarin wiggled his fingers as if he was paying attention. Seeing that he was worried that Yoohyeon might get angry, Yoohyeon smiled and shook her head.

“I’m not angry. “You just did what you had to do as the ruler of the city you protect.”

“still… … .”

“And the reward for that is that you protect Hye-rim and give me a pass. “You don’t have to keep it in your heart anymore.”

“you… … “He was a really good guy, right?”

Windarin’s eyes lit up at Yuhyeon’s attitude of forgiving her with a wide heart.

He possesses tremendous power, enough to win a fight with an executioner, but he is not arrogant and shows great generosity as a monarch.

Isn’t that the image of the most ideal monarch she had dreamed of?

Of course, Yoohyeon did not say that he ruled anyone or that he was a monarch, but rather, this aspect highlighted that he was even more amazing.

“If we have a relationship in the future, we will meet again. “Okay then.”

“Yes! bye! “I will pray that you meet the person you are looking for!”

Windarin waved his cute arms at Yuhyeon and Kang Hye-rim.

* * *

“leader. Why did you just let that man go?”

After the situation was properly resolved, Jamilla could not contain her curiosity and asked Choi Do-yoon why he sent Yoohyeon away. If Choi Do-yoon had his way, he could have at least prevented Yoo-hyeon from leaving Lindel.

Otherwise, there was another way to force him to accompany him and not slow down his surveillance.

However, Choi Do-yoon did not make any choice and just released Yoo-hyeon.

A choice an executor would never make. In particular, Choi Do-yoon was famous for being the most inflexible among the executors. For Jamila, a member of his team, it was difficult to understand.

“Does not matter. As he said himself, he will not move carelessly or cause an accident here.”

Even before Jamila asked how she was sure of that, Gu Seo-yoon opened her mouth first.

“Did you know?”

“What do you mean?”

“Past life, that is, what happened in a dream… … .”

“A dream, huh?”

That might not be wrong.

In fact, Choi Do-yoon did not completely remember his past life. The reason he brought up the conversation of his past life with Yuhyeon was because he also read fragmentary information in his past dreams.

To say that he was a separate person from his previous life, he remembered some things, but to say that he was the same person, his memories were very fragmentary.

However, the moment he faced Yoohyeon, Choi Doyoon willingly decided to become his past self.

“My mother got help.”


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Choi Do-yoon, who didn’t seem to come out even a drop of blood when stabbed, also had one person whom he valued.

When Choi Do-yoon returned to Earth before being incorporated into the hybrid world, he went to visit his mother without even looking back.

From the day I fell into another world due to vanishing, I have never once forgotten my family.

When Choi Do-yoon went to look for his mother, worried that an accident might have occurred while he was away, Choi Do-yoon’s mother greeted him as if she had been waiting for him.

In a small snack shop that still retains traces of the past.

“mother… … “This?”


Mother told Choi Do-yoon many stories. In particular, the name that was mentioned the most was Kang Yu-hyeon.

Without his help, she would not have been able to maintain the belief that her son would come back alive for long.

They wouldn’t have been able to protect the store that contained their memories.

“That guy helped me.”

Choi Do-yoon knew from his previous life that he and Yoo-hyeon did not have a very good relationship.

In his previous life, he lived only looking at the value of people. He was originally a cold-hearted person, but when his mother passed away, he became a person whose brakes were smashed.

Of course, he had many enemies, and if you think about it, Yuhyeon could be seen as one of them. There was enough reason to take revenge on Choi Do-yoon.

However, even though he was able to seek revenge, he helped his mother. As if that wasn’t enough, he instilled hope in his mother by telling her that he was alive and well.

“It’s a funny story. “You help the family of the person you hate the most.”

To Choi Do-yoon in his previous life, Yoohyeon was just a somewhat useful person, nothing more or less.

What made him highly regarded was his natural manners, tact, and brain for gathering information. He was not at all suitable for combat.

But was that really Yuhyeon’s only advantage?

When I think back now, I wonder if Yoohyeon’s true side lies in something else.

Even in that hopeless world, the flame burning inside Yuhyeon’s eyes never went out.

“So I released it. “Because I received grace.”

The moment Choi Do-yoon saw the person called the Book Pile Lord, he realized who Yoohyeon was.

The benefactor my mother said so. And a man who had a bad relationship with him in his past life.

So he played himself from his previous life. They started a fight by provoking him with his fragmented memories.

“In the end, I lost.”

“Was it really necessary to fight? Still, if it was resolved through conversation… … .”

“He was in no condition for that.”

Choi Do-yoon has seen many things. He was caught up in the banishing, and it is impossible to count how many lines he had crossed and how many relationships he had formed until he was called the Sword God in another world.

Looking at Choi Do-yoon’s gaze, Yoohyeon felt like she was looking at a glass that was almost ready to break.

I’m afraid that if I just touch something, it will collapse helplessly and collapse so miserably that it will never be able to be restored.

Choi Do-yoon deliberately provoked Yu-hyeon.

Let him show his emotions. So that I can relieve even a little of the pain I have been holding inside.

“If you release what you have stored inside, you will feel much better than before.”

Even if he died in that fight, he didn’t think it would matter.

Since I received a favor, I thought it would be enough if I could repay it in some way.

However, Yuhyeon did not kill him in the end. Even though he may have left behind regrets, the man ultimately chose to save his life.

Choi Do-yoon didn’t think it was stupid. Rather, I came to the deep understanding in my heart that such behavior was the man’s strength.

“I think this is the first time I’ve seen Doyoon care so much about someone.”

“Maybe so.”

Choi Do-yoon did not deny Koo Seo-yoon’s joking words and nodded.

He was a benefactor who saved his mother, but more than that, he also had a sense of atonement for the bad things he had done to him in his past life.

Even if the person I was then and the person I am now are different, I wouldn’t have done that to him.

“But isn’t that the same for you too?”

“Well, that’s… … .”

Koo Seo-yoon trailed off as Choi Do-yoon spoke as if he could see right through her.

In fact, Gu Seo-yoon also now remembers that she had something with Yoo-hyeon in her past life. Is it a past life? Or, I don’t know if it will happen in the future… … She was aware that she had hurt Yuhyeon greatly.

So, when we met, I wanted to apologize, but the moment I saw Yuhyeon’s depressed and depressed appearance, unlike when I saw her before, I couldn’t say anything, as if something was stuck in my throat.

In the end, all he said was about Seo Sumin and Yura.

“I should apologize too. yes. “I definitely understand Doyun’s actions.”

“If you understand, that’s it.”

“Do you think it would be better than that? “I think I need to focus on recovery.”

“Definitely, I need some rest.”

As Choi Do-yoon said that, he happened to spot Windarin from a distance, returning to Lindel after seeing Yu-hyeon off.

“I guess I’ll have to stay in Lindell for a while.”

Even though he may not have heard those words, Windarin shivered as if he felt something.

She stopped in her tracks and looked around, and soon she found Choi Do-yoon and opened her eyes.

I feel sorry for the smallest monarch, but I must be indebted to him.

* * *

Yuhyeon, who headed into the Union territory, was able to easily stay in the city for one night thanks to the pass given by Windarin.

After waking up early the next day and filling their bellies, Yoo Hyeon and Kang Hye-rim left the city and headed to Old Town.

Yuhyeon and Kang Hye-rim, who left early in the morning, arrived at Old Town at dusk, with the sun burning hot.

My first impression of Old Town was that it was a really huge city.

[and. big.]

The Old Town was so huge that it was incomparable to Lindell and other cities I had visited before. It’s not for nothing that it’s called one of the largest cities in the union territory. High-rise buildings like those seen on Earth were seen rising up there.

There were so many people wandering around the streets that I wondered if I could really find people in a place like this.

Yuhyeon decided to find a place to stay. Even more than that, Kang Hye-rim was whining, pulling the hem of Yoo-hyeon’s clothes, saying she was hungry.

In the old town, where modern architecture and buildings from around the world are in harmony, there were many inns with a rich woody scent. Among them, Yuhyeon found a neat-looking inn.

“ruler. The food came out. “Eat it before it gets cold.”

The ordered food filled the table. Kang Hye-rim seemed to have been waiting for this moment, and even though she was a glutton, she ate the food on the table as if she had been caught.

The eyes of the guests staying at the inn were focused on Yoo Hyeon and Kang Hye-rim, perhaps because it was a rare sight even in Old Town to see a grown woman showing such great appetite.

“Who is it? “Are you a traveler?”

“Your appetite is really amazing. “If you see him eating like that, he must be quite talented, right?”

While the few people sharing a drink were muttering this, Kang Hye-rim’s meal was almost over.

It had been a while since Yuhyeon had been able to eat leisurely like this without being disturbed, so she ate a little more than usual.

The moment I thought that a little peace like this wasn’t a bad thing in preparation for what was to come.

It rattled.

The inn’s door opened roughly and a group of people came in.

“Uh, huh? What’s going on with the security guard?”

“Is there, by any chance, some kind of criminal hiding in there?”

The people who had just opened the door were the guards called the guardians of Old Town.

A woman appeared among the sturdy men dressed in sturdy silver armor.

“I heard that the Book Pile Lord visited here.”

Yuhyeon sighed softly at those words.

They say that there are no windy days for trees with many branches, and this was just such a situation.

Even if you had Windarin’s pass, you would have had to be careful at the city level since there were two monarch-level figures in such a large city.

Yoohyeon immediately got up from her seat, and all eyes in the restaurant turned to her.

“What’s the matter?”

The moment Yuhyeon looked back at the uninvited guest while saying that, she recognized the other person and opened her eyes wide.


“also… … .”

The woman, presumed to be the leader of the guard, recognized Yuhyeon and had a smile on her face.

“Oppa, you’re right.”

“… … Kang Yu-ra?”

Kang Yu-ra, who can be said to be another version of herself.

She came to see Yoohyeon, having grown up wonderfully over the past five years.


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