The Main Characters That Only I Know Chapter 300

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# The main characters only I know Episode 301

The promotion news that Celine brought was that Yoohyeon would be promoted to deputy manager. There was one more piece of good news: Celine also got rid of her full-time job and was promoted to assistant manager.

Yoohyeon and Celine were both promoted at the same time.

Celine left, saying that this was all she had heard in advance and that she would provide more details later when an official letter was sent.

Kwon Ji-ah, who happened to overhear their conversation, was quietly amazed that Yoo-hyeon had already risen to the position of deputy director.

“Congratulations. You’re already the conductor. “Now it’s not long before I become a manager-level teller.”

The deputy director is directly below the manager. And among all tellers, only those who are in the top 1% can be given the title of conductor.

Clearly, this was something to celebrate. It was such an occasion that it wouldn’t be surprising if a large banquet was held rather than just words.

Kwon Ji-ah looked at Yoohyeon’s reaction and was slightly embarrassed.


It was a good thing to be promoted to Deputy Manager, but Yoohyeon, who was actually involved, did not seem that happy about her reaction. Rather, he was lost in thought, narrowing his eyes as if he was thinking deeply about something.

Rather than being happy about the fact that his promotion to deputy chief was confirmed, his reaction seemed to be worried about what would happen after that.


“Oh, my. “Please come to your senses.”

“Are you worried about something?”

“no. Since I was given a promotion so suddenly, I think I got caught up in it without even realizing it. Hey. The conductor? In fact, it was said that you had to be careful about choosing your line while playing company politics to get to the deputy manager level, but I find it a bit surprising.”

Yoohyeon hasn’t gotten the hang of it yet.

In the first place, he hardly ever met with the director-level line of the central office. If I had to point out my close friends, the only ones I had were Galliats, who had now retired from the front line, and Celestina, the director of Celestial Byng.

Rather, considering the hostile Pentagram and the other poetry room tellers who are wary and jealous of him, being promoted to deputy director is almost a miracle.

Of course, Yoohyeon did not bother to tell her this fact. Good things were good things anyway, and what was more important was what happened next.

“Mr. Jia. Whatever it is, this is what I asked you to do… … “I will trust you and leave it to you.”

“huh. Oh yeah. However much.”

Kwon Ji-ah didn’t bother to criticize Yuhyeon’s subtle behavior.

next day.

Yuhyeon made bracelets using the fragments and distributed them to the rest of the people.

Kang Hye-rim, Seo Su-min, and Yoo Young-min had questions about what the bracelet was made of and what they were supposed to do, but they didn’t bother to ask.

The moment they heard that Kwon Ji-ah had decided to silently follow, the three of them also decided to do the same.

Meanwhile, time passed, and soon new events occurred one after another in reality.

Among them, the most famous one was the appearance of the ‘returner’.

‘As expected, it’s faster than previous history.’

Yuhyeon sat in the observer’s room and watched closely what was happening outside.

Is it because the barrier between Earth and the hybrid world has been broken down more than before? Returnees who had disappeared due to vanishing began to appear one by one.

And although their appearance was not completely human-like, it was not far from that.

There was reason, and it was enough to have a conversation. So the association focused on finding and gathering returnees by devoting as much manpower as possible.

Those who returned stronger from another dimension are talented people who will become a great force for the country in the future.

I couldn’t miss it with my eyes open.

‘The treatment of returnees is also much better than in my previous life.’

It was a pity for Kim Myeong-jun who followed Jin Cheong-un and died at the hands of Yu Hyeon, but the world is now swept up in the craze for returnees.

‘Well, since they are rational returnees, they are bound to attract the attention of the people of Earth.’

What world they went to and what they experienced, what was there and how many different races there were.

There is a world of difference between knowing that things that were previously only seen in fantasy or science fiction novels actually exist and hearing about them from people who have actually experienced them.

Yoohyeon looked carefully to see if Choi Doyoon was among the returnees, but he was still unknown.

‘Even if the returnees appear faster than expected, this guy’s return is not yet possible.’

Yoohyeon doesn’t know what happened to Choi Do-yoon in another dimension in the first place and why he came back to Earth.

Even if the Earth changes, if the world that Choi Do-yoon lives in now remains the same, there is a possibility that his return will not be delayed.

‘I guess that’s not what’s important anyway.’

At that moment, Celine came into the observer’s room.

Now, a few days after the promotion ceremony was decided, an official letter has been sent detailing who will be promoted and when the promotion ceremony will take place.

“Seniors. Please check it out. “Here is the promotion decision for me and my senior.”

“hmm. It’s true. Congratulations, Celine. “Now you can officially call yourself a teller.”

“It’s all thanks to you, senior.”

Celine smiled faintly. Her smile was a bit refreshing for Yoohyeon, but that meant Celine was happily accepting the current situation.

She thought she would never be able to do this or that because she was almost blocked from getting promoted.

However, who would have known that the place she ended up in after being kicked out and pushed out would become a source of salvation for her?

“hmm. Now that I think about it, if I become assistant manager, will I be able to change departments again?”

“ah. senior. Because of that, I had something to say… … .”

“Are you going to move it?”

“… … yes.”

Celine answered after much thought.

She is currently working as a member of the support department and is working hard to back up Yoohyeon, but Celine’s goal from the beginning was to become a teller in the poetry and painting room.

When she was still a full-time employee, she couldn’t do it because she didn’t have the skills, but now that she has been promoted to assistant manager, she has gained some recognition.

Nevertheless, the reason I hesitated to answer was because of Yoohyeon.

Yoohyeon also knew that, so she smiled mischievously.

“why. “Are you sad that we’re going to break up now?”

“Well, what does that mean? “It’s not like that.”

“Then why are you looking so disappointed? You got a promotion and the opportunity to go to the poetry studio you wanted. Then of course you should be happy.”

“… … “Are you okay, senior?”



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“… … no.”

Celine turned her head. Yoohyeon smiled at that, saying it was cute that her attitude clearly showed her true feelings.

“Well, it’s a shame. Still, thanks to my talented juniors, my job has become easier. That doesn’t work anymore. Now, it’s a matter of starting from scratch with a new teller from the support office.”

“… … “If you want it, there’s nothing I can’t do.”


When Yoohyeon asked again, Celine answered with a slightly flushed face, while desperately trying to control her expression.

“Didn’t you get promoted to deputy chief? In fact, you are the first person to rise to the position of Deputy Chief without belonging to any department. Working under someone like that is like a career in itself. Well, I hope I’m not mistaken.”


“In the first place, there would be no other teller who could do that job for you, other than me. yes. Because I am capable. So, it’s true that I want to enter the poetry studio, but it doesn’t have to be right now. “It can be postponed.”


Yoohyeon shook her head.

“There is no need to delay. No, don’t procrastinate even more.”

“Don’t put it off.”

“This is an opportunity you worked hard to get. It was through your efforts that you were able to seize that opportunity. You shouldn’t give it up just because of me. Celine. “What did you come to Astro Corporation for?”

“… … “I want to show poetry and painting, wonderful poetry and painting.”

“okay. If so, focus on it. Don’t be swayed by me and don’t weigh your dreams. If there’s something you want, go for it. “Show me the story you want.”

“Seniors… … .”

When Celine’s expression showed guilt, Yoohyeon waved her hand and told her not to worry.

“Hey. What if you feel sorry? There’s no need to be sorry at all. You’re being promoted because you’re good, and I’m telling you to follow the path you want from the beginning, so why are you making that face? And what, if you go to the poetry studio, you won’t see me for the rest of your life?”

“yes? Oh no. “That’s not it.”

“If you come to the poetry studio, you should get more help from me. Do you know how to do poetry and how to choose a collector to sign a contract with?”

“… … “We don’t know yet.”

“okay. You are now at the starting point as a teller in earnest. A guy like that shouldn’t act like he’s already done it.”

At that point, Celine looked blank for a moment, but soon returned to her usual cool-headed face.

“… … That’s right. “I guess I went too far ahead.”

“I just need to know.”

“But if I go to the poetry and painting room, I have to give you back your study privileges first…” … .”

“ah. “You mean that.”

Yoohyeon forcibly cut off Celine’s conversation.

There was still something I wanted to say to Celine regarding the authority of the study.

“For now, leave it as is.”


Celine asked what that meant.

Celine was forced to transfer some of the authority to Yuhyeon’s study in order to perform her duties as a support room teller. Even if part of the ownership was transferred, the owner of the study was definitely Kang Yu-hyeon, and there was nothing Celine could say if he took it back.

Rather, if she moved to the poetry and painting room, the authority over the study had to go back to Yuhyeon.

However, Yoohyeon said that she didn’t have to give it back to Celine and that there was no need to do that.

“You don’t have to get it back right now. No, it might be safer for you to have more.”

“Well, what do you mean?”

“hmm. I can’t tell you why. “For now.”

“If right now… … “You mean you can tell me later?”

“Even if I don’t tell you at that time, you will immediately realize why I said this.”

“… … “I don’t understand.”

Celine couldn’t understand Yoohyeon’s actions.

He said he would give more ownership of the study to himself. Is he intentionally trying to be nice to me because he feels affection for me?

‘No way. There is no way you would do something like this simply out of affection.’

The teller she saw, Kang Yoo-hyeon, was clearly full of affection and a very humane teller. But there was no way he would have given permission to the study like this just to show favor.

That is also the authority of a large library with an existing viewing audience of far over 10,000. There was no way Yuhyeon didn’t know its value.

Yoohyeon is a teller who, in order to be nice to someone, teaches them how to fish, not just catch a fish and tell them.

The man said that he would still entrust the authority of the study to himself.

‘There’s something.’

Celine immediately realized that something was happening and that Yuhyeon was planning something, and nodded.

“All right.”

“It’s good that you understand quickly. “As expected, I did a good job with my junior.”

“Then, would it be better to keep the authority of the study as is?”

“Well, for now, I’m thinking of leaving it as a rental with a limited period of time.”

“How long?”

“It might be a bit long. “At least one to three months.”

If that’s the case, it’s a longer period than expected. If Yoohyeon said something like that even though her promotion to deputy chief was about to follow, she must have been seeing something after that.

“Oh, and if you are promoted to assistant manager right away, leave the support room and go straight to the poetry office. Be firm and don’t look back, as if you won’t do anything with me. got it?”

“Show me… … is it?”

Yuhyeon only smiled and did not reply. But that smile gave confidence to Celine’s doubts.

“All right. “If it’s what you want, there’s nothing you can’t do.”

“It’s not coercion. “It’s okay to do it, and there’s no need to regret it if you don’t do it.”

“But, if you do this, it might be of some help to you, right? “Then I will do it.”

Celine’s voice was firm. The moment Yoohyeon saw her straight eyes, he knew he couldn’t stop her.

When I first saw him, even though he looked neat on the outside, his eyes were rebellious.

Now there was no sign of that at all.

“okay. “I’ll see you later, my junior.”

“Haven’t you seen enough already?”

“You’re saying you want to see more.”

“You don’t have to whine so much, but you will be able to see it when I go to the poetry room. “I will follow in your footsteps and become a great teller, and I will be inducted into the Hall of Fame by presenting excellent poetry and painting.”

“what. Did you know about the Hall of Fame?”

“I saw that when I was young and had a dream.”

I see.

Yoohyeon seemed to know why Celine was so obsessed with Teller and Sihwa.

She saw the light in that brilliant story. The light that a beautiful and wonderful being emits as it moves forward with all its will.

Because it is so brilliant and beautiful.

Anyone who could see it could not help but be fascinated by it.

‘Even in your appearance.’

Celine didn’t bother to say that. She was still far from being able to say those words.

“okay. “If you had a dream, I have nothing to say.”

“So, would you like to go to headquarters first?”

“okay. I have to go. Still, it’s a promotion. You don’t have to participate in the promotion ceremony. “If you’re going to go, it’s better to go quickly.”

Although Yoohyeon spoke with a smile on her face, her eyes became more serious.

‘okay. ‘It’s better to go faster.’


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