The Legend of the Northern Blade Chapter 312

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<-- Episode 312: Chapter 4 Coincidence does not exist in this world (3) -->


The air burst out, and aftereffects blew in all directions. Cracks appeared in the great earthquake, and the trees were uprooted and scattered in all directions.

At its center were Hyeonhyeonso and Manchusan Mountain.

As befits his nickname of Demon Lord, Hyeonhyeonso was skilled in various magical arts. In particular, the Amcheonshinmagong (暗天神魔功), which can be said to be his famous season, can be said to be a culmination of the world’s magic techniques. Amcheonshinmagong is a magic attack that specializes in strong attacks. It was far from mercy or gentleness.

Likewise, Manchusan’s martial arts was also a minor method of strong attack. It was not for nothing that it earned the reputation of being able to split a mountain with a single blow of an axe.


Manchusan radiated madness and swung a huge ax towards Hyeonhyeonso. Hyeonhyeonso also did not just back down. His hand made a dazzling change in the air.

It was a technique called the Thirty-Six Demon Spiritual Hands (三十六靈手) among the Amcheon Shinmagong.


The ax and the hand clashed, and thunder erupted. That strong energy wave swept all over the place.

A trace of blood appeared from the corner of the two people’s mouths. In that brief moment, I suffered internal injuries. That’s how strong their attack was.

Bang bang!

Manchusan repeatedly struck the ax as if chopping down a huge tree. Hyeonhyeonso also continued to unleash the magic arts of Amcheonshinmagongsang without backing down even an inch. Hyeonhyeonso’s complexion had turned somber.

‘Four Great Demon Commanders, you’re stronger than I thought.’

A master can gauge the opponent’s level just by exchanging hands once. The martial arts of Manchusan, which he directly hit, was really strong.

Even when the world called the Four Great Demons a living disaster, Hyeonhyeonso snorted. It never occurred to him that a Four Great Demon General who was not a Yaju could be compared to him. However, the inaction of Manchusan Mountain, which I saw directly, was truly terrifying.

Formidable force and spirit that far exceeded Hyeonhyeonso’s expectations. It was clear that an ordinary warrior would be reduced to a piece of well-chopped meat by one blow of his axe.

‘But it doesn’t work for me.’

Although they say they have a force that exceeds expectations, they cannot overcome fundamental differences. Hyeonhyeonso planned to tell the truth from now on.


At that moment, Hyeonhyeonso’s momentum suddenly changed and demonic energy began to flow from his entire body. In an instant, the ink-colored magic energy encroached upon twenty or so squares of Bangwon.

Manchusan’s eyes wavered for a moment. But he soon snorted.


Manchusan believed in his own strength. He had endured decades of hardship, and his strength was barely at the level where he could be shaken by this level of demonic power.

“good night. then… … .”


Manchusan took out another axe.

Holding two axes the size of a child’s body in both hands, he ran toward the Hyeonhyeonso.

Thump thump!

Every time he stepped, a deep footprint was left on the ground. Just like that, Manchusan Mountain, which had traveled five miles, flew into the air.

Hyeonhyeonso’s black eyes followed the traces of Manchusan Mountain. Manchusan’s body, which had reached its peak, fell down horribly. The epiphany existed right at the point of the drop.


The two axes rotated like windmills, creating a wave of energy. The Wasen Ganggi hit Hyeonhyeonso’s body directly.

Manchusan was confident that even if he could not take Hyeonhyeonso’s life with this move, he would be able to seriously injure him. But the next moment, his eyes widened.


Unbelievably, Hyeonhyeonso tore his Wasen Ganggi to pieces with both hands. Hyeonhyeonso’s hands were suddenly filled with ink-colored magical energy. It was a concentration of demon energy and a crystal of destruction.

Hyeonhyeonso kicked the ground and rushed toward the falling Manchusan Mountain. His hands split the air dozens of times. Manchusan quickly protected himself with two axes.


Hyeonhyeonso’s two hands struck the axe.

When the hands and the ax clashed, the metal sound rang out dizzyingly, and the new form of Manchusan Mountain shook. It certainly seemed like a light attack, but the impact was transmitted to the internal organs through the ax handle.

Manchusan’s complexion changed slightly.

“As expected, you have the skills to call yourself heaven. But it won’t be able to get stabbed by this Manchu Mountain. Chaha!”

Manchusan switched from defensive to offensive. Do-gang emanated from his axe, devastating the surrounding area. However, it failed to inflict any damage on Hyeonhyeonso. It was because of the demon energy that was hovering around the epiphany.

The magic energy called the dark magic energy in the sky was like a huge steel wall. Because of this, Hyeonhyeonso was able to trust the dark magic energy of the sky and engage in close combat against the giant ax of Manchusan Mountain.


Before they knew it, their battlefield had moved to a place far away from where the darkness and equipment were. It was so far away that the darkness and equipment could not be seen.

The guide looked at the fight between Hyeonhyeonso and Manchusan with a murderous gaze. The fight between the two has already gone beyond human limits. The average person would not even dare to approach the inside of Bangwon Thirty Chapters.

But the guide was no ordinary person. His name is Gong Ya-gyeong, and he was raised by Milya from birth. This is because his grandfather was a person dispatched from the Mujeok Family, and his father also worked as a member of the Mujeok Family.

Although most of the Sejaks were killed or eliminated during the Buyaju rebellion a decade ago, he survived. This is because he has completely hidden himself and been inactive until now.

He lived completely as a military man in the dark and rose to important positions. Perhaps, if his final command had not been given, he would have lived as a warrior in Milya forever. He hoped to live like that forever. But heaven cruelly did not grant his wish.

A mobilization order was issued to wake up the sleeping Sejak. From that moment on, the night view of Milya ceased to exist. Gongya-gyeong, the third work of the Invincible Family, was born.

Manchusan and Xuanxiao were fighting fiercely. The fight between the two was still a whistle.

At that moment, a sound penetrated his ears.

[I have to finish it now. You too, join us.]

It was Hyeonhyeonso’s voice.


Gong Ya-gyeong took out the iron skewer she was wearing around her waist with an expression filled with agony. There were tiny grooves along the surface of her metal skewer.

It was his own German-style weapon called the Seolranggeom. It boasted such formidable power that not a single person has survived from being hit by the Seollang Sword.

He slowly approached the place where the two were fighting.

A huge wave of energy was swirling around, but it had no effect on his body. Although little known to the world, Gong Ya-gyeong was also a master who could astound the world.

Manchusan Mountain was pleased with the appearance of Gong Ya-gyeong.

“Gong Jeonju?”

After he threw a strong blow at Hyeonhyeonso, he approached Gong Yagyeong.

“How did you get here? “Shouldn’t you be at the base?”

“Senior Man.”

“Hehe! If you’re here to help me, I won’t decline. “He belongs to me.”

“… … .”


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Manchusan frowned at the sight of Gong Yagyeong giving no response. I felt a strange atmosphere.


“I’m sorry, Senior Man.”

Gong Ya-gyeong stood next to Hyeon-hyeon-so. For a moment, Manchusan’s face distorted.

“What do you mean? Could it be that you betrayed Milya?”

Gong Ya-gyeong was the ruler of the White Dragon of Milya. Baekryongjeon was a major organization tasked with supporting Milya’s rear. In order to enter the White Dragon Hall, one must research the family history of at least two generations.

It was such an important position, and moreover, Gongya-gyeong was the head priest in charge of Baekryongjeon. It was all the more shocking to hear that he had betrayed her.

“You mean White Dragon Jeonju was a betrayal? “Why did you betray Milya?”

“It was not a betrayal. I was originally from this area. “Since my grandfather’s time.”


At that moment, a strong spirit emanated from Manchusan’s body. That’s how angry he was at Gong Ya-gyeong’s betrayal.

I thought all the Ganja had been expelled during the Buyaju rebellion ten years ago, but I was surprised that they still remained, and I was angry at the fact that the target was Gong Ya-gyeong, the main character of Milya.

The corner of Hyeonhyeonso’s mouth curled up. Manchusan’s despair and anger made him feel good.

“okay! That’s the way the world is. Everyone has a secret secret. “How does despair feel?”

“despair? “You guys, how far do you have to play with us before you can get your wits about you?”

Manchusan was truly angry. But the situation was against him. Hyeonhyeonso alone was in a difficult situation, but even Gong Ya-gyeong turned into an enemy.

Although Gong Ya-gyeong was not known to the world, he was a master who could not be ignored. In particular, his Seollang Thirteen Swords using the Seollang Sword was an extremely fast swordsmanship recognized even by Manchusan.

Gongnyakyeong at Hyeonhyeonso. Manchusan bit his lip until it bled. I knew it was disadvantageous, but I had no intention of backing down. Until now, he has never once backed down. Even at any unfavorable moment.

“Go for it!”

The roar of Manchusan Mountain rang out.


Hyeonhyeonso smiled and walked towards Manchusan Mountain. Gong Ya-gyeong followed him. A formidable force rose from their bodies.


The force they gave off made nearby rocks explode like firecrackers.


Manchusan attacked first.

It was decided that now was the time for the tomb of the chosen one.

‘We must win the game as quickly as possible.’

The longer it goes on, the more disadvantageous it becomes. So, you have to bring everything you have into this one clash.

Manchusan swung the ax in both hands a dozen times. Then, the Bugang, which had soared up to this level, made a ‘hung-hung’ turn and flew towards Xuanxian-so and Gongya-gyeong. There were as many as a dozen in number.

It was a herbal diet called Buwolcheonha (斧月天下).

As powerful as it was, it also consumed a lot of energy, so it was an herbivore that was not commonly used. However, its power was so certain that it was incomparable to other herbivores.

Just before Bugang was hit directly, Hyeonhyeonso and Gong Yagyeong moved. They also unleashed all of their best martial arts skills.


The earth shook, and the ground turned over.

Pieces of strength bounced in all directions, and swarms of light dazzled my eyes. The fight between those who had escaped the human realm quickly reached its peak.

The Blood Fountain soared from the shoulder of Manchusan Mountain. Gong Ya-gyeong’s Seollang sword cut through the fabric.

Hyeonhyeonso rushed over without noticing Manchusan’s body staggering. Ink-colored energy shot out from his hand. Manchusan quickly covered his front with a huge axe.


The moment it collided with the ink-colored steel, the huge ax shattered and scattered in all directions. It broke apart after being unable to withstand repeated shocks.


As the ax was destroyed, Manchusan’s body staggered. Fragments of the ax were lodged in his shoulder and abdomen.

“It’s over.”

Xuan Xuanxiao’s hand radiated ink-colored energy again, and Gong Yagyeong’s Xulang Sword crossed the air.


Manchusan’s body flew backwards. His chest was caved in, and his abdomen was gaping, intestines spilling out. Manchusan’s body rolled roughly on the floor. A deep furrow was dug where he fell.

Manchusan struggled to get up. However, his broken body was unable to follow his will and was playing as it pleased.


A smile appeared on Hyeonhyeonso’s lips. It was the smile of a winner.

Manchusan suffered serious injuries that were difficult to recover from. Slitting his throat was as easy as twisting a child’s wrist.

Hyeonhyeonso’s eyes turned to Gong Yagyeong.

“Will you do it?”

Gong Ya-kyung quietly shook her head.

Although he had no choice but to climb Mt. Manchu, his sincerity was that he did not want to take his life with his own hands.

Hyeonhyeonso chuckled. This is because Gong Ya-gyeong’s attitude felt hypocritical. But instead of laughing at the night view of Gong, he moved his steps towards Mt. Manchu Mountain.

Manchusan barely raised his upper body and glared at Xuanxiao. His face was completely covered in blood.

“That’s nice. “Even though I couldn’t catch Yaju, I achieved my goal just by killing you, so it wouldn’t be much of a loss.”

“Hyehyeonso! Even though I die like this because I don’t have enough strength, your end will definitely not be good. Hehehe!”

“That will never happen. “I am the Demon Spirit Emperor.”

“Even so, he is nothing more than Moyong Yulcheon’s dog.”

In an instant, the smile disappeared from Hyeonhyeonso’s face.


“At least I didn’t live as someone’s dog. Hyeonhyeonso, wag your tail like a dog and live by licking Moyong Yulcheon’s poop. Hahaha!”


In an instant, Manchusan’s head flew off. Hyeonhyeonso hit his neck with his young hands.

Manchusan’s head rolled around on the floor. As if Hyeonhyeonso was still angry, he stepped on Manchusan’s head and exploded it.


Gong Ya-gyeong, who was watching the scene, let out a soft sigh. Then, when I suddenly looked up, I was startled.

When he appeared, a man holding a pole was looking at him and Hyeonhyeonso.


He was none other than Jin Mu-won.

Hyeonhyeonso raised his head and looked at Jin Muwon.

“What’s wrong with you? “What about the others?”

I looked around, but couldn’t see any other equipment. While fighting with Manchu Mountain, we ended up being too far away.

“They will still be fighting the warriors of Milya.”

“So why did you come here alone?”

“I want to kill you.”

Jin Mu-won answered calmly.

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