The Legend of the Northern Blade Chapter 315

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<-- Episode 315: Chapter 5 There is also a side that others do not know (3) -->

Taecheon Woo and other soldiers were still fighting against the demons of Heukamdae. The Heukamdae, which had over three hundred members, now had only about seventy people left.

Those who survived were poisonous breeds that were considered to be the worst even in the dark zone. They became even more frantic at the death of their comrades.


A rough breath came out of Woo Tae-cheon’s mouth.

His whole body was stained with blood. Although most of Heukamdae’s blood was shed, a considerable amount was also shed by him. I had lost so much blood that I was almost completely unconscious. So I didn’t have time to look at the surrounding situation.


At that moment, the fist of the Demon of Darkness exploded on his shoulder. He twisted his body as best as he could to distribute the impact, but his shoulder was dislocated and he was shaking.


A moan escaped Woo Tae-cheon’s lips. It wasn’t just that his shoulder was dislocated. This is because his internal organs were crushed by this blow. His face turned pale.

Wu Tae-cheon, who crossed the rivers and lakes under the nickname Confucius Xiaoyao, had never experienced such a fierce battle.

The powerhouses he knew and experienced were not this fierce. Soldiers of his age humbled themselves at the mere mention of his name, and most people were busy praising him.

Even if there was an occasional fight, it resulted in a one-sided victory for him, and there has never been a fight this fierce.

The bloody battle, where even a single mistake could result in death, had already been going on for half an hour. Such an unfamiliar experience made him even more exhausted.

“Gasp! Shit!”

It was so hard and painful that I just felt like giving up on everything. The temptation to just lie down like this and fall asleep came to me. As he was getting tired, Seolgong broke through the siege of the Demons of Heukamdae and approached him.

“Amitabha Buddha! Woo Sohyeop, let’s give it a little more strength.”


“Everyone is safe.”

Nam Su-ryun also broke through the siege of Heukamdae and joined them.

This was the first time that they had fought in isolation since the start of the battle.

Taecheon Woo asked.

“What about Dan Tianyun and Nam Sojeo?”

“I don’t know. Looking at what I can’t see, I might already be dead… … .”

Seolgong’s expression darkened.

It was impossible to even count how many Dark Dark Demons had died by his hands. He was determined to open the world of death, but when he got the blood of so many people on his hands, his heart was so tight that he couldn’t bear it.

It was his first time knowing how scary it was to open the world of death. Because of that, I didn’t have time to look around him.

It was the first time that the blood of so many people was on the sword of Yeonsodo. The demons of Darkness rushed forward, disregarding life. It was only today that I realized for the first time how scary a person who is prepared to throw away everything can be.

We were all exhausted and hurt, but as the three of us came together, our fighting spirit revived and we were able to relax to some extent. But the disadvantage still hasn’t changed.

Heukamdae, overcome by evil, rushed forward, disregarding his life. Their venom has not yet subsided. The lives of the technicians were still in danger.


A gloomy light appeared on the faces of Woo Tae-cheon and Seol-gong.

Instead of assassinating the Yaju of Milya, he ended up dying like a dog in an unknown wilderness. It was the worst situation they could have imagined.

It was then.


The dark formation suddenly shook violently and a scream erupted from behind.

The faces of Woo Tae-cheon and others began to turn red.

“Are you a cheerleader?”

I felt like I saw a ray of light in the darkness where I couldn’t see an inch in front of me.

they saw Two warriors approached from behind, destroying the darkness. It was Jin Mu-won and Nam Su-ryun.


The combustion chamber let out an exclamation.

I was not surprised because I was well aware of Nam Soo-ryeon’s inaction, but Jin Mu-won’s inaction, freely using the pole, was truly astounding.


Every time Jangbong suffered from lupus, three or four Heukamdae warriors fell out, vomiting blood.

They were dark warriors with bodies harder than steel. Although Seolgong, who had anti-magic power, had a bit of an easy time dealing with him, Yeonseo and Woo Taecheon had to struggle hard. However, Jin Mu-won was dealing with them too easily with just a long stick. It was an inaction that went beyond her common sense.

‘Have you learned any special skills?’

I had a lot of questions, but I decided to put them aside for now. Because surviving here was the priority.

“Is everyone okay?”

Finally, Jin Mu-won and Nam Soo-ryeon broke through the warriors of Heukamdae and joined. For the first time since the fight began, all five of them were together. They formed a circle with their backs to each other.

“joy! “Where have you been and now are you here?”

Woo Taecheon snorted and gave a cold look. But she couldn’t completely hide her welcome glow. Although he still hated Jin Mu-won, he acknowledged his powerlessness.

Shoo shoo!

Jin Mu-won’s baton split the air.

His baton technique was very flashy. Even with the eyes of his technicians, he was unable to distinguish which was false and which was real.

Kwaji string!

With the sound of bones breaking, one of the Demons of the Dark Age fell down, vomiting blood. He struggled and tried to get up. Physical pain was something he was familiar with. He figured that with a wound of this magnitude, he wouldn’t have any trouble moving his body.


But the pain was beyond his imagination. The pain was so intense that it made him scream, irritating his nerves. This is because the shadow energy that penetrated into his body cut off his demonic energy.

My whole body was paralyzed and I couldn’t move. Without missing the opportunity, Nam Su-ryeon swung her sword. Mine died after her heart was stabbed.

Once Jin Mu-won took down the opponent first, the fight went in the direction of other players finishing the rest. When almost half an hour had passed, there was no one left alive among the warriors in the darkness.

Death fell on the earth.

There were five survivors, and only one of them, Jin Mu-won, was still standing. Nam Su-ryun, Seol-gong, Yeon-so, and Woo Tae-cheon were lying on the floor, breathing heavily.

Tears flowed down Nam Soo-ryeon and Yeon So’s cheeks.

They could not escape the whirlpool of emotions that were a combination of relief at having survived, guilt at killing so many people, and unexplained anger and despair.


Seolgong vomited.

I didn’t realize it when I opened the killing spree and killed countless demons, but after it was over, I realized how much evil karma I had committed.


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“Oooh! Ah, Amitabha Buddha!”

Tears flowed down my blood-covered face. She couldn’t tell for whom her tears were. Is it for the sake of the dead, or is it to comfort oneself who opened the world of death?


Yeonsoso wept bitterly. Her Nam Soo-ryun comforted her, but to no avail.

Woo Tae-cheon’s face was also badly distorted. His hands were shaking and his whole body was so exhausted that he could not move.

Suddenly, his eyes turned to Jin Mu-won. Jin Mu-won’s complexion also didn’t look that good, as it turned pale. However, his condition seemed to be much better than the other equipment. In the end, that’s why he survived.

I knew he was stronger than me. But getting his help was a different matter.

‘Does this mean I will never be able to overcome him?’

That fact made Woo Tae-cheon miserable.

Jin Mu-won’s eyes were deeply sunken as he looked around.

Many people died today. Many of them lost their lives by their own hands. He didn’t know how many more people would die by his hands in the future. What is certain is that this is only the beginning.

Jin Mu-won bit his lip.

I shouldn’t have become weak already. The path you must walk will be more difficult and rough than this. It required unwavering faith and belief in oneself.

‘Jin Mu-won, you must never be shaken. You are the lord of the Northern Heavenly Gate. Countless people are trusting and following you.’

He whipped himself and continued his luck.

At that time, I saw a group of people running from afar. He quickly stopped flying and shouted.

“An unidentified group appears, everyone be on guard.”

At his words, the crew stood up in a hurry. A look of embarrassment appeared on their faces. This is because if the newly appeared people were enemies, their lives could not be guaranteed.

They united around Jin Mu-won. Meanwhile, the newly appeared warriors got closer.


The moment they confirmed their identities, Yeonseo unconsciously let out an exclamation of relief.

“Are you okay?”

The people who spoke to them were the warriors of Unjungcheon. Yeonso and others also had familiar faces. The name of the warrior who led the group was Gwang-Hwi Yoon. He was a person who received the orders of Western culture.

Seolgong asked.

“How can you get here?”

“I followed behind at the behest of the Western Culture Association. “To prepare for emergencies and to open your escape route in case of an emergency.”

“As expected, you’re an earworm. “How can you prepare for a situation like this?”

“I think we’re late. “What happened?”

“We were attacked unexpectedly.”

“I can’t see the Hyeonhyeonso Grand Hyeop. if?”

“I saw a confrontation with the bankrupt coachman, but I don’t know where he went. We are also in such a hurry… … .”

Seolgong trailed off.

Gwang-Hwi Yoon nodded as if he understood.

He also checked the battlefield. There are as many as three hundred bodies of people who look unusual at first glance. There was no way he was sane after fighting with those people.

He gave orders to his subordinates.

“Everyone disperse and find the Great Hyeonhyeonso.”


The unmanned soldiers scattered in all directions and began searching.

Jin Mu-won looked at them with a deep gaze.

Finding traces of Hyeonhyeonso and Manchusan Mountain was not that difficult. All you have to do is look at the footprints on the floor and follow them. But he couldn’t take the initiative to show it. If you do that, it will arouse suspicion.

Suddenly, I felt Nam Su-ryun’s gaze. Her eyes contained very complex emotions. Maybe she was afraid.

It was then.

“This way. “The trail leads this way.”

One of the searchers shouted. Gwang-Hwi Yoon looked at the equipment.

“Let’s go together.”

“Let’s do that.”

The technicians willingly followed Yoon Gwang-hwi.

They found the bodies of Hyeonhyeonso and Manchusan about ten miles away from their original location, hidden from view by a low hill.



A sigh flowed from the mouths of the warriors who saw the appearance of Manchusan Mountain and Hyeonhyeonso. Anyone could see that Manchusan Mountain and Hyeonhyeonso looked like they were coextensive. The sight wasn’t awkward at all. Gong Ya-kyung’s body was seen from afar, but no one paid any attention.

“no way… … “Have you accepted Donggui?”

Gwang-Hwi Yoon drooled without realizing it.

It was a hard truth to believe. But I couldn’t help but believe it. Because the visible evidence said so.

“I can’t believe Hyeonhyeonso Daehyup is going this way.”

“Well, it might be natural since you dealt with Manchusan, the bankrupt coachman.”

Manchusan was an immortal warrior called a living disaster. It was understandable to hear that he was friendly towards such a military man.

Jin Mu-won remained silent.

It was Jin Mu-won who made it look like the two were dating. It wasn’t difficult to manipulate the trail. No one doubted that the two people were together.

Everyone was speechless. It was the death of Hyeonhyeonso, not anyone else. The fact that another one of the nine heavens that seemed to last forever had collapsed was a huge shock to them.

The first person to escape the panic was Gwang-Hwi Yoon. He shouted at his men, who stood there in a daze.

“What are you doing, not picking up the body?! “We will retrieve the bodies of the three people and return to Buhyeon.”

“All right.”

Only then did the men come to their senses and begin to collect the body.

Gwang-Hwi Yoon bit his lip gently.

“Shit! “I can’t believe things went wrong like this.”

All plans were twisted. Let alone killing Yaju, Hyeonhyeonso died, so it was a huge loss. The fact that he was in the same league as Manchusan, one of the Four Great Demon Generals, was no comfort at all.

The men finally loaded all three bodies onto a cart.

The steps back were heavy.

A terrible silence fell in their midst.

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